Personal Page

Didier Jaizird Ramirez Pinzon

Name: Didier Jaizird Ramirez Pinzon
Region: Colombia
Competitions: 20
WCA ID: Didier Jaizird Ramirez Pinzon2017PINZ04
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.09.23 - 2024.02.03
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1901056152619.9711.59124778271421278/280
2x2x2 Cube192940127392.544.131184078815221178/180
4x4x4 Cube84452623138.8045.1564804778523123/125
5x5x5 Cube8745267171:24.791:34.11672045383241/42
6x6x6 Cube9146271453:31.604/4
7x7x7 Cube7132552695:01.282/3
3x3x3 One-Handed21813131684623.0428.22165531275209106/109

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Terraza360 2024Final4 11.25 12.60
12.79     12.08     14.66     12.92     11.25
Second round3 10.41 11.66
11.13     11.89     11.96     10.41     15.62
First round4 10.65 11.59
14.01     10.65     10.81     11.22     12.75
Lebrija Relay 2023Final4 10.77 13.01
12.68     14.99     12.46     13.90     10.77
Second round5 10.28 13.54
17.12     10.28     11.35     16.86     12.40
First round4 13.00 13.81
14.21     13.85     13.38     14.70     13.00
Delacuesta al Cubo III 2023Final2 11.29 12.03
11.67     11.35     13.06     11.29     15.93
Second round5 12.51 13.69
12.51     13.53     15.16     14.47     13.06
First round4 12.10 13.03
13.10     12.10     12.85     13.15     14.34
Bucaramanga CST 2023Final5 11.20 13.22
16.07     13.35     11.20     13.93     12.38
Second round3 10.70 11.66
13.24     12.27     11.88     10.70     10.84
First round4 12.85 13.55
12.85     14.46     13.30     16.84     12.90
La Florida 2023Final4 11.48 14.03
12.70     13.81     DNF       15.57     11.48
Second round3 11.16 13.17
13.55     11.78     14.17     15.56     11.16
First round5 12.46 14.27
14.00     14.53     12.46     14.27     15.15
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023Final4 12.43 13.74
13.21     12.43     17.61     14.06     13.95
Second round4 12.39 14.09
15.44     12.97     20.14     12.39     13.86
First round3 12.13 13.23
13.29     13.70     15.87     12.69     12.13
Regionales Santander 2023Final11 11.56 13.56
12.46     14.43     15.07     11.56     13.78
Second round11 9.97 13.43
12.36     14.84     9.97      13.70     14.22
First round15 11.20 14.95
16.60     11.20     12.75     18.32     15.49
Panama Nationals 2023Final12 13.24 14.01
14.57     13.98     13.48     15.24     13.24
Second round13 11.50 14.28
11.50     16.19     14.78     14.29     13.78
First round10 12.52 13.03
13.85     12.60     14.71     12.63     12.52
Lebrija 2023Final6 13.01 13.78
13.01     14.46     13.62     14.13     13.59
Second round5 12.27 14.34
17.96     14.74     12.27     13.44     14.83
First round6 10.47 12.38
12.06     10.47     17.06     14.29     10.79
Delacuesta Open 2023Final5 13.21 13.45
13.35     13.71     13.28     14.10     13.21
Second round6 11.85 13.62
12.43     15.65     14.87     13.56     11.85
First round4 11.39 13.37
14.38     11.39     12.24     16.97     13.48
Bucaramanga 2023Final6 12.08 13.86
12.08     13.07     17.66     14.38     14.12
Second round6 12.22 14.78
15.32     16.10     14.93     14.09     12.22
First round6 12.08 13.31
14.91     15.38     12.47     12.55     12.08
Nacionales Colombia 2023Semi Final40 11.87 15.69
15.48     16.13     15.46     20.99     11.87
Second round39 13.79 14.30
13.79     14.83     13.93     14.97     14.13
First round54 13.73 15.31
18.03     16.51     14.10     15.32     13.73
Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023Final8 13.54 14.59
14.98     13.84     18.37     14.95     13.54
Second round9 13.99 14.81
15.75     14.29     15.52     14.62     13.99
First round12 12.76 16.42
20.59     14.72     17.44     12.76     17.11
San Bernardo al Cubo 2023Final10 13.08 14.50
13.08     14.55     14.11     14.84     18.33
Second round5 11.93 13.04
13.23     13.45     11.93     12.45     13.89
First round7 13.55 14.38
16.69     13.56     15.02     14.55     13.55
Barrancabermeja Open 2023Final9 11.35 14.13
15.34     11.35     17.91     14.90     12.14
Second round12 12.21 16.10
15.76     15.46     12.21     17.08     17.89
First round10 13.10 15.11
13.10     16.74     19.29     14.81     13.79
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022Final11 14.35 15.33
15.18     15.43     16.87     14.35     15.39
Second round11 13.98 16.60
16.10     21.07     13.98     19.41     14.29
First round10 11.86 14.52
15.36     11.86     14.80     13.40     21.90
Caracolí Open 2018Second round12 15.75 17.77
17.71     18.18     15.75     18.68     17.43
First round11 15.61 18.17
15.61     18.19     19.89     16.70     19.61
Medellín Explora 2017Second round34 16.43 19.10
18.28     18.62     20.40     16.43     21.82
First round26 14.37 16.62
18.90     17.76     15.68     14.37     16.41
USTA Winter Open 2017Second round17 19.21 22.65
