Personal Page

Kevin Santiago Pinilla Ortiz

Name: Kevin Santiago Pinilla Ortiz
Region: Colombia
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Kevin Santiago Pinilla Ortiz2017ORTI01
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.02.04 - 2024.02.04
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube34919302591011.5013.27218011575287100/100
2x2x2 Cube2291108151012.704.9222309154330060/60
4x4x4 Cube145731978943.2948.24866264411959/60
5x5x5 Cube144742109301:40.351:51.321089073414720/20
6x6x6 Cube8743465813:22.323:59.067345472964/5
3x3x3 One-Handed23613951786923.7129.4918140142623530/32

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Centro Mayor 2024Semi Final13 11.50 13.27
11.50     13.60     12.76     16.27     13.44
Second round23 11.57 14.18
18.56     13.68     14.34     14.52     11.57
First round22 12.86 14.19
14.23     13.01     15.33     12.86     18.83
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Second round37 12.09 16.33
14.74     17.58     16.92     12.09     17.33
First round35 14.67 16.92
14.67     21.95     17.67     16.34     16.74
Regreso a Clases 2022Second round18 13.55 14.05
13.72     14.57     15.40     13.55     13.87
First round25 13.15 15.08
13.15     14.41     14.00     16.82     20.68
San Martín Cubea 2020Second round23 13.24 15.54
20.48     13.24     17.34     14.93     14.35
First round24 14.98 16.76
17.48     19.81     16.94     14.98     15.86
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020Second round42 17.06 17.90
18.15     17.06     17.35     19.27     18.19
First round41 14.90 16.27
15.03     14.90     17.36     16.43     19.71
Feliz Navidad Bogotá 2019Second round40 12.28 17.30
17.49     12.28     18.61     18.92     15.81
First round46 17.11 17.84
17.65     17.11     18.15     19.19     17.71
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019Second round24 14.08 17.13
17.14     19.70     21.07     14.54     14.08
First round29 16.69 20.00
24.50     19.58     19.61     16.69     20.81
Bogotá Championship 2019Second round36 16.34 17.44
16.34     17.93     17.00     20.94     17.40
First round42 11.66 17.22
16.54     20.08     17.88     17.25     11.66
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019First round42 14.35 19.10
19.08     20.77     14.35     19.37     18.85
Colombia Nationals 2018First round76 17.19 20.99
21.22     23.42     20.49     17.19     21.26
Tadeo 2017First round67 22.34 29.00
30.09     22.34     27.40     34.30     29.50
2x2x2 Cube
Centro Mayor 2024First round18 2.92 4.92
6.20      3.84      7.24      2.92      4.73
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Final27 4.70 5.57
4.70      11.18     5.06      5.84      5.80
Regreso a Clases 2022First round21 3.42 5.35
5.81      4.94      3.42      5.30      7.82
San Martín Cubea 2020Second round19 5.30 6.16
6.40      6.63      8.26      5.46      5.30
First round23 4.50 6.54
6.28      7.00      6.34      4.50      7.36
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020First round27 5.13 5.75
5.22      5.42      6.61      10.98     5.13
Feliz Navidad Bogotá 2019Final32 4.91 6.30
7.93      4.91      6.51      5.92      6.47
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019First round30 5.67 7.36
5.67      7.84      8.43      7.01      7.24
Bogotá Championship 2019Second round29 4.11 6.58
6.93      5.04      11.05     4.11      7.78
First round26 2.70 5.29
6.30      3.29      6.27      2.70      7.38
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019First round27 3.66 6.11
3.66      5.71      7.89      6.76      5.85
Colombia Nationals 2018First round57 3.53 6.34
6.59      6.02      8.12      3.53      6.40
4x4x4 Cube
Centro Mayor 2024Final12 48.84 54.66
56.47     51.69     48.84     57.54     55.81
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Final20 46.60 52.54
46.60     57.61     52.71     47.29     57.80
Regreso a Clases 2022Final11 43.29 48.24
51.19     57.74     43.29     44.29     49.23
First round12 44.31 48.94
49.77     44.31     45.79     51.27     52.10
