Personal Page

Billy Russell

Name: Billy Russell
Region: United States
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Billy Russell2015RUSS02
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.02.07 - 2017.10.07
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube17553232728838319.0420.5673360189381420454/55
2x2x2 Cube1055513860493974.406.7054271153341171045/45
4x4x4 Cube1085214404515251:42.091/4
3x3x3 One-Handed672191843608935.1343.66355199134670820/21

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Yeehaw 2017First round82 19.22 24.50
24.40     26.99     19.22     22.69     26.40
Southern Championships 2017Second round56 19.29 20.56
22.13     21.15     19.76     20.77     19.29
First round62 19.04 21.67
29.09     21.95     20.73     22.32     19.04
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017First round54 21.73 24.82
21.73     27.10     26.33     22.56     25.57
DoSeum 2016First round30 21.68 23.02
27.80     23.02     21.92     24.13     21.68
HOOAH SMA 2015First round37 19.47 23.15
19.47     22.79     24.36     26.35     22.29
Texas Showdown 2015First round53 26.72 31.13
30.04     31.96     31.39     26.72     DNF
Small Cubes Open 2015Final7 26.63 30.95
26.74     35.82     26.63     47.82     30.30
Second round7 25.88 28.45
27.94     33.04     25.88     30.88     26.53
First round8 24.64 35.90
33.62     36.99     37.08     38.92     24.64
SMA Winter 2015First round41 32.60 41.77
32.60     39.19     48.91     48.94     37.20
2x2x2 Cube
Yeehaw 2017First round56 5.70 6.70
5.99      7.06      7.36      5.70      7.05
Southern Championships 2017Final54 5.49 7.42
7.78      7.33      8.22      7.15      5.49
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017First round39 4.40 7.58
4.40      7.55      6.21      9.51      8.98
DoSeum 2016First round22 6.27 7.82
6.27      9.06      7.31      7.10      15.67
HOOAH SMA 2015First round35 6.82 8.18
6.82      7.13      9.83      7.59      10.41
Texas Showdown 2015First round41 5.24 8.93
5.24      6.08      9.19      11.71     11.51
Small Cubes Open 2015Final6 6.29 9.45
8.43      7.85      6.29      12.08     12.15
First round6 6.01 11.93
11.09     6.01      15.86     12.87     11.84
SMA Winter 2015First round41 16.52 26.17
32.79     16.52     31.25     17.48     29.79
4x4x4 Cube
HOOAH SMA 2015Final22 1:42.09
DNF       1:42.09
Texas Showdown 2015Final39 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Southern Championships 2017First round43 35.13 43.66
37.03     52.02     49.06     44.90     35.13
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017First round30 40.54
40.54     48.86
DoSeum 2016Final16 45.18 54.89
55.06     56.40     1:07.03   53.21     45.18
HOOAH SMA 2015First round25 58.38
1:08.97   58.38
Texas Showdown 2015First round30 1:18.81
DNF       1:18.81
Small Cubes Open 2015First round7 1:22.76 1:25.68
1:25.20   1:28.74   1:22.76   2:25.67   1:23.10
Southern Championships 2017Final18 31.04
31.04     34.40
SMA Winter 2015Final5 27.29 32.45
36.99     29.12     27.29     31.25     DNF
Southern Championships 2017First round82 18.87 27.58
18.87     20.21     30.94     31.59     42.55
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017First round44 11.96 14.16
20.85     11.96     13.78     14.28     14.43
DoSeum 2016Final42 16.71 26.46
16.71     20.79     59.86     36.09     22.51
HOOAH SMA 2015Final30 10.63 16.93
10.63     15.60     15.98     19.21     19.55
Texas Showdown 2015First round36 12.52 19.42
12.52     22.99     13.23     25.32     22.05
SMA Winter 2015Final27 10.44 20.37
17.31     27.99     27.49     16.32     10.44
Southern Championships 2017First round70 11.64 20.99
11.64     22.98     23.73     20.09     19.90
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017First round36 11.03 16.85
23.66     15.74     21.05     11.03     13.75
Yeehaw 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round82 19.22 24.50
