Personal Page

Kazmeer Shad Morandante

Name: Kazmeer Shad Morandante
Region: Philippines
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Kazmeer Shad Morandante2016MORA14
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.05.28 - 2019.08.11
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube4354334123019.3211.7614360527752184/85
2x2x2 Cube4014736181742.813.7485932278190180/80
4x4x4 Cube48154021525948.3353.9614054500344534/35
3x3x3 One-Handed1902190603716.0519.6256202101174147/50

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Tagum City Open 2019Second round18 9.32 12.31
12.36     9.32      11.23     15.49     13.34
First round16 9.69 11.76
9.69      10.74     15.84     11.53     13.00
Mindanao Championship 2019Second round14 10.24 12.02
13.09     12.05     12.96     11.04     10.24
First round23 11.90 13.81
14.56     13.29     13.58     14.76     11.90
Mindanao Championships 2018Second round37 11.04 14.43
11.04     12.63     17.01     13.65     DNF
First round35 11.97 14.57
17.35     13.11     13.94     16.66     11.97
Davao Year End Open 2017Final9 10.67 13.99
13.53     17.50     14.81     13.63     10.67
Second round9 10.82 13.18
13.79     10.82     13.43     12.31     21.72
First round14 13.15 14.89
14.61     16.55     13.15     14.47     15.60
Mindanao Championships 2017Second round28 12.25 15.46
15.68     15.40     22.35     12.25     15.29
First round26 12.85 14.73
15.46     12.85     17.00     13.07     15.66
Tagum City Open 2017Second round16 11.78 13.01
14.24     13.73     12.48     11.78     12.81
First round29 11.84 14.31
15.27     15.86     14.22     11.84     13.43
Panabo Speedcube Challenge 2017First round37 17.91 20.81
24.30     17.91     18.29     23.37     20.78
Kubo Open 2016First round26 16.48 17.75
17.21     21.83     16.48     18.64     17.40
Mindanao Championship 2016First round109 21.41 25.56
26.57     37.79     27.94     21.41     22.16
CoC II 2016First round92 29.81 34.76
29.81     38.16     40.72     34.61     31.52
2x2x2 Cube
Tagum City Open 2019Final4 3.05 3.82
4.21      3.89      3.05      3.35      4.46
First round6 3.61 4.04
4.30      6.63      3.86      3.61      3.96
Mindanao Championship 2019Final3 3.52 4.22
3.58      4.67      3.52      4.40      4.94
Second round5 2.81 3.74
3.88      2.81      3.83      5.00      3.51
First round12 3.58 4.97
4.33      3.58      5.46      6.16      5.11
Mindanao Championships 2018Final33 3.22 5.66
4.48      8.31      6.84      5.65      3.22
Davao Year End Open 2017Final7 3.96 4.76
3.98      4.91      5.40      5.74      3.96
First round8 4.57 5.24
5.02      4.57      5.55      5.16      7.68
Mindanao Championships 2017Final9 3.34 4.43
6.06      4.66      3.61      5.03      3.34
First round9 4.30 5.03
5.06      4.91      7.51      4.30      5.11
Tagum City Open 2017Final13 3.57 5.19
8.19      4.19      3.57      4.62      6.75
Panabo Speedcube Challenge 2017Final6 3.82 5.66
3.82      5.72      5.80      7.16      5.47
Kubo Open 2016Final5 4.50 4.97
4.88      5.40      4.76      4.50      5.28
First round9 5.19 5.73
9.39      5.72      5.20      5.19      6.26
Mindanao Championship 2016Final58 7.31 8.47
7.45      7.88      7.31      10.08     11.19
CoC II 2016Final83 9.80 14.07
18.02     11.59     9.80      14.66     15.97
4x4x4 Cube
Tagum City Open 2019Final14 48.33 53.96
50.73     54.25     56.89     48.33     1:04.53
Mindanao Championship 2019Final10 50.32 54.01
52.63     52.30     57.10     57.19     50.32
First round10 51.18 54.88
51.18     56.00     53.88     1:09.98   54.76
Mindanao Championships 2018Final22 59.07 1:02.46
1:03.59   1:03.85   59.94     59.07     1:05.07
Davao Year End Open 2017First round10 1:01.06 1:03.04
1:03.37   1:02.48   1:08.05   1:01.06   1:03.26
Mindanao Championships 2017Final16 1:02.78 1:16.40
DNF       1:12.90   1:02.78   1:23.38   1:12.91
First round15 1:00.24 1:06.95
1:18.01   1:01.77   1:00.24   1:13.30   1:05.79
3x3x3 One-Handed
Tagum City Open 2019Final9 17.54 19.62
17.54     19.57     19.44     19.85     20.55
Mindanao Championship 2019Final12 19.87 25.90
DNF       30.37     25.63     19.87     21.69
Second round11 16.05 22.01
20.89     20.03     25.12     16.05     31.13
First round14 20.43 23.97
35.74     28.22     21.30     20.43     22.40
Mindanao Championships 2018Final22 23.49 25.72
28.19     24.13     24.85     DNF       23.49
Davao Year End Open 2017Final3 19.14 21.74
31.59     23.62     20.27     19.14     21.33
