Personal Page

Wiktor Smorąg

Name: Wiktor Smorąg
Region: Poland
Competitions: 29
WCA ID: Wiktor Smorąg2015SMOR01
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.06.06 - 2018.07.28
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube66353432049110.5613.16227135770714245/250
2x2x2 Cube9553112581.173.1039781335189251/255
4x4x4 Cube8127341261931:00.901:28.3435492999792946/46
5x5x5 Cube8457689247692:43.675/6
3x3x3 One-Handed38033911269720.2129.8719722504555790/91

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Project Zamość 2018Second round27 13.03 15.00
14.84     16.36     13.80     13.03     DNF
First round20 10.97 13.16
12.90     11.10     15.47     DNF       10.97
LLS V 2018First round24 12.74 14.76
17.65     12.74     15.63     14.69     13.95
LLS IV 2018First round19 11.65 13.65
13.53     11.65     14.52     13.77     13.65
Speed Days Kraśnik 2018Second round26 14.76 15.35
15.54     15.20     15.44     15.42     14.76
First round23 12.81 13.60
15.05     13.70     12.81     12.83     14.27
CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017Second round45 10.56 14.74
12.92     16.91     14.38     20.65     10.56
First round41 12.59 14.50
15.60     12.59     16.82     14.24     13.65
Polish Nationals 2017Second round68 12.99 13.89
12.99     13.78     27.86     13.46     14.43
First round77 11.43 14.10
14.96     13.54     20.57     13.80     11.43
Speed Days Kielce 2017Second round30 11.51 14.21
13.87     14.68     16.30     14.09     11.51
First round39 12.70 15.85
15.16     19.66     13.65     18.75     12.70
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Semi Final58 12.64 17.13
19.07     19.57     15.23     17.10     12.64
Second round56 11.05 15.22
15.72     16.23     14.95     14.98     11.05
First round46 12.55 14.41
20.84     12.55     13.70     14.34     15.19
Byczy Cube Race 2017Final12 13.84 16.24
13.84     16.52     18.35     13.84     20.52
Second round12 14.12 15.54
15.83     16.83     16.33     14.45     14.12
First round13 14.46 15.19
14.79     14.46     15.04     15.74     17.57
Speed Days Kraśnik 2017Second round23 13.64 16.86
20.71     15.93     16.27     18.39     13.64
First round24 12.60 16.63
19.04     18.27     12.60     15.36     16.25
ŚLS Będzin Open 2017Second round49 13.73 16.87
18.35     20.71     17.38     14.89     13.73
First round40 14.24 15.50
17.62     14.89     15.90     14.24     15.71
KKR Open 2017Second round34 15.09 17.99
18.27     19.51     17.27     18.43     15.09
First round26 13.66 15.56
13.66     15.73     16.00     17.89     14.95
Piotrków Trybunalski 2017Second round40 13.86 16.21
15.50     17.58     13.86     17.61     15.54
First round40 13.65 16.45
16.26     16.93     13.65     16.52     16.56
Staszic Open 2017Second round33 12.74 15.66
22.95     15.39     14.41     17.17     12.74
First round35 12.86 15.67
15.19     15.94     15.89     12.86     18.66
SLS Gliwice 2017Second round44 12.92 15.38
15.90     12.92     16.28     13.96     19.41
First round53 15.53 16.16
16.29     17.75     15.53     15.74     16.45
Polish Championship 2016First round106 13.40 17.54
17.35     DNF       18.34     16.94     13.40
GLS Cup Final 2016Second round29 15.13 16.38
17.86     16.12     19.41     15.13     15.17
First round29 14.62 15.93
15.38     21.45     15.79     14.62     16.63
WLS Jesień 2016First round28 14.29 17.19
16.69     14.29     18.54     16.90     17.97
Elektryk Cube Race 2016Second round43 15.88 17.98
15.88     16.81     18.07     20.91     19.06
First round51 15.29 20.45
15.29     20.00     21.74     19.60     22.08
GLS Cup IV 2016Second round40 16.75 21.83
21.58     28.54     16.75     24.31     19.61
First round38 17.88 19.09
17.88     20.17     18.77     18.34     26.66
Euro 2016First round396 17.80 22.34
21.39     21.61     17.80     26.39     24.01
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016First round54 20.68 22.62
24.78     21.96     29.73     21.13     20.68
WLS Wiosna 2016First round35 16.58 18.92
27.07     16.90     16.81     16.58     23.04
Speed Day Lublin 2016Second round22 19.76 20.82
20.07     19.76     32.41     20.90     21.49
First round23 17.42 21.84
22.60     20.56     28.08     22.36     17.42
Santa Claus Cube Race 2015Second round108 19.97 25.01
29.00     29.00     24.49     19.97     21.55
First round117 22.32 28.93
35.77     23.15     22.32     27.86     DNF
Polish Championship 2015Second round132 21.90 28.85
30.04     26.49     DNF       21.90     30.03
First round135 21.21 26.51
23.00     33.60     24.35     32.18     21.21
ŚLS Sosnowiec 2015First round86 28.44 39.09
44.23     46.24     28.44     38.25     34.79
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015First round85 31.88 40.65
40.33     31.88     36.63     59.48     45.00
SLS Rybnik 2015First round63 31.73 44.00
46.85     31.73     49.55     40.59     44.55
2x2x2 Cube
Project Zamość 2018First round15 1.17 4.49
2.96      4.81      6.38      5.70      1.17
LLS V 2018First round9 2.20 3.68
3.94      3.68      3.41      2.20      6.33
LLS IV 2018First round17 3.45 4.69
5.41      3.45      5.07      3.59      DNF
Speed Days Kraśnik 2018Final5 2.71 3.58
2.71      5.81      3.07      3.87      3.79
Second round6 3.31 3.60
3.74      4.06      3.54      3.53      3.31
First round6 2.04 3.37
3.54      3.66      3.36      2.04      3.22
CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017Final9 2.21 3.45
4.04      3.41      4.42      2.21      2.91
Second round9 3.08 3.41
4.72      3.51      3.19      3.53      3.08
First round15 2.07 3.79
4.20      3.72      5.94      2.07      3.46
Polish Nationals 2017Second round26 3.03 4.04
4.57      3.82      3.74      4.65      3.03
First round17 2.73 3.39
3.59      2.73      5.91      3.62      2.97
Speed Days Kielce 2017Second round14 3.45 3.73
3.71      3.45      4.19      3.71      3.76
First round19 2.84 3.85
3.71      3.91      5.17      2.84      3.92
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Second round23 2.92 3.95
5.67      3.11      3.78      2.92      4.95
First round19 3.19 3.89
4.57      3.19      3.66      3.45      6.70
Byczy Cube Race 2017Final10 2.08 4.93
2.08      2.84      5.10      6.86      DNF
Second round10 3.22 4.14
3.93      4.24      3.22      4.26      4.33
First round5 1.63 3.24
3.92      3.46      1.63      3.01      3.26
Speed Days Kraśnik 2017Final4 2.57 3.51
4.54      2.57      3.69      3.68      3.15
Second round4 2.58 3.10
3.76      4.42      2.95      2.59      2.58
First round6 3.31 3.87
4.68      4.05      3.74      3.81      3.31
ŚLS Będzin Open 2017Final11 2.84 4.46
5.45      4.51      5.90      2.84      3.41
Second round12 3.46 3.87
3.74      6.18      3.93      3.46      3.93
First round16 2.46 4.33
5.21      2.46      3.77      4.02      5.69
KKR Open 2017First round13 3.05 4.54
3.97      5.76      4.01      3.05      5.63
Piotrków Trybunalski 2017Final8 3.02 3.88
3.48      3.61      5.63      4.56      3.02
Second round10 2.85 4.38
5.96      3.72      5.19      4.23      2.85
First round16 2.29 4.54
3.56      2.29      6.25      6.74      3.80
Staszic Open 2017Second round14 3.45 4.07
4.81      5.05      3.84      3.55      3.45
First round12 2.19 3.83
2.19      3.77      4.89      3.47      4.26
SLS Gliwice 2017First round13 3.61 4.19
4.43      3.61      4.25      3.89      4.94
Polish Championship 2016Second round39 2.61 6.18
9.11      2.61      6.58      7.06      4.90
First round30 3.00 4.08
3.00      3.57      4.60      4.07      5.07
GLS Cup Final 2016First round13 3.65 4.53
4.61      3.65      15.34     4.85      4.13
WLS Jesień 2016Final9 3.96 5.36
6.84      4.64      4.60      3.96      9.80
First round6 3.05 4.05
3.05      3.82      3.77      4.56      5.13
Elektryk Cube Race 2016First round19 2.60 4.14
2.60      2.93      4.74      4.75      6.46
GLS Cup IV 2016Final10 4.09 4.70
5.67      6.57      4.28      4.09      4.15
Second round8 3.46 4.17
3.57      4.88      4.06      5.61      3.46
First round18 4.26 5.61
4.26      5.50      DNF       5.57      5.75
Euro 2016First round250 5.28 6.18
6.45      6.08      5.28      6.00      9.53
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016First round34 3.36 6.25
5.88      6.44      3.36      8.39      6.43
WLS Wiosna 2016First round17 4.57 5.16
4.98      5.12      4.57      5.69      5.37
Speed Day Lublin 2016First round16 3.71 5.57
6.20      5.35      5.16      6.47      3.71
Santa Claus Cube Race 2015Second round67 3.31 5.85
6.58      6.40      4.57      8.92      3.31
First round85 4.83 6.33
4.83      6.75      6.60      5.65      7.51
Polish Championship 2015Second round63 3.70 5.66
4.39      5.68      7.98      6.92      3.70
First round84 4.12 6.99
DNF       4.12      6.92      5.71      8.33
ŚLS Sosnowiec 2015First round74 8.73 10.95
9.15      11.03     14.79     12.67     8.73
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015First round68 7.31 8.23
7.56      7.31      7.93      9.19      12.84
SLS Rybnik 2015First round59 10.38 12.15
14.04     10.85     14.41     10.38     11.56
4x4x4 Cube
Project Zamość 2018Final29 1:29.66
1:29.66   1:38.80
LLS V 2018Final28 1:17.90
1:17.90   1:49.57
LLS IV 2018Final30 1:29.35
1:29.35   2:14.50
CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017First round57 1:33.40
1:37.53   1:33.40
Polish Nationals 2017First round115 1:31.78
1:52.51   1:31.78
Speed Days Kielce 2017First round45 1:15.08
1:35.01   1:15.08
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017First round67 1:30.48
1:30.48   1:42.79
Byczy Cube Race 2017First round16 1:28.66 1:35.31
1:37.35   1:33.16   1:28.66   1:35.42   1:38.84
Speed Days Kraśnik 2017First round26 1:22.13
1:22.13   1:45.71
ŚLS Będzin Open 2017First round45 1:00.90 1:28.34
1:25.62   1:42.60   1:00.90   1:35.95   1:23.44
KKR Open 2017Final40 1:45.72
1:47.84   1:45.72
Piotrków Trybunalski 2017First round48 1:40.47
1:52.02   1:40.47
Staszic Open 2017First round41 1:25.62
1:28.59   1:25.62
SLS Gliwice 2017First round65 1:35.78
1:35.78   1:44.25
Polish Championship 2016First round88 1:27.44
1:29.61   1:27.44
WLS Jesień 2016First round25 1:24.53
1:27.36   1:24.53
Elektryk Cube Race 2016First round37 1:19.60
1:19.60   2:34.06
Euro 2016First round312 1:42.36
1:42.36   1:48.49
WLS Wiosna 2016First round33 1:36.30
1:49.17   1:36.30
Santa Claus Cube Race 2015First round67 1:16.38
1:16.38   1:51.26
5x5x5 Cube
Speed Days Kraśnik 2018First round27 2:49.87
2:49.87   3:18.31
Polish Championship 2016First round54 2:43.67
DNF       2:43.67
Santa Claus Cube Race 2015First round68 3:33.17
3:33.17   3:53.73
3x3x3 One-Handed
Project Zamość 2018Final21 29.47 30.31
