Personal Page

Marius Bernatavičius

Name: Marius Bernatavičius
Region: Lithuania
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Marius Bernatavičius2016BERN16
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.09.17 - 2017.08.13
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube96182727462317.2217.8655494136527830/30
2x2x2 Cube10419337685295.366.1344295126067030/30
4x4x4 Cube10419338649542:26.151/2
3x3x3 One-Handed61105564022739.1655.974251211124704/7

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Lithuanian Open 2017Second round13 19.35 19.93
19.35     19.36     22.52     19.61     20.83
First round13 17.22 17.86
17.22     18.74     18.13     18.15     17.31
Vilnius Open 2017Second round12 18.14 19.34
21.02     18.51     18.14     22.65     18.49
First round14 19.14 21.01
19.14     21.21     24.56     21.59     20.24
Vilnius Open 2016Second round15 19.82 26.28
42.69     31.05     20.75     19.82     27.04
First round14 20.94 25.16
20.94     25.35     24.36     25.77     33.66
2x2x2 Cube
Lithuanian Open 2017First round17 5.36 7.79
9.93      9.99      7.44      6.00      5.36
Vilnius Open 2017Final8 5.60 7.11
6.99      8.41      7.45      6.89      5.60
Second round8 5.50 6.65
6.91      9.12      5.50      5.77      7.26
First round6 5.54 6.13
6.36      5.54      6.13      15.30     5.90
Vilnius Open 2016Second round13 6.69 7.95
6.69      7.01      8.66      8.18      16.99
First round13 5.89 8.60
9.14      7.32      12.47     5.89      9.33
4x4x4 Cube
Vilnius Open 2017First round18 2:26.15
2:26.15   DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Lithuanian Open 2017First round18 DNF
DNF       DNF
Vilnius Open 2017First round13 39.16 55.97
54.33     39.16     1:02.57   51.01     DNF
Lithuanian Open 2017Final7 7.81 10.74
15.43     9.40      7.81      10.26     12.56
Vilnius Open 2017Final8 10.61 16.64
12.07     19.51     18.35     10.61     DNF
First round6 7.68 11.32
11.21     10.22     15.27     7.68      12.52
Vilnius Open 2016First round11 9.31 12.57
15.11     13.03     9.58      9.31      DNF
Lithuanian Open 2017Final14 11.55 15.50
24.22     16.09     14.39     11.55     16.03
Vilnius Open 2017Final10 14.52 17.60
14.52     17.54     18.44     17.21     18.04
Lithuanian Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 19.35 19.93
19.35     19.36     22.52     19.61     20.83
First round13 17.22 17.86
17.22     18.74     18.13     18.15     17.31
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 5.36 7.79
9.93      9.99      7.44      6.00      5.36
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal7 7.81 10.74
15.43     9.40      7.81      10.26     12.56
SkewbFinal14 11.55 15.50
24.22     16.09     14.39     11.55     16.03
Vilnius Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 18.14 19.34
21.02     18.51     18.14     22.65     18.49
First round14 19.14 21.01
19.14     21.21     24.56     21.59     20.24
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 5.60 7.11
6.99      8.41      7.45      6.89      5.60
Second round8 5.50 6.65
6.91      9.12      5.50      5.77      7.26
First round6 5.54 6.13
6.36      5.54      6.13      15.30     5.90
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 2:26.15
2:26.15   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 39.16 55.97
54.33     39.16     1:02.57   51.01     DNF
PyraminxFinal8 10.61 16.64
12.07     19.51     18.35     10.61     DNF
First round6 7.68 11.32
11.21     10.22     15.27     7.68      12.52
SkewbFinal10 14.52 17.60
14.52     17.54     18.44     17.21     18.04
Vilnius Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 19.82 26.28
42.69     31.05     20.75     19.82     27.04
First round14 20.94 25.16
20.94     25.35     24.36     25.77     33.66
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 6.69 7.95
6.69      7.01      8.66      8.18      16.99
First round13 5.89 8.60
9.14      7.32      12.47     5.89      9.33
PyraminxFirst round11 9.31 12.57
15.11     13.03     9.58      9.31      DNF
32017-08-12~13Lithuanian Open 2017LithuaniaAlytus
22017-02-11~12Vilnius Open 2017LithuaniaVilnius
12016-09-17~18Vilnius Open 2016LithuaniaVilnius