Personal Page

Matthew Ayre

Name: Matthew Ayre
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Matthew Ayre2018AYRE02
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.06.30 - 2024.08.18
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube114117840217.498.79269874679125/125
2x2x2 Cube307286580512.123.043654124013195/95
4x4x4 Cube76792257632.2935.8619485705364/65
5x5x5 Cube6764421111:03.721:14.2426677878327/27
6x6x6 Cube277259783203:43.051/1
3x3x3 One-Handed1421478540515.5918.083988107710116/17

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Birmingham Summer 2024Final7 7.84 9.07
12.92     8.34      7.84      8.53      10.35
Second round7 8.22 8.92
8.24      9.37      8.22      9.16      10.86
First round5 7.49 8.79
8.98      7.97      9.41      7.49      10.05
Stevenage July 2023Final10 8.16 9.27
8.77      10.69     8.98      8.16      10.06
Semi Final18 9.22 10.38
9.65      9.22      10.80     11.87     10.68
Second round12 8.77 9.55
8.77      10.58     11.48     9.31      8.77
First round9 7.81 9.28
10.30     8.06      9.69      7.81      10.10
Lincolnshire Winter 2023Final12 9.43 10.17
10.47     9.74      10.29     9.43      16.58
Semi Final18 7.94 11.05
9.73      11.55     7.94      11.88     14.94
Second round11 9.78 10.62
10.37     11.15     9.78      10.35     11.13
First round20 9.68 11.78
10.60     11.93     16.60     12.81     9.68
Kewbz UK Championship 2022Semi Final56 9.32 10.51
12.42     9.99      9.32      11.13     10.42
Second round50 8.39 10.33
8.39      10.27     13.50     10.12     10.59
First round59 9.38 10.82
9.73      9.38      12.56     10.87     11.86
Doncaster Open 2020Second round37 10.78 13.00
13.13     13.53     10.78     14.36     12.35
First round32 10.20 12.58
12.34     10.20     11.67     15.34     13.72
UK Championship 2019Second round64 10.99 12.10
10.99     11.78     13.47     16.03     11.06
First round74 11.21 12.77
13.36     11.21     12.48     12.47     13.59
High Wycombe Open 2019Final24 10.42 13.17
14.43     11.72     10.42     13.85     13.95
Semi Final27 11.58 13.72
12.02     11.58     14.61     14.54     14.98
Second round21 10.17 12.52
12.45     10.17     13.01     12.11     13.35
First round30 13.30 14.56
13.30     16.08     16.84     14.11     13.48
Manchester Open 2019First round81 16.71 20.67
18.86     22.12     22.55     16.71     21.02
Peterborough Open 2018Second round55 16.18 20.58
20.00     20.86     20.88     22.24     16.18
First round57 20.49 22.45
25.36     20.49     20.53     24.32     22.51
2x2x2 Cube
Birmingham Summer 2024Final17 2.12 3.69
3.46      2.12      3.27      4.79      4.34
First round7 2.31 3.04
2.56      5.40      3.56      2.99      2.31
Stevenage July 2023Final13 2.71 3.54
5.42      3.90      2.88      2.71      3.83
Second round14 2.79 3.56
3.94      4.64      2.90      3.85      2.79
First round21 3.00 3.66
3.77      3.00      3.46      3.76      3.89
Lincolnshire Winter 2023Final16 3.80 4.16
3.80      4.08      3.94      4.46      5.08
First round18 3.20 3.80
3.94      3.94      3.52      3.20      4.19
Kewbz UK Championship 2022Second round57 3.39 3.94
5.03      3.62      4.18      3.39      4.03
First round39 3.65 3.71
3.78      3.69      3.68      3.65      3.77
Doncaster Open 2020Final25 4.36 4.62
4.86      4.51      4.36      5.81      4.48
First round27 3.80 4.64
3.80      5.60      4.28      5.35      4.30
UK Championship 2019Second round36 3.31 4.13
3.58      4.35      3.31      4.45      6.01
First round52 3.53 4.48
5.07      4.21      4.15      5.34      3.53
High Wycombe Open 2019Final21 3.72 4.37
4.03      4.49      4.59      3.72      4.61