25.31     20.11     29.54     22.54     19.21
First round15 19.31 22.33
21.10     22.96     22.92     23.04     19.31
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Second round31 19.18 26.21
21.83     DNF       26.56     30.24     19.18
First round31 18.79 22.41
25.26     23.51     19.65     24.06     18.79
2x2x2 Cube
Terraza360 2024First round14 2.60 5.51
5.08      DNF       2.60      6.04      5.41
Lebrija Relay 2023Final3 3.84 4.40
5.95      5.20      4.08      3.84      3.92
Delacuesta al Cubo III 2023Final2 3.37 4.26
4.53      4.38      3.37      4.31      4.09
Second round4 3.73 4.48
4.77      4.78      3.73      7.25      3.90
First round4 2.70 4.48
4.66      4.38      4.41      5.96      2.70
Bucaramanga CST 2023Final4 2.54 4.13
2.54      6.27      3.20      4.84      4.36
First round4 4.07 4.97
4.24      6.07      4.07      5.92      4.74
La Florida 2023Final6 4.71 5.49
9.52      4.71      5.78      5.37      5.33
First round6 4.20 5.26
4.20      5.78      6.12      5.59      4.40
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023Final5 4.76 5.26
4.97      4.76      5.45      7.86      5.35
First round11 5.49 6.17
6.24      6.49      5.49      5.79      8.22
Regionales Santander 2023First round18 3.59 5.55
4.89      3.59      5.37      6.46      6.38
Panama Nationals 2023Final12 3.89 5.46
9.20      7.68      3.97      3.89      4.73
First round8 4.14 4.62
5.06      4.14      6.10      4.23      4.56
Lebrija 2023Final6 4.03 5.50
5.12      4.03      5.82      5.55      6.94
Second round6 3.23 5.17
3.23      6.33      5.15      4.77      5.60
First round5 4.49 4.90
5.78      4.71      5.23      4.49      4.77
Delacuesta Open 2023Final2 3.65 4.25
4.64      3.65      4.20      3.90      4.94
First round10 5.85 6.69
7.11      6.41      8.43      6.54      5.85
Bucaramanga 2023Final7 4.12 4.74
5.04      4.12      5.02      4.16      10.08
First round9 4.86 5.27
5.17      5.16      4.86      5.47      9.52
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round57 5.47 6.51
5.47      6.99      6.91      6.66      5.95
Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023Final15 3.85 6.53
8.34      6.71      4.53      DNF       3.85
San Bernardo al Cubo 2023Final12 2.86 6.78
6.56      4.58      2.86      9.48      9.19
First round7 4.32 5.15
4.32      5.45      4.89      5.12      8.50
Barrancabermeja Open 2023Final6 3.25 4.57
3.54      8.58      3.88      6.28      3.25
First round9 3.40 5.20
4.38      6.29      3.40      5.02      6.21
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022Final10 4.93 5.54
5.61      5.30      5.72      4.93      8.65
First round10 4.68 6.23
6.65      4.68      5.41      6.95      6.63
Caracolí Open 2018Second round12 6.43 7.03
6.52      6.43      7.33      7.25      7.81
First round11 3.89 6.29
8.09      3.89      6.44      5.75      6.69
Medellín Explora 2017Second round27 4.12 7.23
8.30      5.50      8.81      4.12      7.88
First round22 4.55 5.84
6.84      5.13      5.54      4.55      7.71
USTA Winter Open 2017Second round13 5.68 6.70
5.80      14.59     7.68      5.68      6.63
First round15 5.04 6.66
8.61      7.04      5.78      7.15      5.04
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017First round22 6.36 7.55
6.40      6.36      10.28     9.85      6.41
4x4x4 Cube
Terraza360 2024Final3 50.28 50.98
50.28     50.73     51.28     50.93     54.17
Delacuesta al Cubo III 2023Final2 43.76 45.15
48.12     44.70     45.93     44.81     43.76
First round3 45.41 48.95
49.93     53.72     45.46     45.41     51.46
Bucaramanga CST 2023Final2 38.80 46.81
1:04.47   44.89     45.47     50.06     38.80
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023Final3 47.42 48.25
49.05     48.24     48.80     47.70     47.42
First round3 42.10 51.08
42.10     52.31     1:07.84   53.35     47.58
Regionales Santander 2023Final5 42.13 47.67
49.53     47.69     42.13     45.80     1:01.99
First round8 46.13 51.48
52.51     48.77     59.42     46.13     53.16
Panama Nationals 2023Final8 44.49 45.72
44.92     53.11     47.01     45.22     44.49
First round9 43.90 51.51
52.65     43.90     59.27     52.56     49.33
Lebrija 2023Final5 41.77 48.83
48.33     48.21     51.93     49.94     41.77
First round5 47.82 52.79
57.74     52.18     52.26     53.94     47.82
Delacuesta Open 2023Final4 43.14 47.77
57.30     43.14     48.89     46.27     48.14
Bucaramanga 2023Final7 47.21 55.99
DNF       47.21     53.37     58.24     56.37
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round30 47.61 50.75
49.28     1:04.13   48.50     54.46     47.61
Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023Final7 41.34 55.37
52.10     58.01     55.99     1:02.97   41.34
San Bernardo al Cubo 2023Final3 45.55 51.17
45.55     52.73     54.54     48.92     51.87
