Personal Page

Austin Lewandowski

Name: Austin Lewandowski
Region: United States
Competitions: 12
WCA ID: Austin Lewandowski2018LEWA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.03.31 - 2023.03.11
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube389050861964210.4412.671960950013805108/110
2x2x2 Cube60747985286053.375.934094611543883749/50
4x4x4 Cube49796800263321:01.081:11.38268627043519225/25
3x3x3 One-Handed504268852769929.0035.84274446818497920/20

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Virginia Beach Spring 2023Final16 11.26 14.44
12.71     11.26     14.21     16.59     16.40
Second round16 11.21 12.95
13.26     13.38     13.91     11.21     12.22
First round15 11.65 12.67
13.08     11.65     12.86     15.22     12.06
MLWGS Winter 2020Second round23 10.44 13.91
14.49     DNF       13.54     10.44     13.70
First round17 11.67 12.94
15.11     11.72     11.67     14.03     13.07
ODU Big Blue Fall 2019Second round27 10.75 13.60
10.75     14.50     13.01     14.98     13.29
First round24 11.18 13.96
15.77     11.18     16.67     11.79     14.32
Richmond Spring 2019Second round29 14.22 15.91
14.22     14.54     15.72     17.46     22.42
First round31 16.87 17.48
17.11     17.24     18.08     18.53     16.87
MLWGS Spring 2019Second round27 15.21 17.26
15.21     19.82     15.64     16.33     21.98
First round26 12.44 15.34
23.09     18.41     13.87     12.44     13.75
ODU Big Blue Spring 2019Second round21 13.51 15.31
13.52     13.51     16.37     16.04     17.11
First round23 15.66 17.65
16.24     19.17     17.93     15.66     18.78
Virginia Beach Winter 2019Second round26 16.70 17.62
18.31     18.55     16.70     17.26     17.28
First round30 16.87 20.21
16.89     23.39     22.33     21.40     16.87
Northern Neck Winter 2019First round49 14.54 16.37
18.42     17.32     15.37     16.41     14.54
ODU Big Blue Fall 2018Second round26 17.32 18.24
19.85     17.59     17.32     19.17     17.97
First round28 19.28 20.87
20.42     20.56     DNF       21.64     19.28
Fredericksburg Summer Open 2018Second round41 19.43 26.03
37.07     19.43     30.46     25.39     22.23
First round40 22.35 25.20
23.86     25.98     26.32     25.77     22.35
RVA Spring 2018First round49 27.38 28.36
38.66     27.76     27.87     29.45     27.38
ODU Big Blue Spring 2018First round48 33.05 35.32
33.51     33.05     42.19     34.43     38.02
2x2x2 Cube
Virginia Beach Spring 2023Final25 4.09 6.01
4.09      8.33      4.80      6.31      6.93
First round30 4.69 6.39
7.23      4.69      7.01      4.92      DNF
ODU Big Blue Fall 2019First round35 5.25 6.28
6.64      5.96      6.23      8.54      5.25
Richmond Spring 2019First round35 5.22 7.22
6.48      8.73      7.24      7.95      5.22
MLWGS Spring 2019First round34 3.98 5.93
6.03      5.82      7.67      3.98      5.94
ODU Big Blue Spring 2019First round31 3.37 7.81
7.77      7.84      7.81      8.63      3.37
Virginia Beach Winter 2019First round42 5.75 8.50
5.75      10.11     7.98      12.50     7.40
Northern Neck Winter 2019First round56 5.81 6.63
5.81      5.95      7.42      6.97      6.97
ODU Big Blue Fall 2018First round27 5.50 8.04
9.28      9.13      5.72      5.50      18.94
Fredericksburg Summer Open 2018First round45 7.70 9.28
7.70      11.95     11.40     8.50      7.95
4x4x4 Cube
Virginia Beach Spring 2023Final29 1:25.64 1:28.54
1:25.64   1:27.28   1:53.74   1:31.23   1:27.10
MLWGS Winter 2020First round33 1:01.08 1:19.81
1:03.23   1:01.08   1:32.68   1:45.15   1:23.51
ODU Big Blue Fall 2019Final30 1:02.92 1:11.38
1:04.67   1:19.48   1:02.92   1:14.41   1:15.07
MLWGS Spring 2019First round29 1:09.37 1:23.21
1:19.01   1:09.37   1:34.49   1:27.99   1:22.62
ODU Big Blue Spring 2019First round22 1:14.44 1:20.68
1:14.44   1:22.21   1:48.89   1:15.81   1:24.02
3x3x3 One-Handed
Virginia Beach Spring 2023Final23 32.07 35.84
55.25     32.07     34.54     34.93     38.05
MLWGS Winter 2020First round30 29.00 37.45
44.46     30.31     29.00     46.56     37.58
ODU Big Blue Fall 2019Final33 30.55 37.78
38.64     37.94     30.55     36.77     39.49
ODU Big Blue Spring 2019Final25 38.24 42.47
38.24     39.70     44.16     43.56     54.26
MLWGS Spring 2019First round39 12.08 14.37
15.55     12.08     14.98     12.59     23.62
ODU Big Blue Spring 2019First round23 9.83 12.19
9.83      10.52     15.99     15.99     10.05
Virginia Beach Winter 2019First round25 11.36 12.69
20.41     12.56     13.95     11.36     11.57
Virginia Beach Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal16 11.26 14.44
12.71     11.26     14.21     16.59     16.40
Second round16 11.21 12.95
13.26     13.38     13.91     11.21     12.22
First round15 11.65 12.67
13.08     11.65     12.86     15.22     12.06
2x2x2 CubeFinal25 4.09 6.01
4.09      8.33      4.80      6.31      6.93
First round30 4.69 6.39