Second round29 3.10 4.98
5.20      3.10      4.05      5.69      5.88
First round14 3.39 3.97
3.90      3.65      3.39      4.35      6.86
Manchester Open 2019Second round54 5.28 5.53
5.28      5.38      6.15      5.91      5.30
First round39 3.59 5.21
6.64      5.83      3.59      4.86      4.94
Peterborough Open 2018First round45 3.37 5.66
3.37      8.96      7.53      5.84      3.61
4x4x4 Cube
Birmingham Summer 2024Final7 32.94 35.86
36.88     33.66     32.94     37.05     40.25
First round11 33.17 36.72
38.20     38.17     36.93     35.05     33.17
Stevenage July 2023Final14 32.29 41.19
32.29     43.05     42.63     47.08     37.89
First round9 32.51 36.27
42.76     33.88     37.23     37.70     32.51
Lincolnshire Winter 2023Final11 39.52 41.66
40.50     43.31     39.52     41.16     50.54
First round7 34.86 41.61
41.74     34.86     48.08     40.25     42.84
Kewbz UK Championship 2022Second round57 38.79 44.99
49.26     41.64     49.46     44.07     38.79
First round58 42.88 45.30
43.86     51.78     47.29     44.75     42.88
Doncaster Open 2020First round42 47.07 53.84
47.07     DNF       53.06     52.23     56.23
UK Championship 2019First round78 47.82 53.62
47.82     56.47     51.67     52.99     56.21
High Wycombe Open 2019Final29 53.42 1:01.79
1:06.09   53.42     1:03.42   1:02.73   59.21
First round27 51.28 59.69
59.52     59.41     51.28     1:00.13   1:13.56
Manchester Open 2019First round76 1:14.80 1:24.30
1:28.68   1:14.80   1:16.54   1:34.73   1:27.69
5x5x5 Cube
Birmingham Summer 2024Final16 1:03.72 1:16.17
1:15.59   1:26.66   1:11.77   1:21.16   1:03.72
First round14 1:11.43 1:14.24
1:11.43   1:30.20   1:12.72   1:12.31   1:17.68
Stevenage July 2023Final14 1:14.74 1:21.82
1:25.32   1:23.61   1:24.49   1:17.36   1:14.74
First round17 1:19.57 1:25.65
1:23.24   1:19.57   1:23.91   1:29.79   1:30.77
Lincolnshire Winter 2023First round18 1:23.79 1:33.87
1:33.20   1:35.06   1:23.79   1:34.99   1:33.43
Doncaster Open 2020First round57 2:01.41
2:13.57   2:01.41
6x6x6 Cube
Stevenage July 2023Final29 3:43.05
3x3x3 One-Handed
Stevenage July 2023Final15 15.59 18.08
18.42     20.15     19.19     15.59     16.64
Lincolnshire Winter 2023Final10 18.39 19.34
19.00     18.39     19.38     23.24     19.65
First round14 18.36 22.60
18.83     18.36     21.98     31.89     27.00
Manchester Open 2019First round67 1:00.33
1:00.33   DNF
Birmingham Summer 2024Final8 50.33 51.99
52.46     50.33     52.90     50.62     56.01
First round9 51.47 54.69
56.01     56.22     51.47     52.40     55.66
Doncaster Open 2020First round46 2:23.99
2:47.58   2:23.99
Birmingham Summer 2024Final8 3.23 4.47
7.08      5.66      3.23      3.26      4.49
Second round7 2.59 3.65
5.38      3.35      4.30      3.29      2.59
First round7 2.70 4.15
3.85      5.96      3.57      2.70      5.02
Stevenage July 2023Final6 2.98 3.67
2.98      4.12      3.48      6.68      3.42
Second round5 3.21 3.45
3.21      3.78      3.62      3.31      3.41
First round7 2.93 3.56
2.93      3.25      4.16      4.82      3.28
Lincolnshire Winter 2023Final5 3.40 4.05
4.33      4.08      3.40      3.89      4.19
Semi Final7 3.84 4.94
4.20      3.84      8.09      3.94      6.69
Second round6 3.48 4.04
6.12      4.61      3.72      3.48      3.79
First round6 2.85 4.07
3.98      3.18      2.85      5.25      5.05
Kewbz UK Championship 2022Second round24 3.01 4.80
3.01      5.14      4.55      4.72      5.82
First round20 3.47 4.58
3.86      5.58      4.48      5.41      3.47
UK Championship 2019Final13 3.52 5.43
7.78      6.91      4.51      4.88      3.52
Second round12 4.45 5.02