33.27     30.47     30.98     29.48     29.47
CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017First round37 26.71 35.98
26.71     44.02     58.59     27.66     36.25
Polish Nationals 2017First round74 26.80 32.04
27.61     35.95     32.57     26.80     43.31
Speed Days Kielce 2017First round32 32.23
32.23     36.99
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017First round51 23.53 31.76
41.10     28.91     32.58     23.53     33.78
Byczy Cube Race 2017Final10 32.07 39.07
33.02     42.91     43.45     41.29     32.07
First round9 20.21 31.12
35.95     32.14     35.28     25.93     20.21
Speed Days Kraśnik 2017First round16 25.78 30.31
30.41     25.78     31.14     33.65     29.38
ŚLS Będzin Open 2017Second round39 31.88 34.28
31.92     37.63     42.05     33.29     31.88
First round39 26.48 31.60
34.83     26.48     29.92     33.61     31.27
KKR Open 2017Final19 24.62 29.87
28.32     24.62     34.50     33.51     27.77
Piotrków Trybunalski 2017First round24 29.06 31.04
29.06     35.71     33.42     30.17     29.53
Staszic Open 2017Second round27 26.33 33.65
42.43     38.08     26.33     31.94     30.93
First round29 31.61
40.12     31.61
SLS Gliwice 2017First round50 38.82
38.82     47.64
Polish Championship 2016First round77 38.42
39.13     38.42
GLS Cup Final 2016Final22 32.88
32.88     33.84
WLS Jesień 2016First round17 25.97 32.51
25.97     31.97     34.80     30.76     37.97
Elektryk Cube Race 2016First round36 45.22
45.22     1:27.48
GLS Cup IV 2016Final27 39.30
1:03.40   39.30
Euro 2016First round267 54.23
54.23     1:04.79
WLS Wiosna 2016First round29 45.67
1:29.89   45.67
Santa Claus Cube Race 2015First round95 1:17.88
1:17.88   DNF
Polish Championship 2015First round77 55.87
55.87     1:01.33
ŚLS Sosnowiec 2015First round69 1:11.33
1:11.33   1:43.89
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015First round73 1:18.67
1:28.84   1:18.67
CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017Final21 17.51
17.51     18.38
Polish Nationals 2017First round25 14.88 18.76
19.64     21.59     19.56     17.07     14.88
Speed Days Kielce 2017First round20 21.92
23.68     21.92
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Final31 1:19.15
DNF       1:19.15
Polish Championship 2016First round33 35.29
DNF       35.29
CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017First round36 3:03.15
3:03.15   3:26.95
Polish Nationals 2017First round69 2:58.60
3:09.35   2:58.60
Speed Days Kielce 2017First round28 2:43.73
2:43.73   3:00.83
Speed Days Kraśnik 2017First round12 2:38.88
2:42.34   2:38.88
KKR Open 2017Final12 2:27.79
2:58.83   2:27.79
Piotrków Trybunalski 2017Final19 2:44.02
3:07.11   2:44.02
Staszic Open 2017Final16 2:28.04
2:46.44   2:28.04
SLS Gliwice 2017Final35 2:54.46
2:54.46   3:12.05
Polish Championship 2016First round41 2:26.74
2:51.91   2:26.74
Euro 2016First round117 2:59.50
2:59.50   DNF
Santa Claus Cube Race 2015First round36 3:09.31
3:09.31   DNF
ŚLS Sosnowiec 2015First round35 3:22.79
3:22.79   3:39.20
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final33 3:22.53
3:22.53   4:21.83
CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017Second round38 8.30 11.91
14.20     12.84     8.30      12.60     10.28
First round30 6.94 8.45
7.78      15.62     8.78      8.79      6.94
Polish Nationals 2017First round71 8.09 9.08
9.24      9.17      8.09      8.83      10.58
Speed Days Kielce 2017Second round24 7.53 7.76
9.50      7.92      7.61      7.75      7.53
First round28 6.79 8.45
6.79      DNF       9.28      8.12      7.95
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Second round36 7.29 8.72
9.18      8.07      7.29      8.90      11.71
First round34 4.84 7.99
4.84      11.19     7.31      9.16      7.49
Byczy Cube Race 2017Second round13 6.64 9.43
12.84     DNF       6.64      7.85      7.61
First round9 5.22 7.16
14.30     5.22      8.89      6.35      6.24
Speed Days Kraśnik 2017Second round16 4.52 7.57
9.89      7.50      8.22      7.00      4.52
First round18 5.43 8.07
7.18      5.43      8.18      10.87     8.84
ŚLS Będzin Open 2017Second round34 4.68 8.24
4.68      11.31     DNF       8.33      5.08
First round26 5.93 8.02
5.93      7.42      9.09      7.56      10.03
KKR Open 2017First round13 3.50 7.10
8.01      14.86     7.79      3.50      5.50
Piotrków Trybunalski 2017Second round17 5.70 6.84
6.48      6.25      7.78      5.70      9.65
First round30 5.29 9.18
9.69      10.01     10.12     7.84      5.29
Staszic Open 2017Second round30 6.62 8.68
7.90      9.10      9.04      6.62      DNF
First round30 4.23 8.39
7.96      4.23      8.81      11.07     8.39
SLS Gliwice 2017First round22 4.87 6.63
9.08      6.54      4.87      6.14      7.22
Polish Championship 2016First round44 7.62 8.51
7.76      7.62      12.23     9.24      8.54
GLS Cup Final 2016First round36 9.20
9.20      11.00
WLS Jesień 2016First round12 5.21 7.55
6.63      8.53      5.21      9.26      7.49
Elektryk Cube Race 2016First round41 5.42 10.04
11.68     16.67     5.42      10.23     8.22
GLS Cup IV 2016First round20 5.78 9.03
8.86      13.83     5.78      11.25     6.99
Euro 2016First round194 9.03 12.35
12.89     12.45     13.88     9.03      11.70
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016Second round18 4.88 8.22
