Personal Page

Sebastian Amador

Name: Sebastian Amador
Region: United States
Competitions: 18
WCA ID: Sebastian Amador2018AMAD01
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.02.17 - 2025.01.04
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube24203160119889.2610.941016526492048174/175
2x2x2 Cube60073927541.472.621948553448140/140
4x4x4 Cube13291836764339.9146.3679541931139859/60
5x5x5 Cube1342184871321:24.381:33.6871171863135620/20
7x7x7 Cube1081146351844:49.275:14.655238148811004/4
3x3x3 One-Handed185425461055118.9622.1086542068150249/50

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Solving in Savannah 2025Second round19 9.26 10.94
11.40     10.26     11.17     13.90     9.26
First round25 10.90 12.25
11.62     12.31     10.90     12.81     15.18
FSUbers 7.0 2024Second round28 11.11 12.42
12.64     12.69     12.23     11.11     12.40
First round23 10.47 11.95
10.47     11.52     11.11     13.22     15.26
Beach Bash Jacksonville 2024Second round18 10.31 13.18
10.31     13.58     12.97     14.00     12.98
First round19 10.63 12.59
10.63     16.94     11.06     13.13     13.58
Southeast Championship 2024Semi Final93 11.77 12.73
11.80     14.98     12.42     13.98     11.77
Second round76 9.31 11.41
10.46     11.54     12.22     12.48     9.31
First round114 12.55 13.27
16.48     13.54     12.56     13.72     12.55
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round268 9.83 12.18
11.80     14.10     12.52     9.83      12.23
Northern Virginia Summer 2019Second round30 11.46 12.72
13.23     13.41     11.96     11.46     12.98
First round31 9.61 12.24
11.95     11.85     9.61      12.93     13.24
MLWGS Spring 2019Second round21 12.76 13.97
14.36     12.82     14.73     17.58     12.76
First round12 11.09 11.97
11.38     11.90     11.09     12.63     14.50
WFS Cubing 2019Second round17 9.97 11.82
11.30     9.97      15.66     12.14     12.02
First round19 10.54 12.57
12.47     11.47     14.30     10.54     13.76
VES Spring 2019Second round17 11.85 13.02
14.28     13.18     13.92     11.85     11.95
First round16 11.75 13.42
13.81     12.21     11.75     14.23     15.49
Northeast Championship 2019First round117 13.73 15.92
14.51     18.73     13.73     16.08     17.17
Gobbler Cube Day Winter 2019Second round23 10.90 13.43
14.15     14.87     10.90     11.27     16.75
First round16 10.58 12.67
10.58     14.86     12.16     12.31     13.55
TJHSST Fall 2018Second round42 12.36 13.89
13.43     14.43     14.99     13.81     12.36
First round45 12.59 14.68
12.59     13.90     13.55     16.59     18.51
RVAutumn 2018Second round17 11.56 12.78
12.14     14.26     11.56     12.91     13.29
First round17 11.78 12.57
11.94     11.93     15.61     13.83     11.78
Rally In The Valley 2018Second round37 14.45 15.50
17.24     14.54     14.45     15.48     16.48
First round35 12.66 15.00
15.32     12.66     15.01     18.52     14.66
RVA Spring 2018Second round28 13.44 16.20
13.44     18.03     15.89     14.68     25.46
First round26 13.81 15.47
17.81     13.81     15.23     17.22     13.95
WFS Cubing Spring 2018Final18 15.80 17.23
17.03     18.41     15.80     16.26     18.49
Second round22 15.87 18.44
24.97     18.10     19.54     17.69     15.87
First round21 17.11 18.84
17.11     21.07     20.16     18.72     17.63
Fruit Salad 2018Second round34 18.03 24.99
26.41     31.61     18.03     25.75     22.81
First round29 16.06 22.30
25.82     16.06     20.20     24.31     22.38
Slow N Steady Winter 2018First round107 19.01 27.39
DNF       30.52     19.01     28.38     23.26
2x2x2 Cube
Solving in Savannah 2025Final16 2.76 3.76
3.57      4.02      4.06      2.76      3.69
First round14 2.62 3.55
2.70      4.66      3.28      5.15      2.62
FSUbers 7.0 2024Final13 3.31 3.69
4.68      3.66      3.31      3.51      3.90
Second round16 2.79 3.70
4.68      3.10      6.12      3.32      2.79
First round8 2.20 2.62
2.34      2.20      2.53      4.21      3.00
Beach Bash Jacksonville 2024First round19 2.02 4.63
7.34      3.39      2.02      7.52      3.16
Southeast Championship 2024Semi Final54 2.48 3.50