San Martín Cubea 2020Second round15 52.27 59.50
1:01.75   1:00.80   52.27     55.96     1:10.40
First round11 47.55 50.72
50.05     47.55     49.58     1:03.44   52.53
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020First round22 48.71 57.99
1:13.05   59.21     1:00.15   48.71     54.60
Feliz Navidad Bogotá 2019First round28 50.70 58.13
1:06.28   DNF       50.70     51.53     56.59
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019Second round16 50.35 55.35
54.15     1:00.27   55.06     50.35     56.84
First round14 50.16 54.47
57.04     54.58     50.16     55.74     53.09
Bogotá Championship 2019First round30 51.67 1:01.12
1:01.36   59.23     1:02.76   1:06.47   51.67
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019First round38 1:07.18 1:18.08
1:25.93   1:30.06   1:17.24   1:11.07   1:07.18
5x5x5 Cube
Regreso a Clases 2022First round16 1:40.35 1:51.32
1:40.35   1:48.75   2:09.50   2:01.86   1:43.35
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020First round29 1:47.00 2:02.66
2:14.34   1:47.00   1:50.98   2:22.03   2:02.65
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019First round25 2:03.26 2:16.65
2:18.53   2:25.88   2:03.26   2:17.42   2:13.99
Bogotá Championship 2019First round31 2:06.62 2:18.52
2:41.33   2:13.46   2:25.38   2:06.62   2:16.72
6x6x6 Cube
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020Final21 3:22.32 3:59.06
3:22.32   4:17.77   4:17.08
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019First round21 4:53.27
Bogotá Championship 2019First round22 DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Centro Mayor 2024Final22 23.71 29.70
31.97     33.13     23.71     29.97     27.17
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Final21 26.47 29.49
26.47     28.15     28.94     31.38     33.47
San Martín Cubea 2020First round21 27.70 36.47
31.27     41.60     45.59     36.53     27.70
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020First round39 41.12
41.12     DNF
Feliz Navidad Bogotá 2019Final32 33.89 39.64
46.30     33.89     40.44     34.58     43.90
Bogotá Championship 2019First round34 38.61 43.41
40.58     DNF       38.61     41.64     48.02
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019Final37 33.81 43.82
49.13     33.81     47.19     45.31     38.95
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020First round27 2:10.33
2:10.33   2:56.78
Bogotá Championship 2019First round21 2:51.25
DNF       2:51.25
Centro Mayor 2024First round22 7.81 9.66
11.50     10.61     8.15      7.81      10.23
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Final31 7.00 11.76
10.74     13.91     11.99     7.00      12.54
Regreso a Clases 2022Final12 7.68 8.95
10.83     11.65     7.99      8.02      7.68
First round15 5.74 8.89
10.34     10.48     5.74      5.84      11.38
San Martín Cubea 2020Second round17 7.52 11.16
7.52      14.02     12.63     7.55      13.31
First round25 4.95 13.11
12.11     12.97     14.81     4.95      14.26
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020First round27 7.60 10.26
8.96      7.60      9.22      12.61     13.24
Feliz Navidad Bogotá 2019Final22 8.13 9.69
11.38     8.78      9.80      10.50     8.13
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019Second round16 5.53 9.30
11.36     5.53      10.19     9.52      8.18
First round15 7.90 8.87
11.50     8.84      8.97      7.90      8.79
Bogotá Championship 2019First round30 6.97 11.83
11.95     12.10     11.84     6.97      11.70
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019Final24 9.21 12.49
9.21      10.22     14.99     12.25     17.41
First round24 10.10 11.44
10.10     11.86     12.27     10.18     15.08
Centro Mayor 2024Final11 6.96 10.98
14.51     11.60     8.83      12.50     6.96
First round11 5.28 7.03
5.28      8.11      7.02      5.95      17.21
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Final25 5.45 10.42
21.54     7.86      9.76      13.64     5.45
Regreso a Clases 2022First round22 8.22 11.89
8.22      8.60      24.73     14.54     12.53
San Martín Cubea 2020First round19 8.78 12.06
