Personal Page

Polina Gruzinova

Name: Polina Gruzinova
Region: Russia
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Polina Gruzinova2017GRUZ01
Gender: Female
Career: 2017.10.14 - 2019.04.14
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1625183937509317.2525.2410119324623229420/20
2x2x2 Cube90511231368543.795.3430632900262318/20

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Novosibirsk Planetarium 2019First round37 21.51 25.24
24.26     21.51     24.73     26.74     29.56
Mezhdurechensk Open 2019Final10 17.25 37.39
27.05     17.25     34.92     51.91     50.21
First round9 24.76 26.85
33.81     25.18     24.76     30.19     25.18
Barnaul Open 2017First round36 44.15 52.10
49.91     44.15     49.42     56.97     1:27.52
2x2x2 Cube
Novosibirsk Planetarium 2019Final12 6.33 7.91
9.86      6.59      13.43     6.33      7.28
First round12 3.85 5.34
6.41      4.67      6.94      4.95      3.85
Mezhdurechensk Open 2019Final8 3.79 10.14
5.21      16.34     DNF       3.79      8.86
Barnaul Open 2017First round24 11.75 13.54
15.70     11.75     DNF       12.35     12.58
Mezhdurechensk Open 2019Final5 9.29 9.94
10.37     9.74      9.70      13.18     9.29
Novosibirsk Planetarium 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round37 21.51 25.24
24.26     21.51     24.73     26.74     29.56
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 6.33 7.91
9.86      6.59      13.43     6.33      7.28
First round12 3.85 5.34
6.41      4.67      6.94      4.95      3.85
Mezhdurechensk Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 17.25 37.39
27.05     17.25     34.92     51.91     50.21
First round9 24.76 26.85
33.81     25.18     24.76     30.19     25.18
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.79 10.14
5.21      16.34     DNF       3.79      8.86
PyraminxFinal5 9.29 9.94
10.37     9.74      9.70      13.18     9.29
Barnaul Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round36 44.15 52.10
49.91     44.15     49.42     56.97     1:27.52
2x2x2 CubeFirst round24 11.75 13.54
15.70     11.75     DNF       12.35     12.58
32019-04-13~14Novosibirsk Planetarium 2019RussiaNovosibirsk
22019-03-30Mezhdurechensk Open 2019RussiaMezhdurechensk, Kemerovskaya oblast
12017-10-14~15Barnaul Open 2017RussiaBarnaul