Personal Page

Juan Sebastián Silva Alvarez

Name: Juan Sebastián Silva Alvarez
Region: Colombia
Competitions: 18
WCA ID: Juan Sebastián Silva Alvarez2016ALVA09
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.04.16 - 2019.09.15
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube8542968778.3810.517642444771250/255
2x2x2 Cube2011320591.393.083517229481140/140
4x4x4 Cube112581785340.9448.398805655121107/107
5x5x5 Cube166854125351:46.271:54.941177479115741/43
3x3x3 Blindfolded54272845.591:00.9157332644129/63
3x3x3 Fewest Moves5434553944242.672731182395/7
3x3x3 One-Handed26151213012.8717.67328522835187/87
4x4x4 Blindfolded6204335:42.1411/8
3x3x3 Multi-Blind73963611/13 51:2623/9

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Colombia Championship Podiums

Colombia Nationals 2018
3x3x3 Blindfolded2 51.88 DNF
DNF       DNF       51.88
Pyraminx3 3.29 4.48
6.17      4.28      3.61      5.56      3.29
4x4x4 Blindfolded1 5:42.14 DNF
DNF       5:42.14   DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind3 9/11 46:11
DNF            9/11 46:11

Overall Medal Collection


Overall Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Festival Cubero WSC 2019Final5 10.04 11.29
11.82     11.18     10.04     12.54     10.86
Second round4 8.97 11.79
13.90     11.83     9.65      8.97      13.95
First round6 9.80 11.45
11.58     11.34     11.44     13.55     9.80
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019Final9 10.88 11.80
12.63     12.85     11.70     11.07     10.88
Second round11 9.88 11.78
11.49     9.88      13.65     10.96     12.90
First round6 8.38 10.61
10.06     10.27     11.68     11.50     8.38
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019Final7 10.16 11.22
11.46     10.16     11.07     11.13     12.24
Second round10 11.14 12.29
13.04     13.78     12.38     11.45     11.14
First round11 11.65 12.42
15.75     13.53     11.93     11.79     11.65
Melgar Summer 2018Final6 10.34 11.56
11.48     11.22     11.98     12.69     10.34
Second round5 9.06 10.97
10.17     12.61     12.59     9.06      10.16
First round9 10.13 12.20
12.66     12.49     11.45     13.62     10.13
Lipecun Blind 2018Final5 9.65 10.78
10.19     13.44     9.65      9.78      12.36
Second round7 10.94 11.86
12.31     13.24     10.94     11.69     11.57
First round9 11.11 12.37
11.20     13.70     12.60     13.31     11.11
Sergio Arboleda 2018Final10 10.73 12.86
DNF       11.86     13.45     13.27     10.73
Second round5 9.19 10.61
10.08     11.25     9.19      10.49     12.85
First round7 9.66 11.43
11.83     13.58     11.07     9.66      11.38
Medellín Explora 2018Final10 10.35 12.90
16.36     10.35     13.36     13.56     11.77
Second round4 10.31 11.99
13.32     10.89     14.78     11.77     10.31
First round2 8.73 11.19
11.47     11.95     10.14     13.87     8.73
Colombia Nationals 2018Final8 10.26 11.88
12.36     10.26     10.32     12.96     14.42
Semi Final3 9.14 10.51
13.87     10.60     11.15     9.78      9.14
Second round10 11.07 12.22
11.07     12.49     11.20     12.97     18.08
First round22 11.63 13.68
15.50     11.63     12.90     12.65     DNF
Bogotá Winter Cube 2018Final3 9.34 10.67
10.77     11.79     9.34      9.92      11.32
Second round9 12.17 13.65
12.17     13.71     12.86     14.37     15.29
First round7 12.28 13.51
14.59     12.56     14.68     12.28     13.38
Medellín Explora 2017Final5 10.25 12.27
12.70     15.62     10.87     13.25     10.25
Second round5 12.13 12.56
12.37     12.82     12.50     12.13     12.94
First round3 10.46 10.98
10.46     11.21     10.50     11.22     14.02
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Final8 13.20 15.03
15.65     15.27     15.58     13.20     14.25
Second round8 11.34 13.58
13.95     18.91     12.36     14.42     11.34
First round7 9.91 13.09
DNF       9.91      11.01     15.05     13.21
Torneo Tadeo Summer 2017Second round15 10.31 13.82
13.02     17.16     11.28     10.31     DNF
First round22 12.10 15.94
14.34     DNF       12.10     19.11     14.38
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017Semi Final19 12.52 13.36
15.48     13.86     13.49     12.52     12.74
Second round13 11.47 12.37
12.54     12.96     11.61     13.51     11.47
First round16 11.41 12.70
14.96     12.33     13.67     11.41     12.10
Tadeo 2017Final30 11.41 16.15
16.12     17.40     14.93     23.67     11.41
First round18 11.02 14.72
13.96     12.92     17.27     11.02     25.43
GeniusCube 2016Semi Final15 12.20 14.09
15.02     22.64     12.40     14.85     12.20
Second round14 13.23 13.49
13.29     13.34     13.85     15.33     13.23
