Personal Page

Ethan Osgood

Name: Ethan Osgood
Region: United States
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Ethan Osgood2015OSGO01
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.05.09 - 2016.12.11
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube485864032495111.1614.26300457585572160/60
2x2x2 Cube56067373263003.254.07120303380262539/40
4x4x4 Cube474664752519859.641:04.15220515605409310/10
5x5x5 Cube36074842175882:04.462:20.4217018476435749/9
6x6x6 Cube27233609118435:08.571/1
3x3x3 One-Handed312042651772523.0230.46205794929359925/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Mega Minnesota Winter 2016Second round29 13.23 17.27
13.23     18.15     18.03     15.62     19.40
First round27 13.26 17.00
14.32     19.69     16.98     20.12     13.26
Cubetcha 2016Final20 13.19 15.74
14.22     16.26     16.73     17.30     13.19
Second round20 11.16 14.26
14.57     14.79     11.16     13.63     14.58
First round23 12.77 15.07
15.04     21.72     16.66     12.77     13.51
US Nationals 2016First round214 12.00 14.87
14.91     15.36     12.00     14.62     15.09
Minnesota Cube Melt 2016Second round19 13.48 15.72
16.24     17.77     13.48     15.51     15.41
First round15 13.45 14.58
15.10     13.45     22.54     13.85     14.78
Cubetcha 2015Second round21 15.48 17.17
21.31     15.48     16.82     15.76     18.94
First round20 16.20 17.93
17.88     18.09     17.83     16.20     18.92
Wiscube 2015First round27 15.98 20.07
24.91     20.38     20.68     15.98     19.16
Minnesota Cube Melt 2015First round49 25.82 28.47
26.12     29.91     29.38     40.21     25.82
2x2x2 Cube
Cubetcha 2016Second round22 3.84 4.64
4.69      5.33      4.70      3.84      4.54
First round12 3.79 4.07
3.79      4.59      3.80      4.86      3.82
US Nationals 2016First round189 4.31 5.24
5.11      6.67      4.31      5.81      4.79
Minnesota Cube Melt 2016Second round20 4.91 6.06
5.16      5.66      4.91      8.99      7.36
First round15 3.70 4.73
4.59      3.70      4.76      4.83      7.13
Cubetcha 2015Second round13 4.26 4.92
4.26      4.69      5.47      5.11      4.95
First round10 3.25 4.15
4.24      3.25      4.94      5.53      3.28
Minnesota Cube Melt 2015First round65 9.19 13.28
18.62     9.19      DNF       10.38     10.83
4x4x4 Cube
Cubetcha 2016Final16 59.64 1:04.15
1:02.19   59.64     1:08.00   1:10.16   1:02.27
US Nationals 2016First round189 1:02.14 1:08.21
1:02.14   1:08.07   1:17.46   1:08.57   1:07.99
5x5x5 Cube
Cubetcha 2016First round18 2:04.46 2:20.42
2:04.46   2:12.76   2:23.97   2:24.54   2:50.52
US Nationals 2016First round170 2:09.75
2:29.83   2:09.75
Cubetcha 2015Final15 3:00.61
3:00.61   3:09.27
6x6x6 Cube
Mega Minnesota Winter 2016Final12 5:08.57
3x3x3 One-Handed
Cubetcha 2016First round21 23.64 32.85
30.54     35.97     40.72     32.05     23.64
US Nationals 2016First round174 27.11 30.46
33.96     31.73     31.36     27.11     28.29
Minnesota Cube Melt 2016First round17 23.02 32.30
35.96     35.37     23.02     29.08     32.44
Minnesota Winter 2016First round10 32.31 36.22
35.94     39.38     33.35     32.31     39.72
Cubetcha 2015First round19 25.11 39.97
39.09     47.32     25.11     38.58     42.25
Wiscube 2015Final11 2:27.95 2:46.36
2:55.74   2:27.95   2:33.56   2:49.78   3:00.81
US Nationals 2016First round135 8.75 10.11
8.75      10.32     10.20     15.72     9.80
Wiscube 2015First round26 9.30 11.77
14.99     9.71      14.48     9.30      11.13
Mega Minnesota Winter 2016Final8 5.33 7.98
7.72      13.15     7.94      5.33      8.28
First round12 5.88 8.18
8.92      10.53     7.50      8.11      5.88
US Nationals 2016First round87 7.26 8.48
8.69      8.26      8.48      8.75      7.26
Minnesota Cube Melt 2016Final5 5.42 8.25
8.41      8.41      7.94      5.42      8.62
Minnesota Winter 2016Final3 6.65 8.14
6.81      6.65      9.30      8.82      8.80
Wiscube 2015Final23 11.48 16.45
22.45     11.48     16.01     16.60     16.75
Mega Minnesota Winter 2016Second round10 20.09 38.42
33.84     45.35     20.09     36.08     51.06
First round11 27.57 30.40
49.32     28.49     29.01     33.70     27.57
US Nationals 2016First round59 21.08 27.10
1:35.72   21.08     25.32     27.92     28.07
Minnesota Cube Melt 2016Final6 35.03 40.12
45.72     53.70     38.94     35.71     35.03
Minnesota Winter 2016Final6 32.90 45.54
32.90     49.20     44.33     1:39.75   43.08
Cubetcha 2015Final8 56.18
56.18     1:33.87
