Personal Page

Gastón Chornobroff

Name: Gastón Chornobroff
Region: Argentina
Competitions: 12
WCA ID: Gastón Chornobroff2016CHOR02
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.03.24 - 2019.12.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube45464017607617.3722.2183596700550193/95
2x2x2 Cube3734883623855.046.9959055433833469/70
4x4x4 Cube2422887363741:14.691:30.1236199290125427/28
5x5x5 Cube1801884273483:03.537/10
6x6x6 Cube808781430618:25.001/1
3x3x3 Fewest Moves525067448471/2
3x3x3 One-Handed39443985192856.837/8

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Nacionales Argentinas 2019First round35 19.62 23.35
24.05     22.20     23.81     25.05     19.62
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019Second round23 21.56 23.20
23.19     21.56     24.59     24.13     22.27
First round22 17.37 22.21
21.31     21.40     17.37     26.86     23.93
VCP Invierno 2018Second round26 18.96 23.17
20.63     18.96     27.08     24.75     24.14
First round26 22.80 23.25
23.31     DNF       23.20     22.80     23.24
Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017Second round23 20.52 25.22
30.52     22.87     22.28     31.27     20.52
First round25 21.62 24.79
21.62     24.02     24.95     25.41     28.07
LatAm Tour - Montevideo 2017Second round34 21.92 24.52
27.05     30.98     23.80     22.71     21.92
First round40 20.99 27.11
24.35     27.71     29.26     20.99     31.30
Santa Fe Autumn 2017First round27 21.18 26.49
28.20     24.48     26.79     30.56     21.18
Sanlo 2017First round45 24.56 26.35
31.96     26.44     27.08     24.56     25.54
Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017Second round39 25.63 27.79
25.87     35.94     25.63     27.16     30.33
First round44 24.63 28.52
27.11     29.66     28.79     31.46     24.63
DST Verano 2017Second round32 24.40 29.46
29.56     29.13     DNF       24.40     29.68
First round35 24.71 28.68
24.71     46.39     29.83     24.82     31.38
Santa Fe Open 2016First round20 22.03 28.66
24.26     30.81     33.47     30.90     22.03
La Plata Open 2016Second round35 27.93 31.06
34.88     27.93     29.59     28.72     37.47
First round37 29.65 32.97
30.64     29.65     29.76     38.75     38.50
Classic San Lorenzo Open 2016First round50 32.26 38.05
44.43     36.52     32.26     41.58     36.05
2x2x2 Cube
Nacionales Argentinas 2019First round27 5.64 7.85
7.29      8.15      10.27     8.10      5.64
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019First round17 6.44 7.50
10.30     6.68      8.84      6.44      6.98
VCP Invierno 2018First round29 8.43 9.71
9.27      8.43      10.71     10.30     9.55
Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017First round18 5.04 6.99
7.50      8.79      5.04      7.08      6.38
LatAm Tour - Montevideo 2017First round29 8.22 8.88
9.01      8.89      8.74      8.22      9.49
Santa Fe Autumn 2017First round21 8.86 9.80
8.86      9.13      10.58     11.26     9.68
Sanlo 2017First round33 6.75 8.09
6.75      10.00     7.15      9.09      8.02
Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017Second round24 7.00 8.51
7.26      9.36      8.90      9.96      7.00
First round32 6.69 8.80
8.84      6.69      12.03     7.65      9.92
DST Verano 2017First round31 7.26 9.76
10.53     10.14     7.26      12.55     8.62
Santa Fe Open 2016Second round14 8.93 10.12
13.34     8.93      9.67      10.06     10.63
First round14 7.56 9.63
10.20     7.56      8.52      10.17     12.03
La Plata Open 2016First round28 9.42 11.12
DNF       9.42      12.22     11.25     9.88
Classic San Lorenzo Open 2016First round41 9.17 12.00
12.36     12.72     9.17      11.26     12.38
4x4x4 Cube
Nacionales Argentinas 2019First round23 1:33.39
1:33.39   1:40.52
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019First round15 1:14.69 1:30.12
1:22.87   1:53.13   1:46.57   1:14.69   1:20.91