Mindanao Championships 2017Final18 22.28 24.90
25.83     25.47     22.28     25.78     23.45
Tagum City Open 2017Final29 23.12 29.07
24.86     35.07     29.67     23.12     32.67
Panabo Speedcube Challenge 2017Final26 32.70 37.47
32.70     41.80     35.73     36.73     39.94
Kubo Open 2016First round17 29.31 36.39
DNF       37.91     34.05     37.20     29.31
Tagum City Open 2019Final5 5.01 5.91
5.77      5.84      5.01      7.56      6.11
Mindanao Championship 2019Final8 5.29 6.31
DNF       6.52      6.17      6.23      5.29
First round8 4.66 6.50
6.96      5.84      4.66      6.90      6.76
Mindanao Championships 2018Final4 4.84 5.19
4.99      5.15      6.41      4.84      5.43
Davao Year End Open 2017Final3 3.19 5.05
4.81      5.45      3.19      4.89      5.99
Mindanao Championships 2017Final4 4.03 6.05
4.66      4.03      8.49      6.33      7.16
Tagum City Open 2017Final5 5.89 7.47
7.56      7.21      7.65      8.15      5.89
Panabo Speedcube Challenge 2017Final4 6.60 7.97
7.92      6.60      8.16      8.16      7.83
Kubo Open 2016Final4 8.56 9.47
11.08     8.93      9.81      9.66      8.56
Mindanao Championship 2016Final28 10.65 12.89
12.60     10.65     12.40     13.68     14.29
Mindanao Championships 2018Final8 4.44 7.03
6.51      8.82      5.98      8.60      4.44
Davao Year End Open 2017Final6 4.14 6.82
7.90      7.03      6.98      4.14      6.46
Mindanao Championships 2017Final10 6.75 8.96
10.58     6.75      8.55      11.85     7.74
Tagum City Open 2017Final15 5.86 9.32
12.40     11.07     8.79      8.10      5.86
Tagum City Open 2019Final4 13.65 18.51
13.65     15.03     23.14     17.36     DNF
Mindanao Championship 2019Final2 15.82 20.11
20.78     22.23     21.41     18.13     15.82
Mindanao Championships 2018Final2 12.36 19.46
20.57     12.36     15.69     22.13     22.50
Mindanao Championships 2017Final3 20.15 22.50
20.52     25.84     20.15     23.90     23.08
Tagum City Open 2017Final5 24.03 29.16
32.25     24.03     30.68     30.02     26.77
Tagum City Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 9.32 12.31
12.36     9.32      11.23     15.49     13.34
First round16 9.69 11.76
9.69      10.74     15.84     11.53     13.00
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 3.05 3.82
4.21      3.89      3.05      3.35      4.46
First round6 3.61 4.04
4.30      6.63      3.86      3.61      3.96
4x4x4 CubeFinal14 48.33 53.96
50.73     54.25     56.89     48.33     1:04.53
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 17.54 19.62
17.54     19.57     19.44     19.85     20.55
PyraminxFinal5 5.01 5.91
5.77      5.84      5.01      7.56      6.11
Square-1Final4 13.65 18.51
13.65     15.03     23.14     17.36     DNF
Mindanao Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 10.24 12.02
13.09     12.05     12.96     11.04     10.24
First round23 11.90 13.81
14.56     13.29     13.58     14.76     11.90
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 3.52 4.22
3.58      4.67      3.52      4.40      4.94
Second round5 2.81 3.74
3.88      2.81      3.83      5.00      3.51
First round12 3.58 4.97
4.33      3.58      5.46      6.16      5.11
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 50.32 54.01
52.63     52.30     57.10     57.19     50.32
First round10 51.18 54.88
51.18     56.00     53.88     1:09.98   54.76
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 19.87 25.90
DNF       30.37     25.63     19.87     21.69
Second round11 16.05 22.01
20.89     20.03     25.12     16.05     31.13
First round14 20.43 23.97
35.74     28.22     21.30     20.43     22.40
PyraminxFinal8 5.29 6.31
DNF       6.52      6.17      6.23      5.29
First round8 4.66 6.50
6.96      5.84      4.66      6.90      6.76
Square-1Final2 15.82 20.11
20.78     22.23     21.41     18.13     15.82
Mindanao Championships 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round37 11.04 14.43
11.04     12.63     17.01     13.65     DNF
First round35 11.97 14.57
17.35     13.11     13.94     16.66     11.97
2x2x2 CubeFinal33 3.22 5.66
4.48      8.31      6.84      5.65      3.22
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 59.07 1:02.46
1:03.59   1:03.85   59.94     59.07     1:05.07
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal22 23.49 25.72
28.19     24.13     24.85     DNF       23.49
PyraminxFinal4 4.84 5.19
4.99      5.15      6.41      4.84      5.43
SkewbFinal8 4.44 7.03
