Personal Page

Bruno Olmedo

Name: Bruno Olmedo
Region: Mexico
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Bruno Olmedo2016OLME01
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.03.26 - 2018.08.12
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube62180743164211.9714.0128361718555640/40
2x2x2 Cube4436148219303.024.0912254343921249/50
4x4x4 Cube2422172898741.4846.808287202022838/40
5x5x5 Cube3052832107221:36.811:47.1910630283330714/15
3x3x3 One-Handed74177073063731.0234.8926293650663410/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Mexican Championship 2018Second round71 12.10 14.01
15.98     15.28     14.33     12.42     12.10
First round88 11.97 14.77
16.43     14.23     13.64     11.97     16.53
ArCubingFest 2018First round33 14.51 15.41
15.24     16.00     16.92     14.99     14.51
Return Open 2017First round26 12.22 14.12
13.24     16.22     12.22     14.39     14.72
Metropolitano 2017Second round20 12.92 15.39
12.92     17.47     15.04     17.55     13.65
First round15 13.89 15.04
17.15     13.89     17.02     14.04     14.05
Tlaxcala Open 2016First round52 20.40 22.24
21.36     22.26     20.40     23.11     30.29
Gotirubik Fest 2016First round51 32.34 38.37
32.34     46.69     32.77     37.22     45.11
2x2x2 Cube
Mexican Championship 2018Second round38 3.84 4.72
5.51      5.03      4.57      3.84      4.56
First round48 3.55 4.81
5.20      4.62      4.72      3.55      5.10
ArCubingFest 2018First round32 3.02 5.73
5.04      6.60      5.56      7.32      3.02
Return Open 2017Final9 3.21 4.09
4.43      4.71      4.05      3.21      3.80
First round20 4.07 4.87
5.34      5.15      5.51      4.13      4.07
Metropolitano 2017Final8 4.20 6.31
8.56      4.20      4.96      5.41      DNF
Second round5 3.43 4.53
3.43      6.72      4.83      3.58      5.19
First round10 4.92 5.21
5.58      5.33      4.92      5.32      4.99
Tlaxcala Open 2016Second round30 5.95 7.03
8.58      7.28      5.95      6.00      7.80
First round45 5.67 7.35
7.07      8.25      6.73      5.67      8.69
4x4x4 Cube
ArCubingFest 2018Second round12 42.46 46.80
49.96     51.73     42.46     44.73     45.71
First round15 44.71 48.48
44.71     46.14     DNF       50.44     48.86
Return Open 2017Final9 42.76 48.89
58.63     42.76     49.43     51.33     45.92
First round8 41.48 47.71
51.22     49.65     47.58     45.90     41.48
Metropolitano 2017Final5 45.57 50.55
45.57     53.39     49.01     55.95     49.26
Second round6 45.31 52.42
51.91     54.92     45.31     DNF       50.44
First round5 49.52 52.09
1:01.31   49.52     50.90     53.15     52.21
Tlaxcala Open 2016First round45 1:47.62 1:48.61
1:47.83   1:48.12   1:49.88   1:47.62   1:50.83
5x5x5 Cube
ArCubingFest 2018First round24 1:36.81 1:47.19
1:42.83   1:48.48   2:01.47   1:50.25   1:36.81
Metropolitano 2017Second round15 2:02.79 2:15.76
DNF       2:22.82   2:02.79   2:19.56   2:04.91
First round16 2:21.42 2:27.73
2:39.63   2:24.19   2:21.42   2:24.97   2:34.02
3x3x3 One-Handed
Mexican Championship 2018First round111 32.05 34.89
33.49     37.84     32.05     39.50     33.35
Metropolitano 2017First round24 31.02 41.16
39.08     45.01     31.02     39.39     1:02.35
Return Open 2017First round31 2:56.21
DNF       2:56.21
ArCubingFest 2018First round13 5.37 7.29
5.37      15.51     8.30      7.55      6.03
Return Open 2017Final9 3.35 6.54
6.62      6.87      6.67      6.34      3.35
First round8 3.14 7.24
8.35      7.55      8.54      5.83      3.14
Metropolitano 2017Final5 4.79 6.97
8.36      7.81      4.79      4.90      8.21
Second round3 4.41 6.39
6.10      6.54      6.53      7.32      4.41
First round3 6.14 7.60
10.35     6.40      9.97      6.42      6.14
Tlaxcala Open 2016Second round19 10.11 11.68
10.11     12.29     12.15     11.28     11.60
First round26 11.04 13.55
15.69     14.87     11.04     11.04     14.74
Gotirubik Fest 2016First round19 11.68 15.32
