Personal Page

Jianghao Chen (陈江浩)

Name: Jianghao Chen (陈江浩)
Region: China
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Jianghao Chen (陈江浩)2017CHEJ02
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.07.02 - 2019.12.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3366100062746311.5013.20227878529288438/40
2x2x2 Cube410713222460054.255.07259297639242820/20
4x4x4 Cube202957301624549.5252.99130834661166115/15
3x3x3 Blindfolded28083325051:38.521:43.7812913881365/9
3x3x3 One-Handed166747171270120.2822.2787723339120819/20

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Longyan Open 2019Second round32 12.88 15.34
17.89     16.03     14.72     15.28     12.88
First round16 11.50 13.20
12.30     13.73     13.57     14.48     11.50
Longyan Open 2018Second round43 12.87 16.15
DNF       18.48     12.87     14.20     15.77
First round47 13.17 15.98
18.97     13.17     DNF       14.45     14.51
Longyan Summer Open 2017Second round15 12.62 14.48
16.69     14.13     14.08     12.62     15.22
First round20 11.72 14.96
18.43     15.05     16.47     11.72     13.36
Quanzhou Open 2017Second round28 14.20 15.03
14.54     17.09     16.13     14.41     14.20
First round44 12.63 17.36
12.63     19.02     18.04     15.12     18.92
2x2x2 Cube
Longyan Open 2019First round19 4.25 5.07
4.79      5.20      5.22      6.22      4.25
Longyan Open 2018First round25 4.96 5.63
5.73      5.28      6.70      5.88      4.96
Longyan Summer Open 2017First round20 4.73 6.47
5.81      6.96      6.64      7.86      4.73
Quanzhou Open 2017First round37 6.40 7.24
7.44      6.60      8.25      7.68      6.40
4x4x4 Cube
Longyan Open 2018Final21 49.52 52.99
49.52     1:02.19   56.14     50.18     52.64
Longyan Summer Open 2017Final20 55.77 1:05.77
55.77     1:15.37   1:04.89   1:11.55   1:00.88
Quanzhou Open 2017Final27 1:00.73 1:09.03
1:15.00   1:20.31   1:07.76   1:00.73   1:04.32
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Longyan Open 2018Final5 1:38.52 1:43.78
1:38.52   1:38.90   1:53.93
Longyan Summer Open 2017Final6 2:35.54 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:35.54
Quanzhou Open 2017Final4 1:47.76 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:47.76
3x3x3 One-Handed
Longyan Open 2018First round42 25.29 32.17
52.97     25.29     38.99     25.59     31.93
Longyan Summer Open 2017Final11 20.66 26.77
29.48     23.95     26.88     20.66     31.64
First round7 20.81 22.27
26.01     20.94     23.89     21.99     20.81
Quanzhou Open 2017Final29 20.28 29.81
DNF       33.81     29.52     26.10     20.28
Longyan Open 2018Final7 1:17.03 1:21.73
1:25.28   1:26.76   1:17.03   1:18.60   1:21.31
Wuxi Winter 2019First round25 7.73 9.25
13.10     8.58      7.73      9.74      9.44
Longyan Open 2019Final4 4.68 5.68
4.88      4.68      6.12      6.83      6.04
First round5 4.07 4.96
4.71      5.07      4.07      5.11      15.33
Longyan Open 2018Final8 4.82 6.46
4.82      5.63      6.12      12.54     7.62
First round10 5.33 5.70
8.71      5.65      5.33      5.71      5.74
Longyan Summer Open 2017Final5 4.86 5.41
5.12      4.86      7.67      5.28      5.84
First round9 4.28 7.55
7.99      15.26     4.28      6.65      8.00
Quanzhou Open 2017Final11 6.95 7.34
7.11      7.80      6.95      7.10      DNF
Longyan Open 2018Final8 6.77 8.07
8.56      6.77      14.59     7.21      8.44
First round14 6.39 7.38
7.45      7.63      15.43     7.06      6.39
Longyan Summer Open 2017First round14 8.73 9.97
12.58     8.91      8.73      9.47      11.54
Quanzhou Open 2017Final21 7.48 9.27
9.96      10.22     7.48      9.25      8.61
Wuxi Winter 2019Final11 24.63 27.38
24.63     27.86     30.89     27.95     26.34