11.59     8.78      13.00     11.59     13.85
Bogotá Championship 2019First round33 17.79 25.87
45.07     23.52     22.07     32.03     17.79
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019First round38 15.89 19.76
20.55     23.38     16.12     15.89     22.62
Bogotá Championship 2019First round9 54.09 DNF
54.09     DNF       DNF       1:04.64   DNF
Centro Mayor 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final13 11.50 13.27
11.50     13.60     12.76     16.27     13.44
Second round23 11.57 14.18
18.56     13.68     14.34     14.52     11.57
First round22 12.86 14.19
14.23     13.01     15.33     12.86     18.83
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 2.92 4.92
6.20      3.84      7.24      2.92      4.73
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 48.84 54.66
56.47     51.69     48.84     57.54     55.81
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal22 23.71 29.70
31.97     33.13     23.71     29.97     27.17
PyraminxFirst round22 7.81 9.66
11.50     10.61     8.15      7.81      10.23
SkewbFinal11 6.96 10.98
14.51     11.60     8.83      12.50     6.96
First round11 5.28 7.03
5.28      8.11      7.02      5.95      17.21
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round37 12.09 16.33
14.74     17.58     16.92     12.09     17.33
First round35 14.67 16.92
14.67     21.95     17.67     16.34     16.74
2x2x2 CubeFinal27 4.70 5.57
4.70      11.18     5.06      5.84      5.80
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 46.60 52.54
46.60     57.61     52.71     47.29     57.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 26.47 29.49
26.47     28.15     28.94     31.38     33.47
PyraminxFinal31 7.00 11.76
10.74     13.91     11.99     7.00      12.54
SkewbFinal25 5.45 10.42
21.54     7.86      9.76      13.64     5.45
Regreso a Clases 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 13.55 14.05
13.72     14.57     15.40     13.55     13.87
First round25 13.15 15.08
13.15     14.41     14.00     16.82     20.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 3.42 5.35
5.81      4.94      3.42      5.30      7.82
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 43.29 48.24
51.19     57.74     43.29     44.29     49.23
First round12 44.31 48.94
49.77     44.31     45.79     51.27     52.10
5x5x5 CubeFirst round16 1:40.35 1:51.32
1:40.35   1:48.75   2:09.50   2:01.86   1:43.35
PyraminxFinal12 7.68 8.95
10.83     11.65     7.99      8.02      7.68
First round15 5.74 8.89
10.34     10.48     5.74      5.84      11.38
SkewbFirst round22 8.22 11.89
8.22      8.60      24.73     14.54     12.53
San Martín Cubea 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 13.24 15.54
20.48     13.24     17.34     14.93     14.35
First round24 14.98 16.76
17.48     19.81     16.94     14.98     15.86
2x2x2 CubeSecond round19 5.30 6.16
6.40      6.63      8.26      5.46      5.30
First round23 4.50 6.54
6.28      7.00      6.34      4.50      7.36
4x4x4 CubeSecond round15 52.27 59.50
1:01.75   1:00.80   52.27     55.96     1:10.40
First round11 47.55 50.72
50.05     47.55     49.58     1:03.44   52.53
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 27.70 36.47
31.27     41.60     45.59     36.53     27.70
PyraminxSecond round17 7.52 11.16
7.52      14.02     12.63     7.55      13.31
First round25 4.95 13.11
12.11     12.97     14.81     4.95      14.26
SkewbFirst round19 8.78 12.06
11.59     8.78      13.00     11.59     13.85
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round42 17.06 17.90
18.15     17.06     17.35     19.27     18.19
First round41 14.90 16.27
15.03     14.90     17.36     16.43     19.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 5.13 5.75
5.22      5.42      6.61      10.98     5.13
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 48.71 57.99
1:13.05   59.21     1:00.15   48.71     54.60
5x5x5 CubeFirst round29 1:47.00 2:02.66
2:14.34   1:47.00   1:50.98   2:22.03   2:02.65
6x6x6 CubeFinal21 3:22.32 3:59.06
3:22.32   4:17.77   4:17.08