First round16 11.37 13.83
13.07     11.37     13.26     18.01     15.17
Centro Suba II 2016Second round29 13.34 16.49
14.80     14.45     28.17     13.34     20.21
First round28 14.90 15.67
14.98     15.91     14.90     16.13     17.06
Torneo Nacional Colombia 2016Semi Final27 12.40 14.78
17.02     13.29     14.64     12.40     16.41
Second round38 12.56 17.51
21.89     19.76     12.56     15.88     16.90
First round45 14.93 18.00
19.47     14.93     16.83     20.51     17.69
Torneo Centro Suba 2016Second round18 15.41 18.12
22.96     17.40     17.20     19.76     15.41
First round21 16.76 17.83
19.69     16.76     17.41     18.80     17.27
2x2x2 Cube
Festival Cubero WSC 2019Final7 3.22 4.78
5.00      8.24      3.22      3.62      5.73
Second round5 1.39 4.41
3.39      6.40      5.73      1.39      4.11
First round1 1.80 3.31
2.94      3.93      1.80      3.05      7.18
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019Final7 3.19 4.12
4.25      3.42      3.19      4.69      4.73
First round6 2.64 3.87
3.86      3.46      6.24      2.64      4.28
Melgar Summer 2018Final5 3.33 3.48
3.33      3.74      3.58      3.41      3.46
First round2 2.76 3.52
3.30      4.27      7.09      2.76      2.98
Lipecun Blind 2018Final9 4.41 5.32
4.97      4.41      5.41      5.57      5.86
First round3 2.12 3.62
4.50      4.00      2.12      4.23      2.64
Sergio Arboleda 2018Final5 3.38 3.91
3.69      4.15      3.38      4.13      3.90
Medellín Explora 2018Final2 2.66 3.45
5.07      2.66      3.80      3.24      3.30
Second round2 2.48 3.08
2.48      4.62      2.97      3.68      2.58
First round4 2.78 3.74
5.72      2.78      3.39      3.99      3.85
Colombia Nationals 2018Final7 2.74 3.83
4.88      4.16      4.07      3.26      2.74
Second round6 2.59 3.32
4.14      2.59      3.29      3.20      3.47
First round14 3.72 4.48
5.67      5.87      4.02      3.72      3.75
Medellín Explora 2017Final6 2.73 4.04
4.81      4.53      2.78      2.73      5.84
Second round6 3.01 5.09
4.65      5.21      5.72      3.01      5.41
First round9 4.42 4.76
4.63      4.42      4.58      5.06      5.08
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Final9 4.25 5.65
4.94      7.49      4.25      5.41      6.59
First round4 3.91 4.17
5.49      4.23      3.91      3.99      4.28
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017Final15 2.99 4.29
5.14      3.71      4.22      2.99      4.93
Second round13 2.25 4.50
2.25      6.45      4.37      5.78      3.34
First round28 3.99 5.34
3.99      5.70      5.82      4.50      6.64
GeniusCube 2016Second round11 4.03 4.40
4.09      5.85      4.62      4.49      4.03
First round24 3.43 5.62
7.93      3.43      5.42      6.80      4.64
Torneo Nacional Colombia 2016First round53 4.37 7.80
7.84      4.37      9.47      10.25     6.10
Torneo Centro Suba 2016First round26 2.98 7.25
9.11      2.98      7.33      10.01     5.30
4x4x4 Cube
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019First round24 50.60 59.87
1:04.04   55.98     50.60     1:00.62   1:03.01
Melgar Summer 2018First round10 46.33 52.88
47.58     54.26     56.79     46.33     57.20
Lipecun Blind 2018First round10 42.18 50.91
1:33.31   58.87     51.41     42.18     42.45
Sergio Arboleda 2018Final13 46.49 52.21
46.49     48.31     58.03     50.28     1:03.19
Medellín Explora 2018Final17 50.15 57.07
55.93     1:04.16   1:02.92   50.15     52.36
First round14 47.75 56.55
47.75     52.84     1:10.14   56.30     1:00.50
Colombia Nationals 2018First round22 53.30 55.06
55.15     54.69     53.30     55.35     56.73
Bogotá Winter Cube 2018Final9 46.63 52.92
58.91     1:00.52   50.55     46.63     49.30
Second round9 45.78 54.13
50.27     57.22     54.89     1:02.23   45.78
First round8 52.28 53.13
1:01.00   53.63     53.45     52.28     52.31
Medellín Explora 2017Final11 42.61 56.37
56.94     57.78     42.61     1:04.27   54.40
First round8 42.26 49.36
42.26     1:05.06   48.19     54.46     45.43
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Final8 51.18 57.72
59.34     1:05.08   56.34     57.47     51.18
First round7 40.94 48.39
40.94     53.53     50.86     48.61     45.70
Torneo Tadeo Summer 2017First round15 47.08 54.85
49.60     57.33     47.08     57.62     1:09.21
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017Final18 47.04 53.12
1:16.77   48.30     51.33     59.74     47.04
First round24 54.24 56.12
54.24     57.25     56.07     58.56     55.05
Tadeo 2017Final19 47.23 58.70
47.23     1:04.93   1:06.84   56.11     55.05
GeniusCube 2016First round19 52.97 1:00.12