9.34      7.87      13.56     7.45      4.88
First round22 7.78 8.18
7.94      12.38     8.08      7.78      8.53
WLS Wiosna 2016First round11 5.27 7.12
9.21      6.08      12.73     5.27      6.08
Speed Day Lublin 2016First round23 7.80 10.14
7.80      9.95      10.75     9.73      12.71
Santa Claus Cube Race 2015Second round54 7.68 9.80
11.74     9.86      9.45      7.68      10.10
First round63 8.54 10.97
8.54      11.11     13.33     9.56      12.23
Polish Championship 2015First round71 6.26 11.18
6.26      10.14     11.95     11.44     DNF
ŚLS Sosnowiec 2015Second round51 11.61 11.90
11.82     12.83     11.81     11.61     12.07
First round52 8.41 10.54
10.08     11.05     11.79     8.41      10.49
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015First round44 10.25
10.52     10.25
SLS Rybnik 2015First round42 7.76 12.98
15.80     13.13     7.76      10.01     16.11
LLS V 2018First round15 3.09 5.68
3.09      7.24      5.59      7.08      4.36
LLS IV 2018Final6 5.68 6.49
9.58      5.68      6.47      5.70      7.30
First round5 4.05 5.32
6.14      8.03      4.10      5.72      4.05
Speed Days Kraśnik 2018Second round10 3.32 6.58
7.26      5.72      6.75      8.45      3.32
First round12 5.88 6.61
5.88      8.63      7.61      6.25      5.96
CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017Second round17 4.17 5.68
4.79      4.17      12.21     6.28      5.96
First round20 4.65 6.74
6.01      6.42      8.91      4.65      7.79
Polish Nationals 2017Second round23 5.59 6.01
5.59      5.67      5.67      6.68      7.79
First round28 4.92 7.07
8.12      7.02      6.07      4.92      8.53
Speed Days Kielce 2017Second round15 3.83 5.98
7.20      6.44      4.84      6.65      3.83
First round15 3.91 5.87
4.69      7.00      5.91      3.91      7.08
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017First round35 4.89 8.92
DNF       13.34     8.07      4.89      5.36
Byczy Cube Race 2017Final9 5.31 8.45
7.49      5.31      8.29      9.56      12.33
Second round9 5.05 7.53
6.53      8.67      8.15      5.05      7.91
First round9 5.34 7.06
9.94      5.68      5.34      16.25     5.57
Speed Days Kraśnik 2017Second round11 3.20 8.83
8.01      8.21      3.20      10.27     DNF
First round11 5.62 8.54
9.68      8.59      7.34      5.62      9.70
ŚLS Będzin Open 2017Final13 4.88 7.96
4.88      8.29      10.96     6.81      8.78
Second round14 5.00 6.56
5.00      7.59      6.13      5.96      8.77
First round26 6.77 7.61
7.85      9.54      6.77      8.02      6.96
KKR Open 2017Final12 3.92 8.51
9.07      3.92      7.91      8.54      9.38
Piotrków Trybunalski 2017Second round20 6.64 8.66
DNF       8.77      7.42      6.64      9.80
First round8 6.16 6.74
6.16      7.12      6.74      7.71      6.35
Staszic Open 2017Second round21 5.21 9.33
5.21      9.45      6.74      11.79     DNF
First round17 5.98 8.27
7.63      5.98      8.14      14.36     9.03
SLS Gliwice 2017Final12 6.39 8.00
7.00      9.64      8.68      8.33      6.39
First round12 4.69 5.84
7.61      4.69      5.09      4.83      8.11
Polish Championship 2016Second round22 6.58 8.07
6.58      8.09      8.35      7.76      8.90
First round25 6.91 7.52
7.53      8.51      6.91      7.59      7.44
GLS Cup Final 2016Final17 7.92 9.19
7.92      9.63      12.93     8.37      9.58
WLS Jesień 2016First round12 6.29 9.00
9.98      9.39      6.29      12.89     7.64
Elektryk Cube Race 2016First round39 10.36 DNF
10.36     DNF       11.26     DNF       DNS
GLS Cup IV 2016Final12 7.08 9.05
7.08      10.99     7.09      10.17     9.88
Euro 2016First round127 9.79 11.04
20.74     9.79      10.71     10.89     11.52
WLS Wiosna 2016First round16 6.63 9.02
6.63      10.40     8.38      10.16     8.51
Santa Claus Cube Race 2015Second round47 8.83 10.67
16.23     8.83      11.88     10.80     9.33
First round45 5.05 10.21
5.05      11.27     9.37      11.05     10.22
Polish Championship 2015First round51 10.34
10.34     12.92
Polish Nationals 2017First round29 42.05
42.05     1:21.96
Speed Days Kielce 2017First round25 DNF
DNF       DNF
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Final20 31.78 34.63
32.15     39.88     45.58     31.87     31.78
Byczy Cube Race 2017Final6 23.09 38.15
39.56     1:34.26   38.05     36.84     23.09
Speed Days Kraśnik 2017First round12 27.05 34.26
DNF       38.01     33.93     30.84     27.05
ŚLS Będzin Open 2017Final23 46.04
46.04     DNF
KKR Open 2017Final10 27.85 50.47
34.41     42.56     1:25.28   27.85     1:14.44
Staszic Open 2017First round21 42.79
42.79     1:18.71
Polish Championship 2016First round22 32.50
39.83     32.50
Euro 2016First round92 32.30 39.83
38.94     42.73     37.81     44.69     32.30
Speed Day Lublin 2016First round11 44.10 54.59
44.10     57.23     58.61     47.92     DNF
Project Zamość 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 13.03 15.00
14.84     16.36     13.80     13.03     DNF
First round20 10.97 13.16
12.90     11.10     15.47     DNF       10.97
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 1.17 4.49
2.96      4.81      6.38      5.70      1.17
4x4x4 CubeFinal29 1:29.66
1:29.66   1:38.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 29.47 30.31
33.27     30.47     30.98     29.48     29.47
LLS V 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round24 12.74 14.76