2.48      3.80      9.22      3.46      3.25
Second round91 3.31 4.48
5.06      4.68      3.31      5.73      3.69
First round51 3.24 3.64
3.76      3.24      3.60      3.55      4.22
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round239 2.47 4.33
2.47      3.21      6.22      9.96      3.56
Northern Virginia Summer 2019Final10 2.40 3.45
2.94      3.82      4.54      3.60      2.40
First round15 2.59 3.62
3.28      2.99      4.59      2.59      4.65
MLWGS Spring 2019Final12 2.42 4.39
2.79      2.42      5.15      5.47      5.24
First round13 2.74 3.88
2.74      3.34      3.76      4.55      6.12
WFS Cubing 2019Final13 2.05 3.86
8.33      3.18      3.31      5.09      2.05
First round4 2.58 3.30
3.06      2.58      2.85      5.46      3.98
VES Spring 2019Final8 2.94 3.73
4.16      2.94      3.39      4.19      3.64
First round5 2.40 3.58
4.39      3.24      3.99      2.40      3.51
Northeast Championship 2019First round66 3.56 4.55
4.05      5.22      3.56      6.55      4.37
Gobbler Cube Day Winter 2019Final4 2.73 3.37
2.73      4.09      3.01      3.54      3.57
First round3 2.66 3.02
3.40      3.62      2.91      2.75      2.66
RVAutumn 2018Final16 3.71 4.58
3.71      6.01      6.31      3.72      4.02
First round15 2.69 4.26
3.93      3.47      6.53      5.37      2.69
Rally In The Valley 2018Final6 3.12 3.69
3.39      3.12      4.28      3.72      3.96
First round7 1.47 3.31
2.57      3.69      3.68      4.76      1.47
WFS Cubing Spring 2018Final10 3.65 4.81
4.82      4.55      5.06      3.65      6.29
Second round14 4.19 4.91
4.19      4.72      4.81      5.20      6.03
First round19 4.33 5.99
4.55      4.33      6.44      6.97      7.37
4x4x4 Cube
Beach Bash Jacksonville 2024First round13 44.05 51.23
48.11     55.62     44.05     54.17     51.40
Southeast Championship 2024Second round71 41.21 49.03
41.21     44.80     50.21     54.13     52.08
First round79 46.98 50.18
48.26     50.15     53.06     46.98     52.13
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round279 40.88 51.95
55.46     DNF       44.99     40.88     55.41
Northern Virginia Summer 2019Final28 46.01 53.93
57.43     46.01     58.81     47.54     56.82
MLWGS Spring 2019Final8 43.27 46.36
43.27     49.23     45.22     44.63     1:00.59
First round14 39.91 51.74
56.86     48.49     39.91     50.38     56.35
WFS Cubing 2019First round19 49.41 52.67
51.66     50.96     49.41     57.39     55.40
Northeast Championship 2019Final46 40.26 47.03
48.21     1:01.50   49.67     40.26     43.21
TJHSST Fall 2018Final35 40.76 52.66
46.13     59.30     1:13.29   52.54     40.76
RVAutumn 2018Final16 47.10 51.39
51.00     55.79     47.38     1:11.01   47.10
Rally In The Valley 2018Final32 58.56 1:03.78
1:09.94   58.56     1:07.39   1:02.51   1:01.43
5x5x5 Cube
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round206 1:24.38 1:33.68
1:42.90   1:24.38   1:32.09   1:42.81   1:26.13
Northern Virginia Summer 2019Final21 1:30.44 1:35.13
1:34.66   1:34.40   1:36.32   1:38.20   1:30.44
WFS Cubing 2019Final20 1:33.35 1:44.11
1:45.88   1:45.82   1:33.35   1:56.17   1:40.64
Northeast Championship 2019Final66 1:32.51 1:41.05
1:32.51   1:48.59   1:38.62   1:35.94   1:52.98
7x7x7 Cube
Northeast Championship 2019Final47 4:49.27 5:14.65
4:59.37   4:49.27   5:55.32
Gobbler Cube Day Winter 2019Final22 6:22.99
3x3x3 One-Handed
Solving in Savannah 2025First round19 20.00 22.10
21.85     22.48     20.00     21.98     DNF
FSUbers 7.0 2024First round21 20.60 24.15
23.28     26.24     20.60     24.72     24.44
Southeast Championship 2024Second round85 18.96 25.31
25.70     25.65     35.80     24.59     18.96
First round81 20.20 24.06
24.87     32.41     26.75     20.56     20.20
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round303 24.73 29.05
34.68     31.13     26.00     24.73     30.02
MLWGS Spring 2019Final15 20.66 30.39
28.23     31.59     32.49     20.66     31.36
First round11 23.56 24.39
24.98     26.47     23.83     24.35     23.56
Gobbler Cube Day Winter 2019First round24 23.61 27.24