1:05.96   1:21.22   55.31     52.97     59.08
Centro Suba II 2016First round27 1:03.77 1:06.55
1:08.09   1:06.31   1:08.67   1:03.77   1:05.26
Torneo Nacional Colombia 2016First round42 1:19.28
1:19.28   1:25.99
Torneo Centro Suba 2016Final20 1:06.43 1:21.44
1:48.50   1:16.42   1:31.16   1:16.74   1:06.43
5x5x5 Cube
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019First round20 1:46.27 1:58.63
1:46.27   1:59.65   2:01.22   2:06.44   1:55.03
Melgar Summer 2018First round14 1:47.81 1:58.12
1:54.38   1:57.20   2:06.46   2:02.77   1:47.81
Medellín Explora 2018First round14 1:48.60 1:54.94
1:48.87   2:40.75   1:56.01   1:48.60   1:59.95
Colombia Nationals 2018First round34 2:05.50
2:25.29   2:05.50
Bogotá Winter Cube 2018First round10 2:01.86 2:24.65
2:01.86   2:32.16   2:25.24   2:16.56   DNS
Medellín Explora 2017Final13 1:48.19 1:55.86
2:05.18   1:55.63   1:49.55   1:48.19   2:02.40
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Final12 1:52.91 2:10.55
1:57.71   2:12.46   1:52.91   DNF       2:21.49
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017First round26 1:56.25 2:05.89
2:04.64   2:12.33   2:17.70   1:56.25   2:00.70
GeniusCube 2016First round22 2:03.37 2:15.16
2:20.62   2:24.77   2:03.37   2:14.22   2:10.63
Torneo Nacional Colombia 2016First round36 3:23.22
DNF       3:23.22
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019Final2 54.54 DNF
1:18.11   54.54     DNF
Melgar Summer 2018Final1 1:02.33 DNF
DNF       1:02.33   DNF
Lipecun Blind 2018Final6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round1 48.05 DNF
1:01.93   DNF       48.05
Medellín Explora 2018Final2 45.59 DNF
53.36     45.59     DNF
First round2 57.83 DNF
DNF       57.83     DNF
Colombia Nationals 2018Final2 51.88 DNF
DNF       DNF       51.88
First round3 1:04.19 DNF
DNF       1:04.19   DNF
Bogotá Winter Cube 2018Final2 57.96 DNF
DNF       DNF       57.96
First round2 51.06 1:00.91
51.06     57.11     1:14.55
Medellín Explora 2017Final1 54.87 DNF
54.87     DNF       DNF
First round1 1:21.19 DNF
DNF       1:21.19   DNF
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Final1 47.86 DNF
47.86     51.65     DNF
First round2 54.44 DNF
DNF       54.44     DNF
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017Final3 1:40.50 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:40.50
Second round2 1:18.39 DNF
1:18.39   DNF       1:38.35
First round2 1:29.43 1:38.51
1:29.43   1:47.35   1:38.74
Tadeo 2017Final1 1:37.09 2:02.37
2:28.10   1:37.09   2:01.93
GeniusCube 2016First round11 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Centro Suba II 2016Final6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round7 3:42.15 DNF
3:42.15   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Medellín Explora 2018Final8 44
Colombia Nationals 2018Final6 42 42.67
43        42        43
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017Final17 45 DNF
DNF       45        DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019Final7 19.50 20.75
34.26     21.31     19.50     21.13     19.80
Melgar Summer 2018First round11 19.05 22.37
23.47     21.73     21.90     19.05     24.22
Medellín Explora 2018Final3 16.96 19.79
18.68     24.04     20.17     16.96     20.53
First round1 12.87 17.67
14.89     12.87     24.61     19.92     18.19
Colombia Nationals 2018Second round10 16.38 23.62
16.38     22.86     17.99     30.02     35.45
First round7 17.69 20.79
28.89     20.16     21.47     17.69     20.73
Bogotá Winter Cube 2018Final7 20.13 22.89
21.68     23.15     20.13     23.83     25.15
First round5 18.08 20.10
27.30     18.74     21.46     20.11     18.08
Medellín Explora 2017Final4 19.11 22.27
24.18     25.63     19.11     20.46     22.16
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017First round11 18.40 24.66
28.14     25.05     30.15     18.40     20.78
Torneo Tadeo Summer 2017First round12 21.77 24.62
25.61     22.55     25.71     21.77     25.84
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017Second round22 22.78 26.90
24.01     29.50     31.87     27.20     22.78
First round22 22.34 25.39
22.34     29.39     27.74     24.95     23.48
Tadeo 2017Final16 25.43 26.37
26.22     25.43     25.71     31.00     27.18
GeniusCube 2016Second round14 22.25 23.85
26.24     26.79     22.25     22.55     22.75
First round15 18.56 24.82
26.15     18.56     23.99     29.20     24.31
Centro Suba II 2016First round21 24.75 30.04
24.75     27.02     35.14     32.97     30.13
Torneo Nacional Colombia 2016First round36 35.66
51.76     35.66
Melgar Summer 2018First round22 DNF
DNF       DNS
Festival Cubero WSC 2019Final1 2.50 3.10