6.51      8.82      5.98      8.60      4.44
Square-1Final2 12.36 19.46
20.57     12.36     15.69     22.13     22.50
Davao Year End Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 10.67 13.99
13.53     17.50     14.81     13.63     10.67
Second round9 10.82 13.18
13.79     10.82     13.43     12.31     21.72
First round14 13.15 14.89
14.61     16.55     13.15     14.47     15.60
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.96 4.76
3.98      4.91      5.40      5.74      3.96
First round8 4.57 5.24
5.02      4.57      5.55      5.16      7.68
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 1:01.06 1:03.04
1:03.37   1:02.48   1:08.05   1:01.06   1:03.26
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 19.14 21.74
31.59     23.62     20.27     19.14     21.33
PyraminxFinal3 3.19 5.05
4.81      5.45      3.19      4.89      5.99
SkewbFinal6 4.14 6.82
7.90      7.03      6.98      4.14      6.46
Mindanao Championships 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 12.25 15.46
15.68     15.40     22.35     12.25     15.29
First round26 12.85 14.73
15.46     12.85     17.00     13.07     15.66
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 3.34 4.43
6.06      4.66      3.61      5.03      3.34
First round9 4.30 5.03
5.06      4.91      7.51      4.30      5.11
4x4x4 CubeFinal16 1:02.78 1:16.40
DNF       1:12.90   1:02.78   1:23.38   1:12.91
First round15 1:00.24 1:06.95
1:18.01   1:01.77   1:00.24   1:13.30   1:05.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal18 22.28 24.90
25.83     25.47     22.28     25.78     23.45
PyraminxFinal4 4.03 6.05
4.66      4.03      8.49      6.33      7.16
SkewbFinal10 6.75 8.96
10.58     6.75      8.55      11.85     7.74
Square-1Final3 20.15 22.50
20.52     25.84     20.15     23.90     23.08
Tagum City Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 11.78 13.01
14.24     13.73     12.48     11.78     12.81
First round29 11.84 14.31
15.27     15.86     14.22     11.84     13.43
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 3.57 5.19
8.19      4.19      3.57      4.62      6.75
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal29 23.12 29.07
24.86     35.07     29.67     23.12     32.67
PyraminxFinal5 5.89 7.47
7.56      7.21      7.65      8.15      5.89
SkewbFinal15 5.86 9.32
12.40     11.07     8.79      8.10      5.86
Square-1Final5 24.03 29.16
32.25     24.03     30.68     30.02     26.77
Panabo Speedcube Challenge 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round37 17.91 20.81
24.30     17.91     18.29     23.37     20.78
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.82 5.66
3.82      5.72      5.80      7.16      5.47
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal26 32.70 37.47
32.70     41.80     35.73     36.73     39.94
PyraminxFinal4 6.60 7.97
7.92      6.60      8.16      8.16      7.83
Kubo Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round26 16.48 17.75
17.21     21.83     16.48     18.64     17.40
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 4.50 4.97
4.88      5.40      4.76      4.50      5.28
First round9 5.19 5.73
9.39      5.72      5.20      5.19      6.26
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round17 29.31 36.39
DNF       37.91     34.05     37.20     29.31
PyraminxFinal4 8.56 9.47
11.08     8.93      9.81      9.66      8.56
Mindanao Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round109 21.41 25.56
26.57     37.79     27.94     21.41     22.16
2x2x2 CubeFinal58 7.31 8.47
7.45      7.88      7.31      10.08     11.19
PyraminxFinal28 10.65 12.89
12.60     10.65     12.40     13.68     14.29
CoC II 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round92 29.81 34.76
29.81     38.16     40.72     34.61     31.52
2x2x2 CubeFinal83 9.80 14.07
18.02     11.59     9.80      14.66     15.97
102019-08-10~11Tagum City Open 2019PhilippinesTagum City
92019-05-31~06-02Mindanao Championship 2019PhilippinesDavao City
82018-04-21~22Mindanao Championships 2018PhilippinesTagum City, 8000
72017-12-10Davao Year End Open 2017PhilippinesDavao City
62017-08-19~20Mindanao Championships 2017PhilippinesDavao City
52017-06-24~25Tagum City Open 2017PhilippinesTagum
42017-02-26Panabo Speedcube Challenge 2017PhilippinesPanabo City
32016-12-10~11Kubo Open 2016PhilippinesDavao City
22016-08-13~14Mindanao Championship 2016PhilippinesDavao City
12016-05-28~29CoC II 2016PhilippinesDavao City