25.16     29.19     23.61     27.38     35.85
TJHSST Fall 2018Final37 21.70 28.65
29.22     21.70     34.28     30.68     26.06
Rally In The Valley 2018Final36 32.27 38.08
36.50     32.27     44.41     35.26     42.48
FSUbers 7.0 2024First round24 7.86 11.00
15.97     7.86      9.31      9.05      14.63
Solving in Savannah 2025Final23 5.43 7.95
8.76      7.41      5.43      7.68      8.89
First round26 3.07 8.33
3.07      4.28      10.50     12.06     10.21
Beach Bash Jacksonville 2024First round18 5.95 7.16
6.58      7.97      5.95      10.20     6.92
Southeast Championship 2024Second round97 6.12 8.35
9.17      6.12      10.55     8.47      7.42
First round102 7.43 8.44
7.43      8.78      7.55      13.34     9.00
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round177 5.15 7.04
6.95      7.00      7.18      9.20      5.15
MLWGS Spring 2019First round18 5.35 8.77
10.18     7.68      5.35      8.46      10.72
WFS Cubing 2019Final7 6.03 6.47
6.12      6.46      6.03      9.88      6.82
First round7 6.04 6.78
6.04      7.31      6.70      6.33      9.48
Northeast Championship 2019First round45 5.76 7.46
6.31      9.63      9.27      6.79      5.76
Rally In The Valley 2018First round33 6.92 10.41
11.48     6.92      11.89     9.21      10.55
Fruit Salad 2018First round20 10.97 12.33
13.48     11.32     10.97     12.79     12.87
FSUbers 7.0 2024Final8 5.12 5.76
6.08      5.12      8.85      5.19      6.01
First round8 3.28 5.44
6.23      9.40      3.28      3.98      6.10
Southeast Championship 2024Second round50 2.56 5.41
3.93      2.56      7.79      4.56      7.74
First round110 5.98 8.34
7.21      13.36     5.98      8.22      9.58
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round119 4.43 6.15
5.52      6.73      6.21      7.96      4.43
Northern Virginia Summer 2019Final14 4.84 6.72
6.03      7.05      4.84      9.63      7.08
First round8 5.53 6.20
7.60      5.53      6.38      6.64      5.57
VES Spring 2019Final11 6.26 7.72
13.04     6.26      7.79      7.49      7.87
Second round4 4.21 5.41
4.21      5.00      6.69      7.11      4.55
First round10 4.55 5.95
5.18      7.06      5.92      6.76      4.55
Northeast Championship 2019Final15 4.89 5.46
4.89      5.42      5.47      6.14      5.48
RVA Spring 2018Final23 8.60 9.26
11.28     9.59      9.54      8.60      8.66
Fruit Salad 2018Final16 8.36 DNF
DNF       8.36      DNF       13.85     10.71
First round14 8.52 11.00
8.52      19.50     11.75     11.77     9.48
Solving in Savannah 2025Final2 8.84 11.19
11.98     13.08     8.84      10.95     10.64
First round3 11.30 12.46
13.02     13.92     12.94     11.30     11.41
FSUbers 7.0 2024Final2 9.71 11.57
15.74     9.71      11.59     13.07     10.05
First round3 10.50 11.68
10.50     12.78     10.83     11.42     12.96
Southeast Championship 2024Final6 9.09 11.81
11.63     16.65     9.09      10.59     13.20
First round18 8.19 13.48
8.19      18.72     15.93     14.16     10.34
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round79 11.90 16.84
17.01     11.90     17.81     15.70     18.25
Northeast Championship 2019Final16 12.95 16.35
20.47     17.42     15.94     15.70     12.95
First round13 10.54 13.07
14.36     13.92     10.93     10.54     18.03
TJHSST Fall 2018Final6 12.04 15.12
12.04     18.99     13.91     14.46     16.98
RVAutumn 2018Final4 12.55 15.99
15.83     16.98     12.55     20.23     15.16
First round5 11.24 17.39
19.19     16.50     18.17     17.49     11.24
Slow N Steady Winter 2018First round33 33.70 37.61
33.70     52.02     39.39     38.38     35.06
Solving in Savannah 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 9.26 10.94
11.40     10.26     11.17     13.90     9.26
First round25 10.90 12.25
11.62     12.31     10.90     12.81     15.18
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 2.76 3.76
3.57      4.02      4.06      2.76      3.69
First round14 2.62 3.55
2.70      4.66      3.28      5.15      2.62
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 20.00 22.10
21.85     22.48     20.00     21.98     DNF
