Personal Page

Toby Cuna

Name: Toby Cuna
Region: United States
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Toby Cuna2018CUNA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.11.17 - 2024.12.07
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube25533332126679.3811.14111572894223065/65
2x2x2 Cube63628361299283.444.28145384090317125/25
4x4x4 Cube8981217497836.4242.064970121891025/25
5x5x5 Cube1550212581081:27.871:32.0566991753126825/25
6x6x6 Cube1413189165523:15.083:22.466043175213093/3
3x3x3 Blindfolded1153151967343:50.096/12
3x3x3 One-Handed353648381990224.2735.97276186869501810/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Chicago Area Twist Spring A 2024Final21 10.78 12.06
13.22     12.04     13.26     10.78     10.91
Second round20 10.73 11.77
10.73     12.11     15.97     11.61     11.59
First round15 9.38 11.30
13.28     10.94     10.88     12.09     9.38
Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024First round12 10.05 11.14
11.58     10.96     10.88     13.77     10.05
Evanston Fall Mini C 2023First round14 10.06 12.54
16.52     10.50     11.60     10.06     15.52
Evanston Fall 2023Final11 11.09 12.25
11.09     12.09     11.85     12.82     13.85
Second round12 10.88 12.10
12.01     11.65     13.56     12.63     10.88
First round11 10.15 11.55
11.02     11.30     12.33     13.06     10.15
Rocky The Ram Cubes 2019Second round35 12.08 15.01
16.08     12.08     17.48     13.58     15.37
First round36 13.63 15.06
15.87     13.63     18.24     14.92     14.39
Greensboro Summer 2019Second round30 12.76 16.02
18.80     15.49     12.76     18.54     14.02
First round39 14.05 18.60
21.17     14.05     18.49     16.76     20.55
Carolina Clock 'Stravaganza 2018First round38 15.31 17.50
20.02     26.10     16.55     15.31     15.93
2x2x2 Cube
Chicago Area Twist Spring A 2024First round22 3.50 4.28
5.15      3.50      3.60      4.09      6.01
Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024Final19 3.97 5.05
5.72      4.55      6.40      3.97      4.89
Evanston Fall 2023Second round15 4.46 5.33
5.50      4.46      10.32     5.21      5.27
First round12 3.44 4.71
4.94      3.44      3.58      5.60      7.40
Greensboro Summer 2019First round52 5.72 7.33
8.39      7.51      5.72      6.08      11.61
4x4x4 Cube
Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024Final8 38.22 42.06
38.22     40.05     44.41     47.62     41.72
Evanston Fall Mini C 2023Final9 36.42 44.80
52.62     45.93     44.73     43.73     36.42
Rocky The Ram Cubes 2019Final23 45.65 54.61
45.65     57.39     54.74     51.69     1:02.12
Greensboro Summer 2019Final20 51.99 58.81
1:07.60   51.99     1:02.27   57.21     56.95
Carolina Clock 'Stravaganza 2018Final21 1:01.51 1:02.72
1:19.18   1:01.70   1:04.84   1:01.62   1:01.51
5x5x5 Cube
Chicago Area Twist Spring A 2024Second round18 1:31.43 1:32.05
1:32.08   1:48.12   1:31.78   1:31.43   1:32.29
First round20 1:34.20 1:42.31
1:50.12   1:41.30   1:37.71   1:47.91   1:34.20
Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024Final14 1:27.87 1:37.76
1:36.02   1:27.87   1:39.99   2:13.27   1:37.27
Evanston Fall 2023First round10 1:33.27 1:44.35
1:38.60   1:33.27   1:51.75   2:01.56   1:42.69
Rocky The Ram Cubes 2019Final21 1:42.33 1:50.97
1:50.44   1:52.13   1:42.33   1:59.44   1:50.33
6x6x6 Cube
Shhicago III 2024Final7 3:15.08 3:22.46
3:15.08   3:18.31   3:34.00
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Shhicago III 2024Second round10 4:13.50 DNF
4:13.50   5:27.42   DNF
First round11 3:50.09 DNF
DNF       3:50.09   DNF
Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024Final11 4:20.79 DNF
6:04.18   4:20.79   DNF
Evanston Fall 2023Final5 5:07.84 DNF
DNF       5:07.84   DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Evanston Fall Mini C 2023First round19 24.27 35.97
32.82     35.41     40.90     39.68     24.27
Rocky The Ram Cubes 2019First round40 31.14 37.17
37.28     39.62     35.81     31.14     38.42
Shhicago III 2024Second round11 11.85 DNF
16.92     DNF       DNF       11.85     22.30
First round9 8.97 11.36
25.64     11.12     11.41     11.55     8.97
Chicago Area Twist Spring A 2024First round36 13.81 17.50
14.86     13.81     DNF       17.15     20.48
Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024Final13 12.73 13.75
13.89     13.30     12.73     14.06     16.68
Evanston Fall 2023First round10 14.59 16.35
18.80     DNF       15.22     14.59     15.02
Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024Final10 1:27.65 1:44.74
1:39.45   1:41.57   1:53.21   1:54.37   1:27.65
Rocky The Ram Cubes 2019Final29 2:15.63 2:25.41
2:36.91   2:28.59   2:20.60   2:15.63   2:27.05
Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024Final17 6.94 10.02
7.97      12.04     6.94      10.05     14.44
Evanston Fall 2023Final10 8.73 10.46
11.59     8.80      18.99     8.73      10.99
Second round11 8.18 10.04
8.18      11.27     8.20      14.26     10.65
First round11 8.21 11.19
11.59     14.22     12.58     9.40      8.21
Rocky The Ram Cubes 2019First round54 8.61 12.43
16.27     8.61      9.98      11.05     DNF
Greensboro Summer 2019First round19 7.41 9.18
11.35     7.41      8.85      7.75      10.95