Barrancabermeja Open 2023Final10 51.57 59.32
51.57     1:02.01   DNF       58.92     57.03
First round9 47.70 57.91
53.34     1:02.95   47.70     57.44     1:03.72
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022Final7 50.89 56.02
50.89     57.28     1:11.51   51.93     58.86
First round9 44.66 59.19
1:34.54   44.66     1:14.99   54.04     48.55
Caracolí Open 2018Final6 56.12 1:01.33
56.12     1:16.17   1:00.56   1:03.84   59.59
Medellín Explora 2017First round26 1:01.91 1:12.30
1:17.21   1:11.96   1:01.91   1:16.95   1:08.00
USTA Winter Open 2017First round12 1:15.74 1:19.13
1:15.74   1:22.11   1:20.74   1:19.53   1:17.11
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017First round27 1:24.55 1:32.83
1:24.55   1:25.03   1:46.63   1:41.43   1:32.04
5x5x5 Cube
Lebrija Relay 2023Final3 1:25.78 1:34.11
1:42.13   1:33.23   1:25.78   1:34.91   1:34.18
La Florida 2023Final3 1:30.26 1:35.11
1:31.30   1:36.39   1:39.95   1:37.65   1:30.26
Regionales Santander 2023Final6 1:24.79 1:37.25
1:36.48   1:42.11   1:24.79   1:36.83   1:38.44
Panama Nationals 2023Final9 1:25.75 1:45.82
1:51.02   1:36.49   1:54.02   1:25.75   1:49.94
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round27 1:30.84 1:41.93
1:37.92   1:30.84   1:40.98   1:55.10   1:46.89
Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023Final4 1:34.95 1:49.17
1:57.36   1:48.76   1:34.95   1:41.38   DNF
Caracolí Open 2018First round8 1:51.16 2:03.56
2:13.40   1:51.16   1:52.69   2:24.70   2:04.60
Medellín Explora 2017Final17 1:47.92 2:03.24
1:55.71   1:47.92   2:04.72   2:09.30   2:39.02
USTA Winter Open 2017First round12 2:42.11
2:42.11   2:46.88
6x6x6 Cube
Regionales Santander 2023Final6 3:31.60
Panama Nationals 2023Final11 4:18.27 DNF
4:36.53   4:18.27   DNS
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round23 3:41.29
7x7x7 Cube
Panama Nationals 2023Final7 5:01.28 DNF
5:42.25   5:01.28   DNS
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round21 DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Lebrija 2023Final4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
San Bernardo al Cubo 2023Final6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Caracolí Open 2018Final6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Terraza360 2024Final14 32.27 36.73
37.83     32.27     34.25     38.11     40.09
Lebrija Relay 2023Final5 27.56 30.44
30.66     55.78     31.84     27.56     28.81
First round5 25.31 33.92
33.98     34.86     32.98     34.80     25.31
Bucaramanga CST 2023Final6 24.79 31.04
34.31     28.80     34.53     30.01     24.79
La Florida 2023Final6 24.87 28.22
25.62     26.54     36.05     24.87     32.51
Regionales Santander 2023Final14 23.04 29.99
27.70     36.11     31.33     23.04     30.94
Panama Nationals 2023Final16 30.79 33.80
38.62     37.64     30.79     32.77     31.00
First round17 28.67 31.93
32.72     28.67     31.92     33.44     31.14
Delacuesta Open 2023Final9 27.51 36.04
29.12     27.51     34.18     44.82     DNF
First round8 26.65 32.45
26.65     37.74     42.73     29.56     30.05
Bucaramanga 2023Final11 31.94 38.13
41.97     36.38     45.67     31.94     36.04
First round11 25.71 33.67
31.59     25.71     39.42     30.01     40.26
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round48 29.70 34.92
43.98     39.40     29.70     31.97     33.39
Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023Final10 29.28 37.49
44.23     37.50     42.83     29.28     32.13
San Bernardo al Cubo 2023Final11 27.39 33.67
35.25     27.39     35.66     35.09     30.68
First round10 25.38 32.16
41.82     25.38     27.04     29.15     40.28
Barrancabermeja Open 2023Final10 28.90 36.40
42.27     42.54     29.52     37.42     28.90
First round12 31.59 39.15
DNF       32.35     44.14     40.97     31.59
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022Final9 29.94 35.94
39.80     29.94     45.03     30.27     37.75
First round11 35.10 39.67
39.34     41.85     37.81     41.86     35.10
Caracolí Open 2018First round18 49.15
49.15     50.08
Medellín Explora 2017Final37 41.28 53.92
44.77     58.02     41.28     DNF       58.96
USTA Winter Open 2017First round17 47.38
47.38     56.09
Delacuesta al Cubo III 2023First round9 16.17 29.40
DNF       24.07     44.31     19.81     16.17
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023Final5 13.41 17.65
19.49     17.52     26.04     15.95     13.41
Regionales Santander 2023First round11 21.76 24.16
24.64     24.98     23.96     21.76     23.87
Panama Nationals 2023First round17 25.27 DNF
39.61     42.84     25.27     DNF       DNF
Lebrija 2023First round10 30.12 42.31
DNF       48.73     30.12     41.71     36.48
Bucaramanga 2023Final9 26.19 DNF
DNF       26.19     37.66     DNF       DNS
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round30 23.69 39.06