24.40     26.99     19.22     22.69     26.40
2x2x2 CubeFirst round56 5.70 6.70
5.99      7.06      7.36      5.70      7.05
Southern Championships 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round56 19.29 20.56
22.13     21.15     19.76     20.77     19.29
First round62 19.04 21.67
29.09     21.95     20.73     22.32     19.04
2x2x2 CubeFinal54 5.49 7.42
7.78      7.33      8.22      7.15      5.49
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round43 35.13 43.66
37.03     52.02     49.06     44.90     35.13
ClockFinal18 31.04
31.04     34.40
PyraminxFirst round82 18.87 27.58
18.87     20.21     30.94     31.59     42.55
SkewbFirst round70 11.64 20.99
11.64     22.98     23.73     20.09     19.90
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round54 21.73 24.82
21.73     27.10     26.33     22.56     25.57
2x2x2 CubeFirst round39 4.40 7.58
4.40      7.55      6.21      9.51      8.98
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round30 40.54
40.54     48.86
PyraminxFirst round44 11.96 14.16
20.85     11.96     13.78     14.28     14.43
SkewbFirst round36 11.03 16.85
23.66     15.74     21.05     11.03     13.75
DoSeum 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round30 21.68 23.02
27.80     23.02     21.92     24.13     21.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 6.27 7.82
6.27      9.06      7.31      7.10      15.67
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal16 45.18 54.89
55.06     56.40     1:07.03   53.21     45.18
PyraminxFinal42 16.71 26.46
16.71     20.79     59.86     36.09     22.51
3x3x3 CubeFirst round37 19.47 23.15
19.47     22.79     24.36     26.35     22.29
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 6.82 8.18
6.82      7.13      9.83      7.59      10.41
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 1:42.09
DNF       1:42.09
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round25 58.38
1:08.97   58.38
PyraminxFinal30 10.63 16.93
10.63     15.60     15.98     19.21     19.55
Texas Showdown 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round53 26.72 31.13
30.04     31.96     31.39     26.72     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round41 5.24 8.93
5.24      6.08      9.19      11.71     11.51
4x4x4 CubeFinal39 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round30 1:18.81
DNF       1:18.81
PyraminxFirst round36 12.52 19.42
12.52     22.99     13.23     25.32     22.05
Small Cubes Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 26.63 30.95
26.74     35.82     26.63     47.82     30.30
Second round7 25.88 28.45
27.94     33.04     25.88     30.88     26.53
First round8 24.64 35.90
33.62     36.99     37.08     38.92     24.64
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 6.29 9.45
8.43      7.85      6.29      12.08     12.15
First round6 6.01 11.93
11.09     6.01      15.86     12.87     11.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round7 1:22.76 1:25.68
1:25.20   1:28.74   1:22.76   2:25.67   1:23.10
SMA Winter 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round41 32.60 41.77
32.60     39.19     48.91     48.94     37.20
2x2x2 CubeFirst round41 16.52 26.17
32.79     16.52     31.25     17.48     29.79
ClockFinal5 27.29 32.45
36.99     29.12     27.29     31.25     DNF
PyraminxFinal27 10.44 20.37
17.31     27.99     27.49     16.32     10.44
82017-10-07Yeehaw 2017United StatesHouston, Texas
72017-07-15~16Southern Championships 2017United StatesHouston, Texas
62017-06-09~10Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017United StatesSan Antonio, Texas
52016-05-01DoSeum 2016United StatesSan Antonio, Texas
42015-11-14HOOAH SMA 2015United StatesSan Marcos, Texas
32015-06-13~14Texas Showdown 2015United StatesSan Antonio, Texas
22015-05-30Small Cubes Open 2015United StatesBrownsville, Texas
12015-02-07SMA Winter 2015United StatesSan Marcos, Texas