Personal Page

Omar Isidro Santos

Name: Omar Isidro Santos
Region: Mexico
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Omar Isidro Santos2017SANT30
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.08.12 - 2019.12.22
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1571206627939417.8124.449670825699190735/35
2x2x2 Cube121418655660315.226.795579115800106630/30
4x4x4 Cube8989345353291:13.081:32.30369361009891124/24
5x5x5 Cube5455537200472:16.072:32.4718490522349615/15
6x6x6 Cube3353338110804:43.354:44.99906527202694/4
7x7x7 Cube266236981346:18.576:30.00684519922146/6

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
La Silla II 2019First round35 28.39 30.93
35.97     31.35     30.22     31.23     28.39
Quetzal Cubing 2019First round44 25.38 26.82
28.19     26.65     28.10     25.38     25.72
La Silla 2019First round46 23.96 29.98
31.37     33.13     29.36     29.21     23.96
Metropolitano Monterrey 2018First round73 17.81 24.44
23.90     17.81     26.29     25.15     24.28
Vitesse Monterrey 2018First round39 24.78 29.45
24.78     31.29     41.91     30.36     26.71
Tunas Open 2018First round81 23.82 25.87
23.82     25.57     24.72     28.37     27.33
Metropolitano 2017First round56 26.07 27.41
26.07     27.45     27.45     27.32     33.09
2x2x2 Cube
La Silla II 2019First round25 5.22 7.40
7.39      5.22      7.49      7.33      10.31
Quetzal Cubing 2019First round40 6.43 9.32
16.91     13.64     6.95      7.38      6.43
La Silla 2019First round36 5.62 7.94
7.99      5.62      9.90      7.36      8.46
Metropolitano Monterrey 2018First round67 7.61 8.70
8.85      9.36      7.89      7.61      12.17
Tunas Open 2018First round48 6.05 6.79
6.05      6.13      7.37      10.42     6.88
Metropolitano 2017First round44 7.64 8.40
7.64      9.74      8.15      8.50      8.56
4x4x4 Cube
La Silla II 2019First round27 1:17.44 1:32.30
1:32.57   1:44.66   1:43.73   1:17.44   1:20.61
Quetzal Cubing 2019First round36 1:29.29 1:37.24
1:42.50   1:29.29   1:36.30   1:34.44   1:40.97
La Silla 2019First round36 1:20.30 1:40.23
1:44.01   1:33.70   1:42.98   1:47.82   1:20.30
Metropolitano Monterrey 2018Final50 1:13.08
1:13.08   1:42.48
Tunas Open 2018First round63 1:32.26
1:32.35   1:32.26
Metropolitano 2017First round39 1:42.82 1:48.78
1:49.53   1:53.57   1:45.31   1:42.82   1:51.49
5x5x5 Cube
La Silla II 2019First round24 2:16.07 2:32.47
2:29.58   2:34.24   2:16.07   2:36.84   2:33.59
Quetzal Cubing 2019First round29 2:34.59 2:38.08
2:48.96   2:36.08   2:40.80   2:37.36   2:34.59
Metropolitano 2017First round22 2:53.82 3:03.19
2:56.92   3:13.50   2:53.82   3:12.45   3:00.19
6x6x6 Cube
La Silla II 2019First round18 4:43.37 4:44.99
4:46.30   4:43.37   4:45.29
La Silla 2019First round23 4:43.35
7x7x7 Cube
La Silla II 2019First round18 6:18.57 6:30.00
6:18.57   6:21.04   6:50.39
La Silla 2019First round21 6:28.16 6:43.16
6:28.16   6:32.00   7:09.33
Quetzal Cubing 2019First round34 16.44 17.98
17.06     19.47     18.99     16.44     17.90
Metropolitano Monterrey 2018First round52 23.41
36.05     23.41
Quetzal Cubing 2019First round29 14.56 18.33
14.56     19.84     20.03     18.45     16.71
Metropolitano Monterrey 2018First round31 9.55 13.04
13.24     12.60     15.52     13.29     9.55
Metropolitano Monterrey 2018Final22 57.74
57.74     DNF
