Personal Page

Xiaowei Han (韩晓微)

Name: Xiaowei Han (韩晓微)
Region: China
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Xiaowei Han (韩晓微)2017HANX01
Gender: Female
Career: 2017.05.28 - 2018.11.25
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube8245244846731316.2418.606067322438762815/15
2x2x2 Cube478615493533024.595.984183612608404315/15
4x4x4 Cube248870792033753.931:04.52223277654269110/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Quanzhou Open 2018First round47 16.24 18.60
20.64     17.69     17.46     28.08     16.24
Fuzhou Open 2017Second round54 20.55 23.85
22.22     25.85     23.49     20.55     28.80
First round55 19.25 24.08
21.34     26.12     28.95     19.25     24.77
2x2x2 Cube
Quanzhou Open 2018First round38 5.86 6.64
10.18     6.53      6.42      6.96      5.86
Fuzhou Open 2017Second round26 5.52 6.55
19.30     5.52      6.67      5.89      7.09
First round26 4.59 5.98
4.59      6.94      5.80      6.53      5.61
4x4x4 Cube
Fuzhou Open 2018First round36 53.93 1:04.77
1:11.91   1:01.09   1:12.81   1:01.30   53.93
Quanzhou Open 2018Final30 57.29 1:04.52
1:09.42   1:06.17   1:03.58   57.29     1:03.82
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Fuzhou Autumn 2017Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Fuzhou Open 2018First round20 1:53.32 2:03.20
2:01.05   1:57.01   2:11.55   2:21.42   1:53.32
Fuzhou Open 2018Final4 5.63 6.77
5.63      6.77      7.34      6.31      7.24
First round7 4.51 7.20
7.81      8.46      7.27      4.51      6.53
Quanzhou Open 2018Final7 4.13 5.53
5.68      4.13      5.98      5.39      5.52
First round6 4.20 5.34
8.20      4.95      5.01      6.06      4.20
Fuzhou Autumn 2017Final5 4.39 5.85
4.60      6.59      8.26      4.39      6.36
First round5 5.47 6.72
7.08      7.12      5.97      5.47      DNF
Fuzhou Open 2017First round23 9.09 16.97
18.15     9.09      18.48     25.56     14.28
Fuzhou Open 2018
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 53.93 1:04.77
1:11.91   1:01.09   1:12.81   1:01.30   53.93
MegaminxFirst round20 1:53.32 2:03.20
2:01.05   1:57.01   2:11.55   2:21.42   1:53.32
PyraminxFinal4 5.63 6.77
5.63      6.77      7.34      6.31      7.24
First round7 4.51 7.20
7.81      8.46      7.27      4.51      6.53
Quanzhou Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round47 16.24 18.60
20.64     17.69     17.46     28.08     16.24
2x2x2 CubeFirst round38 5.86 6.64
10.18     6.53      6.42      6.96      5.86
4x4x4 CubeFinal30 57.29 1:04.52
1:09.42   1:06.17   1:03.58   57.29     1:03.82
PyraminxFinal7 4.13 5.53
5.68      4.13      5.98      5.39      5.52
First round6 4.20 5.34
8.20      4.95      5.01      6.06      4.20
Fuzhou Autumn 2017
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal5 4.39 5.85
4.60      6.59      8.26      4.39      6.36
First round5 5.47 6.72
7.08      7.12      5.97      5.47      DNF
Fuzhou Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round54 20.55 23.85
22.22     25.85     23.49     20.55     28.80
First round55 19.25 24.08
21.34     26.12     28.95     19.25     24.77
2x2x2 CubeSecond round26 5.52 6.55
19.30     5.52      6.67      5.89      7.09
First round26 4.59 5.98
4.59      6.94      5.80      6.53      5.61
SkewbFirst round23 9.09 16.97
18.15     9.09      18.48     25.56     14.28
42018-11-24~25Fuzhou Open 2018ChinaFuzhou, Fujian
32018-09-16Quanzhou Open 2018ChinaQuanzhou, Fujian
22017-11-05Fuzhou Autumn 2017ChinaFuzhou, Fujian
12017-05-28~29Fuzhou Open 2017ChinaFuzhou, Fujian

Organized Competitions

2017-11-05WCA CompetitionFuzhou Autumn 2017FujianFuzhouMultifunctional Hall, First Floor, Civil Engineering Institute, Fuzhou University, Shangjie Town, Minhou County