Personal Page

Sebastian Guevara

Name: Sebastian Guevara
Region: Peru
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Sebastian Guevara2016GUEV01
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.04.23 - 2017.08.27
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube2371042148499.7312.0916219111824165/69
2x2x2 Cube3041515202942.935.2028300200541330/30
4x4x4 Cube32715672027853.861:00.6019466151731810/10
3x3x3 One-Handed140559733116.9519.96603746111938/42

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Campeonato Nacional Perubik 2017Final13 10.38 12.09
12.65     11.91     11.90     10.38     12.47
Semi Final14 9.73 12.42
13.89     13.86     11.66     11.75     9.73
Second round15 12.16 12.57
12.16     12.79     12.38     14.11     12.53
First round17 11.23 13.12
13.70     12.74     16.11     11.23     12.91
LatAm Tour - Lima 2017Semi Final31 12.04 13.13
15.21     12.04     12.83     12.41     14.16
Second round45 12.34 14.14
13.72     15.15     13.54     15.21     12.34
First round35 11.50 13.71
14.42     11.50     12.34     14.37     16.83
Aventura Cúbica IV 2017Final7 10.70 13.29
14.35     14.92     12.90     10.70     12.63
Second round7 11.67 13.80
15.05     14.29     11.67     12.05     19.30
First round9 10.22 13.49
13.87     13.29     10.22     17.73     13.32
Lima Rubik 2016First round177 14.70 DNF
19.26     DNF       14.70     17.47     DNF
Nacional Perubik 2016Second round89 17.63 DNF
DNF       17.88     17.63     DNF       DNS
First round81 16.51 20.88
26.15     16.51     17.47     23.29     21.89
Plaza Norte Rubik 2016First round38 20.12 22.65
26.48     21.29     20.19     29.25     20.12
2x2x2 Cube
Campeonato Nacional Perubik 2017Final27 5.65 6.00
5.65      5.93      8.49      6.32      5.74
First round29 4.09 5.20
6.14      6.78      4.76      4.69      4.09
LatAm Tour - Lima 2017First round64 4.78 5.98
7.59      4.78      7.49      5.61      4.84
Aventura Cúbica IV 2017Final10 5.16 6.17
5.91      6.52      6.59      6.09      5.16
Second round13 2.93 5.54
8.08      2.93      5.64      5.82      5.15
First round9 4.42 5.57
4.42      8.33      5.98      6.12      4.60
4x4x4 Cube
Aventura Cúbica IV 2017First round11 53.86 1:00.60
1:04.44   55.80     1:03.59   1:02.41   53.86
Nacional Perubik 2016First round33 1:04.53 1:10.64
1:15.66   1:04.53   1:32.01   1:11.32   1:04.93
3x3x3 One-Handed
Campeonato Nacional Perubik 2017Final17 18.98 25.25
23.23     18.98     25.34     27.19     DNF
First round17 20.53 23.58
20.53     27.53     21.20     22.00     28.44
LatAm Tour - Lima 2017Final17 20.20 28.33
33.61     24.59     20.20     44.13     26.80
First round17 16.95 20.85
35.18     21.11     16.95     21.10     20.35
Aventura Cúbica IV 2017Final4 18.19 19.96
18.19     18.28     20.01     21.59     39.08
Second round8 19.60 24.68
29.97     26.56     19.60     20.61     26.86
First round8 22.95 24.90
23.01     22.95     27.74     23.96     29.96
Nacional Perubik 2016First round47 37.05
37.05     DNF
Plaza Norte Rubik 2016First round19 48.12 DNF
DNF       53.30     55.60     48.12     DNF
Campeonato Nacional Perubik 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 10.38 12.09
12.65     11.91     11.90     10.38     12.47
Semi Final14 9.73 12.42
13.89     13.86     11.66     11.75     9.73
Second round15 12.16 12.57
12.16     12.79     12.38     14.11     12.53
First round17 11.23 13.12
13.70     12.74     16.11     11.23     12.91
2x2x2 CubeFinal27 5.65 6.00
5.65      5.93      8.49      6.32      5.74
First round29 4.09 5.20
6.14      6.78      4.76      4.69      4.09
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal17 18.98 25.25
23.23     18.98     25.34     27.19     DNF
First round17 20.53 23.58
20.53     27.53     21.20     22.00     28.44
LatAm Tour - Lima 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final31 12.04 13.13
15.21     12.04     12.83     12.41     14.16
Second round45 12.34 14.14
13.72     15.15     13.54     15.21     12.34
First round35 11.50 13.71
14.42     11.50     12.34     14.37     16.83
2x2x2 CubeFirst round64 4.78 5.98
7.59      4.78      7.49      5.61      4.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal17 20.20 28.33
33.61     24.59     20.20     44.13     26.80
First round17 16.95 20.85
35.18     21.11     16.95     21.10     20.35
Aventura Cúbica IV 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 10.70 13.29
14.35     14.92     12.90     10.70     12.63
Second round7 11.67 13.80
15.05     14.29     11.67     12.05     19.30
First round9 10.22 13.49
13.87     13.29     10.22     17.73     13.32
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 5.16 6.17
5.91      6.52      6.59      6.09      5.16
Second round13 2.93 5.54
8.08      2.93      5.64      5.82      5.15
First round9 4.42 5.57
4.42      8.33      5.98      6.12      4.60
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 53.86 1:00.60
1:04.44   55.80     1:03.59   1:02.41   53.86
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 18.19 19.96
18.19     18.28     20.01     21.59     39.08
Second round8 19.60 24.68
29.97     26.56     19.60     20.61     26.86
First round8 22.95 24.90
23.01     22.95     27.74     23.96     29.96
Lima Rubik 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round177 14.70 DNF
19.26     DNF       14.70     17.47     DNF
Nacional Perubik 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round89 17.63 DNF
DNF       17.88     17.63     DNF       DNS
First round81 16.51 20.88
26.15     16.51     17.47     23.29     21.89
4x4x4 CubeFirst round33 1:04.53 1:10.64
1:15.66   1:04.53   1:32.01   1:11.32   1:04.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 37.05
37.05     DNF
Plaza Norte Rubik 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round38 20.12 22.65
26.48     21.29     20.19     29.25     20.12
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 48.12 DNF
DNF       53.30     55.60     48.12     DNF
62017-08-26~27Campeonato Nacional Perubik 2017PeruLima
52017-06-24~25LatAm Tour - Lima 2017PeruLima
42017-04-22~23Aventura Cúbica IV 2017PeruLima
32016-08-27~28Lima Rubik 2016PeruLima
22016-07-16~17Nacional Perubik 2016PeruLima
12016-04-23~24Plaza Norte Rubik 2016PeruLima