17.65     12.74     15.63     14.69     13.95
2x2x2 CubeFirst round9 2.20 3.68
3.94      3.68      3.41      2.20      6.33
4x4x4 CubeFinal28 1:17.90
1:17.90   1:49.57
SkewbFirst round15 3.09 5.68
3.09      7.24      5.59      7.08      4.36
LLS IV 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round19 11.65 13.65
13.53     11.65     14.52     13.77     13.65
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 3.45 4.69
5.41      3.45      5.07      3.59      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal30 1:29.35
1:29.35   2:14.50
SkewbFinal6 5.68 6.49
9.58      5.68      6.47      5.70      7.30
First round5 4.05 5.32
6.14      8.03      4.10      5.72      4.05
Speed Days Kraśnik 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 14.76 15.35
15.54     15.20     15.44     15.42     14.76
First round23 12.81 13.60
15.05     13.70     12.81     12.83     14.27
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 2.71 3.58
2.71      5.81      3.07      3.87      3.79
Second round6 3.31 3.60
3.74      4.06      3.54      3.53      3.31
First round6 2.04 3.37
3.54      3.66      3.36      2.04      3.22
5x5x5 CubeFirst round27 2:49.87
2:49.87   3:18.31
SkewbSecond round10 3.32 6.58
7.26      5.72      6.75      8.45      3.32
First round12 5.88 6.61
5.88      8.63      7.61      6.25      5.96
CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round45 10.56 14.74
12.92     16.91     14.38     20.65     10.56
First round41 12.59 14.50
15.60     12.59     16.82     14.24     13.65
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 2.21 3.45
4.04      3.41      4.42      2.21      2.91
Second round9 3.08 3.41
4.72      3.51      3.19      3.53      3.08
First round15 2.07 3.79
4.20      3.72      5.94      2.07      3.46
4x4x4 CubeFirst round57 1:33.40
1:37.53   1:33.40
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round37 26.71 35.98
26.71     44.02     58.59     27.66     36.25
ClockFinal21 17.51
17.51     18.38
MegaminxFirst round36 3:03.15
3:03.15   3:26.95
PyraminxSecond round38 8.30 11.91
14.20     12.84     8.30      12.60     10.28
First round30 6.94 8.45
7.78      15.62     8.78      8.79      6.94
SkewbSecond round17 4.17 5.68
4.79      4.17      12.21     6.28      5.96
First round20 4.65 6.74
6.01      6.42      8.91      4.65      7.79
Polish Nationals 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round68 12.99 13.89
12.99     13.78     27.86     13.46     14.43
First round77 11.43 14.10
14.96     13.54     20.57     13.80     11.43
2x2x2 CubeSecond round26 3.03 4.04
4.57      3.82      3.74      4.65      3.03
First round17 2.73 3.39
3.59      2.73      5.91      3.62      2.97
4x4x4 CubeFirst round115 1:31.78
1:52.51   1:31.78
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round74 26.80 32.04
27.61     35.95     32.57     26.80     43.31
ClockFirst round25 14.88 18.76
19.64     21.59     19.56     17.07     14.88
MegaminxFirst round69 2:58.60
3:09.35   2:58.60
PyraminxFirst round71 8.09 9.08
9.24      9.17      8.09      8.83      10.58
SkewbSecond round23 5.59 6.01
5.59      5.67      5.67      6.68      7.79
First round28 4.92 7.07
8.12      7.02      6.07      4.92      8.53
Square-1First round29 42.05
42.05     1:21.96
Speed Days Kielce 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 11.51 14.21
13.87     14.68     16.30     14.09     11.51
First round39 12.70 15.85
15.16     19.66     13.65     18.75     12.70
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 3.45 3.73
3.71      3.45      4.19      3.71      3.76
First round19 2.84 3.85
3.71      3.91      5.17      2.84      3.92
4x4x4 CubeFirst round45 1:15.08
1:35.01   1:15.08
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 32.23
32.23     36.99
ClockFirst round20 21.92
23.68     21.92
MegaminxFirst round28 2:43.73
2:43.73   3:00.83
PyraminxSecond round24 7.53 7.76
9.50      7.92      7.61      7.75      7.53
First round28 6.79 8.45
6.79      DNF       9.28      8.12      7.95
SkewbSecond round15 3.83 5.98
7.20      6.44      4.84      6.65      3.83
First round15 3.91 5.87
4.69      7.00      5.91      3.91      7.08
Square-1First round25 DNF
DNF       DNF
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final58 12.64 17.13
19.07     19.57     15.23     17.10     12.64
Second round56 11.05 15.22
15.72     16.23     14.95     14.98     11.05
First round46 12.55 14.41
20.84     12.55     13.70     14.34     15.19
2x2x2 CubeSecond round23 2.92 3.95
5.67      3.11      3.78      2.92      4.95
First round19 3.19 3.89
4.57      3.19      3.66      3.45      6.70
4x4x4 CubeFirst round67 1:30.48
1:30.48   1:42.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round51 23.53 31.76
41.10     28.91     32.58     23.53     33.78
ClockFinal31 1:19.15
DNF       1:19.15
PyraminxSecond round36 7.29 8.72
9.18      8.07      7.29      8.90      11.71
First round34 4.84 7.99
4.84      11.19     7.31      9.16      7.49
SkewbFirst round35 4.89 8.92
DNF       13.34     8.07      4.89      5.36
Square-1Final20 31.78 34.63
32.15     39.88     45.58     31.87     31.78
Byczy Cube Race 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 13.84 16.24
13.84     16.52     18.35     13.84     20.52
Second round12 14.12 15.54
15.83     16.83     16.33     14.45     14.12