Vitesse Monterrey 2018First round7 DNF
DNF       DNF
La Silla II 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round35 28.39 30.93
35.97     31.35     30.22     31.23     28.39
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 5.22 7.40
7.39      5.22      7.49      7.33      10.31
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 1:17.44 1:32.30
1:32.57   1:44.66   1:43.73   1:17.44   1:20.61
5x5x5 CubeFirst round24 2:16.07 2:32.47
2:29.58   2:34.24   2:16.07   2:36.84   2:33.59
6x6x6 CubeFirst round18 4:43.37 4:44.99
4:46.30   4:43.37   4:45.29
7x7x7 CubeFirst round18 6:18.57 6:30.00
6:18.57   6:21.04   6:50.39
Quetzal Cubing 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round44 25.38 26.82
28.19     26.65     28.10     25.38     25.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round40 6.43 9.32
16.91     13.64     6.95      7.38      6.43
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 1:29.29 1:37.24
1:42.50   1:29.29   1:36.30   1:34.44   1:40.97
5x5x5 CubeFirst round29 2:34.59 2:38.08
2:48.96   2:36.08   2:40.80   2:37.36   2:34.59
PyraminxFirst round34 16.44 17.98
17.06     19.47     18.99     16.44     17.90
SkewbFirst round29 14.56 18.33
14.56     19.84     20.03     18.45     16.71
La Silla 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round46 23.96 29.98
31.37     33.13     29.36     29.21     23.96
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 5.62 7.94
7.99      5.62      9.90      7.36      8.46
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 1:20.30 1:40.23
1:44.01   1:33.70   1:42.98   1:47.82   1:20.30
6x6x6 CubeFirst round23 4:43.35
7x7x7 CubeFirst round21 6:28.16 6:43.16
6:28.16   6:32.00   7:09.33
Metropolitano Monterrey 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round73 17.81 24.44
23.90     17.81     26.29     25.15     24.28
2x2x2 CubeFirst round67 7.61 8.70
8.85      9.36      7.89      7.61      12.17
4x4x4 CubeFinal50 1:13.08
1:13.08   1:42.48
PyraminxFirst round52 23.41
36.05     23.41
SkewbFirst round31 9.55 13.04
13.24     12.60     15.52     13.29     9.55
Square-1Final22 57.74
57.74     DNF
Vitesse Monterrey 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round39 24.78 29.45
24.78     31.29     41.91     30.36     26.71
Square-1First round7 DNF
DNF       DNF
Tunas Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round81 23.82 25.87
23.82     25.57     24.72     28.37     27.33
2x2x2 CubeFirst round48 6.05 6.79
6.05      6.13      7.37      10.42     6.88
4x4x4 CubeFirst round63 1:32.26
1:32.35   1:32.26
Metropolitano 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round56 26.07 27.41
26.07     27.45     27.45     27.32     33.09
2x2x2 CubeFirst round44 7.64 8.40
7.64      9.74      8.15      8.50      8.56
4x4x4 CubeFirst round39 1:42.82 1:48.78
1:49.53   1:53.57   1:45.31   1:42.82   1:51.49
5x5x5 CubeFirst round22 2:53.82 3:03.19
2:56.92   3:13.50   2:53.82   3:12.45   3:00.19
72019-12-21~22La Silla II 2019MexicoSanta Catarina
62019-12-07~08Quetzal Cubing 2019MexicoXalapa, Veracruz
52019-07-20~21La Silla 2019MexicoSanta Catarina
42018-12-15~16Metropolitano Monterrey 2018MexicoMonterrey
32018-07-14Vitesse Monterrey 2018MexicoMonterrey
22018-03-24~25Tunas Open 2018MexicoSan Luis Potosí
12017-08-12~13Metropolitano 2017MexicoMonterrey