8.49      5.23      4.70      4.45      5.14
First round21 4.54 5.80
5.08      4.54      8.06      7.26      5.07
Manchester Open 2019First round48 8.33 10.15
8.87      8.33      9.50      15.54     12.09
Peterborough Open 2018First round33 8.18 10.47
10.72     10.25     10.43     12.77     8.18
Birmingham Summer 2024Final16 4.53 7.16
7.88      6.32      9.41      7.29      4.53
Second round13 6.17 7.01
10.58     6.81      7.44      6.77      6.17
First round15 6.13 6.80
6.59      6.13      7.17      6.95      6.85
Lincolnshire Winter 2023Final21 6.49 7.67
9.41      6.49      6.58      11.08     7.03
First round29 6.31 8.35
10.20     6.31      8.88      8.78      7.39
Kewbz UK Championship 2022Second round79 6.33 9.33
10.31     13.37     9.26      8.41      6.33
First round64 3.57 8.04
7.90      9.24      6.99      3.57      10.16
Doncaster Open 2020First round38 9.60 10.35
10.47     9.60      9.85      15.96     10.74
UK Championship 2019First round63 8.16 9.90
20.75     8.21      8.16      9.79      11.69
High Wycombe Open 2019Second round44 10.59 11.22
10.82     10.59     11.88     14.35     10.97
First round22 7.66 8.41
8.80      8.44      7.66      9.01      8.00
Manchester Open 2019First round43 8.24 11.62
12.40     8.24      16.45     9.56      12.90
Peterborough Open 2018First round50 13.15 17.11
17.44     16.94     16.94     13.15     18.15
Stevenage July 2023Final26 18.62 25.07
30.13     26.04     18.62     22.70     26.48
Lincolnshire Winter 2023Final14 22.33 27.52
22.33     30.87     23.33     35.21     28.36
First round14 15.32 22.16
18.82     15.32     25.12     32.10     22.53
Doncaster Open 2020First round51 46.48
52.42     46.48
Birmingham Summer 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 7.84 9.07
12.92     8.34      7.84      8.53      10.35
Second round7 8.22 8.92
8.24      9.37      8.22      9.16      10.86
First round5 7.49 8.79
8.98      7.97      9.41      7.49      10.05
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 2.12 3.69
3.46      2.12      3.27      4.79      4.34
First round7 2.31 3.04
2.56      5.40      3.56      2.99      2.31
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 32.94 35.86
36.88     33.66     32.94     37.05     40.25
First round11 33.17 36.72
38.20     38.17     36.93     35.05     33.17
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 1:03.72 1:16.17
1:15.59   1:26.66   1:11.77   1:21.16   1:03.72
First round14 1:11.43 1:14.24
1:11.43   1:30.20   1:12.72   1:12.31   1:17.68
MegaminxFinal8 50.33 51.99
52.46     50.33     52.90     50.62     56.01
First round9 51.47 54.69
56.01     56.22     51.47     52.40     55.66
PyraminxFinal8 3.23 4.47
7.08      5.66      3.23      3.26      4.49
Second round7 2.59 3.65
5.38      3.35      4.30      3.29      2.59
First round7 2.70 4.15
3.85      5.96      3.57      2.70      5.02
SkewbFinal16 4.53 7.16
7.88      6.32      9.41      7.29      4.53
Second round13 6.17 7.01
10.58     6.81      7.44      6.77      6.17
First round15 6.13 6.80
6.59      6.13      7.17      6.95      6.85
Stevenage July 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 8.16 9.27
8.77      10.69     8.98      8.16      10.06
Semi Final18 9.22 10.38
9.65      9.22      10.80     11.87     10.68
Second round12 8.77 9.55
8.77      10.58     11.48     9.31      8.77
First round9 7.81 9.28
10.30     8.06      9.69      7.81      10.10
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 2.71 3.54
5.42      3.90      2.88      2.71      3.83
Second round14 2.79 3.56
3.94      4.64      2.90      3.85      2.79
First round21 3.00 3.66
3.77      3.00      3.46      3.76      3.89
