Personal Page

Dmitri Arterchuk

Name: Dmitri Arterchuk
Region: Belarus
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Dmitri Arterchuk2016ARTE02
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.08.06 - 2018.07.29
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube293613135159.6911.881389636633139/40
2x2x2 Cube22259973752.123.94978331612425/25
4x4x4 Cube2329501026943.8951.281094830722924/25
5x5x5 Cube23272591591:33.801:41.18845824841910/10
3x3x3 Blindfolded593227491:48.7214/6
3x3x3 Fewest Moves4321635383421/1
3x3x3 One-Handed181645607016.4020.36608816311930/30
3x3x3 Multi-Blind11101325993/4 30:4211/1

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Welcome to Brest 2018Final6 9.69 11.88
12.73     13.67     12.19     9.69      10.73
Second round12 10.56 13.00
13.89     10.56     13.92     11.92     13.20
First round10 11.87 12.33
12.66     11.93     13.28     12.41     11.87
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final8 13.15 13.44
13.15     15.20     13.30     13.86     13.17
Second round10 12.55 14.85
16.04     12.55     13.77     14.74     17.45
First round6 11.14 13.34
DNF       12.14     11.14     15.76     12.13
Full Steps in Brest 2016Second round26 16.59 20.62
20.03     16.59     20.77     21.07     21.54
First round28 20.29 21.08
20.67     21.13     27.98     20.29     21.44
2x2x2 Cube
Welcome to Brest 2018First round19 3.33 5.76
3.59      13.44     9.89      3.33      3.79
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final5 3.31 5.16
4.71      3.98      6.80      3.31      9.47
First round3 2.12 3.94
2.20      5.69      4.20      2.12      5.42
Full Steps in Brest 2016Second round18 3.97 5.70
3.97      6.64      5.77      6.51      4.83
First round19 5.31 6.72
12.92     6.81      7.13      6.21      5.31
4x4x4 Cube
Welcome to Brest 2018Final9 45.74 51.51
53.99     45.74     46.95     53.60     56.54
First round9 43.89 51.28
52.84     53.93     43.89     49.24     51.75
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final9 53.54 1:09.79
1:04.94   53.54     DNF       55.14     1:29.28
First round6 52.89 55.49
52.89     55.23     58.23     58.86     53.01
Full Steps in Brest 2016First round24 1:26.17 1:38.79
1:43.58   1:26.17   1:33.24   1:39.56   1:56.29
5x5x5 Cube
Welcome to Brest 2018Final8 1:36.06 1:41.18
1:37.50   1:36.06   1:42.23   1:43.82   1:50.31
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final5 1:33.80 1:54.62
1:33.80   1:52.74   2:12.66   1:47.90   2:03.22
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Welcome to Brest 2018Final4 2:11.97 DNF
DNF       2:17.84   2:11.97
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final2 1:48.72 DNF
2:30.78   DNF       1:48.72
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Welcome to Brest 2018Final10 42
3x3x3 One-Handed
Welcome to Brest 2018Final10 20.74 24.84
23.77     28.33     22.43     20.74     36.07
First round9 16.40 20.36
20.32     22.85     21.25     19.50     16.40
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final4 22.20 25.03
24.07     22.20     37.31     26.64     24.38
First round5 23.87 24.69
27.74     25.58     24.45     24.03     23.87
Full Steps in Brest 2016Second round16 25.86 34.11
38.25     1:25.51   25.86     30.50     33.57
First round18 27.65 33.30
33.25     27.65     36.11     37.12     30.54
Welcome to Brest 2018Final8 13.64 18.97
DNF       21.15     17.93     17.84     13.64
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final11 DNF
DNF       DNF
Welcome to Brest 2018Final6 1:12.94 1:29.73
1:33.37   1:28.25   1:34.16   1:27.58   1:12.94
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final3 1:39.98 1:49.63
1:49.96   1:53.75   1:57.77   1:39.98   1:45.19
Welcome to Brest 2018Final5 3.69 5.75
5.25      5.93      6.61      6.07      3.69
First round8 3.22 6.04
5.96      3.22      5.72      12.39     6.45
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final6 6.52 8.92
9.50      10.40     6.52      7.09      10.17
First round4 6.60 6.88
7.00      6.89      11.61     6.60      6.76
Full Steps in Brest 2016Final11 5.95 10.23
5.95      13.77     10.38     7.96      12.35
Second round9 6.39 7.98
8.48      7.68      6.39      8.56      7.79
First round14 8.74 9.73
12.41     11.06     9.36      8.78      8.74
Welcome to Brest 2018First round15 4.16 10.26
DNF       7.86      11.31     11.60     4.16
