Personal Page

Samuel Simões de Souza Filho

Name: Samuel Simões de Souza Filho
Region: Brazil
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Samuel Simões de Souza Filho2018FILH01
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.01.27 - 2025.01.26
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube186174338755418.9224.93994798451210640/40
2x2x2 Cube13115259669735.277.88724795498134539/40
3x3x3 Blindfolded18753080484:49.82126/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
VI Recife Open 2025First round28 19.33 27.56
19.33     34.90     22.17     31.63     28.89
V Recife Open 2024Second round19 21.05 24.93
22.16     23.51     21.05     29.12     49.10
First round23 18.92 29.22
40.08     18.92     30.00     29.31     28.34
IV Recife Open 2024Second round21 24.39 32.62
29.22     29.60     39.05     48.68     24.39
First round21 23.82 27.49
23.82     43.74     27.06     25.78     29.64
III Recife Open 2023First round28 26.02 29.61
40.16     26.02     27.26     29.57     32.01
II Recife Open 2018First round22 25.30 38.62
31.54     34.52     25.30     1:35.98   49.81
Recife 2018First round27 29.74 33.57
32.79     31.48     42.78     29.74     36.43
2x2x2 Cube
VI Recife Open 2025Second round24 7.98 11.00
7.98      11.13     9.25      12.61     13.03
First round22 5.27 9.04
11.12     5.27      8.97      15.98     7.02
V Recife Open 2024Second round17 7.33 8.85
10.76     7.33      7.50      21.14     8.28
First round15 6.50 7.88
19.02     9.12      6.50      7.87      6.65
IV Recife Open 2024First round26 7.12 10.36
26.57     10.56     9.29      7.12      11.24
III Recife Open 2023First round34 11.89 19.27
11.89     DNF       17.42     15.63     24.75
II Recife Open 2018First round14 7.98 12.08
17.88     11.55     8.97      15.71     7.98
Recife 2018First round30 13.54 20.89
18.05     34.28     25.74     13.54     18.89
4x4x4 Cube
Recife 2018Final21 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded
VI Recife Open 2025Final4 4:49.82 DNF
4:49.82   DNF       7:06.05
V Recife Open 2024Final3 5:56.16 DNF
DNF       DNF       5:56.16
III Recife Open 2023Final3 5:56.21 DNF
5:56.21   DNF       6:08.39
II Recife Open 2018Final2 6:14.49 DNF
DNF       6:14.49   DNF
Recife 2018Final3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
VI Recife Open 2025First round22 19.38 26.34
19.38     21.69     33.65     43.04     23.69
V Recife Open 2024First round19 15.51 31.66
31.92     15.51     30.81     1:04.12   32.25
IV Recife Open 2024First round24 11.29 DNF
11.29     26.43     DNF       DNF       27.85
III Recife Open 2023First round22 14.61 34.70
1:02.04   24.26     53.47     26.38     14.61
II Recife Open 2018First round9 9.66 16.78
9.66      35.08     22.78     15.62     11.93
Recife 2018First round17 20.71 57.23
1:19.05   1:34.36   49.99     42.65     20.71
VI Recife Open 2025Final17 21.26 29.15
29.71     33.48     34.44     24.27     21.26
V Recife Open 2024Final16 8.94 33.87
33.32     1:09.35   8.94      48.32     19.97
IV Recife Open 2024Final11 11.71 29.26
41.56     33.84     25.52     28.42     11.71
III Recife Open 2023Final15 21.34 35.10
28.97     53.33     42.98     21.34     33.36
II Recife Open 2018Final7 22.14 28.51
28.78     38.97     31.30     22.14     25.45
VI Recife Open 2025Final12 40.73 1:02.99
40.73     1:18.99   1:10.61   51.73     1:06.62
V Recife Open 2024Final11 1:07.96
DNF       1:07.96
IV Recife Open 2024Final9 25.36 50.22
1:03.64   50.55     25.36     58.56     41.56
VI Recife Open 2025
3x3x3 CubeFirst round28 19.33 27.56
19.33     34.90     22.17     31.63     28.89
2x2x2 CubeSecond round24 7.98 11.00
7.98      11.13     9.25      12.61     13.03
First round22 5.27 9.04
11.12     5.27      8.97      15.98     7.02
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 4:49.82 DNF
4:49.82   DNF       7:06.05
PyraminxFirst round22 19.38 26.34
19.38     21.69     33.65     43.04     23.69
SkewbFinal17 21.26 29.15
29.71     33.48     34.44     24.27     21.26
Square-1Final12 40.73 1:02.99
40.73     1:18.99   1:10.61   51.73     1:06.62
V Recife Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 21.05 24.93
22.16     23.51     21.05     29.12     49.10
First round23 18.92 29.22
40.08     18.92     30.00     29.31     28.34
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 7.33 8.85
10.76     7.33      7.50      21.14     8.28
First round15 6.50 7.88
19.02     9.12      6.50      7.87      6.65
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 5:56.16 DNF
DNF       DNF       5:56.16
PyraminxFirst round19 15.51 31.66
31.92     15.51     30.81     1:04.12   32.25
SkewbFinal16 8.94 33.87
33.32     1:09.35   8.94      48.32     19.97
Square-1Final11 1:07.96
DNF       1:07.96
IV Recife Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 24.39 32.62
29.22     29.60     39.05     48.68     24.39
First round21 23.82 27.49
23.82     43.74     27.06     25.78     29.64
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 7.12 10.36
26.57     10.56     9.29      7.12      11.24
PyraminxFirst round24 11.29 DNF
11.29     26.43     DNF       DNF       27.85
SkewbFinal11 11.71 29.26
41.56     33.84     25.52     28.42     11.71
Square-1Final9 25.36 50.22
1:03.64   50.55     25.36     58.56     41.56
III Recife Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round28 26.02 29.61
40.16     26.02     27.26     29.57     32.01
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 11.89 19.27
11.89     DNF       17.42     15.63     24.75
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 5:56.21 DNF
5:56.21   DNF       6:08.39
PyraminxFirst round22 14.61 34.70
1:02.04   24.26     53.47     26.38     14.61
SkewbFinal15 21.34 35.10
28.97     53.33     42.98     21.34     33.36
II Recife Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round22 25.30 38.62
31.54     34.52     25.30     1:35.98   49.81
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 7.98 12.08
17.88     11.55     8.97      15.71     7.98
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 6:14.49 DNF
DNF       6:14.49   DNF
PyraminxFirst round9 9.66 16.78
9.66      35.08     22.78     15.62     11.93
SkewbFinal7 22.14 28.51
28.78     38.97     31.30     22.14     25.45
Recife 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round27 29.74 33.57
32.79     31.48     42.78     29.74     36.43
2x2x2 CubeFirst round30 13.54 20.89
18.05     34.28     25.74     13.54     18.89
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round17 20.71 57.23
1:19.05   1:34.36   49.99     42.65     20.71
62025-01-25~26VI Recife Open 2025BrazilRecife, Pernambuco
52024-09-28~29V Recife Open 2024BrazilRecife, Pernambuco
42024-04-13~14IV Recife Open 2024BrazilRecife, Pernambuco
32023-12-16~17III Recife Open 2023BrazilRecife, Pernambuco
22018-08-25~26II Recife Open 2018BrazilRecife, Pernambuco
12018-01-27~28Recife 2018BrazilRecife, Pernambuco