Mega Minnesota Winter 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 13.23 17.27
13.23     18.15     18.03     15.62     19.40
First round27 13.26 17.00
14.32     19.69     16.98     20.12     13.26
6x6x6 CubeFinal12 5:08.57
SkewbFinal8 5.33 7.98
7.72      13.15     7.94      5.33      8.28
First round12 5.88 8.18
8.92      10.53     7.50      8.11      5.88
Square-1Second round10 20.09 38.42
33.84     45.35     20.09     36.08     51.06
First round11 27.57 30.40
49.32     28.49     29.01     33.70     27.57
Cubetcha 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal20 13.19 15.74
14.22     16.26     16.73     17.30     13.19
Second round20 11.16 14.26
14.57     14.79     11.16     13.63     14.58
First round23 12.77 15.07
15.04     21.72     16.66     12.77     13.51
2x2x2 CubeSecond round22 3.84 4.64
4.69      5.33      4.70      3.84      4.54
First round12 3.79 4.07
3.79      4.59      3.80      4.86      3.82
4x4x4 CubeFinal16 59.64 1:04.15
1:02.19   59.64     1:08.00   1:10.16   1:02.27
5x5x5 CubeFirst round18 2:04.46 2:20.42
2:04.46   2:12.76   2:23.97   2:24.54   2:50.52
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 23.64 32.85
30.54     35.97     40.72     32.05     23.64
US Nationals 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round214 12.00 14.87
14.91     15.36     12.00     14.62     15.09
2x2x2 CubeFirst round189 4.31 5.24
5.11      6.67      4.31      5.81      4.79
4x4x4 CubeFirst round189 1:02.14 1:08.21
1:02.14   1:08.07   1:17.46   1:08.57   1:07.99
5x5x5 CubeFirst round170 2:09.75
2:29.83   2:09.75
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round174 27.11 30.46
33.96     31.73     31.36     27.11     28.29
PyraminxFirst round135 8.75 10.11
8.75      10.32     10.20     15.72     9.80
SkewbFirst round87 7.26 8.48
8.69      8.26      8.48      8.75      7.26
Square-1First round59 21.08 27.10
1:35.72   21.08     25.32     27.92     28.07
Minnesota Cube Melt 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 13.48 15.72
16.24     17.77     13.48     15.51     15.41
First round15 13.45 14.58
15.10     13.45     22.54     13.85     14.78
2x2x2 CubeSecond round20 4.91 6.06
5.16      5.66      4.91      8.99      7.36
First round15 3.70 4.73
4.59      3.70      4.76      4.83      7.13
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round17 23.02 32.30
35.96     35.37     23.02     29.08     32.44
SkewbFinal5 5.42 8.25
8.41      8.41      7.94      5.42      8.62
Square-1Final6 35.03 40.12
45.72     53.70     38.94     35.71     35.03
Minnesota Winter 2016
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round10 32.31 36.22
35.94     39.38     33.35     32.31     39.72
SkewbFinal3 6.65 8.14
6.81      6.65      9.30      8.82      8.80
Square-1Final6 32.90 45.54
32.90     49.20     44.33     1:39.75   43.08
Cubetcha 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 15.48 17.17
21.31     15.48     16.82     15.76     18.94
First round20 16.20 17.93
17.88     18.09     17.83     16.20     18.92
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 4.26 4.92
4.26      4.69      5.47      5.11      4.95
First round10 3.25 4.15
4.24      3.25      4.94      5.53      3.28
5x5x5 CubeFinal15 3:00.61
3:00.61   3:09.27
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 25.11 39.97
39.09     47.32     25.11     38.58     42.25
Square-1Final8 56.18
56.18     1:33.87
Wiscube 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round27 15.98 20.07
24.91     20.38     20.68     15.98     19.16
MegaminxFinal11 2:27.95 2:46.36
2:55.74   2:27.95   2:33.56   2:49.78   3:00.81
PyraminxFirst round26 9.30 11.77
14.99     9.71      14.48     9.30      11.13
SkewbFinal23 11.48 16.45
22.45     11.48     16.01     16.60     16.75
Minnesota Cube Melt 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round49 25.82 28.47
26.12     29.91     29.38     40.21     25.82
2x2x2 CubeFirst round65 9.19 13.28
18.62     9.19      DNF       10.38     10.83
82016-12-10~11Mega Minnesota Winter 2016United StatesNew Brighton, Minnesota
72016-11-05Cubetcha 2016United StatesMinneapolis, Minnesota
62016-07-29~31US Nationals 2016United StatesPortland, Oregon
52016-05-21Minnesota Cube Melt 2016United StatesMinneapolis, Minnesota
42016-01-23Minnesota Winter 2016United StatesMinneapolis, Minnesota
32015-10-24Cubetcha 2015United StatesMinneapolis, Minnesota
22015-09-05Wiscube 2015United StatesWaunakee, Wisconsin
12015-05-09~10Minnesota Cube Melt 2015United StatesMinneapolis, Minnesota