First round13 14.46 15.19
14.79     14.46     15.04     15.74     17.57
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 2.08 4.93
2.08      2.84      5.10      6.86      DNF
Second round10 3.22 4.14
3.93      4.24      3.22      4.26      4.33
First round5 1.63 3.24
3.92      3.46      1.63      3.01      3.26
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 1:28.66 1:35.31
1:37.35   1:33.16   1:28.66   1:35.42   1:38.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 32.07 39.07
33.02     42.91     43.45     41.29     32.07
First round9 20.21 31.12
35.95     32.14     35.28     25.93     20.21
PyraminxSecond round13 6.64 9.43
12.84     DNF       6.64      7.85      7.61
First round9 5.22 7.16
14.30     5.22      8.89      6.35      6.24
SkewbFinal9 5.31 8.45
7.49      5.31      8.29      9.56      12.33
Second round9 5.05 7.53
6.53      8.67      8.15      5.05      7.91
First round9 5.34 7.06
9.94      5.68      5.34      16.25     5.57
Square-1Final6 23.09 38.15
39.56     1:34.26   38.05     36.84     23.09
Speed Days Kraśnik 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 13.64 16.86
20.71     15.93     16.27     18.39     13.64
First round24 12.60 16.63
19.04     18.27     12.60     15.36     16.25
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.57 3.51
4.54      2.57      3.69      3.68      3.15
Second round4 2.58 3.10
3.76      4.42      2.95      2.59      2.58
First round6 3.31 3.87
4.68      4.05      3.74      3.81      3.31
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:22.13
1:22.13   1:45.71
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 25.78 30.31
30.41     25.78     31.14     33.65     29.38
MegaminxFirst round12 2:38.88
2:42.34   2:38.88
PyraminxSecond round16 4.52 7.57
9.89      7.50      8.22      7.00      4.52
First round18 5.43 8.07
7.18      5.43      8.18      10.87     8.84
SkewbSecond round11 3.20 8.83
8.01      8.21      3.20      10.27     DNF
First round11 5.62 8.54
9.68      8.59      7.34      5.62      9.70
Square-1First round12 27.05 34.26
DNF       38.01     33.93     30.84     27.05
ŚLS Będzin Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 13.73 16.87
18.35     20.71     17.38     14.89     13.73
First round40 14.24 15.50
17.62     14.89     15.90     14.24     15.71
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 2.84 4.46
5.45      4.51      5.90      2.84      3.41
Second round12 3.46 3.87
3.74      6.18      3.93      3.46      3.93
First round16 2.46 4.33
5.21      2.46      3.77      4.02      5.69
4x4x4 CubeFirst round45 1:00.90 1:28.34
1:25.62   1:42.60   1:00.90   1:35.95   1:23.44
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round39 31.88 34.28
31.92     37.63     42.05     33.29     31.88
First round39 26.48 31.60
34.83     26.48     29.92     33.61     31.27
PyraminxSecond round34 4.68 8.24
4.68      11.31     DNF       8.33      5.08
First round26 5.93 8.02
5.93      7.42      9.09      7.56      10.03
SkewbFinal13 4.88 7.96
4.88      8.29      10.96     6.81      8.78
Second round14 5.00 6.56
5.00      7.59      6.13      5.96      8.77
First round26 6.77 7.61
7.85      9.54      6.77      8.02      6.96
Square-1Final23 46.04
46.04     DNF
KKR Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 15.09 17.99
18.27     19.51     17.27     18.43     15.09
First round26 13.66 15.56
13.66     15.73     16.00     17.89     14.95
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 3.05 4.54
3.97      5.76      4.01      3.05      5.63
4x4x4 CubeFinal40 1:45.72
1:47.84   1:45.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 24.62 29.87
28.32     24.62     34.50     33.51     27.77
MegaminxFinal12 2:27.79
2:58.83   2:27.79
PyraminxFirst round13 3.50 7.10
8.01      14.86     7.79      3.50      5.50
SkewbFinal12 3.92 8.51
9.07      3.92      7.91      8.54      9.38
Square-1Final10 27.85 50.47
34.41     42.56     1:25.28   27.85     1:14.44
Piotrków Trybunalski 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round40 13.86 16.21
15.50     17.58     13.86     17.61     15.54
First round40 13.65 16.45
16.26     16.93     13.65     16.52     16.56
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.02 3.88
3.48      3.61      5.63      4.56      3.02
Second round10 2.85 4.38
5.96      3.72      5.19      4.23      2.85
First round16 2.29 4.54
3.56      2.29      6.25      6.74      3.80
4x4x4 CubeFirst round48 1:40.47
1:52.02   1:40.47
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 29.06 31.04
29.06     35.71     33.42     30.17     29.53
MegaminxFinal19 2:44.02
3:07.11   2:44.02
PyraminxSecond round17 5.70 6.84
6.48      6.25      7.78      5.70      9.65
First round30 5.29 9.18
9.69      10.01     10.12     7.84      5.29
SkewbSecond round20 6.64 8.66
DNF       8.77      7.42      6.64      9.80
First round8 6.16 6.74
6.16      7.12      6.74      7.71      6.35
Staszic Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 12.74 15.66
22.95     15.39     14.41     17.17     12.74
First round35 12.86 15.67
15.19     15.94     15.89     12.86     18.66
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 3.45 4.07
4.81      5.05      3.84      3.55      3.45
First round12 2.19 3.83
2.19      3.77      4.89      3.47      4.26
4x4x4 CubeFirst round41 1:25.62