Wuxi Winter 2019
PyraminxFirst round25 7.73 9.25
13.10     8.58      7.73      9.74      9.44
Square-1Final11 24.63 27.38
24.63     27.86     30.89     27.95     26.34
Longyan Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 12.88 15.34
17.89     16.03     14.72     15.28     12.88
First round16 11.50 13.20
12.30     13.73     13.57     14.48     11.50
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 4.25 5.07
4.79      5.20      5.22      6.22      4.25
PyraminxFinal4 4.68 5.68
4.88      4.68      6.12      6.83      6.04
First round5 4.07 4.96
4.71      5.07      4.07      5.11      15.33
Longyan Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 12.87 16.15
DNF       18.48     12.87     14.20     15.77
First round47 13.17 15.98
18.97     13.17     DNF       14.45     14.51
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 4.96 5.63
5.73      5.28      6.70      5.88      4.96
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 49.52 52.99
49.52     1:02.19   56.14     50.18     52.64
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 1:38.52 1:43.78
1:38.52   1:38.90   1:53.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round42 25.29 32.17
52.97     25.29     38.99     25.59     31.93
MegaminxFinal7 1:17.03 1:21.73
1:25.28   1:26.76   1:17.03   1:18.60   1:21.31
PyraminxFinal8 4.82 6.46
4.82      5.63      6.12      12.54     7.62
First round10 5.33 5.70
8.71      5.65      5.33      5.71      5.74
SkewbFinal8 6.77 8.07
8.56      6.77      14.59     7.21      8.44
First round14 6.39 7.38
7.45      7.63      15.43     7.06      6.39
Longyan Summer Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 12.62 14.48
16.69     14.13     14.08     12.62     15.22
First round20 11.72 14.96
18.43     15.05     16.47     11.72     13.36
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 4.73 6.47
5.81      6.96      6.64      7.86      4.73
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 55.77 1:05.77
55.77     1:15.37   1:04.89   1:11.55   1:00.88
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 2:35.54 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:35.54
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 20.66 26.77
29.48     23.95     26.88     20.66     31.64
First round7 20.81 22.27
26.01     20.94     23.89     21.99     20.81
PyraminxFinal5 4.86 5.41
5.12      4.86      7.67      5.28      5.84
First round9 4.28 7.55
7.99      15.26     4.28      6.65      8.00
SkewbFirst round14 8.73 9.97
12.58     8.91      8.73      9.47      11.54
Quanzhou Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 14.20 15.03
14.54     17.09     16.13     14.41     14.20
First round44 12.63 17.36
12.63     19.02     18.04     15.12     18.92
2x2x2 CubeFirst round37 6.40 7.24
7.44      6.60      8.25      7.68      6.40
4x4x4 CubeFinal27 1:00.73 1:09.03
1:15.00   1:20.31   1:07.76   1:00.73   1:04.32
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 1:47.76 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:47.76
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal29 20.28 29.81
DNF       33.81     29.52     26.10     20.28
PyraminxFinal11 6.95 7.34
7.11      7.80      6.95      7.10      DNF
SkewbFinal21 7.48 9.27
9.96      10.22     7.48      9.25      8.61
52019-12-08Wuxi Winter 2019ChinaWuxi, Jiangsu
42019-07-21Longyan Open 2019ChinaLongyan, Fujian
32018-08-05Longyan Open 2018ChinaLongyan, Fujian
22017-07-09Longyan Summer Open 2017ChinaLongyan, Fujian
12017-07-02Quanzhou Open 2017ChinaQuanzhou, Fujian

Organized Competitions

2019-12-08WCA CompetitionWuxi Winter 2019JiangsuWuxiGymnasium, Jiangnan University, No.1800, Lihu Road, Binhu District