VCP Invierno 2018Final22 1:28.12 1:37.65
1:36.18   1:39.93   1:39.25   1:28.12   1:37.51
Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017Final20 1:40.23
1:40.23   DNF
Santa Fe Autumn 2017Final18 1:58.98
1:58.98   2:04.12
Sanlo 2017First round35 1:53.40
2:06.51   1:53.40
Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017First round32 1:49.12
1:49.12   2:06.98
DST Verano 2017First round29 1:59.52
2:09.09   1:59.52
Santa Fe Open 2016Final17 2:33.21
2:33.21   2:56.23
La Plata Open 2016First round27 2:46.00
2:46.00   2:49.25
Classic San Lorenzo Open 2016First round36 3:26.15
3:29.78   3:26.15
5x5x5 Cube
Nacionales Argentinas 2019Final19 3:08.66
3:08.66   3:25.88
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019Final12 3:03.53
3:23.14   3:03.53
VCP Invierno 2018Final21 3:47.40
3:47.40   DNF
LatAm Tour - Montevideo 2017Final19 DNF
DNF       DNF
La Plata Open 2016Final11 4:53.18
5:30.52   4:53.18
6x6x6 Cube
La Plata Open 2016Final8 18:25.00
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019Final3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Sanlo 2017Final6 DNF
Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017Final4 47
3x3x3 One-Handed
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019First round22 1:03.29
1:03.29   DNF
VCP Invierno 2018Final24 56.83
58.84     56.83
Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017Final21 1:00.64
1:00.64   1:03.72
Santa Fe Autumn 2017Final25 1:12.62
1:18.76   1:12.62
Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017Final12 1:25.30
1:32.72   1:25.30
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019Final11 DNF
DNF       DNF
Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017Final13 3:46.42
4:08.53   3:46.42
DST Verano 2017First round17 4:39.02
5:23.95   4:39.02
Nacionales Argentinas 2019First round34 13.64 20.78
14.94     13.64     14.13     33.27     DNF
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019First round17 13.19 17.83
19.58     17.33     22.24     13.19     16.59
VCP Invierno 2018Final19 12.96 14.93
16.21     14.83     13.75     16.34     12.96
Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017Final18 11.83 14.12
11.83     14.44     13.84     26.71     14.08
Santa Fe Autumn 2017Final17 9.94 13.58
13.60     10.53     21.65     9.94      16.60
Sanlo 2017First round32 10.21 14.28
13.60     15.17     10.21     14.06     16.21
Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017First round21 15.88 17.12
15.88     18.31     DNF       16.14     16.91
DST Verano 2017Final29 14.80 17.48
16.87     14.80     17.03     18.53     18.75
La Plata Open 2016First round24 15.90 31.90
38.12     38.79     27.98     15.90     29.61
Classic San Lorenzo Open 2016First round36 54.25 1:00.89
59.95     1:41.30   1:03.45   54.25     59.28
Nacionales Argentinas 2019First round21 15.32 DNF
15.32     DNS       DNS       DNS       DNS
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019Final11 12.18 14.48
DNF       12.18     14.85     15.38     13.21
Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017First round13 9.99 13.37
9.99      16.56     12.31     11.25     16.92
Santa Fe Autumn 2017First round15 8.53 13.74
13.37     18.07     13.62     14.24     8.53
Sanlo 2017First round26 13.78 23.24
24.84     18.24     26.63     13.78     29.27
Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017First round19 23.43 27.14
25.79     32.10     29.09     23.43     26.53
DST Verano 2017Final20 10.30 31.11
35.35     10.30     33.21     31.46     28.65
La Plata Open 2016First round17 34.46 42.93
42.47     46.52     47.65     39.80     34.46
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019Final10 1:35.12
1:38.33   1:35.12
VCP Invierno 2018Final17 1:19.35
DNF       1:19.35
Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017First round12 56.54
DNF       56.54
Sanlo 2017First round19 1:17.88
1:17.88   2:19.52
Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017First round16 5:21.22
7:11.94   5:21.22
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019Final1 DNF
Nacionales Argentinas 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round35 19.62 23.35
24.05     22.20     23.81     25.05     19.62
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 5.64 7.85
7.29      8.15      10.27     8.10      5.64
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 1:33.39
1:33.39   1:40.52
5x5x5 CubeFinal19 3:08.66
3:08.66   3:25.88
PyraminxFirst round34 13.64 20.78
14.94     13.64     14.13     33.27     DNF
SkewbFirst round21 15.32 DNF
15.32     DNS       DNS       DNS       DNS
Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 21.56 23.20
23.19     21.56     24.59     24.13     22.27
First round22 17.37 22.21
21.31     21.40     17.37     26.86     23.93
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 6.44 7.50
10.30     6.68      8.84      6.44      6.98
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 1:14.69 1:30.12
1:22.87   1:53.13   1:46.57   1:14.69   1:20.91
5x5x5 CubeFinal12 3:03.53
3:23.14   3:03.53
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 1:03.29
1:03.29   DNF
MegaminxFinal11 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round17 13.19 17.83
19.58     17.33     22.24     13.19     16.59
SkewbFinal11 12.18 14.48
DNF       12.18     14.85     15.38     13.21
Square-1Final10 1:35.12
1:38.33   1:35.12
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal1 DNF
VCP Invierno 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 18.96 23.17
20.63     18.96     27.08     24.75     24.14
First round26 22.80 23.25
23.31     DNF       23.20     22.80     23.24
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 8.43 9.71
9.27      8.43      10.71     10.30     9.55
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 1:28.12 1:37.65
1:36.18   1:39.93   1:39.25   1:28.12   1:37.51
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 3:47.40
3:47.40   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal24 56.83
58.84     56.83
PyraminxFinal19 12.96 14.93
16.21     14.83     13.75     16.34     12.96
Square-1Final17 1:19.35
DNF       1:19.35
Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 20.52 25.22
30.52     22.87     22.28     31.27     20.52
First round25 21.62 24.79
21.62     24.02     24.95     25.41     28.07
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 5.04 6.99
7.50      8.79      5.04      7.08      6.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 1:40.23
1:40.23   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 1:00.64
1:00.64   1:03.72
MegaminxFinal13 3:46.42
4:08.53   3:46.42
PyraminxFinal18 11.83 14.12
11.83     14.44     13.84     26.71     14.08
SkewbFirst round13 9.99 13.37
9.99      16.56     12.31     11.25     16.92
Square-1First round12 56.54
DNF       56.54
LatAm Tour - Montevideo 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 21.92 24.52
27.05     30.98     23.80     22.71     21.92
First round40 20.99 27.11
24.35     27.71     29.26     20.99     31.30
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 8.22 8.88
9.01      8.89      8.74      8.22      9.49
5x5x5 CubeFinal19 DNF
DNF       DNF
Santa Fe Autumn 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round27 21.18 26.49
28.20     24.48     26.79     30.56     21.18
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 8.86 9.80
8.86      9.13      10.58     11.26     9.68
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 1:58.98
1:58.98   2:04.12
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal25 1:12.62
1:18.76   1:12.62
PyraminxFinal17 9.94 13.58
13.60     10.53     21.65     9.94      16.60
SkewbFirst round15 8.53 13.74
13.37     18.07     13.62     14.24     8.53
Sanlo 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round45 24.56 26.35
