Personal Page

Giuseppe Pio La Castellana

Name: Giuseppe Pio La Castellana
Region: Italy
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Giuseppe Pio La Castellana2016CAST50
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.12.18 - 2019.05.05
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube40173612871811.6415.83412021023554045/45
2x2x2 Cube4789999323603.575.1727667818440435/35
4x4x4 Cube4558661307581:06.921:13.2027865785441417/17
5x5x5 Cube3857670246982:43.964/4
3x3x3 One-Handed603127304763648.744/7

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Etna Open 2019Second round28 15.59 17.95
16.82     18.14     19.73     15.59     18.88
First round22 15.09 15.83
17.07     15.26     15.09     15.15     19.30
Etna Open 2018Second round30 15.74 19.73
20.55     25.99     20.27     15.74     18.37
First round20 14.13 15.97
15.53     32.65     18.01     14.37     14.13
Almost Rome Open 2017Second round13 18.63 19.60
20.69     20.40     19.56     18.63     18.84
First round12 18.81 19.73
18.86     19.71     21.81     18.81     20.61
Etna Open 2016Final10 18.36 19.18
18.36     19.58     18.91     22.38     19.05
Second round10 11.64 18.93
24.40     19.17     11.64     16.05     21.56
First round14 18.94 21.65
18.94     20.91     24.08     19.97     25.96
2x2x2 Cube
Etna Open 2019Second round24 4.72 6.37
6.69      8.51      6.29      4.72      6.13
First round22 4.37 6.45
7.85      6.40      5.09      9.98      4.37
Etna Open 2018Second round14 3.57 5.17
5.43      3.57      8.23      5.34      4.75
First round19 5.09 6.21
5.63      6.49      6.52      5.09      6.93
Almost Rome Open 2017Second round10 4.80 5.77
7.08      4.91      5.34      7.06      4.80
First round9 5.22 5.99
6.16      5.22      6.56      6.41      5.39
Etna Open 2016First round13 7.56 8.73
9.84      18.40     7.56      7.88      8.47
4x4x4 Cube
Etna Open 2019First round31 1:07.83 1:15.21
1:10.28   1:16.27   1:19.08   1:07.83   1:21.20
Etna Open 2018First round19 1:06.92 1:13.20
1:17.60   1:14.88   1:10.17   1:14.55   1:06.92
Almost Rome Open 2017First round10 1:23.61 1:37.53
1:36.77   1:23.61   1:37.21   1:38.61   2:04.11
Etna Open 2016Final16 2:11.40
3:15.68   2:11.40
5x5x5 Cube
Etna Open 2019First round30 3:06.02
3:18.42   3:06.02
Etna Open 2018First round20 2:43.96
3:25.89   2:43.96
3x3x3 One-Handed
Etna Open 2018First round20 48.74
48.74     DNF
Almost Rome Open 2017First round12 58.55 DNF
59.75     58.55     1:04.08   DNF       DNF
Etna Open 2019Final17 45.99
45.99     50.24
Etna Open 2018Final17 3:22.34
DNF       3:22.34
Etna Open 2019First round30 9.65 15.58
14.59     19.60     9.65      15.97     16.19
Etna Open 2018Final10 6.22 11.90
15.64     12.40     13.48     6.22      9.83
First round11 7.93 10.15
8.79      7.93      11.15     10.51     14.81
Almost Rome Open 2017Final8 13.02 15.56
23.69     13.02     16.72     13.43     16.53
Second round6 10.03 10.96
10.91     10.44     10.03     12.58     11.53
First round12 11.56 15.35
16.90     17.90     15.80     13.34     11.56
Etna Open 2016Final9 9.10 14.83
13.33     16.31     9.10      14.84     28.40
Etna Open 2019First round14 7.07 12.65
13.32     16.48     7.07      9.30      15.34
Etna Open 2018Final11 11.13 14.53
11.13     15.19     13.00     16.86     15.41
First round7 8.81 11.92
11.72     12.05     13.77     11.99     8.81
Etna Open 2016Final6 8.90 14.19
15.09     14.28     8.90      13.21     22.41
Etna Open 2019Final13 1:10.66
1:10.66   1:18.27
Etna Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 15.59 17.95
16.82     18.14     19.73     15.59     18.88
First round22 15.09 15.83
17.07     15.26     15.09     15.15     19.30
2x2x2 CubeSecond round24 4.72 6.37
6.69      8.51      6.29      4.72      6.13
First round22 4.37 6.45
7.85      6.40      5.09      9.98      4.37
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 1:07.83 1:15.21
1:10.28   1:16.27   1:19.08   1:07.83   1:21.20
5x5x5 CubeFirst round30 3:06.02
3:18.42   3:06.02
ClockFinal17 45.99
45.99     50.24
PyraminxFirst round30 9.65 15.58
14.59     19.60     9.65      15.97     16.19
SkewbFirst round14 7.07 12.65
13.32     16.48     7.07      9.30      15.34
Square-1Final13 1:10.66
1:10.66   1:18.27
Etna Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 15.74 19.73
20.55     25.99     20.27     15.74     18.37
First round20 14.13 15.97
15.53     32.65     18.01     14.37     14.13
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 3.57 5.17
5.43      3.57      8.23      5.34      4.75
First round19 5.09 6.21
5.63      6.49      6.52      5.09      6.93
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 1:06.92 1:13.20
1:17.60   1:14.88   1:10.17   1:14.55   1:06.92
5x5x5 CubeFirst round20 2:43.96
3:25.89   2:43.96
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round20 48.74
48.74     DNF
MegaminxFinal17 3:22.34
DNF       3:22.34
PyraminxFinal10 6.22 11.90
15.64     12.40     13.48     6.22      9.83
First round11 7.93 10.15
8.79      7.93      11.15     10.51     14.81
SkewbFinal11 11.13 14.53
11.13     15.19     13.00     16.86     15.41
First round7 8.81 11.92
11.72     12.05     13.77     11.99     8.81
Almost Rome Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 18.63 19.60
20.69     20.40     19.56     18.63     18.84
First round12 18.81 19.73
18.86     19.71     21.81     18.81     20.61
2x2x2 CubeSecond round10 4.80 5.77
7.08      4.91      5.34      7.06      4.80
First round9 5.22 5.99
6.16      5.22      6.56      6.41      5.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 1:23.61 1:37.53
1:36.77   1:23.61   1:37.21   1:38.61   2:04.11
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round12 58.55 DNF
59.75     58.55     1:04.08   DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal8 13.02 15.56
23.69     13.02     16.72     13.43     16.53
Second round6 10.03 10.96
10.91     10.44     10.03     12.58     11.53
First round12 11.56 15.35
16.90     17.90     15.80     13.34     11.56
Etna Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 18.36 19.18
18.36     19.58     18.91     22.38     19.05
Second round10 11.64 18.93
24.40     19.17     11.64     16.05     21.56
First round14 18.94 21.65
18.94     20.91     24.08     19.97     25.96
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 7.56 8.73
9.84      18.40     7.56      7.88      8.47
4x4x4 CubeFinal16 2:11.40
3:15.68   2:11.40
PyraminxFinal9 9.10 14.83
13.33     16.31     9.10      14.84     28.40
SkewbFinal6 8.90 14.19
15.09     14.28     8.90      13.21     22.41
42019-05-04~05Etna Open 2019ItalyCatania
32018-01-13~14Etna Open 2018ItalyCatania
22017-03-26Almost Rome Open 2017ItalyNepi
12016-12-18Etna Open 2016ItalyMisterbianco, Catania