Personal Page

Carter Langston

Name: Carter Langston
Region: United States
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Carter Langston2017LANG04
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.06.09 - 2024.08.04
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube18423244549260019.6524.5697355259151950355/55
2x2x2 Cube1484219406685395.3510.65101737292302231135/35

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Southern Championship 2024Second round128 20.09 28.84
31.17     29.75     27.01     29.77     20.09
First round122 20.88 25.03
30.54     20.88     27.15     27.01     20.92
Cube Against Cancer Texas 2024First round73 24.85 26.18
25.41     27.05     26.86     24.85     26.26
Space City Winter 2024First round87 23.80 27.17
33.25     23.99     23.80     41.39     24.27
Houston Winter 2020First round91 19.65 24.56
22.18     28.76     19.65     26.90     24.61
Lone Star Cubing 2019First round40 21.35 27.52
27.97     27.59     29.12     21.35     27.01
Southern Championship 2018First round76 23.26 31.21
34.17     25.80     23.26     33.67     46.00
Howdy Partner 2018First round84 26.62 32.86
30.77     39.78     33.58     34.22     26.62
Yeehaw 2017First round102 28.17 34.32
36.46     28.17     40.57     35.01     31.49
Southern Championships 2017First round100 26.14 32.34
53.60     38.50     26.14     29.34     29.19
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017First round80 31.34 37.81
39.72     38.57     45.58     35.14     31.34
2x2x2 Cube
Southern Championship 2024First round138 10.69 13.20
14.94     13.19     14.70     10.69     11.72
Cube Against Cancer Texas 2024First round80 7.62 12.20
13.90     10.28     12.43     16.95     7.62
Space City Winter 2024First round97 5.85 13.32
23.69     13.17     13.33     13.45     5.85
Southern Championship 2018First round77 5.35 12.22
10.86     15.70     5.35      10.11     20.50
Yeehaw 2017First round97 7.95 13.65
7.95      27.07     14.91     11.97     14.08
Southern Championships 2017Final90 7.86 11.57
10.81     15.25     7.86      17.99     8.65
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017First round59 8.30 10.65
11.87     14.74     8.30      10.36     9.72
Southern Championship 2018First round74 24.60
24.60     30.60
Howdy Partner 2018Final48 8.71 17.30
8.71      20.04     37.32     14.62     17.23
Southern Championships 2017First round88 24.94
26.49     24.94
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017First round72 15.79 26.22
29.60     41.81     22.13     15.79     26.92
Houston Winter 2020First round74 16.71 21.78
16.71     17.33     25.95     DNF       22.05
Lone Star Cubing 2019First round30 9.43 18.09
9.43      DNF       20.90     10.81     22.56
Southern Championship 2018First round44 16.76
16.76     DNF
Southern Championships 2017First round72 13.60 23.62
23.78     13.60     25.82     21.61     25.47
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017First round37 15.36 16.91
15.64     15.36     27.52     17.77     17.33
Southern Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round128 20.09 28.84
31.17     29.75     27.01     29.77     20.09
First round122 20.88 25.03
30.54     20.88     27.15     27.01     20.92
2x2x2 CubeFirst round138 10.69 13.20
14.94     13.19     14.70     10.69     11.72
Cube Against Cancer Texas 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round73 24.85 26.18
25.41     27.05     26.86     24.85     26.26
2x2x2 CubeFirst round80 7.62 12.20
13.90     10.28     12.43     16.95     7.62
Space City Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round87 23.80 27.17
33.25     23.99     23.80     41.39     24.27
2x2x2 CubeFirst round97 5.85 13.32
23.69     13.17     13.33     13.45     5.85
Houston Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeFirst round91 19.65 24.56
22.18     28.76     19.65     26.90     24.61
SkewbFirst round74 16.71 21.78
16.71     17.33     25.95     DNF       22.05
Lone Star Cubing 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round40 21.35 27.52
27.97     27.59     29.12     21.35     27.01
SkewbFirst round30 9.43 18.09
9.43      DNF       20.90     10.81     22.56
Southern Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round76 23.26 31.21
34.17     25.80     23.26     33.67     46.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round77 5.35 12.22
10.86     15.70     5.35      10.11     20.50
PyraminxFirst round74 24.60
24.60     30.60
SkewbFirst round44 16.76
16.76     DNF
Howdy Partner 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round84 26.62 32.86
30.77     39.78     33.58     34.22     26.62
PyraminxFinal48 8.71 17.30
8.71      20.04     37.32     14.62     17.23
Yeehaw 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round102 28.17 34.32
36.46     28.17     40.57     35.01     31.49
2x2x2 CubeFirst round97 7.95 13.65
7.95      27.07     14.91     11.97     14.08
Southern Championships 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round100 26.14 32.34
53.60     38.50     26.14     29.34     29.19
2x2x2 CubeFinal90 7.86 11.57
10.81     15.25     7.86      17.99     8.65
PyraminxFirst round88 24.94
26.49     24.94
SkewbFirst round72 13.60 23.62
23.78     13.60     25.82     21.61     25.47
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round80 31.34 37.81
39.72     38.57     45.58     35.14     31.34
2x2x2 CubeFirst round59 8.30 10.65
11.87     14.74     8.30      10.36     9.72
PyraminxFirst round72 15.79 26.22
29.60     41.81     22.13     15.79     26.92
SkewbFirst round37 15.36 16.91
15.64     15.36     27.52     17.77     17.33
102024-08-02~04Southern Championship 2024United StatesOklahoma City, Oklahoma
92024-03-02Cube Against Cancer Texas 2024United StatesHouston, Texas
82024-01-06Space City Winter 2024United StatesHouston, Texas
72020-01-25Houston Winter 2020United StatesHouston, Texas
62019-05-18Lone Star Cubing 2019United StatesKaty, Texas
52018-04-27~29Southern Championship 2018United StatesHouston, Texas
42018-02-03Howdy Partner 2018United StatesHouston, Texas
32017-10-07Yeehaw 2017United StatesHouston, Texas
22017-07-15~16Southern Championships 2017United StatesHouston, Texas
12017-06-09~10Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017United StatesSan Antonio, Texas