31.96     26.44     27.08     24.56     25.54
2x2x2 CubeFirst round33 6.75 8.09
6.75      10.00     7.15      9.09      8.02
4x4x4 CubeFirst round35 1:53.40
2:06.51   1:53.40
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal6 DNF
PyraminxFirst round32 10.21 14.28
13.60     15.17     10.21     14.06     16.21
SkewbFirst round26 13.78 23.24
24.84     18.24     26.63     13.78     29.27
Square-1First round19 1:17.88
1:17.88   2:19.52
Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round39 25.63 27.79
25.87     35.94     25.63     27.16     30.33
First round44 24.63 28.52
27.11     29.66     28.79     31.46     24.63
2x2x2 CubeSecond round24 7.00 8.51
7.26      9.36      8.90      9.96      7.00
First round32 6.69 8.80
8.84      6.69      12.03     7.65      9.92
4x4x4 CubeFirst round32 1:49.12
1:49.12   2:06.98
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal4 47
ClockFinal12 1:25.30
1:32.72   1:25.30
PyraminxFirst round21 15.88 17.12
15.88     18.31     DNF       16.14     16.91
SkewbFirst round19 23.43 27.14
25.79     32.10     29.09     23.43     26.53
Square-1First round16 5:21.22
7:11.94   5:21.22
DST Verano 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 24.40 29.46
29.56     29.13     DNF       24.40     29.68
First round35 24.71 28.68
24.71     46.39     29.83     24.82     31.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 7.26 9.76
10.53     10.14     7.26      12.55     8.62
4x4x4 CubeFirst round29 1:59.52
2:09.09   1:59.52
MegaminxFirst round17 4:39.02
5:23.95   4:39.02
PyraminxFinal29 14.80 17.48
16.87     14.80     17.03     18.53     18.75
SkewbFinal20 10.30 31.11
35.35     10.30     33.21     31.46     28.65
Santa Fe Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round20 22.03 28.66
24.26     30.81     33.47     30.90     22.03
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 8.93 10.12
13.34     8.93      9.67      10.06     10.63
First round14 7.56 9.63
10.20     7.56      8.52      10.17     12.03
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 2:33.21
2:33.21   2:56.23
La Plata Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 27.93 31.06
34.88     27.93     29.59     28.72     37.47
First round37 29.65 32.97
30.64     29.65     29.76     38.75     38.50
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 9.42 11.12
DNF       9.42      12.22     11.25     9.88
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 2:46.00
2:46.00   2:49.25
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 4:53.18
5:30.52   4:53.18
6x6x6 CubeFinal8 18:25.00
PyraminxFirst round24 15.90 31.90
38.12     38.79     27.98     15.90     29.61
SkewbFirst round17 34.46 42.93
42.47     46.52     47.65     39.80     34.46
Classic San Lorenzo Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round50 32.26 38.05
44.43     36.52     32.26     41.58     36.05
2x2x2 CubeFirst round41 9.17 12.00
12.36     12.72     9.17      11.26     12.38
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 3:26.15
3:29.78   3:26.15
PyraminxFirst round36 54.25 1:00.89
59.95     1:41.30   1:03.45   54.25     59.28
122019-12-07~08Nacionales Argentinas 2019ArgentinaVilla Carlos Paz, Córdoba
112019-04-19~20Villa Carlos Paz Otoño 2019ArgentinaVilla Carlos Paz, Córdoba
102018-07-28VCP Invierno 2018ArgentinaVilla Carlos Paz, Córdoba
92017-10-15Santa Fe Cubing Spring 2017ArgentinaSanta Fe, Santa Fe
82017-06-14LatAm Tour - Montevideo 2017UruguayMontevideo
72017-05-27Santa Fe Autumn 2017ArgentinaSanta Fe, Santa Fe
62017-03-25~26Sanlo 2017ArgentinaSan Lorenzo, Santa Fe
52017-03-04~05Nacionales Uruguayas UCHI 2017UruguayMontevideo
42017-02-18~19DST Verano 2017ArgentinaTemperley, Buenos Aires
32016-12-10Santa Fe Open 2016ArgentinaSanta Fe, Santa Fe
22016-06-18~19La Plata Open 2016ArgentinaLa Plata, Buenos Aires
12016-03-24~26Classic San Lorenzo Open 2016ArgentinaSan Lorenzo, Santa Fe