13.33     11.68     34.69     15.57     17.07
Mexican Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round71 12.10 14.01
15.98     15.28     14.33     12.42     12.10
First round88 11.97 14.77
16.43     14.23     13.64     11.97     16.53
2x2x2 CubeSecond round38 3.84 4.72
5.51      5.03      4.57      3.84      4.56
First round48 3.55 4.81
5.20      4.62      4.72      3.55      5.10
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round111 32.05 34.89
33.49     37.84     32.05     39.50     33.35
ArCubingFest 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round33 14.51 15.41
15.24     16.00     16.92     14.99     14.51
2x2x2 CubeFirst round32 3.02 5.73
5.04      6.60      5.56      7.32      3.02
4x4x4 CubeSecond round12 42.46 46.80
49.96     51.73     42.46     44.73     45.71
First round15 44.71 48.48
44.71     46.14     DNF       50.44     48.86
5x5x5 CubeFirst round24 1:36.81 1:47.19
1:42.83   1:48.48   2:01.47   1:50.25   1:36.81
PyraminxFirst round13 5.37 7.29
5.37      15.51     8.30      7.55      6.03
Return Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round26 12.22 14.12
13.24     16.22     12.22     14.39     14.72
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 3.21 4.09
4.43      4.71      4.05      3.21      3.80
First round20 4.07 4.87
5.34      5.15      5.51      4.13      4.07
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 42.76 48.89
58.63     42.76     49.43     51.33     45.92
First round8 41.48 47.71
51.22     49.65     47.58     45.90     41.48
MegaminxFirst round31 2:56.21
DNF       2:56.21
PyraminxFinal9 3.35 6.54
6.62      6.87      6.67      6.34      3.35
First round8 3.14 7.24
8.35      7.55      8.54      5.83      3.14
Metropolitano 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 12.92 15.39
12.92     17.47     15.04     17.55     13.65
First round15 13.89 15.04
17.15     13.89     17.02     14.04     14.05
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 4.20 6.31
8.56      4.20      4.96      5.41      DNF
Second round5 3.43 4.53
3.43      6.72      4.83      3.58      5.19
First round10 4.92 5.21
5.58      5.33      4.92      5.32      4.99
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 45.57 50.55
45.57     53.39     49.01     55.95     49.26
Second round6 45.31 52.42
51.91     54.92     45.31     DNF       50.44
First round5 49.52 52.09
1:01.31   49.52     50.90     53.15     52.21
5x5x5 CubeSecond round15 2:02.79 2:15.76
DNF       2:22.82   2:02.79   2:19.56   2:04.91
First round16 2:21.42 2:27.73
2:39.63   2:24.19   2:21.42   2:24.97   2:34.02
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 31.02 41.16
39.08     45.01     31.02     39.39     1:02.35
PyraminxFinal5 4.79 6.97
8.36      7.81      4.79      4.90      8.21
Second round3 4.41 6.39
6.10      6.54      6.53      7.32      4.41
First round3 6.14 7.60
10.35     6.40      9.97      6.42      6.14
Tlaxcala Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round52 20.40 22.24
21.36     22.26     20.40     23.11     30.29
2x2x2 CubeSecond round30 5.95 7.03
8.58      7.28      5.95      6.00      7.80
First round45 5.67 7.35
7.07      8.25      6.73      5.67      8.69
4x4x4 CubeFirst round45 1:47.62 1:48.61
1:47.83   1:48.12   1:49.88   1:47.62   1:50.83
PyraminxSecond round19 10.11 11.68
10.11     12.29     12.15     11.28     11.60
First round26 11.04 13.55
15.69     14.87     11.04     11.04     14.74
Gotirubik Fest 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round51 32.34 38.37
32.34     46.69     32.77     37.22     45.11
PyraminxFirst round19 11.68 15.32
13.33     11.68     34.69     15.57     17.07
62018-08-10~12Mexican Championship 2018MexicoTehuacán, Puebla
52018-07-21~22ArCubingFest 2018MexicoQueretaro
42017-11-18~19Return Open 2017MexicoPuebla
32017-08-12~13Metropolitano 2017MexicoMonterrey
22016-07-02~03Tlaxcala Open 2016MexicoTlaxcala
12016-03-26~27Gotirubik Fest 2016MexicoOaxaca