Personal Page

Xingqi Chen (陈星奇)

Xingqi Chen (陈星奇)
Name: Xingqi Chen (陈星奇)
Region: China
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Xingqi Chen (陈星奇)2016CHEX02
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.10.01 - 2024.12.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube18045489153859.8510.437816279193563/65
2x2x2 Cube325116751681.833.869608260078449/50
4x4x4 Cube3371078313933.5635.36172359218835/35
5x5x5 Cube91373108857.101:00.868042716020/20
6x6x6 Cube454132343532:46.032:57.62432313154533/3
7x7x7 Cube479123339074:18.124:31.97377611834683/3
3x3x3 One-Handed10422944798217.4320.046062226381025/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Zhengzhou Open 2024Second round57 10.08 11.43
11.47     11.12     11.71     10.08     15.63
First round53 9.85 10.43
10.04     9.85      11.29     9.96      11.78
Weihai Open 2019Second round28 11.83 13.49
11.83     14.69     12.46     15.13     13.33
First round28 12.04 13.32
12.27     12.04     16.73     13.35     14.35
Shenyang Summer 2018Second round26 11.65 12.83
13.29     11.65     12.82     16.26     12.38
First round29 11.63 13.27
11.63     13.28     14.73     15.65     11.80
Weihai Open 2018Second round24 10.85 13.70
15.08     12.23     13.80     15.21     10.85
First round28 12.85 14.83
14.80     14.21     15.48     12.85     15.94
China Championship 2017Second round153 13.25 13.66
13.25     13.65     17.21     14.06     13.27
First round158 11.80 13.82
12.73     21.68     14.37     11.80     14.37
Weihai Open 2017Second round24 12.82 16.73
15.41     16.72     18.06     27.28     12.82
First round23 15.66 16.76
15.66     17.25     17.07     15.97     17.56
Asian Championship 2016First round880 14.56 DNF
DNF       18.72     14.56     16.97     DNF
2x2x2 Cube
Weihai Open 2019First round20 2.93 4.55
5.53      4.93      4.25      4.47      2.93
Shenyang Summer 2018Final17 1.83 4.77
3.49      4.24      6.57      6.77      1.83
First round14 4.31 4.46
4.31      5.85      4.66      4.40      4.33
Weihai Open 2018Final7 2.47 4.47
6.39      3.75      4.16      2.47      5.50
Second round5 3.27 3.86
3.27      3.74      4.27      3.57      5.07
First round15 4.04 5.01
4.04      4.82      5.39      5.59      4.81
China Championship 2017First round196 5.36 6.06
5.36      6.42      5.52      8.83      6.23
Weihai Open 2017First round41 5.71 7.31
DNF       5.90      9.40      6.63      5.71
Asian Championship 2016Second round122 5.66 6.19
6.09      5.89      6.84      5.66      6.58
First round115 4.47 5.37
5.92      5.65      7.08      4.55      4.47
4x4x4 Cube
Zhengzhou Open 2024First round31 33.56 35.36
34.19     33.56     34.92     41.22     36.97
Weihai Open 2019Final10 43.57 45.07
44.72     55.54     46.53     43.96     43.57
First round10 38.39 42.79
38.39     42.59     44.69     55.40     41.08
Shenyang Summer 2018Final12 43.71 45.37
44.77     43.71     44.20     52.98     47.13
Weihai Open 2018First round17 46.76 54.87
55.30     51.54     46.76     59.68     57.77
China Championship 2017First round140 52.94 1:01.66
1:00.28   58.23     1:15.35   1:06.46   52.94
Weihai Open 2017Final9 56.13 59.19
56.56     1:04.19   56.13     58.81     1:02.21
5x5x5 Cube
Zhengzhou Open 2024Final11 57.10 1:00.86
57.17     1:05.38   57.10     1:00.02   1:10.81
Weihai Open 2019Final9 1:21.76 1:25.00
1:21.76   1:33.43   1:23.09   1:23.37   1:28.53
Shenyang Summer 2018Final19 1:39.10 1:47.07
1:52.96   1:55.99   1:39.10   1:45.00   1:43.24
Weihai Open 2018First round11 1:33.07 1:45.03
1:49.30   1:45.01   1:55.43   1:33.07   1:40.79
6x6x6 Cube
Weihai Open 2019Final13 2:46.03 2:57.62
2:56.91   2:46.03   3:09.91
7x7x7 Cube
Weihai Open 2019Final15 4:18.12 4:31.97
4:18.12   4:49.64   4:28.16
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Weihai Open 2019Final21 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Weihai Open 2019First round14 20.57 21.88
21.58     21.08     22.97     20.57     29.20
Shenyang Summer 2018Final11 17.84 20.04
20.13     18.63     21.36     23.69     17.84
Weihai Open 2018First round14 17.43 22.94
23.08     22.16     27.80     23.57     17.43
China Championship 2017First round93 18.36 24.20