3.00      3.59      2.50      2.92      3.37
Second round2 2.72 3.96
2.72      5.09      5.15      3.89      2.91
First round2 3.19 3.95
3.19      3.75      4.66      3.43      7.30
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019Final1 2.33 3.06
3.31      2.33      5.28      3.37      2.51
Second round1 3.04 4.02
4.11      4.59      3.04      4.51      3.44
First round1 3.38 3.97
4.19      3.38      4.40      3.86      3.85
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019Final1 2.76 3.71
4.61      2.76      DNF       2.94      3.57
First round1 2.97 3.75
3.12      6.83      4.24      2.97      3.89
Melgar Summer 2018Final1 3.64 4.36
4.13      3.64      4.81      5.81      4.14
Lipecun Blind 2018Final2 3.17 4.59
3.17      4.39      5.23      5.62      4.16
Second round2 2.93 4.11
4.99      4.66      3.81      3.87      2.93
First round1 2.86 3.65
5.34      3.08      4.06      3.82      2.86
Sergio Arboleda 2018Final2 3.01 3.59
3.01      3.57      4.10      4.44      3.09
First round1 2.99 3.72
3.47      3.52      2.99      4.16      5.18
Medellín Explora 2018Final1 3.22 3.57
3.48      3.80      3.67      3.56      3.22
Second round1 3.25 3.84
3.25      12.20     3.32      4.61      3.59
First round2 2.48 4.25
8.09      6.45      2.48      3.31      3.00
Colombia Nationals 2018Final3 3.29 4.48
6.17      4.28      3.61      5.56      3.29
Second round3 2.39 4.84
4.61      17.63     5.81      4.10      2.39
First round1 2.53NR 3.15
3.77      3.65      2.53      3.04      2.77
Bogotá Winter Cube 2018Final1 3.37 4.17
3.74      3.37      5.46      4.01      4.75
Second round1 3.67 4.26
3.67      4.02      4.49      4.48      4.29
First round2 3.25 4.54
4.59      4.54      7.66      4.50      3.25
Medellín Explora 2017Final1 2.74 3.97
3.81      2.74      4.05      4.04      4.49
First round2 3.22 4.57
5.75      3.27      6.11      4.70      3.22
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Final2 3.22 4.62
3.22      7.08      4.66      4.94      4.27
Second round2 3.77 4.78
3.94      5.77      4.63      7.19      3.77
First round2 3.21 5.39
4.56      3.21      5.72      10.28     5.90
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017Final2 3.23 3.89
3.28      4.87      3.23      4.22      4.17
First round5 4.38 6.19
4.38      6.87      5.29      8.20      6.41
GeniusCube 2016First round43 8.44 14.65
32.46     8.44      19.24     13.14     11.58
Festival Cubero WSC 2019Second round10 8.15 10.29
10.06     11.07     8.15      13.09     9.74
First round11 6.61 10.14
7.86      6.61      11.41     11.16     21.15
Melgar Summer 2018First round21 10.61 14.66
11.46     24.80     10.61     12.02     20.51
Lipecun Blind 2018Final14 7.53 9.50
DNF       12.87     7.71      7.53      7.93
Sergio Arboleda 2018First round17 7.47 9.75
9.09      19.16     12.44     7.47      7.72
Medellín Explora 2018Second round18 7.99 9.81
7.99      9.91      10.83     10.60     8.92
First round17 6.55 10.00
9.85      16.69     8.52      6.55      11.64
Colombia Nationals 2018First round31 6.56 10.26
7.27      11.27     12.24     6.56      20.05
Medellín Explora 2017Final11 7.26 14.50
7.26      18.51     17.73     12.59     13.19
First round12 7.77 8.38
9.02      8.05      7.77      9.99      8.08
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Final12 8.60 12.98
DNF       13.09     8.60      11.46     14.38
First round11 7.21 9.40
7.21      16.10     9.48      9.68      9.04
Torneo Tadeo Summer 2017First round25 8.16 11.81
9.59      13.68     13.33     8.16      12.51
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017First round49 11.88 13.56
27.65     12.15     13.60     14.94     11.88
4x4x4 Blindfolded
Lipecun Blind 2018Final5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Colombia Nationals 2018Final1 5:42.14 DNF
DNF       5:42.14   DNF
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017Final2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded
Lipecun Blind 2018Final2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Colombia Nationals 2018Final2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Lipecun Blind 2018Final3 11/13 51:26
10/13 48:20    11/13 51:26
Medellín Explora 2018Final4 DNF
Colombia Nationals 2018Final3 9/11 46:11
DNF            9/11 46:11
Medellín Explora 2017Final7 DNF
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Final4 DNF
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017Final9 DNF
DNF            DNF
Festival Cubero WSC 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 10.04 11.29
11.82     11.18     10.04     12.54     10.86
