Personal Page

Jung Meen Park (박정민)

Name: Jung Meen Park (박정민)
Region: Republic of Korea
Competitions: 14
WCA ID: Jung Meen Park (박정민)2018PARK33
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.12.16 - 2024.02.04
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube22224388712895125.5231.7013197744787227259/60
2x2x2 Cube123324635832846.189.629293827740135854/55
3x3x3 One-Handed81018581597601:26.423/5

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Daegu Cold Winter 2024First round161 30.34 32.74
1:40.36   32.96     30.59     34.67     30.34
Suncheon Fall 2023First round133 25.52 31.70
36.77     35.92     31.80     27.38     25.52
WCA World Championship 2023First round1084 28.36 35.53
38.33     33.82     34.44     48.32     28.36
Cubing SimCheong Open 2022First round92 30.33 37.22
41.04     38.70     1:03.34   30.33     31.91
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022First round95 29.61 34.41
29.61     37.65     37.59     31.59     34.05
Korean Championship 2022First round148 30.82 35.85
36.67     41.02     34.04     36.83     30.82
Seoul Summer 2022First round188 30.36 35.16
50.83     30.36     35.68     32.14     37.65
Cubing Korea 2019First round108 31.79 37.58
39.84     45.10     34.56     31.79     38.35
Daegu Autumn Open 2019First round50 31.74 34.13
38.07     33.57     32.55     36.27     31.74
Korean Championship 2019First round127 35.56 43.33
44.81     47.21     37.98     35.56     1:09.37
Cube Camp in Wonju 2019First round66 57.48 1:05.94
DNF       57.48     1:12.03   1:04.60   1:01.19
Cutory Blossom 2019First round82 1:02.23 1:06.30
1:07.61   1:08.18   1:03.11   1:10.33   1:02.23
2x2x2 Cube
Daegu Cold Winter 2024First round116 6.96 10.26
9.02      12.38     6.96      10.69     11.06
WCA World Championship 2023First round693 8.19 9.62
8.19      10.54     9.38      8.95      15.90
Cubing SimCheong Open 2022First round47 6.18 10.11
6.18      12.49     8.24      20.20     9.59
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022Final73 8.29 10.08
11.86     8.40      8.29      16.48     9.99
Korean Championship 2022First round95 9.21 9.99
9.66      9.21      9.55      13.00     10.77
Seoul Summer 2022Final117 8.76 11.31
10.98     10.16     8.76      12.80     23.24
Daegu Autumn Open 2019Final41 10.36 12.17
21.03     11.60     10.36     11.69     13.22
Korean Championship 2019First round93 8.79 14.45
16.53     8.79      19.46     13.17     13.66
Cube Camp in Wonju 2019Final40 15.24 20.36
DNF       15.24     18.89     19.78     22.40
Cutory Blossom 2019Final62 13.47 22.61
13.47     27.11     25.07     24.15     18.60
Busan Winter 2018First round64 28.85 42.40
1:10.91   30.82     29.03     1:07.36   28.85
3x3x3 One-Handed
Daegu Autumn Open 2019Final35 1:26.42 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:26.42   1:50.50   1:34.30
Ansan Spring 2023First round52 17.65 21.45
25.76     21.67     20.44     22.25     17.65
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022Final22 26.46 33.91
28.39     39.48     DNF       33.86     26.46
Korean Championship 2022Final39 25.19 DNF
25.19     27.02     DNF       DNF       DNF
Ansan Spring 2023First round51 10.08 13.00
14.23     14.32     10.08     12.04     12.72
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022Final44 11.11 18.86
20.79     11.11     20.57     22.04     15.22
Korean Championship 2022First round40 10.21 15.75
16.43     14.76     19.77     10.21     16.05
Daegu Autumn Open 2019Final36 11.44 18.57
20.76     15.56     19.38     11.44     29.15
Korean Championship 2019First round42 10.39 19.00
10.39     22.00     23.71     16.09     18.90
Cube Camp in Wonju 2019Final32 18.71 27.07
32.63     18.71     27.53     23.66     30.03
Ansan Spring 2023First round62 9.03 21.29
37.56     21.98     20.85     9.03      21.05
Seoul Summer 2022Final58 28.02 34.65
41.76     28.02     30.37     46.19     31.82
Korean Championship 2019First round42 16.22 24.53
16.22     26.79     21.57     29.09     25.23
Cube Camp in Wonju 2019Final26 19.35 31.21
22.03     2:20.39   19.35     28.10     43.51
Daegu Cold Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round161 30.34 32.74
1:40.36   32.96     30.59     34.67     30.34
2x2x2 CubeFirst round116 6.96 10.26
9.02      12.38     6.96      10.69     11.06
Suncheon Fall 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round133 25.52 31.70
36.77     35.92     31.80     27.38     25.52
WCA World Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round1084 28.36 35.53