1:28.59   1:25.62
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round27 26.33 33.65
42.43     38.08     26.33     31.94     30.93
First round29 31.61
40.12     31.61
MegaminxFinal16 2:28.04
2:46.44   2:28.04
PyraminxSecond round30 6.62 8.68
7.90      9.10      9.04      6.62      DNF
First round30 4.23 8.39
7.96      4.23      8.81      11.07     8.39
SkewbSecond round21 5.21 9.33
5.21      9.45      6.74      11.79     DNF
First round17 5.98 8.27
7.63      5.98      8.14      14.36     9.03
Square-1First round21 42.79
42.79     1:18.71
SLS Gliwice 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round44 12.92 15.38
15.90     12.92     16.28     13.96     19.41
First round53 15.53 16.16
16.29     17.75     15.53     15.74     16.45
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 3.61 4.19
4.43      3.61      4.25      3.89      4.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round65 1:35.78
1:35.78   1:44.25
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round50 38.82
38.82     47.64
MegaminxFinal35 2:54.46
2:54.46   3:12.05
PyraminxFirst round22 4.87 6.63
9.08      6.54      4.87      6.14      7.22
SkewbFinal12 6.39 8.00
7.00      9.64      8.68      8.33      6.39
First round12 4.69 5.84
7.61      4.69      5.09      4.83      8.11
Polish Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round106 13.40 17.54
17.35     DNF       18.34     16.94     13.40
2x2x2 CubeSecond round39 2.61 6.18
9.11      2.61      6.58      7.06      4.90
First round30 3.00 4.08
3.00      3.57      4.60      4.07      5.07
4x4x4 CubeFirst round88 1:27.44
1:29.61   1:27.44
5x5x5 CubeFirst round54 2:43.67
DNF       2:43.67
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round77 38.42
39.13     38.42
ClockFirst round33 35.29
DNF       35.29
MegaminxFirst round41 2:26.74
2:51.91   2:26.74
PyraminxFirst round44 7.62 8.51
7.76      7.62      12.23     9.24      8.54
SkewbSecond round22 6.58 8.07
6.58      8.09      8.35      7.76      8.90
First round25 6.91 7.52
7.53      8.51      6.91      7.59      7.44
Square-1First round22 32.50
39.83     32.50
GLS Cup Final 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 15.13 16.38
17.86     16.12     19.41     15.13     15.17
First round29 14.62 15.93
15.38     21.45     15.79     14.62     16.63
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 3.65 4.53
4.61      3.65      15.34     4.85      4.13
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal22 32.88
32.88     33.84
PyraminxFirst round36 9.20
9.20      11.00
SkewbFinal17 7.92 9.19
7.92      9.63      12.93     8.37      9.58
WLS Jesień 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round28 14.29 17.19
16.69     14.29     18.54     16.90     17.97
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 3.96 5.36
6.84      4.64      4.60      3.96      9.80
First round6 3.05 4.05
3.05      3.82      3.77      4.56      5.13
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 1:24.53
1:27.36   1:24.53
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round17 25.97 32.51
25.97     31.97     34.80     30.76     37.97
PyraminxFirst round12 5.21 7.55
6.63      8.53      5.21      9.26      7.49
SkewbFirst round12 6.29 9.00
9.98      9.39      6.29      12.89     7.64
Elektryk Cube Race 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 15.88 17.98
15.88     16.81     18.07     20.91     19.06
First round51 15.29 20.45
15.29     20.00     21.74     19.60     22.08
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 2.60 4.14
2.60      2.93      4.74      4.75      6.46
4x4x4 CubeFirst round37 1:19.60
1:19.60   2:34.06
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round36 45.22
45.22     1:27.48
PyraminxFirst round41 5.42 10.04
11.68     16.67     5.42      10.23     8.22
SkewbFirst round39 10.36 DNF
10.36     DNF       11.26     DNF       DNS
GLS Cup IV 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round40 16.75 21.83
21.58     28.54     16.75     24.31     19.61
First round38 17.88 19.09
17.88     20.17     18.77     18.34     26.66
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 4.09 4.70
5.67      6.57      4.28      4.09      4.15
Second round8 3.46 4.17
3.57      4.88      4.06      5.61      3.46
First round18 4.26 5.61
4.26      5.50      DNF       5.57      5.75
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal27 39.30
1:03.40   39.30
PyraminxFirst round20 5.78 9.03
8.86      13.83     5.78      11.25     6.99
SkewbFinal12 7.08 9.05
7.08      10.99     7.09      10.17     9.88
Euro 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round396 17.80 22.34
21.39     21.61     17.80     26.39     24.01
2x2x2 CubeFirst round250 5.28 6.18
6.45      6.08      5.28      6.00      9.53
4x4x4 CubeFirst round312 1:42.36
1:42.36   1:48.49
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round267 54.23
54.23     1:04.79
MegaminxFirst round117 2:59.50
2:59.50   DNF
PyraminxFirst round194 9.03 12.35
12.89     12.45     13.88     9.03      11.70
SkewbFirst round127 9.79 11.04
20.74     9.79      10.71     10.89     11.52
Square-1First round92 32.30 39.83
38.94     42.73     37.81     44.69     32.30
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round54 20.68 22.62
24.78     21.96     29.73     21.13     20.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 3.36 6.25