Second round4 8.97 11.79
13.90     11.83     9.65      8.97      13.95
First round6 9.80 11.45
11.58     11.34     11.44     13.55     9.80
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.22 4.78
5.00      8.24      3.22      3.62      5.73
Second round5 1.39 4.41
3.39      6.40      5.73      1.39      4.11
First round1 1.80 3.31
2.94      3.93      1.80      3.05      7.18
PyraminxFinal1 2.50 3.10
3.00      3.59      2.50      2.92      3.37
Second round2 2.72 3.96
2.72      5.09      5.15      3.89      2.91
First round2 3.19 3.95
3.19      3.75      4.66      3.43      7.30
SkewbSecond round10 8.15 10.29
10.06     11.07     8.15      13.09     9.74
First round11 6.61 10.14
7.86      6.61      11.41     11.16     21.15
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 10.88 11.80
12.63     12.85     11.70     11.07     10.88
Second round11 9.88 11.78
11.49     9.88      13.65     10.96     12.90
First round6 8.38 10.61
10.06     10.27     11.68     11.50     8.38
5x5x5 CubeFirst round20 1:46.27 1:58.63
1:46.27   1:59.65   2:01.22   2:06.44   1:55.03
PyraminxFinal1 2.33 3.06
3.31      2.33      5.28      3.37      2.51
Second round1 3.04 4.02
4.11      4.59      3.04      4.51      3.44
First round1 3.38 3.97
4.19      3.38      4.40      3.86      3.85
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 10.16 11.22
11.46     10.16     11.07     11.13     12.24
Second round10 11.14 12.29
13.04     13.78     12.38     11.45     11.14
First round11 11.65 12.42
15.75     13.53     11.93     11.79     11.65
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.19 4.12
4.25      3.42      3.19      4.69      4.73
First round6 2.64 3.87
3.86      3.46      6.24      2.64      4.28
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 50.60 59.87
1:04.04   55.98     50.60     1:00.62   1:03.01
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 54.54 DNF
1:18.11   54.54     DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 19.50 20.75
34.26     21.31     19.50     21.13     19.80
PyraminxFinal1 2.76 3.71
4.61      2.76      DNF       2.94      3.57
First round1 2.97 3.75
3.12      6.83      4.24      2.97      3.89
Melgar Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 10.34 11.56
11.48     11.22     11.98     12.69     10.34
Second round5 9.06 10.97
10.17     12.61     12.59     9.06      10.16
First round9 10.13 12.20
12.66     12.49     11.45     13.62     10.13
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.33 3.48
3.33      3.74      3.58      3.41      3.46
First round2 2.76 3.52
3.30      4.27      7.09      2.76      2.98
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 46.33 52.88
47.58     54.26     56.79     46.33     57.20
5x5x5 CubeFirst round14 1:47.81 1:58.12
1:54.38   1:57.20   2:06.46   2:02.77   1:47.81
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal1 1:02.33 DNF
DNF       1:02.33   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round11 19.05 22.37
23.47     21.73     21.90     19.05     24.22
MegaminxFirst round22 DNF
DNF       DNS
PyraminxFinal1 3.64 4.36
4.13      3.64      4.81      5.81      4.14
SkewbFirst round21 10.61 14.66
11.46     24.80     10.61     12.02     20.51
Lipecun Blind 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 9.65 10.78
10.19     13.44     9.65      9.78      12.36
Second round7 10.94 11.86
12.31     13.24     10.94     11.69     11.57
First round9 11.11 12.37
11.20     13.70     12.60     13.31     11.11
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 4.41 5.32
4.97      4.41      5.41      5.57      5.86
First round3 2.12 3.62
4.50      4.00      2.12      4.23      2.64
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 42.18 50.91
1:33.31   58.87     51.41     42.18     42.45
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round1 48.05 DNF
1:01.93   DNF       48.05
PyraminxFinal2 3.17 4.59
3.17      4.39      5.23      5.62      4.16
Second round2 2.93 4.11
4.99      4.66      3.81      3.87      2.93
First round1 2.86 3.65
5.34      3.08      4.06      3.82      2.86
SkewbFinal14 7.53 9.50
DNF       12.87     7.71      7.53      7.93
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
5x5x5 BlindfoldedFinal2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal3 11/13 51:26
10/13 48:20    11/13 51:26
Sergio Arboleda 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 10.73 12.86
DNF       11.86     13.45     13.27     10.73
Second round5 9.19 10.61
10.08     11.25     9.19      10.49     12.85
First round7 9.66 11.43
11.83     13.58     11.07     9.66      11.38