4x4x4 CubeFinal14 32.29 41.19
32.29     43.05     42.63     47.08     37.89
First round9 32.51 36.27
42.76     33.88     37.23     37.70     32.51
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 1:14.74 1:21.82
1:25.32   1:23.61   1:24.49   1:17.36   1:14.74
First round17 1:19.57 1:25.65
1:23.24   1:19.57   1:23.91   1:29.79   1:30.77
6x6x6 CubeFinal29 3:43.05
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 15.59 18.08
18.42     20.15     19.19     15.59     16.64
PyraminxFinal6 2.98 3.67
2.98      4.12      3.48      6.68      3.42
Second round5 3.21 3.45
3.21      3.78      3.62      3.31      3.41
First round7 2.93 3.56
2.93      3.25      4.16      4.82      3.28
Square-1Final26 18.62 25.07
30.13     26.04     18.62     22.70     26.48
Lincolnshire Winter 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 9.43 10.17
10.47     9.74      10.29     9.43      16.58
Semi Final18 7.94 11.05
9.73      11.55     7.94      11.88     14.94
Second round11 9.78 10.62
10.37     11.15     9.78      10.35     11.13
First round20 9.68 11.78
10.60     11.93     16.60     12.81     9.68
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 3.80 4.16
3.80      4.08      3.94      4.46      5.08
First round18 3.20 3.80
3.94      3.94      3.52      3.20      4.19
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 39.52 41.66
40.50     43.31     39.52     41.16     50.54
First round7 34.86 41.61
41.74     34.86     48.08     40.25     42.84
5x5x5 CubeFirst round18 1:23.79 1:33.87
1:33.20   1:35.06   1:23.79   1:34.99   1:33.43
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 18.39 19.34
19.00     18.39     19.38     23.24     19.65
First round14 18.36 22.60
18.83     18.36     21.98     31.89     27.00
PyraminxFinal5 3.40 4.05
4.33      4.08      3.40      3.89      4.19
Semi Final7 3.84 4.94
4.20      3.84      8.09      3.94      6.69
Second round6 3.48 4.04
6.12      4.61      3.72      3.48      3.79
First round6 2.85 4.07
3.98      3.18      2.85      5.25      5.05
SkewbFinal21 6.49 7.67
9.41      6.49      6.58      11.08     7.03
First round29 6.31 8.35
10.20     6.31      8.88      8.78      7.39
Square-1Final14 22.33 27.52
22.33     30.87     23.33     35.21     28.36
First round14 15.32 22.16
18.82     15.32     25.12     32.10     22.53
Kewbz UK Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final56 9.32 10.51
12.42     9.99      9.32      11.13     10.42
Second round50 8.39 10.33
8.39      10.27     13.50     10.12     10.59
First round59 9.38 10.82
9.73      9.38      12.56     10.87     11.86
2x2x2 CubeSecond round57 3.39 3.94
5.03      3.62      4.18      3.39      4.03
First round39 3.65 3.71
3.78      3.69      3.68      3.65      3.77
4x4x4 CubeSecond round57 38.79 44.99
49.26     41.64     49.46     44.07     38.79
First round58 42.88 45.30
43.86     51.78     47.29     44.75     42.88
PyraminxSecond round24 3.01 4.80
3.01      5.14      4.55      4.72      5.82
First round20 3.47 4.58
3.86      5.58      4.48      5.41      3.47
SkewbSecond round79 6.33 9.33
10.31     13.37     9.26      8.41      6.33
First round64 3.57 8.04
7.90      9.24      6.99      3.57      10.16
Doncaster Open 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round37 10.78 13.00
13.13     13.53     10.78     14.36     12.35
First round32 10.20 12.58
12.34     10.20     11.67     15.34     13.72
2x2x2 CubeFinal25 4.36 4.62
4.86      4.51      4.36      5.81      4.48
First round27 3.80 4.64
3.80      5.60      4.28      5.35      4.30
4x4x4 CubeFirst round42 47.07 53.84
47.07     DNF       53.06     52.23     56.23