35.01     DNF       32.28     49.89     23.69
Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023Final10 42.90
52.33     42.90
Caracolí Open 2018First round11 32.03 DNF
39.43     DNF       32.03     DNF       DNS
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017Final18 DNF
DNF       DNF
Regionales Santander 2023Final9 1:50.82
1:50.82   2:04.72
Panama Nationals 2023First round13 1:45.61 2:11.45
1:45.61   2:59.77   2:00.65   2:08.82   2:24.87
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round33 1:47.23 2:09.44
2:06.48   2:22.43   1:47.23   2:12.34   2:09.50
San Bernardo al Cubo 2023Final5 1:59.83 2:07.46
1:59.83   2:11.51   DNF       2:08.95   2:01.93
Caracolí Open 2018First round11 1:55.62 2:24.87
2:31.81   2:24.86   2:17.95   DNF       1:55.62
Terraza360 2024First round18 7.48 12.31
19.57     15.73     10.45     10.75     7.48
Delacuesta al Cubo III 2023Final9 9.11 12.11
9.11      12.02     11.48     12.82     14.28
First round9 9.27 11.79
11.44     12.67     29.70     9.27      11.27
Bucaramanga CST 2023Final8 7.95 11.66
DNF       12.25     9.56      7.95      13.18
First round8 8.83 10.03
8.83      10.76     10.34     8.98      DNF
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023Final7 7.96 11.67
7.96      18.02     14.13     9.95      10.94
First round9 10.01 11.78
11.38     13.89     10.06     10.01     14.75
Regionales Santander 2023First round14 11.33 12.50
12.74     17.29     11.33     11.61     13.14
Panama Nationals 2023Second round24 7.69 14.07
14.00     9.41      18.79     20.80     7.69
First round25 10.40 14.29
17.08     10.40     DNF       13.53     12.25
Lebrija 2023First round14 6.51 15.56
13.54     26.11     9.44      23.69     6.51
Delacuesta Open 2023First round16 11.51 13.39
13.85     15.64     12.99     11.51     13.32
Bucaramanga 2023Final11 8.54 14.99
8.54      DNF       10.64     13.01     21.32
First round12 9.69 12.69
9.69      14.13     11.48     13.87     12.73
Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023Final23 11.41 18.16
23.38     11.41     23.25     17.78     13.46
San Bernardo al Cubo 2023Final8 4.90 11.09
7.80      13.95     12.45     13.03     4.90
First round7 9.40 11.17
9.41      11.66     13.85     9.40      12.44
Barrancabermeja Open 2023Final13 8.67 13.28
11.20     14.66     15.27     13.98     8.67
First round16 6.80 15.64
6.80      DNF       8.69      22.60     15.62
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022Final11 7.16 13.18
17.55     9.80      17.85     12.19     7.16
First round9 7.93 11.55
8.90      22.73     7.93      13.54     12.21
Caracolí Open 2018Second round11 8.96 13.92
14.13     20.49     15.13     8.96      12.51
First round11 7.51 12.70
15.83     13.54     7.51      14.77     9.80
Medellín Explora 2017First round34 9.94 14.25
15.72     9.94      17.79     16.11     10.93
Terraza360 2024Final1 4.91 7.01
6.48      8.44      4.91      7.44      7.10
First round1 4.63 5.89
5.44      6.13      6.09      6.26      4.63
Lebrija Relay 2023Final5 8.71 9.66
9.31      10.52     11.72     9.16      8.71
First round1 4.48 5.45
5.89      4.48      4.77      5.68      9.04
Bucaramanga CST 2023Final4 7.16 8.16
7.88      9.00      10.40     7.60      7.16
La Florida 2023Final1 3.48 5.27
10.18     5.09      5.39      5.32      3.48
Regionales Santander 2023Final1 3.57 5.84
5.99      3.57      5.84      8.89      5.70
Panama Nationals 2023Final4 5.64 6.22
5.64      5.72      7.25      5.70      8.90
First round3 6.31 6.72
6.80      6.31      6.88      6.48      7.20
Delacuesta Open 2023Final1 5.15 6.01
5.15      6.04      5.80      6.18      6.42
Bucaramanga 2023Final1 5.68 7.41
10.42     7.38      5.68      7.93      6.93
Nacionales Colombia 2023Second round19 5.13 10.17
5.13      12.88     7.67      DNF       9.97
First round18 5.47 8.13
8.60      13.04     7.64      5.47      8.14
Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023Final5 4.15 10.22
9.55      4.15      10.82     10.30     11.53
San Bernardo al Cubo 2023Final5 7.11 8.46
7.11      7.90      10.24     8.27      9.22
First round4 5.75 7.46
8.24      7.15      5.75      8.13      7.10
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022Final8 7.65 13.11
9.35      17.12     13.46     7.65      16.53
First round2 4.94 7.38
4.94      5.01      8.69      11.43     8.45
Caracolí Open 2018First round15 21.59 24.60
26.77     21.59     22.95     24.08     31.90
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017First round26 22.75 31.52
30.56     22.75     31.61     42.09     32.40
Terraza360 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 11.25 12.60
12.79     12.08     14.66     12.92     11.25
Second round3 10.41 11.66
11.13     11.89     11.96     10.41     15.62
First round4 10.65 11.59
