Personal Page

Samuel Lapointe

Name: Samuel Lapointe
Region: Canada
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Samuel Lapointe2017LAPO02
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.02.04 - 2024.04.27
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube85164032495111.1612.4118060463260639/40
2x2x2 Cube12029160328773.594.2414003394753525/25
4x4x4 Cube8036743261401:00.831:11.972718971408457/7
5x5x5 Cube5494738172402:02.982:11.481571543425057/7
3x3x3 One-Handed35828891197519.7923.3910459245531127/27

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Nouveaux Venus à Montréal A 2024First round16 11.81 14.00
16.91     11.81     14.65     14.48     12.87
Défi Jeunesse Montréal 2023Second round29 11.32 13.14
14.00     14.20     14.07     11.34     11.32
First round22 11.16 12.41
14.24     13.12     12.05     11.16     12.06
Open de Montréal 2023Second round42 12.40 14.34
14.11     12.92     15.99     16.04     12.40
First round42 12.06 14.79
15.04     16.79     14.00     12.06     15.32
Montreal Limited Winter 2019Second round38 16.76 17.85
16.76     27.45     17.33     17.21     19.00
First round36 14.40 17.36
16.48     16.96     18.65     22.60     14.40
Montreal Open Winter 2017First round98 25.50 30.69
30.18     DNF       34.33     25.50     27.57
2x2x2 Cube
Nouveaux Venus à Montréal A 2024First round17 4.76 5.33
4.76      5.97      4.78      7.33      5.25
Défi Jeunesse Montréal 2023First round15 3.59 4.24
4.14      3.74      4.83      3.59      5.58
Open de Montréal 2023First round31 4.04 4.93
4.04      4.40      5.22      5.18      6.45
Montreal Limited Winter 2019Second round43 5.25 6.68
6.96      9.08      7.50      5.57      5.25
First round23 3.93 5.36
4.73      5.16      7.10      6.18      3.93
4x4x4 Cube
Vitesse Supérieure Montréal 2024Final19 1:04.82 1:11.97
1:23.40   1:04.82   1:09.79   1:20.75   1:05.37
Open de Montréal 2023First round31 1:00.83
1:12.63   1:00.83
5x5x5 Cube
Vitesse Supérieure Montréal 2024Final17 2:02.98 2:11.48
2:46.97   2:04.35   2:06.87   2:23.22   2:02.98
Open de Montréal 2023First round25 2:11.19
2:18.44   2:11.19
3x3x3 One-Handed
Nouveaux Venus à Montréal A 2024Final6 19.79 23.39
19.79     34.97     21.56     22.22     26.38
Défi Jeunesse Montréal 2023First round16 23.03 24.58
24.74     25.67     28.95     23.03     23.32
Open de Montréal 2023First round18 24.50 26.52
28.33     31.85     25.56     25.67     24.50
Montreal Limited Winter 2019Final22 26.40 36.89
40.84     26.40     32.85     40.13     37.69
First round22 28.37 33.07
45.70     28.37     30.07     34.06     35.07
Montreal Open Winter 2017First round56 58.12
58.12     1:05.61
Vitesse Supérieure Montréal 2024First round23 25.45
25.45     DNF
Vitesse Supérieure Montréal 2024Final12 1:48.09 1:55.62
1:56.08   1:48.09   2:07.85   1:57.57   1:53.22
Montreal Limited Winter 2019Final15 2:06.32 2:33.66
2:06.32   2:30.65   2:31.09   3:16.79   2:39.23
Nouveaux Venus à Montréal A 2024Final11 3.53 8.67
8.60      9.77      3.53      9.52      7.88
First round7 6.78 8.26
7.42      10.92     9.44      6.78      7.91
Défi Jeunesse Montréal 2023First round16 5.18 8.62
5.18      9.33      8.03      8.50      13.65
Open de Montréal 2023First round18 6.58 8.32
8.62      6.58      8.90      7.88      8.47
Montreal Limited Winter 2019Final28 7.13 13.37
15.39     14.51     12.55     13.06     7.13
First round23 8.32 11.58
9.98      12.64     16.67     12.11     8.32
Nouveaux Venus à Montréal A 2024First round14 5.93 9.96
5.93      9.66      13.87     13.86     6.36
Défi Jeunesse Montréal 2023First round13 6.66 9.74
13.02     9.36      8.89      6.66      10.98
