Personal Page

Jherson Vera Flores

Name: Jherson Vera Flores
Region: Bolivia
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Jherson Vera Flores2017FLOR38
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.11.12 - 2024.01.23
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube9914481977710.4611.311199078557110/110
2x2x2 Cube1481926251633.195.0125224177211584/85
4x4x4 Cube39458623738.1147.2786086324953/55
5x5x5 Cube5163194231:32.421:38.6684345664717/17
6x6x6 Cube4353180833:38.943/4
7x7x7 Cube3741766415:28.417:05.077224439324/4
3x3x3 One-Handed588861149619.5122.7495527194825/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Bolivia Cubing Tour - Oruro 2024Final7 10.46 11.31
10.46     11.83     11.86     11.27     10.83
Second round7 10.66 12.28
12.63     12.17     10.66     12.89     12.05
First round10 11.68 13.74
14.66     11.68     12.63     14.06     14.54
Oruro Winter 2023Final8 12.33 13.43
12.33     12.96     13.55     14.21     13.78
Second round5 11.26 12.07
13.32     12.64     11.63     11.95     11.26
First round5 11.55 12.85
11.55     11.91     13.20     13.44     14.28
Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023Second round20 12.48 14.26
13.69     12.48     15.48     13.62     26.77
First round18 12.06 13.53
12.06     20.90     12.79     12.72     15.09
Urus Cubing 2022Second round13 12.10 13.70
12.25     16.01     12.83     19.98     12.10
First round10 11.59 13.68
15.43     13.45     11.59     13.58     14.00
Oruro Open 2019Final7 13.10 14.10
13.96     13.10     17.98     14.64     13.71
Second round10 11.71 16.62
16.85     11.71     17.65     17.19     15.82
First round9 13.66 15.92
19.86     14.26     13.66     16.75     16.76
Oruro Winter 2019Final6 13.64 14.67
16.05     14.30     13.64     14.44     15.27
Second round7 14.19 15.01
15.46     14.19     18.44     14.44     15.13
First round11 16.25 18.48
29.39     17.95     17.16     16.25     20.34
Oruro al Cubo 2019Second round14 15.61 17.33
15.79     18.79     17.41     19.65     15.61
First round13 11.19 16.73
18.04     15.97     11.19     16.18     19.60
Oruro Autumn 2018Second round13 13.99 17.30
18.38     13.99     17.11     18.97     16.42
First round18 16.30 20.16
20.02     16.30     23.15     19.38     21.09
DiabloRubik 2017Second round27 19.60 22.22
22.15     22.33     25.91     22.17     19.60
First round27 18.73 21.60
24.30     19.40     21.11     26.58     18.73
2x2x2 Cube
Bolivia Cubing Tour - Oruro 2024Final12 5.41 6.33
6.27      5.72      5.41      7.00      7.86
First round10 4.18 5.04
5.06      4.79      5.45      4.18      5.27
Oruro Winter 2023Final7 4.38 5.01
4.38      4.90      4.99      5.13      5.84
First round8 4.54 6.05
5.00      5.97      7.19      7.61      4.54
Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023Final12 5.92 6.23
6.86      6.22      6.29      5.92      6.17
First round12 4.80 5.61
4.80      5.77      8.16      5.24      5.82
Urus Cubing 2022First round12 3.19 5.80
7.00      3.19      4.71      5.68      7.48
Oruro Open 2019Final6 3.58 5.42
4.84      3.58      DNF       6.51      4.91
First round7 5.51 6.43
5.51      7.28      5.75      6.36      7.18
Oruro Winter 2019Final5 5.11 5.77
5.14      5.11      6.46      6.58      5.71
First round2 4.96 5.55
4.99      5.55      4.96      6.39      6.12
Oruro al Cubo 2019Final9 4.04 5.82
5.11      4.04      6.28      6.08      6.40
First round8 4.43 5.91
7.05      6.01      4.43      5.25      6.47
Oruro Autumn 2018Final7 5.24 5.91
5.24      6.33      5.95      5.45      8.00
First round8 3.50 6.18
6.27      3.50      5.89      9.61      6.39
DiabloRubik 2017Second round14 4.71 6.59
6.29      6.75      6.72      11.40     4.71
First round20 6.13 7.19
7.78      7.31      6.13      6.49      9.74
4x4x4 Cube
Bolivia Cubing Tour - Oruro 2024First round9 38.11 50.96
50.06     38.11     56.12     53.38     49.45
Oruro Winter 2023Final7 44.91 50.30
DNF       46.75     44.91     51.59     52.55
First round7 45.21 49.64
47.61     48.70     52.61     45.21     57.44
Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023Second round12 47.38 48.18
48.14     DNF       47.55     47.38     48.86
First round13 41.24 47.27