5x5x5 CubeFirst round57 2:01.41
2:13.57   2:01.41
MegaminxFirst round46 2:23.99
2:47.58   2:23.99
SkewbFirst round38 9.60 10.35
10.47     9.60      9.85      15.96     10.74
Square-1First round51 46.48
52.42     46.48
UK Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round64 10.99 12.10
10.99     11.78     13.47     16.03     11.06
First round74 11.21 12.77
13.36     11.21     12.48     12.47     13.59
2x2x2 CubeSecond round36 3.31 4.13
3.58      4.35      3.31      4.45      6.01
First round52 3.53 4.48
5.07      4.21      4.15      5.34      3.53
4x4x4 CubeFirst round78 47.82 53.62
47.82     56.47     51.67     52.99     56.21
PyraminxFinal13 3.52 5.43
7.78      6.91      4.51      4.88      3.52
Second round12 4.45 5.02
8.49      5.23      4.70      4.45      5.14
First round21 4.54 5.80
5.08      4.54      8.06      7.26      5.07
SkewbFirst round63 8.16 9.90
20.75     8.21      8.16      9.79      11.69
High Wycombe Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal24 10.42 13.17
14.43     11.72     10.42     13.85     13.95
Semi Final27 11.58 13.72
12.02     11.58     14.61     14.54     14.98
Second round21 10.17 12.52
12.45     10.17     13.01     12.11     13.35
First round30 13.30 14.56
13.30     16.08     16.84     14.11     13.48
2x2x2 CubeFinal21 3.72 4.37
4.03      4.49      4.59      3.72      4.61
Second round29 3.10 4.98
5.20      3.10      4.05      5.69      5.88
First round14 3.39 3.97
3.90      3.65      3.39      4.35      6.86
4x4x4 CubeFinal29 53.42 1:01.79
1:06.09   53.42     1:03.42   1:02.73   59.21
First round27 51.28 59.69
59.52     59.41     51.28     1:00.13   1:13.56
SkewbSecond round44 10.59 11.22
10.82     10.59     11.88     14.35     10.97
First round22 7.66 8.41
8.80      8.44      7.66      9.01      8.00
Manchester Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round81 16.71 20.67
18.86     22.12     22.55     16.71     21.02
2x2x2 CubeSecond round54 5.28 5.53
5.28      5.38      6.15      5.91      5.30
First round39 3.59 5.21
6.64      5.83      3.59      4.86      4.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round76 1:14.80 1:24.30
1:28.68   1:14.80   1:16.54   1:34.73   1:27.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round67 1:00.33
1:00.33   DNF
PyraminxFirst round48 8.33 10.15
8.87      8.33      9.50      15.54     12.09
SkewbFirst round43 8.24 11.62
12.40     8.24      16.45     9.56      12.90
Peterborough Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round55 16.18 20.58
20.00     20.86     20.88     22.24     16.18
First round57 20.49 22.45
25.36     20.49     20.53     24.32     22.51
2x2x2 CubeFirst round45 3.37 5.66
3.37      8.96      7.53      5.84      3.61
PyraminxFirst round33 8.18 10.47
10.72     10.25     10.43     12.77     8.18
SkewbFirst round50 13.15 17.11
17.44     16.94     16.94     13.15     18.15
92024-08-17~18Birmingham Summer 2024United KingdomBirmingham, West Midlands
82023-07-22~23Stevenage July 2023United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
72023-02-25~26Lincolnshire Winter 2023United KingdomSpalding, Lincolnshire
62022-10-28~30Kewbz UK Championship 2022United KingdomCoventry, West Midlands
52020-02-22~23Doncaster Open 2020United KingdomDoncaster, South Yorkshire
42019-10-25~27UK Championship 2019United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
32019-06-08~09High Wycombe Open 2019United KingdomHigh Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
22019-02-16~17Manchester Open 2019United KingdomSalford, Greater Manchester
12018-06-30~07-01Peterborough Open 2018United KingdomPeterborough, Cambridgeshire