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round39 41.12
41.12     DNF
MegaminxFirst round27 2:10.33
2:10.33   2:56.78
PyraminxFirst round27 7.60 10.26
8.96      7.60      9.22      12.61     13.24
Feliz Navidad Bogotá 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round40 12.28 17.30
17.49     12.28     18.61     18.92     15.81
First round46 17.11 17.84
17.65     17.11     18.15     19.19     17.71
2x2x2 CubeFinal32 4.91 6.30
7.93      4.91      6.51      5.92      6.47
4x4x4 CubeFirst round28 50.70 58.13
1:06.28   DNF       50.70     51.53     56.59
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal32 33.89 39.64
46.30     33.89     40.44     34.58     43.90
PyraminxFinal22 8.13 9.69
11.38     8.78      9.80      10.50     8.13
Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 14.08 17.13
17.14     19.70     21.07     14.54     14.08
First round29 16.69 20.00
24.50     19.58     19.61     16.69     20.81
2x2x2 CubeFirst round30 5.67 7.36
5.67      7.84      8.43      7.01      7.24
4x4x4 CubeSecond round16 50.35 55.35
54.15     1:00.27   55.06     50.35     56.84
First round14 50.16 54.47
57.04     54.58     50.16     55.74     53.09
5x5x5 CubeFirst round25 2:03.26 2:16.65
2:18.53   2:25.88   2:03.26   2:17.42   2:13.99
6x6x6 CubeFirst round21 4:53.27
PyraminxSecond round16 5.53 9.30
11.36     5.53      10.19     9.52      8.18
First round15 7.90 8.87
11.50     8.84      8.97      7.90      8.79
Bogotá Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 16.34 17.44
16.34     17.93     17.00     20.94     17.40
First round42 11.66 17.22
16.54     20.08     17.88     17.25     11.66
2x2x2 CubeSecond round29 4.11 6.58
6.93      5.04      11.05     4.11      7.78
First round26 2.70 5.29
6.30      3.29      6.27      2.70      7.38
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 51.67 1:01.12
1:01.36   59.23     1:02.76   1:06.47   51.67
5x5x5 CubeFirst round31 2:06.62 2:18.52
2:41.33   2:13.46   2:25.38   2:06.62   2:16.72
6x6x6 CubeFirst round22 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round34 38.61 43.41
40.58     DNF       38.61     41.64     48.02
MegaminxFirst round21 2:51.25
DNF       2:51.25
PyraminxFirst round30 6.97 11.83
11.95     12.10     11.84     6.97      11.70
SkewbFirst round33 17.79 25.87
45.07     23.52     22.07     32.03     17.79
Square-1First round9 54.09 DNF
54.09     DNF       DNF       1:04.64   DNF
Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round42 14.35 19.10
19.08     20.77     14.35     19.37     18.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 3.66 6.11
3.66      5.71      7.89      6.76      5.85
4x4x4 CubeFirst round38 1:07.18 1:18.08
1:25.93   1:30.06   1:17.24   1:11.07   1:07.18
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal37 33.81 43.82
49.13     33.81     47.19     45.31     38.95
PyraminxFinal24 9.21 12.49
9.21      10.22     14.99     12.25     17.41
First round24 10.10 11.44
10.10     11.86     12.27     10.18     15.08
SkewbFirst round38 15.89 19.76
20.55     23.38     16.12     15.89     22.62
Colombia Nationals 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round76 17.19 20.99
21.22     23.42     20.49     17.19     21.26
2x2x2 CubeFirst round57 3.53 6.34
6.59      6.02      8.12      3.53      6.40
Tadeo 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round67 22.34 29.00
30.09     22.34     27.40     34.30     29.50
112024-02-04Centro Mayor 2024ColombiaBogotá D.C.
102023-03-26All or Nothing Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
92022-02-26~27Regreso a Clases 2022ColombiaBogotá
82020-02-22~23San Martín Cubea 2020ColombiaBogotá D.C.
72020-01-18~19Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2020ColombiaBogotá
62019-12-15Feliz Navidad Bogotá 2019ColombiaBogotá D.C.
52019-08-18~19Festival Cubero Cúbico 2019ColombiaBogotá D.C.
42019-07-19~21Bogotá Championship 2019ColombiaBogotá D.C.
32019-02-02~03Bogotá Free Comic Cubing 2019ColombiaBogotá
22018-07-20~22Colombia Nationals 2018ColombiaBogotá
12017-02-04Tadeo 2017ColombiaBogotá D.C.