53.60     52.03     41.24     44.39     45.38
Urus Cubing 2022First round11 45.50 51.04
50.40     45.50     51.60     54.69     51.11
Oruro Open 2019First round10 54.76 1:04.87
1:13.47   58.72     54.76     1:02.42   1:19.33
Oruro Winter 2019Final6 52.70 1:00.53
1:05.18   52.70     55.91     1:01.65   1:04.04
First round6 46.92 57.66
54.51     1:04.74   46.92     55.43     1:03.04
Oruro Autumn 2018First round15 1:03.00 1:18.53
1:19.85   1:05.01   1:30.72   1:03.00   1:54.66
DiabloRubik 2017First round17 1:14.06 1:19.67
1:14.06   1:42.85   1:14.27   1:21.50   1:23.24
5x5x5 Cube
Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023First round12 1:32.42 1:38.66
1:40.47   1:55.51   1:37.05   1:32.42   1:38.47
Urus Cubing 2022First round13 1:47.69 1:54.76
1:55.23   1:59.36   1:58.14   1:50.91   1:47.69
Oruro Winter 2019First round8 2:03.87
2:36.91   2:03.87
Oruro Autumn 2018First round13 1:55.08 2:15.13
2:20.90   2:15.08   2:09.42   1:55.08   2:21.70
6x6x6 Cube
Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023First round12 3:38.94
Oruro Autumn 2018Final11 4:45.36 DNF
4:45.36   DNF       5:06.65
7x7x7 Cube
Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023First round12 5:28.41
Oruro Autumn 2018Final7 6:41.22 7:05.07
7:21.32   6:41.22   7:12.66
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023Final3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Bolivia Cubing Tour - Oruro 2024Final6 21.69 25.12
26.16     24.58     24.63     26.44     21.69
First round6 21.47 22.74
23.40     21.68     25.95     23.13     21.47
Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023First round13 19.51 26.28
19.51     22.06     29.82     26.97     37.56
Urus Cubing 2022First round11 22.51 27.77
30.95     30.70     24.62     22.51     28.00
Oruro Winter 2019First round7 30.65 33.92
30.65     37.73     37.69     31.01     33.07
Bolivia Cubing Tour - Oruro 2024Final15 3:11.73
3:24.26   3:11.73
Bolivia Cubing Tour - Oruro 2024Final22 11.18 14.89
14.88     12.52     DNF       11.18     17.28
Urus Cubing 2022First round12 9.37 15.78
24.84     9.37      20.91     15.39     11.04
Bolivia Cubing Tour - Oruro 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 10.46 11.31
10.46     11.83     11.86     11.27     10.83
Second round7 10.66 12.28
12.63     12.17     10.66     12.89     12.05
First round10 11.68 13.74
14.66     11.68     12.63     14.06     14.54
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 5.41 6.33
6.27      5.72      5.41      7.00      7.86
First round10 4.18 5.04
5.06      4.79      5.45      4.18      5.27
4x4x4 CubeFirst round9 38.11 50.96
50.06     38.11     56.12     53.38     49.45
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 21.69 25.12
26.16     24.58     24.63     26.44     21.69
First round6 21.47 22.74
23.40     21.68     25.95     23.13     21.47
MegaminxFinal15 3:11.73
3:24.26   3:11.73
PyraminxFinal22 11.18 14.89
14.88     12.52     DNF       11.18     17.28
Oruro Winter 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 12.33 13.43
12.33     12.96     13.55     14.21     13.78
Second round5 11.26 12.07
13.32     12.64     11.63     11.95     11.26
First round5 11.55 12.85
11.55     11.91     13.20     13.44     14.28
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 4.38 5.01
4.38      4.90      4.99      5.13      5.84
First round8 4.54 6.05
5.00      5.97      7.19      7.61      4.54
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 44.91 50.30
DNF       46.75     44.91     51.59     52.55
First round7 45.21 49.64
47.61     48.70     52.61     45.21     57.44
Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 12.48 14.26
13.69     12.48     15.48     13.62     26.77
First round18 12.06 13.53
12.06     20.90     12.79     12.72     15.09
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 5.92 6.23
6.86      6.22      6.29      5.92      6.17
First round12 4.80 5.61
4.80      5.77      8.16      5.24      5.82
4x4x4 CubeSecond round12 47.38 48.18
48.14     DNF       47.55     47.38     48.86
First round13 41.24 47.27
53.60     52.03     41.24     44.39     45.38
5x5x5 CubeFirst round12 1:32.42 1:38.66
1:40.47   1:55.51   1:37.05   1:32.42   1:38.47