23.77     30.44     18.36     27.65     21.17
Weihai Open 2017First round13 24.07 27.48
26.54     28.34     24.07     30.35     27.57
Weihai Open 2019Final14 15.43 16.50
16.77     15.43     20.36     16.04     16.70
Zhengzhou Open 2024First round21 56.89 1:04.88
1:08.28   1:17.27   57.39     56.89     1:08.97
Weihai Open 2019Final6 1:03.74 1:13.19
1:10.83   1:03.74   1:17.83   1:24.70   1:10.90
Shenyang Summer 2018Final14 1:16.41 1:27.35
1:25.09   1:16.41   DNF       1:24.85   1:32.12
Weihai Open 2018Final4 1:01.62 1:10.96
1:13.45   1:20.09   1:08.59   1:10.85   1:01.62
First round4 1:09.10 1:18.45
1:18.36   1:14.03   1:31.03   1:22.97   1:09.10
Weihai Open 2019First round32 6.57 8.92
9.77      8.47      6.57      10.01     8.52
Shenyang Summer 2018First round31 5.73 9.03
11.16     9.08      7.48      5.73      10.52
Weihai Open 2018First round13 5.66 7.82
5.95      5.66      7.67      12.09     9.85
China Championship 2017Second round99 6.09 8.59
9.49      6.09      7.50      9.26      9.01
First round81 6.50 7.67
6.50      8.02      6.84      8.15      11.98
Weihai Open 2017First round17 8.03 8.84
8.59      9.01      8.93      9.51      8.03
Asian Championship 2016Second round115 7.68 10.18
9.69      10.42     10.43     13.00     7.68
First round139 8.85 10.26
8.92      12.91     DNF       8.95      8.85
Weihai Open 2019Final2 3.76 4.98
7.86      3.76      5.18      5.76      4.01
First round5 3.40 6.48
7.53      3.40      DNF       4.88      7.03
Shenyang Summer 2018Final10 4.92 6.30
6.17      7.43      6.21      6.53      4.92
Weihai Open 2018Final2 5.32 6.61
9.83      5.63      8.88      5.32      5.32
First round1 4.86 5.28
6.64      4.86      5.53      4.89      5.43
China Championship 2017Second round38 5.55 6.47
5.55      6.22      8.70      7.50      5.68
First round23 4.76 6.12
6.42      7.80      5.04      4.76      6.89
Asian Championship 2016Second round46 6.53 7.95
9.50      8.38      7.77      7.71      6.53
First round47 6.79 8.82
6.79      7.09      9.12      10.25     11.30
Weihai Open 2019Final9 28.16 29.73
28.16     32.26     37.26     28.32     28.61
Weihai Open 2018First round9 43.42
43.42     53.52
Zhengzhou Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round57 10.08 11.43
11.47     11.12     11.71     10.08     15.63
First round53 9.85 10.43
10.04     9.85      11.29     9.96      11.78
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 33.56 35.36
34.19     33.56     34.92     41.22     36.97
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 57.10 1:00.86
57.17     1:05.38   57.10     1:00.02   1:10.81
MegaminxFirst round21 56.89 1:04.88
1:08.28   1:17.27   57.39     56.89     1:08.97
Weihai Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 11.83 13.49
11.83     14.69     12.46     15.13     13.33
First round28 12.04 13.32
12.27     12.04     16.73     13.35     14.35
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 2.93 4.55
5.53      4.93      4.25      4.47      2.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 43.57 45.07
44.72     55.54     46.53     43.96     43.57
First round10 38.39 42.79
38.39     42.59     44.69     55.40     41.08
5x5x5 CubeFinal9 1:21.76 1:25.00
1:21.76   1:33.43   1:23.09   1:23.37   1:28.53
6x6x6 CubeFinal13 2:46.03 2:57.62
2:56.91   2:46.03   3:09.91
7x7x7 CubeFinal15 4:18.12 4:31.97
4:18.12   4:49.64   4:28.16
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal21 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round14 20.57 21.88
21.58     21.08     22.97     20.57     29.20
ClockFinal14 15.43 16.50
16.77     15.43     20.36     16.04     16.70
MegaminxFinal6 1:03.74 1:13.19
1:10.83   1:03.74   1:17.83   1:24.70   1:10.90
PyraminxFirst round32 6.57 8.92
9.77      8.47      6.57      10.01     8.52
SkewbFinal2 3.76 4.98
7.86      3.76      5.18      5.76      4.01
First round5 3.40 6.48
7.53      3.40      DNF       4.88      7.03
Square-1Final9 28.16 29.73
28.16     32.26     37.26     28.32     28.61
Shenyang Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 11.65 12.83
13.29     11.65     12.82     16.26     12.38
First round29 11.63 13.27
11.63     13.28     14.73     15.65     11.80