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017Final5 6.79 9.78
7.47      11.59     10.90     10.98     6.79
First round5 6.51 7.81
14.60     7.58      6.80      9.06      6.51
Welcome to Brest 2018Final6 32.33 35.05
32.67     58.41     37.93     32.33     34.54
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Welcome to Brest 2018Final2 3/4 30:42
3/4 30:42
Welcome to Brest 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 9.69 11.88
12.73     13.67     12.19     9.69      10.73
Second round12 10.56 13.00
13.89     10.56     13.92     11.92     13.20
First round10 11.87 12.33
12.66     11.93     13.28     12.41     11.87
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 3.33 5.76
3.59      13.44     9.89      3.33      3.79
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 45.74 51.51
53.99     45.74     46.95     53.60     56.54
First round9 43.89 51.28
52.84     53.93     43.89     49.24     51.75
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 1:36.06 1:41.18
1:37.50   1:36.06   1:42.23   1:43.82   1:50.31
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:11.97 DNF
DNF       2:17.84   2:11.97
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal10 42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 20.74 24.84
23.77     28.33     22.43     20.74     36.07
First round9 16.40 20.36
20.32     22.85     21.25     19.50     16.40
ClockFinal8 13.64 18.97
DNF       21.15     17.93     17.84     13.64
MegaminxFinal6 1:12.94 1:29.73
1:33.37   1:28.25   1:34.16   1:27.58   1:12.94
PyraminxFinal5 3.69 5.75
5.25      5.93      6.61      6.07      3.69
First round8 3.22 6.04
5.96      3.22      5.72      12.39     6.45
SkewbFirst round15 4.16 10.26
DNF       7.86      11.31     11.60     4.16
Square-1Final6 32.33 35.05
32.67     58.41     37.93     32.33     34.54
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal2 3/4 30:42
3/4 30:42
150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 13.15 13.44
13.15     15.20     13.30     13.86     13.17
Second round10 12.55 14.85
16.04     12.55     13.77     14.74     17.45
First round6 11.14 13.34
DNF       12.14     11.14     15.76     12.13
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.31 5.16
4.71      3.98      6.80      3.31      9.47
First round3 2.12 3.94
2.20      5.69      4.20      2.12      5.42
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 53.54 1:09.79
1:04.94   53.54     DNF       55.14     1:29.28
First round6 52.89 55.49
52.89     55.23     58.23     58.86     53.01
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:33.80 1:54.62
1:33.80   1:52.74   2:12.66   1:47.90   2:03.22
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 1:48.72 DNF
2:30.78   DNF       1:48.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 22.20 25.03
24.07     22.20     37.31     26.64     24.38
First round5 23.87 24.69
27.74     25.58     24.45     24.03     23.87
ClockFinal11 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFinal3 1:39.98 1:49.63
1:49.96   1:53.75   1:57.77   1:39.98   1:45.19
PyraminxFinal6 6.52 8.92
9.50      10.40     6.52      7.09      10.17
First round4 6.60 6.88
7.00      6.89      11.61     6.60      6.76
SkewbFinal5 6.79 9.78
7.47      11.59     10.90     10.98     6.79
First round5 6.51 7.81
14.60     7.58      6.80      9.06      6.51
Full Steps in Brest 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 16.59 20.62
20.03     16.59     20.77     21.07     21.54
First round28 20.29 21.08
20.67     21.13     27.98     20.29     21.44
2x2x2 CubeSecond round18 3.97 5.70
3.97      6.64      5.77      6.51      4.83
First round19 5.31 6.72
12.92     6.81      7.13      6.21      5.31
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 1:26.17 1:38.79
1:43.58   1:26.17   1:33.24   1:39.56   1:56.29
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round16 25.86 34.11
38.25     1:25.51   25.86     30.50     33.57
First round18 27.65 33.30
33.25     27.65     36.11     37.12     30.54
PyraminxFinal11 5.95 10.23
5.95      13.77     10.38     7.96      12.35
Second round9 6.39 7.98
8.48      7.68      6.39      8.56      7.79
First round14 8.74 9.73
12.41     11.06     9.36      8.78      8.74
32018-07-28~29Welcome to Brest 2018BelarusBrest
22017-07-22~23150 Cube Meeting in Brest 2017BelarusBrest
12016-08-06~07Full Steps in Brest 2016BelarusBrest