Personal Page

Bartosz Kaleta

Name: Bartosz Kaleta
Region: Poland
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Bartosz Kaleta2018KALE04
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.09.15 - 2019.12.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1639150506083915.4418.836214215284167943/45
2x2x2 Cube156513874473364.305.753778710848130825/25
4x4x4 Cube154513732477171:34.362/2
3x3x3 One-Handed155214661543481:03.232/4

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Santa Claus Cube Race 2019Second round91 16.75 19.44
18.23     16.75     19.22     20.86     DNF
First round91 16.14 18.83
19.09     18.72     20.66     16.14     18.68
PST CFL Częstochowa 2019Second round51 17.77 18.94
18.04     20.30     17.77     24.66     18.49
First round57 20.91 22.39
22.46     20.91     21.16     23.55     23.71
Project Będzin 2019First round50 19.42 22.85
22.23     22.82     19.42     24.85     23.50
CFL Domaniewice 2019First round35 15.44 20.93
15.44     23.61     28.42     19.66     19.53
Polish Open 2018Second round103 20.10 25.55
20.10     23.87     29.65     23.14     DNF
First round98 18.25 21.61
20.47     21.72     22.64     18.25     33.05
Cube Factory Częstochowa 2018First round65 45.04 1:09.05
1:14.15   1:37.01   45.04     1:13.73   59.28
2x2x2 Cube
Santa Claus Cube Race 2019First round66 5.16 5.75
5.67      5.16      6.91      5.67      5.90
PST CFL Częstochowa 2019First round36 4.30 6.21
5.73      6.34      6.97      6.55      4.30
Project Będzin 2019First round50 4.34 8.48
11.08     8.57      7.63      4.34      9.24
CFL Domaniewice 2019First round37 5.59 8.06
8.05      5.59      9.03      7.09      9.60
Polish Open 2018First round85 5.32 7.24
5.32      6.86      16.42     6.01      8.85
4x4x4 Cube
Santa Claus Cube Race 2019First round88 1:34.36
1:34.36   2:07.13
3x3x3 One-Handed
PST CFL Częstochowa 2019First round54 1:21.04
1:21.04   DNF
Project Będzin 2019First round40 1:03.23
DNF       1:03.23
Santa Claus Cube Race 2019Second round42 4.76 7.29
7.84      6.54      8.11      4.76      7.50
First round39 5.20 7.10
8.31      5.20      6.24      10.17     6.75
PST CFL Częstochowa 2019Second round23 4.76 7.18
7.23      9.38      7.55      6.75      4.76
First round25 5.73 6.90
8.49      5.73      5.89      11.51     6.33
Project Będzin 2019First round37 8.39 9.49
8.98      8.39      9.96      11.25     9.52
CFL Domaniewice 2019First round26 7.46 12.28
20.26     7.46      8.43      DNF       8.15
Polish Open 2018First round66 9.47 10.72
9.99      11.20     12.43     9.47      10.97
Cube Factory Częstochowa 2018First round54 21.09 31.83
21.09     29.48     DNF       33.60     32.41
Santa Claus Cube Race 2019First round45 4.01 8.07
6.08      9.45      8.95      9.19      4.01
PST CFL Częstochowa 2019Second round22 5.10 8.89
5.10      12.43     7.56      10.23     8.87
First round22 4.49 7.73
7.20      5.91      14.06     4.49      10.09
Project Będzin 2019First round36 8.47 11.37
8.47      12.26     10.27     11.59     DNF
CFL Domaniewice 2019First round18 7.60 8.85
8.07      7.60      8.94      9.99      9.55
Polish Open 2018First round63 9.78 11.47
14.12     13.24     11.19     9.98      9.78
Santa Claus Cube Race 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round91 16.75 19.44
18.23     16.75     19.22     20.86     DNF
First round91 16.14 18.83
19.09     18.72     20.66     16.14     18.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round66 5.16 5.75
5.67      5.16      6.91      5.67      5.90
4x4x4 CubeFirst round88 1:34.36
1:34.36   2:07.13
PyraminxSecond round42 4.76 7.29
7.84      6.54      8.11      4.76      7.50
First round39 5.20 7.10
8.31      5.20      6.24      10.17     6.75
SkewbFirst round45 4.01 8.07
6.08      9.45      8.95      9.19      4.01
PST CFL Częstochowa 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round51 17.77 18.94
18.04     20.30     17.77     24.66     18.49
First round57 20.91 22.39
22.46     20.91     21.16     23.55     23.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 4.30 6.21
5.73      6.34      6.97      6.55      4.30
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round54 1:21.04
1:21.04   DNF
PyraminxSecond round23 4.76 7.18
7.23      9.38      7.55      6.75      4.76
First round25 5.73 6.90
8.49      5.73      5.89      11.51     6.33
SkewbSecond round22 5.10 8.89
5.10      12.43     7.56      10.23     8.87
First round22 4.49 7.73
7.20      5.91      14.06     4.49      10.09
Project Będzin 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round50 19.42 22.85
22.23     22.82     19.42     24.85     23.50
2x2x2 CubeFirst round50 4.34 8.48
11.08     8.57      7.63      4.34      9.24
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 1:03.23
DNF       1:03.23
PyraminxFirst round37 8.39 9.49
8.98      8.39      9.96      11.25     9.52
SkewbFirst round36 8.47 11.37
8.47      12.26     10.27     11.59     DNF
CFL Domaniewice 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round35 15.44 20.93
15.44     23.61     28.42     19.66     19.53
2x2x2 CubeFirst round37 5.59 8.06
8.05      5.59      9.03      7.09      9.60
PyraminxFirst round26 7.46 12.28
20.26     7.46      8.43      DNF       8.15
SkewbFirst round18 7.60 8.85
8.07      7.60      8.94      9.99      9.55
Polish Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round103 20.10 25.55
20.10     23.87     29.65     23.14     DNF
First round98 18.25 21.61
20.47     21.72     22.64     18.25     33.05
2x2x2 CubeFirst round85 5.32 7.24
5.32      6.86      16.42     6.01      8.85
PyraminxFirst round66 9.47 10.72
9.99      11.20     12.43     9.47      10.97
SkewbFirst round63 9.78 11.47
14.12     13.24     11.19     9.98      9.78
Cube Factory Częstochowa 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round65 45.04 1:09.05
1:14.15   1:37.01   45.04     1:13.73   59.28
PyraminxFirst round54 21.09 31.83
21.09     29.48     DNF       33.60     32.41
62019-12-06~08Santa Claus Cube Race 2019PolandBędzin
52019-11-09~10PST CFL Częstochowa 2019PolandCzęstochowa
42019-07-20Project Będzin 2019PolandBędzin
32019-05-26CFL Domaniewice 2019PolandDomaniewice
22018-12-08~09Polish Open 2018PolandBędzin
12018-09-15~16Cube Factory Częstochowa 2018PolandCzęstochowa