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.38 3.91
3.69      4.15      3.38      4.13      3.90
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 46.49 52.21
46.49     48.31     58.03     50.28     1:03.19
PyraminxFinal2 3.01 3.59
3.01      3.57      4.10      4.44      3.09
First round1 2.99 3.72
3.47      3.52      2.99      4.16      5.18
SkewbFirst round17 7.47 9.75
9.09      19.16     12.44     7.47      7.72
Medellín Explora 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 10.35 12.90
16.36     10.35     13.36     13.56     11.77
Second round4 10.31 11.99
13.32     10.89     14.78     11.77     10.31
First round2 8.73 11.19
11.47     11.95     10.14     13.87     8.73
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.66 3.45
5.07      2.66      3.80      3.24      3.30
Second round2 2.48 3.08
2.48      4.62      2.97      3.68      2.58
First round4 2.78 3.74
5.72      2.78      3.39      3.99      3.85
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 50.15 57.07
55.93     1:04.16   1:02.92   50.15     52.36
First round14 47.75 56.55
47.75     52.84     1:10.14   56.30     1:00.50
5x5x5 CubeFirst round14 1:48.60 1:54.94
1:48.87   2:40.75   1:56.01   1:48.60   1:59.95
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 45.59 DNF
53.36     45.59     DNF
First round2 57.83 DNF
DNF       57.83     DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal8 44
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 16.96 19.79
18.68     24.04     20.17     16.96     20.53
First round1 12.87 17.67
14.89     12.87     24.61     19.92     18.19
PyraminxFinal1 3.22 3.57
3.48      3.80      3.67      3.56      3.22
Second round1 3.25 3.84
3.25      12.20     3.32      4.61      3.59
First round2 2.48 4.25
8.09      6.45      2.48      3.31      3.00
SkewbSecond round18 7.99 9.81
7.99      9.91      10.83     10.60     8.92
First round17 6.55 10.00
9.85      16.69     8.52      6.55      11.64
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal4 DNF
Colombia Nationals 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 10.26 11.88
12.36     10.26     10.32     12.96     14.42
Semi Final3 9.14 10.51
13.87     10.60     11.15     9.78      9.14
Second round10 11.07 12.22
11.07     12.49     11.20     12.97     18.08
First round22 11.63 13.68
15.50     11.63     12.90     12.65     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.74 3.83
4.88      4.16      4.07      3.26      2.74
Second round6 2.59 3.32
4.14      2.59      3.29      3.20      3.47
First round14 3.72 4.48
5.67      5.87      4.02      3.72      3.75
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 53.30 55.06
55.15     54.69     53.30     55.35     56.73
5x5x5 CubeFirst round34 2:05.50
2:25.29   2:05.50
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 51.88 DNF
DNF       DNF       51.88
First round3 1:04.19 DNF
DNF       1:04.19   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal6 42 42.67
43        42        43
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round10 16.38 23.62
16.38     22.86     17.99     30.02     35.45
First round7 17.69 20.79
28.89     20.16     21.47     17.69     20.73
PyraminxFinal3 3.29 4.48
6.17      4.28      3.61      5.56      3.29
Second round3 2.39 4.84
4.61      17.63     5.81      4.10      2.39
First round1 2.53NR 3.15
3.77      3.65      2.53      3.04      2.77
SkewbFirst round31 6.56 10.26
7.27      11.27     12.24     6.56      20.05
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal1 5:42.14 DNF
DNF       5:42.14   DNF
5x5x5 BlindfoldedFinal2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal3 9/11 46:11
DNF            9/11 46:11
Bogotá Winter Cube 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 9.34 10.67
10.77     11.79     9.34      9.92      11.32
Second round9 12.17 13.65
12.17     13.71     12.86     14.37     15.29
First round7 12.28 13.51
14.59     12.56     14.68     12.28     13.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 46.63 52.92
58.91     1:00.52   50.55     46.63     49.30
Second round9 45.78 54.13
50.27     57.22     54.89     1:02.23   45.78
First round8 52.28 53.13
1:01.00   53.63     53.45     52.28     52.31
5x5x5 CubeFirst round10 2:01.86 2:24.65
2:01.86   2:32.16   2:25.24   2:16.56   DNS
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 57.96 DNF
DNF       DNF       57.96
First round2 51.06 1:00.91
51.06     57.11     1:14.55
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 20.13 22.89
21.68     23.15     20.13     23.83     25.15
First round5 18.08 20.10