14.01     10.65     10.81     11.22     12.75
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 2.60 5.51
5.08      DNF       2.60      6.04      5.41
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 50.28 50.98
50.28     50.73     51.28     50.93     54.17
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 32.27 36.73
37.83     32.27     34.25     38.11     40.09
PyraminxFirst round18 7.48 12.31
19.57     15.73     10.45     10.75     7.48
SkewbFinal1 4.91 7.01
6.48      8.44      4.91      7.44      7.10
First round1 4.63 5.89
5.44      6.13      6.09      6.26      4.63
Lebrija Relay 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 10.77 13.01
12.68     14.99     12.46     13.90     10.77
Second round5 10.28 13.54
17.12     10.28     11.35     16.86     12.40
First round4 13.00 13.81
14.21     13.85     13.38     14.70     13.00
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 3.84 4.40
5.95      5.20      4.08      3.84      3.92
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:25.78 1:34.11
1:42.13   1:33.23   1:25.78   1:34.91   1:34.18
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 27.56 30.44
30.66     55.78     31.84     27.56     28.81
First round5 25.31 33.92
33.98     34.86     32.98     34.80     25.31
SkewbFinal5 8.71 9.66
9.31      10.52     11.72     9.16      8.71
First round1 4.48 5.45
5.89      4.48      4.77      5.68      9.04
Delacuesta al Cubo III 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 11.29 12.03
11.67     11.35     13.06     11.29     15.93
Second round5 12.51 13.69
12.51     13.53     15.16     14.47     13.06
First round4 12.10 13.03
13.10     12.10     12.85     13.15     14.34
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 3.37 4.26
4.53      4.38      3.37      4.31      4.09
Second round4 3.73 4.48
4.77      4.78      3.73      7.25      3.90
First round4 2.70 4.48
4.66      4.38      4.41      5.96      2.70
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 43.76 45.15
48.12     44.70     45.93     44.81     43.76
First round3 45.41 48.95
49.93     53.72     45.46     45.41     51.46
ClockFirst round9 16.17 29.40
DNF       24.07     44.31     19.81     16.17
PyraminxFinal9 9.11 12.11
9.11      12.02     11.48     12.82     14.28
First round9 9.27 11.79
11.44     12.67     29.70     9.27      11.27
Bucaramanga CST 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 11.20 13.22
16.07     13.35     11.20     13.93     12.38
Second round3 10.70 11.66
13.24     12.27     11.88     10.70     10.84
First round4 12.85 13.55
12.85     14.46     13.30     16.84     12.90
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.54 4.13
2.54      6.27      3.20      4.84      4.36
First round4 4.07 4.97
4.24      6.07      4.07      5.92      4.74
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 38.80 46.81
1:04.47   44.89     45.47     50.06     38.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 24.79 31.04
34.31     28.80     34.53     30.01     24.79
PyraminxFinal8 7.95 11.66
DNF       12.25     9.56      7.95      13.18
First round8 8.83 10.03
8.83      10.76     10.34     8.98      DNF
SkewbFinal4 7.16 8.16
7.88      9.00      10.40     7.60      7.16
La Florida 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 11.48 14.03
12.70     13.81     DNF       15.57     11.48
Second round3 11.16 13.17
13.55     11.78     14.17     15.56     11.16
First round5 12.46 14.27
14.00     14.53     12.46     14.27     15.15
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 4.71 5.49
9.52      4.71      5.78      5.37      5.33
First round6 4.20 5.26
4.20      5.78      6.12      5.59      4.40
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:30.26 1:35.11
1:31.30   1:36.39   1:39.95   1:37.65   1:30.26
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 24.87 28.22
25.62     26.54     36.05     24.87     32.51
SkewbFinal1 3.48 5.27
10.18     5.09      5.39      5.32      3.48
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 12.43 13.74
13.21     12.43     17.61     14.06     13.95
Second round4 12.39 14.09
15.44     12.97     20.14     12.39     13.86
First round3 12.13 13.23
13.29     13.70     15.87     12.69     12.13
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 4.76 5.26
4.97      4.76      5.45      7.86      5.35
First round11 5.49 6.17
6.24      6.49      5.49      5.79      8.22
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 47.42 48.25
49.05     48.24     48.80     47.70     47.42
First round3 42.10 51.08
42.10     52.31     1:07.84   53.35     47.58
ClockFinal5 13.41 17.65
19.49     17.52     26.04     15.95     13.41
PyraminxFinal7 7.96 11.67
7.96      18.02     14.13     9.95      10.94
First round9 10.01 11.78
11.38     13.89     10.06     10.01     14.75