38.33     33.82     34.44     48.32     28.36
2x2x2 CubeFirst round693 8.19 9.62
8.19      10.54     9.38      8.95      15.90
Ansan Spring 2023
ClockFirst round52 17.65 21.45
25.76     21.67     20.44     22.25     17.65
PyraminxFirst round51 10.08 13.00
14.23     14.32     10.08     12.04     12.72
SkewbFirst round62 9.03 21.29
37.56     21.98     20.85     9.03      21.05
Cubing SimCheong Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round92 30.33 37.22
41.04     38.70     1:03.34   30.33     31.91
2x2x2 CubeFirst round47 6.18 10.11
6.18      12.49     8.24      20.20     9.59
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round95 29.61 34.41
29.61     37.65     37.59     31.59     34.05
2x2x2 CubeFinal73 8.29 10.08
11.86     8.40      8.29      16.48     9.99
ClockFinal22 26.46 33.91
28.39     39.48     DNF       33.86     26.46
PyraminxFinal44 11.11 18.86
20.79     11.11     20.57     22.04     15.22
Korean Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round148 30.82 35.85
36.67     41.02     34.04     36.83     30.82
2x2x2 CubeFirst round95 9.21 9.99
9.66      9.21      9.55      13.00     10.77
ClockFinal39 25.19 DNF
25.19     27.02     DNF       DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round40 10.21 15.75
16.43     14.76     19.77     10.21     16.05
Seoul Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round188 30.36 35.16
50.83     30.36     35.68     32.14     37.65
2x2x2 CubeFinal117 8.76 11.31
10.98     10.16     8.76      12.80     23.24
SkewbFinal58 28.02 34.65
41.76     28.02     30.37     46.19     31.82
Cubing Korea 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round108 31.79 37.58
39.84     45.10     34.56     31.79     38.35
Daegu Autumn Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round50 31.74 34.13
38.07     33.57     32.55     36.27     31.74
2x2x2 CubeFinal41 10.36 12.17
21.03     11.60     10.36     11.69     13.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal35 1:26.42 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:26.42   1:50.50   1:34.30
PyraminxFinal36 11.44 18.57
20.76     15.56     19.38     11.44     29.15
Korean Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round127 35.56 43.33
44.81     47.21     37.98     35.56     1:09.37
2x2x2 CubeFirst round93 8.79 14.45
16.53     8.79      19.46     13.17     13.66
PyraminxFirst round42 10.39 19.00
10.39     22.00     23.71     16.09     18.90
SkewbFirst round42 16.22 24.53
16.22     26.79     21.57     29.09     25.23
Cube Camp in Wonju 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round66 57.48 1:05.94
DNF       57.48     1:12.03   1:04.60   1:01.19
2x2x2 CubeFinal40 15.24 20.36
DNF       15.24     18.89     19.78     22.40
PyraminxFinal32 18.71 27.07
32.63     18.71     27.53     23.66     30.03
SkewbFinal26 19.35 31.21
22.03     2:20.39   19.35     28.10     43.51
Cutory Blossom 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round82 1:02.23 1:06.30
1:07.61   1:08.18   1:03.11   1:10.33   1:02.23
2x2x2 CubeFinal62 13.47 22.61
13.47     27.11     25.07     24.15     18.60
Busan Winter 2018
2x2x2 CubeFirst round64 28.85 42.40
1:10.91   30.82     29.03     1:07.36   28.85
142024-02-03~04Daegu Cold Winter 2024Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
132023-10-29Suncheon Fall 2023Republic of Korea전라남도 순천시 (Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do)
122023-08-12~15WCA World Championship 2023Republic of Korea인천광역시 (Incheon)
112023-03-26Ansan Spring 2023Republic of Korea경기도 안산시 (Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do)
102022-10-29~30Cubing SimCheong Open 2022Republic of Korea전라남도 곡성군 (Gokseong-gun, Jeollanam-do)
92022-09-17Daegu Hot Autumn 2022Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
82022-08-12~14Korean Championship 2022Republic of Korea경기도 안양시 (Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do)
72022-07-23~24Seoul Summer 2022Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
62019-12-28Cubing Korea 2019Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
52019-10-13Daegu Autumn Open 2019Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
42019-08-16~18Korean Championship 2019Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
32019-07-20~21Cube Camp in Wonju 2019Republic of Korea강원도 원주시 (Wonju-si, Gangwon-do)
22019-04-06Cutory Blossom 2019Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
12018-12-16Busan Winter 2018Republic of Korea부산광역시 (Busan)