Personal Page

Rohan Srivastava

Name: Rohan Srivastava
Region: India
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Rohan Srivastava2015SRIV01
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.01.17 - 2017.02.26
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube52863507510047022.0029.6011386339152618619/20
2x2x2 Cube5577297721010688.1412.3010435630856580814/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Delhi Open 2017First round67 22.00 29.60
37.59     27.86     DNF       22.00     23.35
Delhi Autumn Open 2015First round63 23.64 30.11
23.64     28.60     28.38     33.34     42.72
MathSoc Open 2015First round63 32.48 34.41
33.94     32.48     35.87     38.99     33.41
PB Smashathon 2015First round71 40.12 41.33
52.16     42.36     41.11     40.53     40.12
2x2x2 Cube
Delhi Open 2017First round58 8.14 12.30
18.23     13.24     8.14      10.72     12.95
Delhi Autumn Open 2015First round67 8.84 14.61
12.94     14.74     16.15     8.84      20.02
MathSoc Open 2015First round61 9.47 13.59
9.47      DNF       12.85     18.31     9.60
Delhi Open 2017Final9 5.22 6.83
5.22      5.34      9.70      6.75      8.39
First round9 4.25 6.63
5.63      14.44     5.41      4.25      8.85
MathSoc Open 2017First round22 7.67 10.88
10.91     7.67      11.24     11.78     10.50
Delhi Autumn Open 2015First round40 6.93 13.76
9.92      14.83     18.09     16.52     6.93
MathSoc Open 2015Second round21 10.37 13.22
16.44     22.08     10.37     10.82     12.39
First round6 6.55 7.11
7.30      6.55      7.12      7.87      6.90
PB Smashathon 2015First round33 15.15 16.82
17.61     15.15     25.26     15.46     17.38
MathSoc Open 2015First round10 12.05 15.29
DNF       12.93     13.64     19.31     12.05
PB Smashathon 2015First round24 37.07
51.86     37.07
Delhi Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round67 22.00 29.60
37.59     27.86     DNF       22.00     23.35
2x2x2 CubeFirst round58 8.14 12.30
18.23     13.24     8.14      10.72     12.95
PyraminxFinal9 5.22 6.83
5.22      5.34      9.70      6.75      8.39
First round9 4.25 6.63
5.63      14.44     5.41      4.25      8.85
MathSoc Open 2017
PyraminxFirst round22 7.67 10.88
10.91     7.67      11.24     11.78     10.50
Delhi Autumn Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round63 23.64 30.11
23.64     28.60     28.38     33.34     42.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round67 8.84 14.61
12.94     14.74     16.15     8.84      20.02
PyraminxFirst round40 6.93 13.76
9.92      14.83     18.09     16.52     6.93
MathSoc Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round63 32.48 34.41
33.94     32.48     35.87     38.99     33.41
2x2x2 CubeFirst round61 9.47 13.59
9.47      DNF       12.85     18.31     9.60
PyraminxSecond round21 10.37 13.22
16.44     22.08     10.37     10.82     12.39
First round6 6.55 7.11
7.30      6.55      7.12      7.87      6.90
SkewbFirst round10 12.05 15.29
DNF       12.93     13.64     19.31     12.05
PB Smashathon 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round71 40.12 41.33
52.16     42.36     41.11     40.53     40.12
PyraminxFirst round33 15.15 16.82
17.61     15.15     25.26     15.46     17.38
SkewbFirst round24 37.07
51.86     37.07
52017-02-25~26Delhi Open 2017IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
42017-01-21~22MathSoc Open 2017IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
32015-10-17~18Delhi Autumn Open 2015IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
22015-02-21~22MathSoc Open 2015IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
12015-01-17~18PB Smashathon 2015IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi