Personal Page

Ryan Simpson

Name: Ryan Simpson
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 12
WCA ID: Ryan Simpson2016SIMP03
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.04.02 - 2024.11.03
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1052111604457013.4916.03427711060999990/90
2x2x2 Cube160616436571974.786.825625215814156745/45
4x4x4 Cube96610788381781:17.371:22.7333090933387713/13
5x5x5 Cube7417507242572:40.162/2

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Rubik's UK Championship 2024First round397 19.58 28.83
21.27     48.33     19.58     29.03     36.19
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round275 15.85 19.30
20.12     20.72     17.06     21.56     15.85
Hampshire Spring 2023Second round54 15.95 17.06
15.95     17.24     19.31     16.70     17.25
First round64 16.43 19.45
28.73     19.38     20.14     18.82     16.43
Kewbz UK Championship 2022First round237 16.76 18.19
16.76     17.36     29.14     19.66     17.54
Guildford Open 2020Second round90 15.72 18.15
15.72     18.64     18.55     17.26     21.71
First round98 16.45 19.39
19.47     16.45     29.15     20.33     18.36
Weston-super-Mare Open 2019Second round59 13.49 16.77
13.75     17.79     18.77     13.49     23.62
First round68 16.81 18.05
16.81     18.53     19.11     17.63     17.98
UK Championship 2019First round136 15.67 16.76
16.68     15.67     16.37     17.24     21.41
Fontwell Open 2019Second round57 15.33 17.54
19.85     21.59     16.77     15.99     15.33
First round53 14.62 16.03
16.30     16.97     16.90     14.89     14.62
Weston-super-Mare Open 2018Second round64 15.03 17.64
15.03     21.93     19.46     17.23     16.24
First round63 13.97 17.60
14.71     19.07     19.02     13.97     22.94
ABHC 2018Second round74 16.29 18.37
16.62     16.29     19.02     20.67     19.48
First round76 15.70 18.06
20.25     17.53     18.76     15.70     17.90
Exeter Open 2016Second round29 20.75 25.30
25.02     28.74     34.24     22.15     20.75
First round30 18.99 21.01
18.99     22.52     22.19     19.95     20.90
2x2x2 Cube
Rubik's UK Championship 2024First round379 6.81 8.79
7.02      6.81      9.08      10.27     12.62
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round343 7.79 8.06
8.08      7.79      7.80      9.96      8.30
Kewbz UK Championship 2022First round283 6.53 7.92
7.75      10.50     6.53      8.85      7.15
Weston-super-Mare Open 2019First round65 5.76 7.22
8.56      7.60      7.47      5.76      6.59
UK Championship 2019First round164 4.78 6.82
5.75      7.10      4.78      8.25      7.61
ABHC 2019First round73 8.90 10.24
8.98      12.04     9.69      8.90      14.12
Fontwell Open 2019First round81 8.89 10.20
12.10     10.01     11.31     8.89      9.28
Exeter Open 2016Second round23 7.34 8.30
10.01     7.67      7.34      8.12      9.11
First round21 6.47 7.54
8.32      7.31      6.47      10.24     6.98
4x4x4 Cube
Weston-super-Mare Open 2019First round71 1:23.03
1:46.42   1:23.03
ABHC 2019First round74 1:18.85
1:30.17   1:18.85
Fontwell Open 2019First round65 1:17.37 1:22.73
1:26.91   1:19.43   1:21.84   1:17.37   1:36.58
Weston-super-Mare Open 2018First round75 1:39.90
1:47.36   1:39.90
Exeter Open 2016First round28 2:28.91
2:28.91   2:40.03
5x5x5 Cube
Weston-super-Mare Open 2019First round65 2:40.16
2:45.27   2:40.16
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Guildford Open 2020First round34 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Weston-super-Mare Open 2018Final31 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Rubik's UK Championship 2024First round292 9.57 12.54
13.47     14.78     10.09     9.57      14.05
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round293 9.86 13.94
16.69     9.86      14.21     11.25     16.36
Hampshire Spring 2023Final60 10.99 12.35
27.44     11.61     13.68     10.99     11.75
First round55 7.66 12.28
12.36     13.03     7.66      11.45     16.51
Kewbz UK Championship 2022First round229 10.17 12.96
16.04     10.17     10.75     16.32     12.10
UK Championship 2019First round109 6.61 10.77
13.89     11.28     6.61      12.28     8.75
ABHC 2019First round47 11.66 12.10
11.90     11.69     12.72     11.66     14.26
Fontwell Open 2019First round62 10.69 17.44
18.57     15.21     19.29     18.55     10.69
Weston-super-Mare Open 2018Final54 9.78 13.24
15.02     25.86     13.09     9.78      11.60
ABHC 2018First round89 11.97 15.64
11.97     19.41     14.85     19.45     12.65
Exeter Open 2016Final22 9.26 14.45
DNF       9.26      18.72     11.43     13.19
Rubik's UK Championship 2024First round275 9.12 15.90
15.47     16.98     9.12      15.24     35.74
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round240 12.60 14.00
15.23     21.80     12.60     13.49     13.29
Kewbz UK Championship 2022First round214 14.24 16.61
14.24     15.32     17.55     26.41     16.96
UK Championship 2019First round164 30.10
30.14     30.10
Fontwell Open 2019First round61 18.58 22.71
23.51     21.67     18.58     22.96     28.67
Rubik's UK Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round397 19.58 28.83
21.27     48.33     19.58     29.03     36.19
2x2x2 CubeFirst round379 6.81 8.79
7.02      6.81      9.08      10.27     12.62
PyraminxFirst round292 9.57 12.54
13.47     14.78     10.09     9.57      14.05
SkewbFirst round275 9.12 15.90
15.47     16.98     9.12      15.24     35.74
Rubik's UK Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round275 15.85 19.30
20.12     20.72     17.06     21.56     15.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round343 7.79 8.06
8.08      7.79      7.80      9.96      8.30
PyraminxFirst round293 9.86 13.94
16.69     9.86      14.21     11.25     16.36
SkewbFirst round240 12.60 14.00
15.23     21.80     12.60     13.49     13.29
Hampshire Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round54 15.95 17.06
15.95     17.24     19.31     16.70     17.25
First round64 16.43 19.45
28.73     19.38     20.14     18.82     16.43
PyraminxFinal60 10.99 12.35
27.44     11.61     13.68     10.99     11.75
First round55 7.66 12.28
12.36     13.03     7.66      11.45     16.51
Kewbz UK Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round237 16.76 18.19
16.76     17.36     29.14     19.66     17.54
2x2x2 CubeFirst round283 6.53 7.92
7.75      10.50     6.53      8.85      7.15
PyraminxFirst round229 10.17 12.96
16.04     10.17     10.75     16.32     12.10
SkewbFirst round214 14.24 16.61
14.24     15.32     17.55     26.41     16.96
Guildford Open 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round90 15.72 18.15
15.72     18.64     18.55     17.26     21.71
First round98 16.45 19.39
19.47     16.45     29.15     20.33     18.36
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round34 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Weston-super-Mare Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round59 13.49 16.77
13.75     17.79     18.77     13.49     23.62
First round68 16.81 18.05
16.81     18.53     19.11     17.63     17.98
2x2x2 CubeFirst round65 5.76 7.22
8.56      7.60      7.47      5.76      6.59
4x4x4 CubeFirst round71 1:23.03
1:46.42   1:23.03
5x5x5 CubeFirst round65 2:40.16
2:45.27   2:40.16
UK Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round136 15.67 16.76
16.68     15.67     16.37     17.24     21.41
2x2x2 CubeFirst round164 4.78 6.82
5.75      7.10      4.78      8.25      7.61
PyraminxFirst round109 6.61 10.77
13.89     11.28     6.61      12.28     8.75
SkewbFirst round164 30.10
30.14     30.10
ABHC 2019
2x2x2 CubeFirst round73 8.90 10.24
8.98      12.04     9.69      8.90      14.12
4x4x4 CubeFirst round74 1:18.85
1:30.17   1:18.85
PyraminxFirst round47 11.66 12.10
11.90     11.69     12.72     11.66     14.26
Fontwell Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round57 15.33 17.54
19.85     21.59     16.77     15.99     15.33
First round53 14.62 16.03
16.30     16.97     16.90     14.89     14.62
2x2x2 CubeFirst round81 8.89 10.20
12.10     10.01     11.31     8.89      9.28
4x4x4 CubeFirst round65 1:17.37 1:22.73
1:26.91   1:19.43   1:21.84   1:17.37   1:36.58
PyraminxFirst round62 10.69 17.44
18.57     15.21     19.29     18.55     10.69
SkewbFirst round61 18.58 22.71
23.51     21.67     18.58     22.96     28.67
Weston-super-Mare Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round64 15.03 17.64
15.03     21.93     19.46     17.23     16.24
First round63 13.97 17.60
14.71     19.07     19.02     13.97     22.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round75 1:39.90
1:47.36   1:39.90
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal31 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
PyraminxFinal54 9.78 13.24
15.02     25.86     13.09     9.78      11.60
ABHC 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round74 16.29 18.37
16.62     16.29     19.02     20.67     19.48
First round76 15.70 18.06
20.25     17.53     18.76     15.70     17.90
PyraminxFirst round89 11.97 15.64
11.97     19.41     14.85     19.45     12.65
Exeter Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 20.75 25.30
25.02     28.74     34.24     22.15     20.75
First round30 18.99 21.01
18.99     22.52     22.19     19.95     20.90
2x2x2 CubeSecond round23 7.34 8.30
10.01     7.67      7.34      8.12      9.11
First round21 6.47 7.54
8.32      7.31      6.47      10.24     6.98
4x4x4 CubeFirst round28 2:28.91
2:28.91   2:40.03
PyraminxFinal22 9.26 14.45
DNF       9.26      18.72     11.43     13.19
122024-11-01~03Rubik's UK Championship 2024United KingdomCoventry, West Midlands
112023-10-20~22Rubik's UK Championship 2023United KingdomCoventry, West Midlands
102023-05-27~28Hampshire Spring 2023United KingdomEastleigh, Hampshire
92022-10-28~30Kewbz UK Championship 2022United KingdomCoventry, West Midlands
82020-01-18~19Guildford Open 2020United KingdomGuildford, Surrey
72019-11-23~24Weston-super-Mare Open 2019United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset
62019-10-25~27UK Championship 2019United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
52019-08-24~25ABHC 2019United KingdomCrawley, West Sussex
42019-02-09~10Fontwell Open 2019United KingdomFontwell, West Sussex
32018-11-24~25Weston-super-Mare Open 2018United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset
22018-08-25~26ABHC 2018United KingdomCrawley, West Sussex
12016-04-02~03Exeter Open 2016United KingdomExeter, Devon