Personal Page

Justin Ham

Name: Justin Ham
Region: Netherlands
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Justin Ham2018HAMJ01
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.06.23 - 2022.05.22
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube688164276690716.1919.58671041644867663/65
2x2x2 Cube4019923321163.555.3731153913438455/55

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Dutch Masters 2022Second round101 16.19 19.58
20.24     16.19     19.71     18.80     22.01
First round112 17.08 21.01
23.43     17.50     17.08     25.59     22.11
Dutch Spring 2022Second round101 18.97 19.97
22.20     19.97     19.11     18.97     20.83
First round102 17.95 19.87
22.57     24.67     17.95     18.42     18.63
Dutch Masters 2020First round100 24.05 27.53
25.85     24.05     26.77     29.97     32.72
Dutch Nationals 2019First round182 34.56 40.01
34.56     37.01     36.67     46.34     DNF
Hoogland Open 2019First round103 29.24 33.09
37.08     34.52     30.78     29.24     33.98
Dutch Masters 2019First round85 31.65 34.08
38.26     32.43     31.65     34.95     34.85
Haarlem Cubing 2019First round80 27.22 34.45
33.42     37.80     DNF       32.13     27.22
Meppel Open 2018First round77 25.26 30.78
40.56     29.93     25.26     31.00     31.40
Zwolle Open 2018Second round57 28.50 34.85
40.80     28.50     30.39     39.80     34.35
First round56 30.35 34.12
33.14     38.22     30.35     31.00     39.67
Veenendaal Open 2018First round84 37.32 48.18
46.25     49.09     49.20     53.71     37.32
2x2x2 Cube
Dutch Masters 2022Second round51 4.26 5.37
6.44      5.09      4.26      7.55      4.58
First round69 4.91 6.03
4.91      6.50      6.41      7.02      5.18
Dutch Spring 2022First round86 3.55 6.19
10.30     4.67      7.91      6.00      3.55
Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020First round80 6.89 10.86
6.89      11.74     11.09     12.44     9.74
Dutch Nationals 2019First round140 7.10 9.71
13.37     7.10      9.61      10.70     8.83
Hoogland Open 2019First round93 7.04 9.99
7.04      12.00     8.94      10.34     10.68
Dutch Masters 2019First round87 5.68 10.69
10.10     10.99     10.97     5.68      16.45
Haarlem Cubing 2019First round75 6.75 10.17
11.45     11.97     10.64     6.75      8.41
Meppel Open 2018Final82 8.07 13.39
12.82     15.26     8.07      12.82     14.52
Zwolle Open 2018First round63 10.33 13.90
10.33     14.16     11.19     16.34     19.22
Veenendaal Open 2018First round78 27.69 37.16
40.39     33.63     37.46     27.69     46.00
Dutch Nationals 2019Final73 8.73 11.96
14.75     9.71      13.57     8.73      12.61
First round98 11.85 13.59
12.53     13.46     15.98     14.77     11.85
Dutch Masters 2019Final60 10.93 15.13
10.93     15.06     14.67     16.60     15.67
First round66 11.32 14.71
14.40     17.85     17.15     12.57     11.32
Meppel Open 2018Final43 10.76 13.95
13.78     15.63     15.63     12.45     10.76
First round44 10.18 12.98
11.25     14.76     10.18     12.93     17.72
Zwolle Open 2018Final34 10.32 13.99
16.81     13.21     15.93     12.82     10.32
First round35 9.84 14.18
9.84      17.03     23.43     13.57     11.95
Veenendaal Open 2018First round63 13.77 20.18
20.14     26.06     15.00     25.40     13.77
Dutch Nationals 2019First round120 17.53 22.99
34.20     19.40     27.90     21.68     17.53
Dutch Masters 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round101 16.19 19.58
20.24     16.19     19.71     18.80     22.01
First round112 17.08 21.01
23.43     17.50     17.08     25.59     22.11
2x2x2 CubeSecond round51 4.26 5.37