7.23      4.69      7.01      4.92      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal29 1:25.64 1:28.54
1:25.64   1:27.28   1:53.74   1:31.23   1:27.10
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal23 32.07 35.84
55.25     32.07     34.54     34.93     38.05
MLWGS Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 10.44 13.91
14.49     DNF       13.54     10.44     13.70
First round17 11.67 12.94
15.11     11.72     11.67     14.03     13.07
4x4x4 CubeFirst round33 1:01.08 1:19.81
1:03.23   1:01.08   1:32.68   1:45.15   1:23.51
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round30 29.00 37.45
44.46     30.31     29.00     46.56     37.58
ODU Big Blue Fall 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 10.75 13.60
10.75     14.50     13.01     14.98     13.29
First round24 11.18 13.96
15.77     11.18     16.67     11.79     14.32
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 5.25 6.28
6.64      5.96      6.23      8.54      5.25
4x4x4 CubeFinal30 1:02.92 1:11.38
1:04.67   1:19.48   1:02.92   1:14.41   1:15.07
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal33 30.55 37.78
38.64     37.94     30.55     36.77     39.49
Richmond Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 14.22 15.91
14.22     14.54     15.72     17.46     22.42
First round31 16.87 17.48
17.11     17.24     18.08     18.53     16.87
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 5.22 7.22
6.48      8.73      7.24      7.95      5.22
MLWGS Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 15.21 17.26
15.21     19.82     15.64     16.33     21.98
First round26 12.44 15.34
23.09     18.41     13.87     12.44     13.75
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 3.98 5.93
6.03      5.82      7.67      3.98      5.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round29 1:09.37 1:23.21
1:19.01   1:09.37   1:34.49   1:27.99   1:22.62
PyraminxFirst round39 12.08 14.37
15.55     12.08     14.98     12.59     23.62
ODU Big Blue Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 13.51 15.31
13.52     13.51     16.37     16.04     17.11
First round23 15.66 17.65
16.24     19.17     17.93     15.66     18.78
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 3.37 7.81
7.77      7.84      7.81      8.63      3.37
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 1:14.44 1:20.68
1:14.44   1:22.21   1:48.89   1:15.81   1:24.02
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal25 38.24 42.47
38.24     39.70     44.16     43.56     54.26
PyraminxFirst round23 9.83 12.19
9.83      10.52     15.99     15.99     10.05
Virginia Beach Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 16.70 17.62
18.31     18.55     16.70     17.26     17.28
First round30 16.87 20.21
16.89     23.39     22.33     21.40     16.87
2x2x2 CubeFirst round42 5.75 8.50
5.75      10.11     7.98      12.50     7.40
PyraminxFirst round25 11.36 12.69
20.41     12.56     13.95     11.36     11.57
Northern Neck Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round49 14.54 16.37
18.42     17.32     15.37     16.41     14.54
2x2x2 CubeFirst round56 5.81 6.63
5.81      5.95      7.42      6.97      6.97
ODU Big Blue Fall 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 17.32 18.24
19.85     17.59     17.32     19.17     17.97
First round28 19.28 20.87
20.42     20.56     DNF       21.64     19.28
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 5.50 8.04
9.28      9.13      5.72      5.50      18.94
Fredericksburg Summer Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 19.43 26.03
37.07     19.43     30.46     25.39     22.23
First round40 22.35 25.20
23.86     25.98     26.32     25.77     22.35
2x2x2 CubeFirst round45 7.70 9.28
7.70      11.95     11.40     8.50      7.95
RVA Spring 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round49 27.38 28.36
38.66     27.76     27.87     29.45     27.38
ODU Big Blue Spring 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round48 33.05 35.32
33.51     33.05     42.19     34.43     38.02
122023-03-11Virginia Beach Spring 2023United StatesVirginia Beach, Virginia
112020-01-18MLWGS Winter 2020United StatesRichmond, Virginia
102019-11-23ODU Big Blue Fall 2019United StatesNorfolk, Virginia
92019-06-15Richmond Spring 2019United StatesRichmond, Virginia
82019-04-13MLWGS Spring 2019United StatesRichmond, Virginia
72019-03-30ODU Big Blue Spring 2019United StatesNorfolk, Virginia
62019-02-09Virginia Beach Winter 2019United StatesVirginia Beach, Virginia
52019-01-05Northern Neck Winter 2019United StatesColonial Beach, Virginia
42018-10-20ODU Big Blue Fall 2018United StatesNorfolk, Virginia
32018-07-21Fredericksburg Summer Open 2018United StatesFredericksburg, Virginia
22018-05-05RVA Spring 2018United StatesRichmond, Virginia
12018-03-31ODU Big Blue Spring 2018United StatesNorfolk, Virginia