Personal Page

Stephen Mathew Buencuchillo

Name: Stephen Mathew Buencuchillo
Region: Philippines
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Stephen Mathew Buencuchillo2018BUEN03
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.05.29 - 2023.10.15
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube186182755567.929.9360052104206104/105
2x2x2 Cube4645412204932.944.5518264522445259/60
4x4x4 Cube58562711790351.201:01.0019768689663819/20
3x3x3 One-Handed3123359915418.1325.4613397515048430/32

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final7 8.65 10.09
12.61     9.01      8.65      11.21     10.06
First round9 10.06 12.34
10.06     11.33     12.43     15.48     13.25
West Visayas Championship 2023Final13 7.95 11.68
7.95      11.68     12.28     12.46     11.09
Second round13 8.97 10.80
10.40     13.04     12.85     8.97      9.16
First round15 9.87 11.19
9.87      10.86     12.85     11.31     11.40
Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023Final8 9.85 10.86
12.84     10.78     11.05     9.85      10.76
Second round11 8.36 11.66
11.30     11.59     12.08     13.25     8.36
First round8 8.95 10.22
12.07     11.38     9.96      8.95      9.33
Even Day in Bacolod 2022Final11 8.52 11.87
8.52      13.54     11.66     10.61     13.35
First round7 10.06 10.89
11.26     10.34     10.06     13.14     11.08
Negros Speedcubing Re-Open 2022Final6 7.92 9.93
10.27     11.08     7.92      8.43      15.75
Second round10 9.66 11.42
10.98     11.97     9.66      12.58     11.31
First round16 8.02 12.35
10.68     13.37     14.55     8.02      13.00
Negros Speedcubing Open 2019Final10 10.57 12.98
13.87     12.67     12.40     20.84     10.57
Second round12 11.08 13.30
11.08     12.48     14.13     13.29     14.56
First round10 11.01 13.12
15.58     12.98     11.01     11.07     15.32
Iloilo Speedcubing Open II 2018Second round17 12.50 15.04
14.49     17.88     15.01     15.63     12.50
First round18 11.21 15.14
19.00     15.96     11.21     16.52     12.93
Negros Speedcubing Open III 2018Second round17 13.41 18.53
17.79     21.20     13.41     16.96     20.85
First round19 15.81 19.65
17.42     22.37     21.43     20.11     15.81
Bacolod Cubing Quest 2018First round30 18.17 23.21
22.81     18.53     18.17     DNF       28.30
2x2x2 Cube
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final18 3.18 5.58
7.22      4.35      7.11      3.18      5.27
West Visayas Championship 2023First round22 4.13 5.14
4.13      5.33      5.89      4.36      5.73
Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023Final7 3.92 4.70
5.52      4.22      5.62      4.35      3.92
First round5 4.54 4.86
4.54      4.59      5.04      4.96      5.55
Even Day in Bacolod 2022Final9 3.66 4.55
4.54      3.66      5.31      6.39      3.80
First round14 3.35 5.15
3.35      6.46      4.87      6.64      4.11
Negros Speedcubing Re-Open 2022Final18 4.38 5.45
4.38      6.53      6.50      4.64      5.21
First round18 2.94 5.62
7.84      4.58      2.94      6.21      6.07
Negros Speedcubing Open 2019Final12 4.44 5.12
6.08      4.44      4.76      7.33      4.53
First round24 5.17 7.93
7.74      5.17      DNF       10.66     5.39
Iloilo Speedcubing Open II 2018First round14 4.63 5.96
4.80      6.62      8.36      6.47      4.63
Bacolod Cubing Quest 2018First round28 4.51 9.95
8.52      12.00     4.51      9.32      12.15
4x4x4 Cube
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final10 51.20 1:01.05
1:04.10   1:00.47   51.20     58.57     DNF
West Visayas Championship 2023First round21 57.23 1:01.00
57.23     59.15     58.26     1:14.62   1:05.60
Even Day in Bacolod 2022First round13 1:00.95 1:04.77
1:09.43   1:03.75   1:01.14   1:12.11   1:00.95
Negros Speedcubing Open 2019First round15 1:19.92 1:26.95
1:35.14   1:19.92   2:01.35   1:21.06   1:24.64
3x3x3 One-Handed
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final15 24.37 28.23
27.79     27.11     24.37     29.78     DNF
West Visayas Championship 2023First round18 18.13 26.17
22.24     26.42     18.13     DNF       29.84
Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023First round11 24.35 26.07
25.33     25.89     27.00     24.35     30.69
Negros Speedcubing Re-Open 2022First round11 20.97 25.46
27.08     26.17     27.05     23.16     20.97
Negros Speedcubing Open 2019First round9 25.06 29.75
25.06     38.24     28.93     31.92     28.40
Iloilo Speedcubing Open II 2018Final15 19.72 31.24
19.72     30.52     31.77     31.42     33.02
Negros Speedcubing Open III 2018First round20 52.76
52.76     1:12.10
Negros Speedcubing Open 2019First round21 16.16 20.50
16.94     21.73     22.83     23.77     16.16
Bacolod Cubing Quest 2018First round24 22.71 29.25
24.66     39.06     22.71     24.04     47.29
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 8.65 10.09
12.61     9.01      8.65      11.21     10.06
First round9 10.06 12.34
10.06     11.33     12.43     15.48     13.25
2x2x2 CubeFinal18 3.18 5.58
7.22      4.35      7.11      3.18      5.27