Regionales Santander 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 11.56 13.56
12.46     14.43     15.07     11.56     13.78
Second round11 9.97 13.43
12.36     14.84     9.97      13.70     14.22
First round15 11.20 14.95
16.60     11.20     12.75     18.32     15.49
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 3.59 5.55
4.89      3.59      5.37      6.46      6.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 42.13 47.67
49.53     47.69     42.13     45.80     1:01.99
First round8 46.13 51.48
52.51     48.77     59.42     46.13     53.16
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 1:24.79 1:37.25
1:36.48   1:42.11   1:24.79   1:36.83   1:38.44
6x6x6 CubeFinal6 3:31.60
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 23.04 29.99
27.70     36.11     31.33     23.04     30.94
ClockFirst round11 21.76 24.16
24.64     24.98     23.96     21.76     23.87
MegaminxFinal9 1:50.82
1:50.82   2:04.72
PyraminxFirst round14 11.33 12.50
12.74     17.29     11.33     11.61     13.14
SkewbFinal1 3.57 5.84
5.99      3.57      5.84      8.89      5.70
Panama Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 13.24 14.01
14.57     13.98     13.48     15.24     13.24
Second round13 11.50 14.28
11.50     16.19     14.78     14.29     13.78
First round10 12.52 13.03
13.85     12.60     14.71     12.63     12.52
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 3.89 5.46
9.20      7.68      3.97      3.89      4.73
First round8 4.14 4.62
5.06      4.14      6.10      4.23      4.56
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 44.49 45.72
44.92     53.11     47.01     45.22     44.49
First round9 43.90 51.51
52.65     43.90     59.27     52.56     49.33
5x5x5 CubeFinal9 1:25.75 1:45.82
1:51.02   1:36.49   1:54.02   1:25.75   1:49.94
6x6x6 CubeFinal11 4:18.27 DNF
4:36.53   4:18.27   DNS
7x7x7 CubeFinal7 5:01.28 DNF
5:42.25   5:01.28   DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal16 30.79 33.80
38.62     37.64     30.79     32.77     31.00
First round17 28.67 31.93
32.72     28.67     31.92     33.44     31.14
ClockFirst round17 25.27 DNF
39.61     42.84     25.27     DNF       DNF
MegaminxFirst round13 1:45.61 2:11.45
1:45.61   2:59.77   2:00.65   2:08.82   2:24.87
PyraminxSecond round24 7.69 14.07
14.00     9.41      18.79     20.80     7.69
First round25 10.40 14.29
17.08     10.40     DNF       13.53     12.25
SkewbFinal4 5.64 6.22
5.64      5.72      7.25      5.70      8.90
First round3 6.31 6.72
6.80      6.31      6.88      6.48      7.20
Lebrija 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 13.01 13.78
13.01     14.46     13.62     14.13     13.59
Second round5 12.27 14.34
17.96     14.74     12.27     13.44     14.83
First round6 10.47 12.38
12.06     10.47     17.06     14.29     10.79
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 4.03 5.50
5.12      4.03      5.82      5.55      6.94
Second round6 3.23 5.17
3.23      6.33      5.15      4.77      5.60
First round5 4.49 4.90
5.78      4.71      5.23      4.49      4.77
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 41.77 48.83
48.33     48.21     51.93     49.94     41.77
First round5 47.82 52.79
57.74     52.18     52.26     53.94     47.82
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
ClockFirst round10 30.12 42.31
DNF       48.73     30.12     41.71     36.48
PyraminxFirst round14 6.51 15.56
13.54     26.11     9.44      23.69     6.51
Delacuesta Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 13.21 13.45
13.35     13.71     13.28     14.10     13.21
Second round6 11.85 13.62
12.43     15.65     14.87     13.56     11.85
First round4 11.39 13.37
14.38     11.39     12.24     16.97     13.48
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 3.65 4.25
4.64      3.65      4.20      3.90      4.94
First round10 5.85 6.69
7.11      6.41      8.43      6.54      5.85
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 43.14 47.77
57.30     43.14     48.89     46.27     48.14
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 27.51 36.04
29.12     27.51     34.18     44.82     DNF
First round8 26.65 32.45
26.65     37.74     42.73     29.56     30.05
PyraminxFirst round16 11.51 13.39
13.85     15.64     12.99     11.51     13.32
SkewbFinal1 5.15 6.01
5.15      6.04      5.80      6.18      6.42
Bucaramanga 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 12.08 13.86
12.08     13.07     17.66     14.38     14.12
Second round6 12.22 14.78
15.32     16.10     14.93     14.09     12.22
First round6 12.08 13.31
14.91     15.38     12.47     12.55     12.08
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 4.12 4.74
5.04      4.12      5.02      4.16      10.08
First round9 4.86 5.27
5.17      5.16      4.86      5.47      9.52
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 47.21 55.99