PyraminxFinal23 5.43 7.95
8.76      7.41      5.43      7.68      8.89
First round26 3.07 8.33
3.07      4.28      10.50     12.06     10.21
Square-1Final2 8.84 11.19
11.98     13.08     8.84      10.95     10.64
First round3 11.30 12.46
13.02     13.92     12.94     11.30     11.41
FSUbers 7.0 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 11.11 12.42
12.64     12.69     12.23     11.11     12.40
First round23 10.47 11.95
10.47     11.52     11.11     13.22     15.26
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 3.31 3.69
4.68      3.66      3.31      3.51      3.90
Second round16 2.79 3.70
4.68      3.10      6.12      3.32      2.79
First round8 2.20 2.62
2.34      2.20      2.53      4.21      3.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 20.60 24.15
23.28     26.24     20.60     24.72     24.44
ClockFirst round24 7.86 11.00
15.97     7.86      9.31      9.05      14.63
SkewbFinal8 5.12 5.76
6.08      5.12      8.85      5.19      6.01
First round8 3.28 5.44
6.23      9.40      3.28      3.98      6.10
Square-1Final2 9.71 11.57
15.74     9.71      11.59     13.07     10.05
First round3 10.50 11.68
10.50     12.78     10.83     11.42     12.96
Beach Bash Jacksonville 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 10.31 13.18
10.31     13.58     12.97     14.00     12.98
First round19 10.63 12.59
10.63     16.94     11.06     13.13     13.58
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 2.02 4.63
7.34      3.39      2.02      7.52      3.16
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 44.05 51.23
48.11     55.62     44.05     54.17     51.40
PyraminxFirst round18 5.95 7.16
6.58      7.97      5.95      10.20     6.92
Southeast Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final93 11.77 12.73
11.80     14.98     12.42     13.98     11.77
Second round76 9.31 11.41
10.46     11.54     12.22     12.48     9.31
First round114 12.55 13.27
16.48     13.54     12.56     13.72     12.55
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final54 2.48 3.50
2.48      3.80      9.22      3.46      3.25
Second round91 3.31 4.48
5.06      4.68      3.31      5.73      3.69
First round51 3.24 3.64
3.76      3.24      3.60      3.55      4.22
4x4x4 CubeSecond round71 41.21 49.03
41.21     44.80     50.21     54.13     52.08
First round79 46.98 50.18
48.26     50.15     53.06     46.98     52.13
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round85 18.96 25.31
25.70     25.65     35.80     24.59     18.96
First round81 20.20 24.06
24.87     32.41     26.75     20.56     20.20
PyraminxSecond round97 6.12 8.35
9.17      6.12      10.55     8.47      7.42
First round102 7.43 8.44
7.43      8.78      7.55      13.34     9.00
SkewbSecond round50 2.56 5.41
3.93      2.56      7.79      4.56      7.74
First round110 5.98 8.34
7.21      13.36     5.98      8.22      9.58
Square-1Final6 9.09 11.81
11.63     16.65     9.09      10.59     13.20
First round18 8.19 13.48
8.19      18.72     15.93     14.16     10.34
CubingUSA Nationals 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round268 9.83 12.18
11.80     14.10     12.52     9.83      12.23
2x2x2 CubeFirst round239 2.47 4.33
2.47      3.21      6.22      9.96      3.56
4x4x4 CubeFirst round279 40.88 51.95
55.46     DNF       44.99     40.88     55.41
5x5x5 CubeFirst round206 1:24.38 1:33.68
1:42.90   1:24.38   1:32.09   1:42.81   1:26.13
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round303 24.73 29.05
34.68     31.13     26.00     24.73     30.02
PyraminxFirst round177 5.15 7.04
6.95      7.00      7.18      9.20      5.15
SkewbFirst round119 4.43 6.15
5.52      6.73      6.21      7.96      4.43
Square-1First round79 11.90 16.84
17.01     11.90     17.81     15.70     18.25
Northern Virginia Summer 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 11.46 12.72
13.23     13.41     11.96     11.46     12.98
First round31 9.61 12.24
11.95     11.85     9.61      12.93     13.24
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 2.40 3.45
2.94      3.82      4.54      3.60      2.40