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 51.20 1:01.05
1:04.10   1:00.47   51.20     58.57     DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 24.37 28.23
27.79     27.11     24.37     29.78     DNF
West Visayas Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 7.95 11.68
7.95      11.68     12.28     12.46     11.09
Second round13 8.97 10.80
10.40     13.04     12.85     8.97      9.16
First round15 9.87 11.19
9.87      10.86     12.85     11.31     11.40
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 4.13 5.14
4.13      5.33      5.89      4.36      5.73
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 57.23 1:01.00
57.23     59.15     58.26     1:14.62   1:05.60
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 18.13 26.17
22.24     26.42     18.13     DNF       29.84
Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 9.85 10.86
12.84     10.78     11.05     9.85      10.76
Second round11 8.36 11.66
11.30     11.59     12.08     13.25     8.36
First round8 8.95 10.22
12.07     11.38     9.96      8.95      9.33
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.92 4.70
5.52      4.22      5.62      4.35      3.92
First round5 4.54 4.86
4.54      4.59      5.04      4.96      5.55
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round11 24.35 26.07
25.33     25.89     27.00     24.35     30.69
Even Day in Bacolod 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 8.52 11.87
8.52      13.54     11.66     10.61     13.35
First round7 10.06 10.89
11.26     10.34     10.06     13.14     11.08
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 3.66 4.55
4.54      3.66      5.31      6.39      3.80
First round14 3.35 5.15
3.35      6.46      4.87      6.64      4.11
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 1:00.95 1:04.77
1:09.43   1:03.75   1:01.14   1:12.11   1:00.95
Negros Speedcubing Re-Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 7.92 9.93
10.27     11.08     7.92      8.43      15.75
Second round10 9.66 11.42
10.98     11.97     9.66      12.58     11.31
First round16 8.02 12.35
10.68     13.37     14.55     8.02      13.00
2x2x2 CubeFinal18 4.38 5.45
4.38      6.53      6.50      4.64      5.21
First round18 2.94 5.62
7.84      4.58      2.94      6.21      6.07
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round11 20.97 25.46
27.08     26.17     27.05     23.16     20.97
Negros Speedcubing Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 10.57 12.98
13.87     12.67     12.40     20.84     10.57
Second round12 11.08 13.30
11.08     12.48     14.13     13.29     14.56
First round10 11.01 13.12
15.58     12.98     11.01     11.07     15.32
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 4.44 5.12
6.08      4.44      4.76      7.33      4.53
First round24 5.17 7.93
7.74      5.17      DNF       10.66     5.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 1:19.92 1:26.95
1:35.14   1:19.92   2:01.35   1:21.06   1:24.64
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round9 25.06 29.75
25.06     38.24     28.93     31.92     28.40
PyraminxFirst round21 16.16 20.50
16.94     21.73     22.83     23.77     16.16
Iloilo Speedcubing Open II 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 12.50 15.04
14.49     17.88     15.01     15.63     12.50
First round18 11.21 15.14
19.00     15.96     11.21     16.52     12.93
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 4.63 5.96
4.80      6.62      8.36      6.47      4.63
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 19.72 31.24
19.72     30.52     31.77     31.42     33.02
Negros Speedcubing Open III 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 13.41 18.53
17.79     21.20     13.41     16.96     20.85
First round19 15.81 19.65
17.42     22.37     21.43     20.11     15.81
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round20 52.76
52.76     1:12.10
Bacolod Cubing Quest 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round30 18.17 23.21
22.81     18.53     18.17     DNF       28.30
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 4.51 9.95
8.52      12.00     4.51      9.32      12.15
PyraminxFirst round24 22.71 29.25
24.66     39.06     22.71     24.04     47.29
92023-10-15Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023PhilippinesBacolod City
82023-05-27~28West Visayas Championship 2023PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
72023-01-28Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
62022-09-24Even Day in Bacolod 2022PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
52022-07-16~17Negros Speedcubing Re-Open 2022PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
42019-12-14~15Negros Speedcubing Open 2019PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
32018-10-28Iloilo Speedcubing Open II 2018PhilippinesIloilo City
22018-07-15Negros Speedcubing Open III 2018PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
12018-05-29~30Bacolod Cubing Quest 2018PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental