Personal Page

George Whittington

Name: George Whittington
Region: United States
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: George Whittington2016WHIT11
Gender: Male
Career: 2016.06.04 - 2024.06.30
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube624783073261412.0914.55320928093609650/50
2x2x2 Cube1518919886701985.446.4950766143251095315/15
4x4x4 Cube56427666294641:05.121:11.57269817085522610/10
5x5x5 Cube46566228221712:27.912:39.5019115540640757/7
6x6x6 Cube29463892125675:39.615:45.749775290721914/4
7x7x7 Cube23413132104238:23.153/4
3x3x3 One-Handed9523128764885850.472/2

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Southeast Championship 2024Second round139 12.09 14.55
18.73     17.73     12.09     12.39     13.52
First round172 13.63 16.25
16.85     13.63     16.44     17.32     15.46
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final35 13.30 15.66
15.42     15.45     17.54     13.30     16.12
Second round39 14.39 16.57
19.07     15.54     18.61     14.39     15.55
First round38 15.27 16.91
15.53     15.27     21.08     19.13     16.08
Beat the Clock Westminster 2024Second round63 14.13 16.87
17.64     19.42     18.64     14.13     14.34
First round61 15.87 16.33
16.08     18.55     15.87     16.08     16.82
Terminus 2019Second round36 19.57 20.75
20.08     26.76     19.57     20.04     22.14
First round46 19.86 24.75
28.49     27.52     19.86     26.24     20.49
Athens Summer Omega 2016First round50 43.00 53.99
56.02     52.64     43.00     54.56     54.76
2x2x2 Cube
Southeast Championship 2024First round201 5.44 6.49
6.85      6.27      5.44      6.85      6.34
Beat the Clock Westminster 2024First round72 6.08 6.93
6.08      7.48      6.40      7.42      6.98
Terminus 2019First round34 5.60 6.96
5.60      6.87      7.49      7.01      7.01
4x4x4 Cube
Southeast Championship 2024First round148 1:05.12 1:11.57
1:05.12   1:08.80   1:27.16   1:16.66   1:09.25
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final39 1:15.68 1:23.91
1:25.46   1:37.95   1:15.90   1:30.37   1:15.68
5x5x5 Cube
Southeast Championship 2024First round150 2:47.68
2:47.68   3:02.35
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final33 2:27.91 2:39.50
2:35.27   2:50.84   2:32.40   2:27.91   2:52.73
6x6x6 Cube
Southeast Championship 2024First round121 6:50.55
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final31 5:39.61 5:45.74
5:40.03   5:39.61   5:57.59
7x7x7 Cube
Southeast Championship 2024First round99 8:53.50
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final28 8:23.15 DNF
8:23.15   DNF       8:41.12
3x3x3 One-Handed
Southeast Championship 2024First round189 50.47
50.47     57.79
Southeast Championship 2024First round184 24.22 29.22
42.07     25.48     35.90     26.29     24.22
Beat the Clock Westminster 2024First round67 25.05 26.32
25.05     25.55     27.58     27.18     26.22
Southeast Championship 2024First round156 2:53.41
3:11.24   2:53.41
Southeast Championship 2024First round192 5.88 12.92
10.70     25.51     5.88      12.10     15.96
Athens Summer Omega 2016Final35 10.99 17.48
19.49     10.99     24.33     15.64     17.30
Southeast Championship 2024Second round148 8.41 10.64
8.41      11.20     11.75     8.97      11.78
First round179 5.81 14.21
8.46      5.81      24.37     18.71     15.47
Beat the Clock Westminster 2024First round68 13.10 15.23
26.19     15.37     13.10     16.61     13.70
Southeast Championship 2024First round64 22.12 25.53
25.62     22.36     28.61     22.12     32.65
Beat the Clock Westminster 2024First round31 28.67 32.80
29.79     32.95     35.66     28.67     1:02.78
Southeast Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round139 12.09 14.55
18.73     17.73     12.09     12.39     13.52
First round172 13.63 16.25
16.85     13.63     16.44     17.32     15.46
2x2x2 CubeFirst round201 5.44 6.49
6.85      6.27      5.44      6.85      6.34
4x4x4 CubeFirst round148 1:05.12 1:11.57
1:05.12   1:08.80   1:27.16   1:16.66   1:09.25
5x5x5 CubeFirst round150 2:47.68
2:47.68   3:02.35
6x6x6 CubeFirst round121 6:50.55
7x7x7 CubeFirst round99 8:53.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round189 50.47
50.47     57.79
ClockFirst round184 24.22 29.22
42.07     25.48     35.90     26.29     24.22
MegaminxFirst round156 2:53.41
3:11.24   2:53.41
PyraminxFirst round192 5.88 12.92
10.70     25.51     5.88      12.10     15.96
SkewbSecond round148 8.41 10.64
8.41      11.20     11.75     8.97      11.78
First round179 5.81 14.21
8.46      5.81      24.37     18.71     15.47
Square-1First round64 22.12 25.53
25.62     22.36     28.61     22.12     32.65
Clayton State Cubing 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal35 13.30 15.66
15.42     15.45     17.54     13.30     16.12
Second round39 14.39 16.57
19.07     15.54     18.61     14.39     15.55
First round38 15.27 16.91
15.53     15.27     21.08     19.13     16.08
4x4x4 CubeFinal39 1:15.68 1:23.91
1:25.46   1:37.95   1:15.90   1:30.37   1:15.68
5x5x5 CubeFinal33 2:27.91 2:39.50
2:35.27   2:50.84   2:32.40   2:27.91   2:52.73
6x6x6 CubeFinal31 5:39.61 5:45.74
5:40.03   5:39.61   5:57.59
7x7x7 CubeFinal28 8:23.15 DNF
8:23.15   DNF       8:41.12
Beat the Clock Westminster 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round63 14.13 16.87
17.64     19.42     18.64     14.13     14.34
First round61 15.87 16.33
16.08     18.55     15.87     16.08     16.82
2x2x2 CubeFirst round72 6.08 6.93
6.08      7.48      6.40      7.42      6.98
ClockFirst round67 25.05 26.32
25.05     25.55     27.58     27.18     26.22
SkewbFirst round68 13.10 15.23
26.19     15.37     13.10     16.61     13.70
Square-1First round31 28.67 32.80
29.79     32.95     35.66     28.67     1:02.78
Terminus 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 19.57 20.75
20.08     26.76     19.57     20.04     22.14
First round46 19.86 24.75
28.49     27.52     19.86     26.24     20.49
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 5.60 6.96
5.60      6.87      7.49      7.01      7.01
Athens Summer Omega 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round50 43.00 53.99
56.02     52.64     43.00     54.56     54.76
PyraminxFinal35 10.99 17.48
19.49     10.99     24.33     15.64     17.30
52024-06-28~30Southeast Championship 2024United StatesSpartanburg, South Carolina
42024-03-23~24Clayton State Cubing 2024United StatesMorrow, Georgia
32024-03-02Beat the Clock Westminster 2024United StatesAtlanta, Georgia
22019-03-30Terminus 2019United StatesAtlanta, Georgia
12016-06-04~05Athens Summer Omega 2016United StatesAthens, Georgia