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 1.83 4.77
3.49      4.24      6.57      6.77      1.83
First round14 4.31 4.46
4.31      5.85      4.66      4.40      4.33
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 43.71 45.37
44.77     43.71     44.20     52.98     47.13
5x5x5 CubeFinal19 1:39.10 1:47.07
1:52.96   1:55.99   1:39.10   1:45.00   1:43.24
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 17.84 20.04
20.13     18.63     21.36     23.69     17.84
MegaminxFinal14 1:16.41 1:27.35
1:25.09   1:16.41   DNF       1:24.85   1:32.12
PyraminxFirst round31 5.73 9.03
11.16     9.08      7.48      5.73      10.52
SkewbFinal10 4.92 6.30
6.17      7.43      6.21      6.53      4.92
Weihai Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 10.85 13.70
15.08     12.23     13.80     15.21     10.85
First round28 12.85 14.83
14.80     14.21     15.48     12.85     15.94
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.47 4.47
6.39      3.75      4.16      2.47      5.50
Second round5 3.27 3.86
3.27      3.74      4.27      3.57      5.07
First round15 4.04 5.01
4.04      4.82      5.39      5.59      4.81
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 46.76 54.87
55.30     51.54     46.76     59.68     57.77
5x5x5 CubeFirst round11 1:33.07 1:45.03
1:49.30   1:45.01   1:55.43   1:33.07   1:40.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round14 17.43 22.94
23.08     22.16     27.80     23.57     17.43
MegaminxFinal4 1:01.62 1:10.96
1:13.45   1:20.09   1:08.59   1:10.85   1:01.62
First round4 1:09.10 1:18.45
1:18.36   1:14.03   1:31.03   1:22.97   1:09.10
PyraminxFirst round13 5.66 7.82
5.95      5.66      7.67      12.09     9.85
SkewbFinal2 5.32 6.61
9.83      5.63      8.88      5.32      5.32
First round1 4.86 5.28
6.64      4.86      5.53      4.89      5.43
Square-1First round9 43.42
43.42     53.52
China Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round153 13.25 13.66
13.25     13.65     17.21     14.06     13.27
First round158 11.80 13.82
12.73     21.68     14.37     11.80     14.37
2x2x2 CubeFirst round196 5.36 6.06
5.36      6.42      5.52      8.83      6.23
4x4x4 CubeFirst round140 52.94 1:01.66
1:00.28   58.23     1:15.35   1:06.46   52.94
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round93 18.36 24.20
23.77     30.44     18.36     27.65     21.17
PyraminxSecond round99 6.09 8.59
9.49      6.09      7.50      9.26      9.01
First round81 6.50 7.67
6.50      8.02      6.84      8.15      11.98
SkewbSecond round38 5.55 6.47
5.55      6.22      8.70      7.50      5.68
First round23 4.76 6.12
6.42      7.80      5.04      4.76      6.89
Weihai Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 12.82 16.73
15.41     16.72     18.06     27.28     12.82
First round23 15.66 16.76
15.66     17.25     17.07     15.97     17.56
2x2x2 CubeFirst round41 5.71 7.31
DNF       5.90      9.40      6.63      5.71
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 56.13 59.19
56.56     1:04.19   56.13     58.81     1:02.21
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 24.07 27.48
26.54     28.34     24.07     30.35     27.57
PyraminxFirst round17 8.03 8.84
8.59      9.01      8.93      9.51      8.03
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round880 14.56 DNF
DNF       18.72     14.56     16.97     DNF
2x2x2 CubeSecond round122 5.66 6.19
6.09      5.89      6.84      5.66      6.58
First round115 4.47 5.37
5.92      5.65      7.08      4.55      4.47
PyraminxSecond round115 7.68 10.18
9.69      10.42     10.43     13.00     7.68
First round139 8.85 10.26
8.92      12.91     DNF       8.95      8.85
SkewbSecond round46 6.53 7.95
9.50      8.38      7.77      7.71      6.53
First round47 6.79 8.82
6.79      7.09      9.12      10.25     11.30
72024-12-08Zhengzhou Open 2024ChinaZhengzhou, Henan
62019-04-06~07Weihai Open 2019ChinaWeihai, Shandong
52018-08-05Shenyang Summer 2018ChinaShenyang, Liaoning
42018-05-12~13Weihai Open 2018ChinaWeihai, Shandong
32017-07-28~30China Championship 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
22017-04-30Weihai Open 2017ChinaWeihai, Shandong
12016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing