Personal Page

Juan Jose Pinelo

Name: Juan Jose Pinelo
Region: Guatemala
Competitions: 2
WCA ID: Juan Jose Pinelo2018PINE02
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.03.03 - 2018.08.18
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube319237278988119.8526.071010422699934920/20
2x2x2 Cube25918926668055.437.29607871724522510/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
IGA 2018Second round36 22.16 26.32
28.14     25.99     22.16     28.32     24.84
First round39 22.87 26.52
25.99     24.59     22.87     28.97     35.06
San Lucas 2018Second round25 19.85 26.07
28.20     26.03     23.98     38.36     19.85
First round28 24.67 32.82
43.39     24.67     30.35     35.87     32.23
2x2x2 Cube
IGA 2018First round24 5.43 7.29
5.48      7.05      9.35      5.43      10.57
San Lucas 2018First round24 8.30 10.70
8.30      8.38      12.51     11.22     16.35
IGA 2018Final21 11.56 12.74
15.99     12.15     11.56     13.57     12.49
San Lucas 2018Final12 5.93 11.77
13.40     7.57      5.93      14.34     17.73
First round21 8.16 16.69
DNF       13.52     8.16      20.93     15.61
IGA 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 22.16 26.32
28.14     25.99     22.16     28.32     24.84
First round39 22.87 26.52
25.99     24.59     22.87     28.97     35.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round24 5.43 7.29
5.48      7.05      9.35      5.43      10.57
PyraminxFinal21 11.56 12.74
15.99     12.15     11.56     13.57     12.49
San Lucas 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 19.85 26.07
28.20     26.03     23.98     38.36     19.85
First round28 24.67 32.82
43.39     24.67     30.35     35.87     32.23
2x2x2 CubeFirst round24 8.30 10.70
8.30      8.38      12.51     11.22     16.35
PyraminxFinal12 5.93 11.77
13.40     7.57      5.93      14.34     17.73
First round21 8.16 16.69
DNF       13.52     8.16      20.93     15.61
22018-08-18IGA 2018GuatemalaGuatemala City
12018-03-03~04San Lucas 2018GuatemalaSan Lucas Sacatepéquez, Sacatepéquez