5.88      6.44      3.36      8.39      6.43
PyraminxSecond round18 4.88 8.22
9.34      7.87      13.56     7.45      4.88
First round22 7.78 8.18
7.94      12.38     8.08      7.78      8.53
WLS Wiosna 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round35 16.58 18.92
27.07     16.90     16.81     16.58     23.04
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 4.57 5.16
4.98      5.12      4.57      5.69      5.37
4x4x4 CubeFirst round33 1:36.30
1:49.17   1:36.30
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round29 45.67
1:29.89   45.67
PyraminxFirst round11 5.27 7.12
9.21      6.08      12.73     5.27      6.08
SkewbFirst round16 6.63 9.02
6.63      10.40     8.38      10.16     8.51
Speed Day Lublin 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 19.76 20.82
20.07     19.76     32.41     20.90     21.49
First round23 17.42 21.84
22.60     20.56     28.08     22.36     17.42
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 3.71 5.57
6.20      5.35      5.16      6.47      3.71
PyraminxFirst round23 7.80 10.14
7.80      9.95      10.75     9.73      12.71
Square-1First round11 44.10 54.59
44.10     57.23     58.61     47.92     DNF
Santa Claus Cube Race 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round108 19.97 25.01
29.00     29.00     24.49     19.97     21.55
First round117 22.32 28.93
35.77     23.15     22.32     27.86     DNF
2x2x2 CubeSecond round67 3.31 5.85
6.58      6.40      4.57      8.92      3.31
First round85 4.83 6.33
4.83      6.75      6.60      5.65      7.51
4x4x4 CubeFirst round67 1:16.38
1:16.38   1:51.26
5x5x5 CubeFirst round68 3:33.17
3:33.17   3:53.73
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round95 1:17.88
1:17.88   DNF
MegaminxFirst round36 3:09.31
3:09.31   DNF
PyraminxSecond round54 7.68 9.80
11.74     9.86      9.45      7.68      10.10
First round63 8.54 10.97
8.54      11.11     13.33     9.56      12.23
SkewbSecond round47 8.83 10.67
16.23     8.83      11.88     10.80     9.33
First round45 5.05 10.21
5.05      11.27     9.37      11.05     10.22
Polish Championship 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round132 21.90 28.85
30.04     26.49     DNF       21.90     30.03
First round135 21.21 26.51
23.00     33.60     24.35     32.18     21.21
2x2x2 CubeSecond round63 3.70 5.66
4.39      5.68      7.98      6.92      3.70
First round84 4.12 6.99
DNF       4.12      6.92      5.71      8.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round77 55.87
55.87     1:01.33
PyraminxFirst round71 6.26 11.18
6.26      10.14     11.95     11.44     DNF
SkewbFirst round51 10.34
10.34     12.92
ŚLS Sosnowiec 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round86 28.44 39.09
44.23     46.24     28.44     38.25     34.79
2x2x2 CubeFirst round74 8.73 10.95
9.15      11.03     14.79     12.67     8.73
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round69 1:11.33
1:11.33   1:43.89
MegaminxFirst round35 3:22.79
3:22.79   3:39.20
PyraminxSecond round51 11.61 11.90
11.82     12.83     11.81     11.61     12.07
First round52 8.41 10.54
10.08     11.05     11.79     8.41      10.49
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round85 31.88 40.65
40.33     31.88     36.63     59.48     45.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round68 7.31 8.23
7.56      7.31      7.93      9.19      12.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round73 1:18.67
1:28.84   1:18.67
MegaminxFinal33 3:22.53
3:22.53   4:21.83
PyraminxFirst round44 10.25
10.52     10.25
SLS Rybnik 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round63 31.73 44.00
46.85     31.73     49.55     40.59     44.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round59 10.38 12.15
14.04     10.85     14.41     10.38     11.56
PyraminxFirst round42 7.76 12.98
15.80     13.13     7.76      10.01     16.11
292018-07-28Project Zamość 2018PolandZamość
282018-05-26LLS V 2018PolandLublin
272018-04-21LLS IV 2018PolandLublin
262018-01-13~14Speed Days Kraśnik 2018PolandKraśnik
252017-12-16~17CFL Santa Claus Cube Race 2017PolandBełchatów
242017-11-17~19Polish Nationals 2017PolandKraków
232017-10-14~15Speed Days Kielce 2017PolandKielce
222017-07-29~30ŚLS Zawiercie 2017PolandZawiercie
212017-06-24~25Byczy Cube Race 2017PolandByczyna
202017-06-10~11Speed Days Kraśnik 2017PolandKraśnik
192017-05-27~28ŚLS Będzin Open 2017PolandBędzin
182017-04-29KKR Open 2017PolandGniezno
172017-03-25~26Piotrków Trybunalski 2017PolandPiotrków Trybunalski
162017-03-11~12Staszic Open 2017PolandLublin
152017-02-25SLS Gliwice 2017PolandGliwice
142016-12-09~11Polish Championship 2016PolandWarsaw
132016-12-03GLS Cup Final 2016PolandGdańsk
122016-10-23WLS Jesień 2016PolandWarszawa
112016-10-08Elektryk Cube Race 2016PolandOpole
102016-09-03GLS Cup IV 2016PolandGdańsk
92016-07-15~17Euro 2016Czech RepublicPrague
82016-06-04~05Łódź Cubing Summer 2016PolandŁódź
72016-05-08WLS Wiosna 2016PolandWarszawa
62016-04-30Speed Day Lublin 2016PolandLublin
52015-12-05~06Santa Claus Cube Race 2015PolandDąbrowa Górnicza
42015-10-09~11Polish Championship 2015PolandGdańsk
32015-07-18~19ŚLS Sosnowiec 2015PolandSosnowiec
22015-06-27~28Radomsko Cube Theory 2015PolandRadomsko
12015-06-06~07SLS Rybnik 2015PolandRybnik

Seen Cubers
