Personal Page

Caio Augusto de Souza Muniz

Name: Caio Augusto de Souza Muniz
Region: Brazil
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Caio Augusto de Souza Muniz2018MUNI04
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.09.01 - 2019.08.18
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube99842685237014.7717.2748813386391634/35
2x2x2 Cube6412812365073.884.7019057129829430/30
4x4x4 Cube5742820362641:17.421:26.9533210259252812/12
5x5x5 Cube3661576226062:37.802:53.301903513933419/9
3x3x3 One-Handed39716412076525.4429.5618235143035425/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final12 15.51 17.27
15.68     15.51     19.24     16.88     24.44
Second round13 14.77 18.89
14.77     20.00     16.93     19.75     22.28
First round16 16.77 23.60
16.77     28.57     24.22     26.64     19.93
UNESP Open 2018Final15 17.79 27.46
23.50     26.21     17.79     32.67     DNF
Second round14 18.14 21.94
22.96     21.83     24.96     18.14     21.04
First round13 20.06 23.01
20.06     23.19     23.04     24.68     22.80
II Barueri Open 2018First round34 21.88 25.64
21.88     26.56     27.75     23.24     27.11
2x2x2 Cube
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final9 4.05 4.70
4.96      6.08      4.68      4.47      4.05
Second round10 3.88 5.05
5.24      4.27      7.90      3.88      5.64
First round8 5.13 5.41
5.19      5.13      5.37      6.49      5.68
UNESP Open 2018Second round8 5.86 6.78
5.87      5.86      8.31      6.15      14.65
First round4 4.85 5.83
5.26      7.40      4.85      5.93      6.29
II Barueri Open 2018First round18 5.87 6.41
6.31      8.29      6.19      6.72      5.87
4x4x4 Cube
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final13 1:17.42 1:26.95
1:26.58   1:29.90   1:47.35   1:17.42   1:24.36
UNESP Open 2018First round8 1:19.70 1:32.63
1:19.70   1:35.76   1:29.39   1:44.54   1:32.73
II Barueri Open 2018Final25 1:42.38
1:42.38   2:04.19
5x5x5 Cube
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final15 2:37.80 2:53.30
2:55.97   2:47.97   2:55.95   3:16.75   2:37.80
UNESP Open 2018Final8 3:27.72
4:04.26   3:27.72
II Barueri Open 2018Final23 4:04.22
4:45.19   4:04.22
3x3x3 One-Handed
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final11 25.44 29.56
26.65     34.02     30.01     32.03     25.44
First round11 28.27 33.17
33.36     34.63     31.52     39.43     28.27
UNESP Open 2018Final5 31.47 36.92
31.47     34.13     37.27     39.89     39.37
First round6 33.54 37.79
36.72     56.94     33.54     40.08     36.56
II Barueri Open 2018First round22 40.37 43.65
44.59     40.37     58.60     41.75     44.61
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final8 22.92 32.96
22.92     39.68     31.21     27.99     DNF
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final11 2:10.42 2:22.17
2:10.42   2:22.78   2:19.01   2:28.16   2:24.73
UNESP Open 2018Final5 2:56.62 3:33.39
3:26.35   2:56.62   3:33.29   3:40.54   4:00.73
II Barueri Open 2018Final17 2:58.04
3:44.58   2:58.04
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final19 12.77 16.44
13.26     12.77     14.67     21.40     25.58
First round12 10.20 12.07
10.20     12.45     10.25     13.50     DNF
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final8 6.10 7.78
7.30      6.10      7.09      19.44     8.94
First round8 7.42 10.06
10.16     18.61     10.29     9.74      7.42
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019Final11 45.07
48.25     45.07
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 15.51 17.27
15.68     15.51     19.24     16.88     24.44
Second round13 14.77 18.89
14.77     20.00     16.93     19.75     22.28
First round16 16.77 23.60
16.77     28.57     24.22     26.64     19.93
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 4.05 4.70
4.96      6.08      4.68      4.47      4.05
Second round10 3.88 5.05
5.24      4.27      7.90      3.88      5.64
First round8 5.13 5.41
5.19      5.13      5.37      6.49      5.68
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 1:17.42 1:26.95
1:26.58   1:29.90   1:47.35   1:17.42   1:24.36
5x5x5 CubeFinal15 2:37.80 2:53.30
2:55.97   2:47.97   2:55.95   3:16.75   2:37.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 25.44 29.56
26.65     34.02     30.01     32.03     25.44
First round11 28.27 33.17
33.36     34.63     31.52     39.43     28.27
ClockFinal8 22.92 32.96
22.92     39.68     31.21     27.99     DNF
MegaminxFinal11 2:10.42 2:22.17
2:10.42   2:22.78   2:19.01   2:28.16   2:24.73
PyraminxFinal19 12.77 16.44
13.26     12.77     14.67     21.40     25.58
First round12 10.20 12.07
10.20     12.45     10.25     13.50     DNF
SkewbFinal8 6.10 7.78
7.30      6.10      7.09      19.44     8.94
First round8 7.42 10.06
10.16     18.61     10.29     9.74      7.42
Square-1Final11 45.07
48.25     45.07
UNESP Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal15 17.79 27.46
23.50     26.21     17.79     32.67     DNF
Second round14 18.14 21.94
22.96     21.83     24.96     18.14     21.04
First round13 20.06 23.01
20.06     23.19     23.04     24.68     22.80
2x2x2 CubeSecond round8 5.86 6.78
5.87      5.86      8.31      6.15      14.65
First round4 4.85 5.83
5.26      7.40      4.85      5.93      6.29
4x4x4 CubeFirst round8 1:19.70 1:32.63
1:19.70   1:35.76   1:29.39   1:44.54   1:32.73
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 3:27.72
4:04.26   3:27.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 31.47 36.92
31.47     34.13     37.27     39.89     39.37
First round6 33.54 37.79
36.72     56.94     33.54     40.08     36.56
MegaminxFinal5 2:56.62 3:33.39
3:26.35   2:56.62   3:33.29   3:40.54   4:00.73
II Barueri Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round34 21.88 25.64
21.88     26.56     27.75     23.24     27.11
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 5.87 6.41
6.31      8.29      6.19      6.72      5.87
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 1:42.38
1:42.38   2:04.19
5x5x5 CubeFinal23 4:04.22
4:45.19   4:04.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 40.37 43.65
44.59     40.37     58.60     41.75     44.61
MegaminxFinal17 2:58.04
3:44.58   2:58.04
32019-08-17~18Open UTF ao Cubo 2019BrazilCornélio Procópio, Paraná
22018-11-03~04UNESP Open 2018BrazilSão José do Rio Preto, São Paulo
12018-09-01~02II Barueri Open 2018BrazilBarueri, São Paulo