27.30     18.74     21.46     20.11     18.08
PyraminxFinal1 3.37 4.17
3.74      3.37      5.46      4.01      4.75
Second round1 3.67 4.26
3.67      4.02      4.49      4.48      4.29
First round2 3.25 4.54
4.59      4.54      7.66      4.50      3.25
Medellín Explora 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 10.25 12.27
12.70     15.62     10.87     13.25     10.25
Second round5 12.13 12.56
12.37     12.82     12.50     12.13     12.94
First round3 10.46 10.98
10.46     11.21     10.50     11.22     14.02
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 2.73 4.04
4.81      4.53      2.78      2.73      5.84
Second round6 3.01 5.09
4.65      5.21      5.72      3.01      5.41
First round9 4.42 4.76
4.63      4.42      4.58      5.06      5.08
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 42.61 56.37
56.94     57.78     42.61     1:04.27   54.40
First round8 42.26 49.36
42.26     1:05.06   48.19     54.46     45.43
5x5x5 CubeFinal13 1:48.19 1:55.86
2:05.18   1:55.63   1:49.55   1:48.19   2:02.40
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal1 54.87 DNF
54.87     DNF       DNF
First round1 1:21.19 DNF
DNF       1:21.19   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 19.11 22.27
24.18     25.63     19.11     20.46     22.16
PyraminxFinal1 2.74 3.97
3.81      2.74      4.05      4.04      4.49
First round2 3.22 4.57
5.75      3.27      6.11      4.70      3.22
SkewbFinal11 7.26 14.50
7.26      18.51     17.73     12.59     13.19
First round12 7.77 8.38
9.02      8.05      7.77      9.99      8.08
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal7 DNF
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 13.20 15.03
15.65     15.27     15.58     13.20     14.25
Second round8 11.34 13.58
13.95     18.91     12.36     14.42     11.34
First round7 9.91 13.09
DNF       9.91      11.01     15.05     13.21
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 4.25 5.65
4.94      7.49      4.25      5.41      6.59
First round4 3.91 4.17
5.49      4.23      3.91      3.99      4.28
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 51.18 57.72
59.34     1:05.08   56.34     57.47     51.18
First round7 40.94 48.39
40.94     53.53     50.86     48.61     45.70
5x5x5 CubeFinal12 1:52.91 2:10.55
1:57.71   2:12.46   1:52.91   DNF       2:21.49
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal1 47.86 DNF
47.86     51.65     DNF
First round2 54.44 DNF
DNF       54.44     DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round11 18.40 24.66
28.14     25.05     30.15     18.40     20.78
PyraminxFinal2 3.22 4.62
3.22      7.08      4.66      4.94      4.27
Second round2 3.77 4.78
3.94      5.77      4.63      7.19      3.77
First round2 3.21 5.39
4.56      3.21      5.72      10.28     5.90
SkewbFinal12 8.60 12.98
DNF       13.09     8.60      11.46     14.38
First round11 7.21 9.40
7.21      16.10     9.48      9.68      9.04
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal4 DNF
Torneo Tadeo Summer 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 10.31 13.82
13.02     17.16     11.28     10.31     DNF
First round22 12.10 15.94
14.34     DNF       12.10     19.11     14.38
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 47.08 54.85
49.60     57.33     47.08     57.62     1:09.21
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round12 21.77 24.62
25.61     22.55     25.71     21.77     25.84
SkewbFirst round25 8.16 11.81
9.59      13.68     13.33     8.16      12.51
Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final19 12.52 13.36
15.48     13.86     13.49     12.52     12.74
Second round13 11.47 12.37
12.54     12.96     11.61     13.51     11.47
First round16 11.41 12.70
14.96     12.33     13.67     11.41     12.10
2x2x2 CubeFinal15 2.99 4.29
5.14      3.71      4.22      2.99      4.93
Second round13 2.25 4.50
2.25      6.45      4.37      5.78      3.34
First round28 3.99 5.34
3.99      5.70      5.82      4.50      6.64
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 47.04 53.12
1:16.77   48.30     51.33     59.74     47.04
First round24 54.24 56.12
54.24     57.25     56.07     58.56     55.05
5x5x5 CubeFirst round26 1:56.25 2:05.89
2:04.64   2:12.33   2:17.70   1:56.25   2:00.70
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 1:40.50 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:40.50
Second round2 1:18.39 DNF
1:18.39   DNF       1:38.35
First round2 1:29.43 1:38.51
1:29.43   1:47.35   1:38.74
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal17 45 DNF
DNF       45        DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round22 22.78 26.90