Open de Montréal 2023First round33 9.73 12.34
12.58     13.60     9.73      10.84     15.26
Vitesse Supérieure Montréal 2024
4x4x4 CubeFinal19 1:04.82 1:11.97
1:23.40   1:04.82   1:09.79   1:20.75   1:05.37
5x5x5 CubeFinal17 2:02.98 2:11.48
2:46.97   2:04.35   2:06.87   2:23.22   2:02.98
ClockFirst round23 25.45
25.45     DNF
MegaminxFinal12 1:48.09 1:55.62
1:56.08   1:48.09   2:07.85   1:57.57   1:53.22
Nouveaux Venus à Montréal A 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round16 11.81 14.00
16.91     11.81     14.65     14.48     12.87
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 4.76 5.33
4.76      5.97      4.78      7.33      5.25
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 19.79 23.39
19.79     34.97     21.56     22.22     26.38
PyraminxFinal11 3.53 8.67
8.60      9.77      3.53      9.52      7.88
First round7 6.78 8.26
7.42      10.92     9.44      6.78      7.91
SkewbFirst round14 5.93 9.96
5.93      9.66      13.87     13.86     6.36
Défi Jeunesse Montréal 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 11.32 13.14
14.00     14.20     14.07     11.34     11.32
First round22 11.16 12.41
14.24     13.12     12.05     11.16     12.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 3.59 4.24
4.14      3.74      4.83      3.59      5.58
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 23.03 24.58
24.74     25.67     28.95     23.03     23.32
PyraminxFirst round16 5.18 8.62
5.18      9.33      8.03      8.50      13.65
SkewbFirst round13 6.66 9.74
13.02     9.36      8.89      6.66      10.98
Open de Montréal 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round42 12.40 14.34
14.11     12.92     15.99     16.04     12.40
First round42 12.06 14.79
15.04     16.79     14.00     12.06     15.32
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 4.04 4.93
4.04      4.40      5.22      5.18      6.45
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 1:00.83
1:12.63   1:00.83
5x5x5 CubeFirst round25 2:11.19
2:18.44   2:11.19
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 24.50 26.52
28.33     31.85     25.56     25.67     24.50
PyraminxFirst round18 6.58 8.32
8.62      6.58      8.90      7.88      8.47
SkewbFirst round33 9.73 12.34
12.58     13.60     9.73      10.84     15.26
Montreal Limited Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 16.76 17.85
16.76     27.45     17.33     17.21     19.00
First round36 14.40 17.36
16.48     16.96     18.65     22.60     14.40
2x2x2 CubeSecond round43 5.25 6.68
6.96      9.08      7.50      5.57      5.25
First round23 3.93 5.36
4.73      5.16      7.10      6.18      3.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal22 26.40 36.89
40.84     26.40     32.85     40.13     37.69
First round22 28.37 33.07
45.70     28.37     30.07     34.06     35.07
MegaminxFinal15 2:06.32 2:33.66
2:06.32   2:30.65   2:31.09   3:16.79   2:39.23
PyraminxFinal28 7.13 13.37
15.39     14.51     12.55     13.06     7.13
First round23 8.32 11.58
9.98      12.64     16.67     12.11     8.32
Montreal Open Winter 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round98 25.50 30.69
30.18     DNF       34.33     25.50     27.57
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round56 58.12
58.12     1:05.61
62024-04-27Vitesse Supérieure Montréal 2024CanadaMontréal, Quebec
52024-03-16Nouveaux Venus à Montréal A 2024CanadaMontréal, Quebec
42023-12-03Défi Jeunesse Montréal 2023CanadaMontréal, Quebec
32023-06-10~11Open de Montréal 2023CanadaMontréal, Quebec
22019-04-06Montreal Limited Winter 2019CanadaMontreal, Quebec
12017-02-04Montreal Open Winter 2017CanadaMontréal, Quebec