6x6x6 CubeFirst round12 3:38.94
7x7x7 CubeFirst round12 5:28.41
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 19.51 26.28
19.51     22.06     29.82     26.97     37.56
Urus Cubing 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 12.10 13.70
12.25     16.01     12.83     19.98     12.10
First round10 11.59 13.68
15.43     13.45     11.59     13.58     14.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round12 3.19 5.80
7.00      3.19      4.71      5.68      7.48
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 45.50 51.04
50.40     45.50     51.60     54.69     51.11
5x5x5 CubeFirst round13 1:47.69 1:54.76
1:55.23   1:59.36   1:58.14   1:50.91   1:47.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round11 22.51 27.77
30.95     30.70     24.62     22.51     28.00
PyraminxFirst round12 9.37 15.78
24.84     9.37      20.91     15.39     11.04
Oruro Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 13.10 14.10
13.96     13.10     17.98     14.64     13.71
Second round10 11.71 16.62
16.85     11.71     17.65     17.19     15.82
First round9 13.66 15.92
19.86     14.26     13.66     16.75     16.76
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.58 5.42
4.84      3.58      DNF       6.51      4.91
First round7 5.51 6.43
5.51      7.28      5.75      6.36      7.18
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 54.76 1:04.87
1:13.47   58.72     54.76     1:02.42   1:19.33
Oruro Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 13.64 14.67
16.05     14.30     13.64     14.44     15.27
Second round7 14.19 15.01
15.46     14.19     18.44     14.44     15.13
First round11 16.25 18.48
29.39     17.95     17.16     16.25     20.34
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 5.11 5.77
5.14      5.11      6.46      6.58      5.71
First round2 4.96 5.55
4.99      5.55      4.96      6.39      6.12
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 52.70 1:00.53
1:05.18   52.70     55.91     1:01.65   1:04.04
First round6 46.92 57.66
54.51     1:04.74   46.92     55.43     1:03.04
5x5x5 CubeFirst round8 2:03.87
2:36.91   2:03.87
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round7 30.65 33.92
30.65     37.73     37.69     31.01     33.07
Oruro al Cubo 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 15.61 17.33
15.79     18.79     17.41     19.65     15.61
First round13 11.19 16.73
18.04     15.97     11.19     16.18     19.60
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 4.04 5.82
5.11      4.04      6.28      6.08      6.40
First round8 4.43 5.91
7.05      6.01      4.43      5.25      6.47
Oruro Autumn 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 13.99 17.30
18.38     13.99     17.11     18.97     16.42
First round18 16.30 20.16
20.02     16.30     23.15     19.38     21.09
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 5.24 5.91
5.24      6.33      5.95      5.45      8.00
First round8 3.50 6.18
6.27      3.50      5.89      9.61      6.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 1:03.00 1:18.53
1:19.85   1:05.01   1:30.72   1:03.00   1:54.66
5x5x5 CubeFirst round13 1:55.08 2:15.13
2:20.90   2:15.08   2:09.42   1:55.08   2:21.70
6x6x6 CubeFinal11 4:45.36 DNF
4:45.36   DNF       5:06.65
7x7x7 CubeFinal7 6:41.22 7:05.07
7:21.32   6:41.22   7:12.66
DiabloRubik 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 19.60 22.22
22.15     22.33     25.91     22.17     19.60
First round27 18.73 21.60
24.30     19.40     21.11     26.58     18.73
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 4.71 6.59
6.29      6.75      6.72      11.40     4.71
First round20 6.13 7.19
7.78      7.31      6.13      6.49      9.74
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 1:14.06 1:19.67
1:14.06   1:42.85   1:14.27   1:21.50   1:23.24
92024-01-23Bolivia Cubing Tour - Oruro 2024BoliviaOruro
82023-06-03Oruro Winter 2023BoliviaOruro
72023-01-28~29Diablo Cubing Oruro 2023BoliviaOruro
62022-09-17~18Urus Cubing 2022BoliviaOruro
52019-09-21Oruro Open 2019BoliviaOruro
42019-06-30Oruro Winter 2019BoliviaOruro
32019-04-07Oruro al Cubo 2019BoliviaOruro
22018-05-19~20Oruro Autumn 2018BoliviaOruro
12017-11-12DiabloRubik 2017BoliviaOruro