Carolina Clock 'Stravaganza 2018First round32 9.23 10.65
17.06     9.23      11.24     10.23     10.47
Shhicago III 2024
6x6x6 CubeFinal7 3:15.08 3:22.46
3:15.08   3:18.31   3:34.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedSecond round10 4:13.50 DNF
4:13.50   5:27.42   DNF
First round11 3:50.09 DNF
DNF       3:50.09   DNF
ClockSecond round11 11.85 DNF
16.92     DNF       DNF       11.85     22.30
First round9 8.97 11.36
25.64     11.12     11.41     11.55     8.97
Chicago Area Twist Spring A 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal21 10.78 12.06
13.22     12.04     13.26     10.78     10.91
Second round20 10.73 11.77
10.73     12.11     15.97     11.61     11.59
First round15 9.38 11.30
13.28     10.94     10.88     12.09     9.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 3.50 4.28
5.15      3.50      3.60      4.09      6.01
5x5x5 CubeSecond round18 1:31.43 1:32.05
1:32.08   1:48.12   1:31.78   1:31.43   1:32.29
First round20 1:34.20 1:42.31
1:50.12   1:41.30   1:37.71   1:47.91   1:34.20
ClockFirst round36 13.81 17.50
14.86     13.81     DNF       17.15     20.48
Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round12 10.05 11.14
11.58     10.96     10.88     13.77     10.05
2x2x2 CubeFinal19 3.97 5.05
5.72      4.55      6.40      3.97      4.89
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 38.22 42.06
38.22     40.05     44.41     47.62     41.72
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 1:27.87 1:37.76
1:36.02   1:27.87   1:39.99   2:13.27   1:37.27
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal11 4:20.79 DNF
6:04.18   4:20.79   DNF
ClockFinal13 12.73 13.75
13.89     13.30     12.73     14.06     16.68
MegaminxFinal10 1:27.65 1:44.74
1:39.45   1:41.57   1:53.21   1:54.37   1:27.65
PyraminxFinal17 6.94 10.02
7.97      12.04     6.94      10.05     14.44
Evanston Fall Mini C 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round14 10.06 12.54
16.52     10.50     11.60     10.06     15.52
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 36.42 44.80
52.62     45.93     44.73     43.73     36.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 24.27 35.97
32.82     35.41     40.90     39.68     24.27
Evanston Fall 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 11.09 12.25
11.09     12.09     11.85     12.82     13.85
Second round12 10.88 12.10
12.01     11.65     13.56     12.63     10.88
First round11 10.15 11.55
11.02     11.30     12.33     13.06     10.15
2x2x2 CubeSecond round15 4.46 5.33
5.50      4.46      10.32     5.21      5.27
First round12 3.44 4.71
4.94      3.44      3.58      5.60      7.40
5x5x5 CubeFirst round10 1:33.27 1:44.35
1:38.60   1:33.27   1:51.75   2:01.56   1:42.69
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 5:07.84 DNF
DNF       5:07.84   DNF
ClockFirst round10 14.59 16.35
18.80     DNF       15.22     14.59     15.02
PyraminxFinal10 8.73 10.46
11.59     8.80      18.99     8.73      10.99
Second round11 8.18 10.04
8.18      11.27     8.20      14.26     10.65
First round11 8.21 11.19
11.59     14.22     12.58     9.40      8.21
Rocky The Ram Cubes 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 12.08 15.01
16.08     12.08     17.48     13.58     15.37
First round36 13.63 15.06
15.87     13.63     18.24     14.92     14.39
4x4x4 CubeFinal23 45.65 54.61
45.65     57.39     54.74     51.69     1:02.12
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 1:42.33 1:50.97
1:50.44   1:52.13   1:42.33   1:59.44   1:50.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 31.14 37.17
37.28     39.62     35.81     31.14     38.42
MegaminxFinal29 2:15.63 2:25.41
2:36.91   2:28.59   2:20.60   2:15.63   2:27.05
PyraminxFirst round54 8.61 12.43
16.27     8.61      9.98      11.05     DNF
Greensboro Summer 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 12.76 16.02
18.80     15.49     12.76     18.54     14.02
First round39 14.05 18.60
21.17     14.05     18.49     16.76     20.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round52 5.72 7.33
8.39      7.51      5.72      6.08      11.61
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 51.99 58.81
1:07.60   51.99     1:02.27   57.21     56.95
PyraminxFirst round19 7.41 9.18
11.35     7.41      8.85      7.75      10.95
Carolina Clock 'Stravaganza 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round38 15.31 17.50
20.02     26.10     16.55     15.31     15.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 1:01.51 1:02.72
1:19.18   1:01.70   1:04.84   1:01.62   1:01.51
PyraminxFirst round32 9.23 10.65
17.06     9.23      11.24     10.23     10.47
82024-12-07Shhicago III 2024United StatesEvanston, Illinois
72024-05-18Chicago Area Twist Spring A 2024United StatesGlen Ellyn, Illinois
62024-05-04Countless Cubes Chicago A 2024United StatesHobart, Indiana
52023-11-11Evanston Fall Mini C 2023United StatesEvanston, Illinois
42023-10-21Evanston Fall 2023United StatesEvanston, Illinois
32019-09-14Rocky The Ram Cubes 2019United StatesWinston Salem, North Carolina
22019-07-20Greensboro Summer 2019United StatesGreensboro, North Carolina
12018-11-17Carolina Clock 'Stravaganza 2018United StatesMonroe, North Carolina