First round15 2.59 3.62
3.28      2.99      4.59      2.59      4.65
4x4x4 CubeFinal28 46.01 53.93
57.43     46.01     58.81     47.54     56.82
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 1:30.44 1:35.13
1:34.66   1:34.40   1:36.32   1:38.20   1:30.44
SkewbFinal14 4.84 6.72
6.03      7.05      4.84      9.63      7.08
First round8 5.53 6.20
7.60      5.53      6.38      6.64      5.57
MLWGS Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 12.76 13.97
14.36     12.82     14.73     17.58     12.76
First round12 11.09 11.97
11.38     11.90     11.09     12.63     14.50
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 2.42 4.39
2.79      2.42      5.15      5.47      5.24
First round13 2.74 3.88
2.74      3.34      3.76      4.55      6.12
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 43.27 46.36
43.27     49.23     45.22     44.63     1:00.59
First round14 39.91 51.74
56.86     48.49     39.91     50.38     56.35
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 20.66 30.39
28.23     31.59     32.49     20.66     31.36
First round11 23.56 24.39
24.98     26.47     23.83     24.35     23.56
PyraminxFirst round18 5.35 8.77
10.18     7.68      5.35      8.46      10.72
WFS Cubing 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 9.97 11.82
11.30     9.97      15.66     12.14     12.02
First round19 10.54 12.57
12.47     11.47     14.30     10.54     13.76
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 2.05 3.86
8.33      3.18      3.31      5.09      2.05
First round4 2.58 3.30
3.06      2.58      2.85      5.46      3.98
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 49.41 52.67
51.66     50.96     49.41     57.39     55.40
5x5x5 CubeFinal20 1:33.35 1:44.11
1:45.88   1:45.82   1:33.35   1:56.17   1:40.64
PyraminxFinal7 6.03 6.47
6.12      6.46      6.03      9.88      6.82
First round7 6.04 6.78
6.04      7.31      6.70      6.33      9.48
VES Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 11.85 13.02
14.28     13.18     13.92     11.85     11.95
First round16 11.75 13.42
13.81     12.21     11.75     14.23     15.49
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 2.94 3.73
4.16      2.94      3.39      4.19      3.64
First round5 2.40 3.58
4.39      3.24      3.99      2.40      3.51
SkewbFinal11 6.26 7.72
13.04     6.26      7.79      7.49      7.87
Second round4 4.21 5.41
4.21      5.00      6.69      7.11      4.55
First round10 4.55 5.95
5.18      7.06      5.92      6.76      4.55
Northeast Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round117 13.73 15.92
14.51     18.73     13.73     16.08     17.17
2x2x2 CubeFirst round66 3.56 4.55
4.05      5.22      3.56      6.55      4.37
4x4x4 CubeFinal46 40.26 47.03
48.21     1:01.50   49.67     40.26     43.21
5x5x5 CubeFinal66 1:32.51 1:41.05
1:32.51   1:48.59   1:38.62   1:35.94   1:52.98
7x7x7 CubeFinal47 4:49.27 5:14.65
4:59.37   4:49.27   5:55.32
PyraminxFirst round45 5.76 7.46
6.31      9.63      9.27      6.79      5.76
SkewbFinal15 4.89 5.46
4.89      5.42      5.47      6.14      5.48
Square-1Final16 12.95 16.35
20.47     17.42     15.94     15.70     12.95
First round13 10.54 13.07
14.36     13.92     10.93     10.54     18.03
Gobbler Cube Day Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 10.90 13.43
14.15     14.87     10.90     11.27     16.75
First round16 10.58 12.67
10.58     14.86     12.16     12.31     13.55
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.73 3.37
2.73      4.09      3.01      3.54      3.57
First round3 2.66 3.02
3.40      3.62      2.91      2.75      2.66
7x7x7 CubeFinal22 6:22.99
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 23.61 27.24
25.16     29.19     23.61     27.38     35.85
TJHSST Fall 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round42 12.36 13.89
13.43     14.43     14.99     13.81     12.36
First round45 12.59 14.68
12.59     13.90     13.55     16.59     18.51
4x4x4 CubeFinal35 40.76 52.66
46.13     59.30     1:13.29   52.54     40.76
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal37 21.70 28.65
29.22     21.70     34.28     30.68     26.06
Square-1Final6 12.04 15.12
12.04     18.99     13.91     14.46     16.98
RVAutumn 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 11.56 12.78
12.14     14.26     11.56     12.91     13.29
First round17 11.78 12.57
11.94     11.93     15.61     13.83     11.78
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 3.71 4.58
3.71      6.01      6.31      3.72      4.02
First round15 2.69 4.26
3.93      3.47      6.53      5.37      2.69
4x4x4 CubeFinal16 47.10 51.39
51.00     55.79     47.38     1:11.01   47.10
Square-1Final4 12.55 15.99
15.83     16.98     12.55     20.23     15.16
First round5 11.24 17.39
19.19     16.50     18.17     17.49     11.24
Rally In The Valley 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round37 14.45 15.50
17.24     14.54     14.45     15.48     16.48
First round35 12.66 15.00
15.32     12.66     15.01     18.52     14.66
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.12 3.69
3.39      3.12      4.28      3.72      3.96
First round7 1.47 3.31
2.57      3.69      3.68      4.76      1.47
4x4x4 CubeFinal32 58.56 1:03.78
1:09.94   58.56     1:07.39   1:02.51   1:01.43
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal36 32.27 38.08
36.50     32.27     44.41     35.26     42.48
PyraminxFirst round33 6.92 10.41
11.48     6.92      11.89     9.21      10.55
RVA Spring 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 13.44 16.20
13.44     18.03     15.89     14.68     25.46
First round26 13.81 15.47
17.81     13.81     15.23     17.22     13.95
SkewbFinal23 8.60 9.26
11.28     9.59      9.54      8.60      8.66
WFS Cubing Spring 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal18 15.80 17.23
17.03     18.41     15.80     16.26     18.49
Second round22 15.87 18.44
24.97     18.10     19.54     17.69     15.87
First round21 17.11 18.84
17.11     21.07     20.16     18.72     17.63
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 3.65 4.81
4.82      4.55      5.06      3.65      6.29
Second round14 4.19 4.91
4.19      4.72      4.81      5.20      6.03
First round19 4.33 5.99
4.55      4.33      6.44      6.97      7.37
Fruit Salad 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 18.03 24.99
26.41     31.61     18.03     25.75     22.81
First round29 16.06 22.30
25.82     16.06     20.20     24.31     22.38
PyraminxFirst round20 10.97 12.33
13.48     11.32     10.97     12.79     12.87
SkewbFinal16 8.36 DNF
DNF       8.36      DNF       13.85     10.71
First round14 8.52 11.00
8.52      19.50     11.75     11.77     9.48
Slow N Steady Winter 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round107 19.01 27.39
DNF       30.52     19.01     28.38     23.26
Square-1First round33 33.70 37.61
33.70     52.02     39.39     38.38     35.06
182025-01-04Solving in Savannah 2025United StatesSavannah, Georgia
172024-09-07~08FSUbers 7.0 2024United StatesTallahassee, Florida
162024-08-10Beach Bash Jacksonville 2024United StatesJacksonville, Florida
152024-06-28~30Southeast Championship 2024United StatesSpartanburg, South Carolina
142019-08-01~04CubingUSA Nationals 2019United StatesBaltimore, Maryland
132019-06-22~23Northern Virginia Summer 2019United StatesFairfax, Virginia
122019-04-13MLWGS Spring 2019United StatesRichmond, Virginia
112019-04-07WFS Cubing 2019United StatesWoodberry Forest, Virginia
102019-03-02VES Spring 2019United StatesLynchburg, Virginia
92019-02-16~17Northeast Championship 2019United StatesCollege Park, Maryland
82019-01-19Gobbler Cube Day Winter 2019United StatesBlacksburg, Virginia
72018-11-03TJHSST Fall 2018United StatesAlexandria, Virginia
62018-10-06RVAutumn 2018United StatesRichmond, Virginia
52018-06-16Rally In The Valley 2018United StatesMiddletown, Virginia
42018-05-05RVA Spring 2018United StatesRichmond, Virginia
32018-04-15WFS Cubing Spring 2018United StatesWoodberry Forest, Virginia
22018-03-03Fruit Salad 2018United StatesCharlotte, North Carolina
12018-02-17Slow N Steady Winter 2018United StatesCollege Park, Maryland