24.01     29.50     31.87     27.20     22.78
First round22 22.34 25.39
22.34     29.39     27.74     24.95     23.48
PyraminxFinal2 3.23 3.89
3.28      4.87      3.23      4.22      4.17
First round5 4.38 6.19
4.38      6.87      5.29      8.20      6.41
SkewbFirst round49 11.88 13.56
27.65     12.15     13.60     14.94     11.88
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal9 DNF
DNF            DNF
Tadeo 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal30 11.41 16.15
16.12     17.40     14.93     23.67     11.41
First round18 11.02 14.72
13.96     12.92     17.27     11.02     25.43
4x4x4 CubeFinal19 47.23 58.70
47.23     1:04.93   1:06.84   56.11     55.05
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal1 1:37.09 2:02.37
2:28.10   1:37.09   2:01.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal16 25.43 26.37
26.22     25.43     25.71     31.00     27.18
GeniusCube 2016
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final15 12.20 14.09
15.02     22.64     12.40     14.85     12.20
Second round14 13.23 13.49
13.29     13.34     13.85     15.33     13.23
First round16 11.37 13.83
13.07     11.37     13.26     18.01     15.17
2x2x2 CubeSecond round11 4.03 4.40
4.09      5.85      4.62      4.49      4.03
First round24 3.43 5.62
7.93      3.43      5.42      6.80      4.64
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 52.97 1:00.12
1:05.96   1:21.22   55.31     52.97     59.08
5x5x5 CubeFirst round22 2:03.37 2:15.16
2:20.62   2:24.77   2:03.37   2:14.22   2:10.63
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round11 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round14 22.25 23.85
26.24     26.79     22.25     22.55     22.75
First round15 18.56 24.82
26.15     18.56     23.99     29.20     24.31
PyraminxFirst round43 8.44 14.65
32.46     8.44      19.24     13.14     11.58
Centro Suba II 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 13.34 16.49
14.80     14.45     28.17     13.34     20.21
First round28 14.90 15.67
14.98     15.91     14.90     16.13     17.06
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 1:03.77 1:06.55
1:08.09   1:06.31   1:08.67   1:03.77   1:05.26
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round7 3:42.15 DNF
3:42.15   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 24.75 30.04
24.75     27.02     35.14     32.97     30.13
Torneo Nacional Colombia 2016
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final27 12.40 14.78
17.02     13.29     14.64     12.40     16.41
Second round38 12.56 17.51
21.89     19.76     12.56     15.88     16.90
First round45 14.93 18.00
19.47     14.93     16.83     20.51     17.69
2x2x2 CubeFirst round53 4.37 7.80
7.84      4.37      9.47      10.25     6.10
4x4x4 CubeFirst round42 1:19.28
1:19.28   1:25.99
5x5x5 CubeFirst round36 3:23.22
DNF       3:23.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round36 35.66
51.76     35.66
Torneo Centro Suba 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 15.41 18.12
22.96     17.40     17.20     19.76     15.41
First round21 16.76 17.83
19.69     16.76     17.41     18.80     17.27
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 2.98 7.25
9.11      2.98      7.33      10.01     5.30
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 1:06.43 1:21.44
1:48.50   1:16.42   1:31.16   1:16.74   1:06.43

History of National Records

 NR 3.15Colombia Nationals 2018First round
3.77      3.65      2.53      3.04      2.77
182019-09-14~15Festival Cubero WSC 2019ColombiaBogotá D.C.
172019-08-18~19Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019ColombiaBogotá D.C.
162019-02-02~03Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019ColombiaBogotá
152018-12-01~02Melgar Summer 2018ColombiaMelgar, Tolima
142018-10-27~28Lipecun Blind 2018ColombiaSoacha, Cundinamarca
132018-09-15Sergio Arboleda 2018ColombiaBogotá
122018-08-18~20Medellín Explora 2018ColombiaMedellín
112018-07-20~22Colombia Nationals 2018ColombiaBogotá
102018-03-10~11Bogotá Winter Cube 2018ColombiaBogotá
92017-12-09~10Medellín Explora 2017ColombiaMedellín, Antioquia
82017-09-23~24Bucaramanga Cultural 2017ColombiaBucaramanga
72017-08-26Torneo Tadeo Summer 2017ColombiaBogotá
62017-05-27~29Nacionales de SpeedCubing 2017ColombiaChía, Cundinamarca
52017-02-04Tadeo 2017ColombiaBogotá D.C.
42016-11-05~07GeniusCube 2016ColombiaBogotá
32016-07-23~24Centro Suba II 2016ColombiaBogotá
22016-05-07~09Torneo Nacional Colombia 2016ColombiaChía, Cundinamarca
12016-04-16Torneo Centro Suba 2016ColombiaBogotá D.C.