DNF       47.21     53.37     58.24     56.37
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 31.94 38.13
41.97     36.38     45.67     31.94     36.04
First round11 25.71 33.67
31.59     25.71     39.42     30.01     40.26
ClockFinal9 26.19 DNF
DNF       26.19     37.66     DNF       DNS
PyraminxFinal11 8.54 14.99
8.54      DNF       10.64     13.01     21.32
First round12 9.69 12.69
9.69      14.13     11.48     13.87     12.73
SkewbFinal1 5.68 7.41
10.42     7.38      5.68      7.93      6.93
Nacionales Colombia 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final40 11.87 15.69
15.48     16.13     15.46     20.99     11.87
Second round39 13.79 14.30
13.79     14.83     13.93     14.97     14.13
First round54 13.73 15.31
18.03     16.51     14.10     15.32     13.73
2x2x2 CubeFirst round57 5.47 6.51
5.47      6.99      6.91      6.66      5.95
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 47.61 50.75
49.28     1:04.13   48.50     54.46     47.61
5x5x5 CubeFirst round27 1:30.84 1:41.93
1:37.92   1:30.84   1:40.98   1:55.10   1:46.89
6x6x6 CubeFirst round23 3:41.29
7x7x7 CubeFirst round21 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round48 29.70 34.92
43.98     39.40     29.70     31.97     33.39
ClockFirst round30 23.69 39.06
35.01     DNF       32.28     49.89     23.69
MegaminxFirst round33 1:47.23 2:09.44
2:06.48   2:22.43   1:47.23   2:12.34   2:09.50
SkewbSecond round19 5.13 10.17
5.13      12.88     7.67      DNF       9.97
First round18 5.47 8.13
8.60      13.04     7.64      5.47      8.14
Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 13.54 14.59
14.98     13.84     18.37     14.95     13.54
Second round9 13.99 14.81
15.75     14.29     15.52     14.62     13.99
First round12 12.76 16.42
20.59     14.72     17.44     12.76     17.11
2x2x2 CubeFinal15 3.85 6.53
8.34      6.71      4.53      DNF       3.85
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 41.34 55.37
52.10     58.01     55.99     1:02.97   41.34
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:34.95 1:49.17
1:57.36   1:48.76   1:34.95   1:41.38   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 29.28 37.49
44.23     37.50     42.83     29.28     32.13
ClockFinal10 42.90
52.33     42.90
PyraminxFinal23 11.41 18.16
23.38     11.41     23.25     17.78     13.46
SkewbFinal5 4.15 10.22
9.55      4.15      10.82     10.30     11.53
San Bernardo al Cubo 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 13.08 14.50
13.08     14.55     14.11     14.84     18.33
Second round5 11.93 13.04
13.23     13.45     11.93     12.45     13.89
First round7 13.55 14.38
16.69     13.56     15.02     14.55     13.55
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 2.86 6.78
6.56      4.58      2.86      9.48      9.19
First round7 4.32 5.15
4.32      5.45      4.89      5.12      8.50
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 45.55 51.17
45.55     52.73     54.54     48.92     51.87
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 27.39 33.67
35.25     27.39     35.66     35.09     30.68
First round10 25.38 32.16
41.82     25.38     27.04     29.15     40.28
MegaminxFinal5 1:59.83 2:07.46
1:59.83   2:11.51   DNF       2:08.95   2:01.93
PyraminxFinal8 4.90 11.09
7.80      13.95     12.45     13.03     4.90
First round7 9.40 11.17
9.41      11.66     13.85     9.40      12.44
SkewbFinal5 7.11 8.46
7.11      7.90      10.24     8.27      9.22
First round4 5.75 7.46
8.24      7.15      5.75      8.13      7.10
Barrancabermeja Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 11.35 14.13
15.34     11.35     17.91     14.90     12.14
Second round12 12.21 16.10
15.76     15.46     12.21     17.08     17.89
First round10 13.10 15.11
13.10     16.74     19.29     14.81     13.79
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.25 4.57
3.54      8.58      3.88      6.28      3.25
First round9 3.40 5.20
4.38      6.29      3.40      5.02      6.21
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 51.57 59.32
51.57     1:02.01   DNF       58.92     57.03
First round9 47.70 57.91
53.34     1:02.95   47.70     57.44     1:03.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 28.90 36.40
42.27     42.54     29.52     37.42     28.90
First round12 31.59 39.15
DNF       32.35     44.14     40.97     31.59
PyraminxFinal13 8.67 13.28
11.20     14.66     15.27     13.98     8.67
First round16 6.80 15.64
6.80      DNF       8.69      22.60     15.62
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 14.35 15.33
15.18     15.43     16.87     14.35     15.39
Second round11 13.98 16.60
16.10     21.07     13.98     19.41     14.29
First round10 11.86 14.52
15.36     11.86     14.80     13.40     21.90
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 4.93 5.54
5.61      5.30      5.72      4.93      8.65
First round10 4.68 6.23
6.65      4.68      5.41      6.95      6.63
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 50.89 56.02
50.89     57.28     1:11.51   51.93     58.86
First round9 44.66 59.19
1:34.54   44.66     1:14.99   54.04     48.55
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 29.94 35.94
39.80     29.94     45.03     30.27     37.75
First round11 35.10 39.67
39.34     41.85     37.81     41.86     35.10
PyraminxFinal11 7.16 13.18
17.55     9.80      17.85     12.19     7.16
First round9 7.93 11.55
8.90      22.73     7.93      13.54     12.21
SkewbFinal8 7.65 13.11
9.35      17.12     13.46     7.65      16.53
First round2 4.94 7.38
4.94      5.01      8.69      11.43     8.45
Caracolí Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 15.75 17.77
17.71     18.18     15.75     18.68     17.43
First round11 15.61 18.17
15.61     18.19     19.89     16.70     19.61
2x2x2 CubeSecond round12 6.43 7.03
6.52      6.43      7.33      7.25      7.81
First round11 3.89 6.29
8.09      3.89      6.44      5.75      6.69
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 56.12 1:01.33
56.12     1:16.17   1:00.56   1:03.84   59.59
5x5x5 CubeFirst round8 1:51.16 2:03.56
2:13.40   1:51.16   1:52.69   2:24.70   2:04.60
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 49.15
49.15     50.08
ClockFirst round11 32.03 DNF
39.43     DNF       32.03     DNF       DNS
MegaminxFirst round11 1:55.62 2:24.87
2:31.81   2:24.86   2:17.95   DNF       1:55.62
PyraminxSecond round11 8.96 13.92
14.13     20.49     15.13     8.96      12.51
First round11 7.51 12.70
15.83     13.54     7.51      14.77     9.80
SkewbFirst round15 21.59 24.60
26.77     21.59     22.95     24.08     31.90
Medellín Explora 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 16.43 19.10
18.28     18.62     20.40     16.43     21.82
First round26 14.37 16.62
18.90     17.76     15.68     14.37     16.41
2x2x2 CubeSecond round27 4.12 7.23
8.30      5.50      8.81      4.12      7.88
First round22 4.55 5.84
6.84      5.13      5.54      4.55      7.71
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:01.91 1:12.30
1:17.21   1:11.96   1:01.91   1:16.95   1:08.00
5x5x5 CubeFinal17 1:47.92 2:03.24
1:55.71   1:47.92   2:04.72   2:09.30   2:39.02
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal37 41.28 53.92
44.77     58.02     41.28     DNF       58.96
PyraminxFirst round34 9.94 14.25
15.72     9.94      17.79     16.11     10.93
USTA Winter Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 19.21 22.65
25.31     20.11     29.54     22.54     19.21
First round15 19.31 22.33
21.10     22.96     22.92     23.04     19.31
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 5.68 6.70
5.80      14.59     7.68      5.68      6.63
First round15 5.04 6.66
8.61      7.04      5.78      7.15      5.04
4x4x4 CubeFirst round12 1:15.74 1:19.13
1:15.74   1:22.11   1:20.74   1:19.53   1:17.11
5x5x5 CubeFirst round12 2:42.11
2:42.11   2:46.88
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round17 47.38
47.38     56.09
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 19.18 26.21
21.83     DNF       26.56     30.24     19.18
First round31 18.79 22.41
25.26     23.51     19.65     24.06     18.79
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 6.36 7.55
6.40      6.36      10.28     9.85      6.41
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 1:24.55 1:32.83
1:24.55   1:25.03   1:46.63   1:41.43   1:32.04
ClockFinal18 DNF
DNF       DNF
SkewbFirst round26 22.75 31.52
30.56     22.75     31.61     42.09     32.40
202024-02-03Terraza360 2024ColombiaFloridablanca, Santander
192023-11-12Lebrija Relay 2023ColombiaLebrija, Santander
182023-11-11Delacuesta al Cubo III 2023ColombiaPiedecuesta, Santander
172023-09-23Bucaramanga CST 2023ColombiaBucaramanga, Santander
162023-09-17La Florida 2023ColombiaFloridablanca, Santander
152023-09-16Delacuesta al Cubo 2023ColombiaPiedecuesta, Santander
142023-08-18~19Regionales Santander 2023ColombiaPiedecuesta, Santander
132023-08-11~13Panama Nationals 2023PanamaPanama City
122023-07-16Lebrija 2023ColombiaLebrija, Santander
112023-07-15Delacuesta Open 2023ColombiaPiedecuesta, Santander
102023-07-01Bucaramanga 2023ColombiaBucaramanga
92023-05-20~22Nacionales Colombia 2023ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
82023-05-13Prenacionales Bucaramanga 2023ColombiaBucaramanga
72023-04-01San Bernardo al Cubo 2023ColombiaFloridablanca, Santander
62023-02-11Barrancabermeja Open 2023ColombiaBarrancabermeja
52022-11-19Bucaramanga Cultural 2022ColombiaBucaramanga, Santander.
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22017-11-04~05USTA Winter Open 2017ColombiaPiedecuesta, Santander
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