6.44      5.09      4.26      7.55      4.58
First round69 4.91 6.03
4.91      6.50      6.41      7.02      5.18
Dutch Spring 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round101 18.97 19.97
22.20     19.97     19.11     18.97     20.83
First round102 17.95 19.87
22.57     24.67     17.95     18.42     18.63
2x2x2 CubeFirst round86 3.55 6.19
10.30     4.67      7.91      6.00      3.55
Dutch Masters 2020
3x3x3 CubeFirst round100 24.05 27.53
25.85     24.05     26.77     29.97     32.72
Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020
2x2x2 CubeFirst round80 6.89 10.86
6.89      11.74     11.09     12.44     9.74
Dutch Nationals 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round182 34.56 40.01
34.56     37.01     36.67     46.34     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round140 7.10 9.71
13.37     7.10      9.61      10.70     8.83
PyraminxFinal73 8.73 11.96
14.75     9.71      13.57     8.73      12.61
First round98 11.85 13.59
12.53     13.46     15.98     14.77     11.85
SkewbFirst round120 17.53 22.99
34.20     19.40     27.90     21.68     17.53
Hoogland Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round103 29.24 33.09
37.08     34.52     30.78     29.24     33.98
2x2x2 CubeFirst round93 7.04 9.99
7.04      12.00     8.94      10.34     10.68
Dutch Masters 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round85 31.65 34.08
38.26     32.43     31.65     34.95     34.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round87 5.68 10.69
10.10     10.99     10.97     5.68      16.45
PyraminxFinal60 10.93 15.13
10.93     15.06     14.67     16.60     15.67
First round66 11.32 14.71
14.40     17.85     17.15     12.57     11.32
Haarlem Cubing 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round80 27.22 34.45
33.42     37.80     DNF       32.13     27.22
2x2x2 CubeFirst round75 6.75 10.17
11.45     11.97     10.64     6.75      8.41
Meppel Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round77 25.26 30.78
40.56     29.93     25.26     31.00     31.40
2x2x2 CubeFinal82 8.07 13.39
12.82     15.26     8.07      12.82     14.52
PyraminxFinal43 10.76 13.95
13.78     15.63     15.63     12.45     10.76
First round44 10.18 12.98
11.25     14.76     10.18     12.93     17.72
Zwolle Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round57 28.50 34.85
40.80     28.50     30.39     39.80     34.35
First round56 30.35 34.12
33.14     38.22     30.35     31.00     39.67
2x2x2 CubeFirst round63 10.33 13.90
10.33     14.16     11.19     16.34     19.22
PyraminxFinal34 10.32 13.99
16.81     13.21     15.93     12.82     10.32
First round35 9.84 14.18
9.84      17.03     23.43     13.57     11.95
Veenendaal Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round84 37.32 48.18
46.25     49.09     49.20     53.71     37.32
2x2x2 CubeFirst round78 27.69 37.16
40.39     33.63     37.46     27.69     46.00
PyraminxFirst round63 13.77 20.18
20.14     26.06     15.00     25.40     13.77
112022-05-21~22Dutch Masters 2022NetherlandsVeenendaal
102022-04-17Dutch Spring 2022NetherlandsVeenendaal
92020-02-01~02Dutch Masters 2020NetherlandsErmelo
82020-01-04~05Happy New Year Cubing Hoorn 2020NetherlandsHoorn
72019-09-21~22Dutch Nationals 2019NetherlandsVeenendaal
62019-08-16~17Hoogland Open 2019NetherlandsHoogland
52019-04-06~07Dutch Masters 2019NetherlandsErmelo
42019-02-10Haarlem Cubing 2019NetherlandsHaarlem
32018-11-10Meppel Open 2018NetherlandsMeppel
22018-08-17~18Zwolle Open 2018NetherlandsZwolle
12018-06-23~24Veenendaal Open 2018NetherlandsVeenendaal