Personal Page

Josiah Thiele

Name: Josiah Thiele
Region: United States
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Josiah Thiele2018THIE01
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.01.27 - 2022.07.02
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1399179466618.3310.3971721911149760/60
2x2x2 Cube48606407227913.144.45157584476343715/15
4x4x4 Cube261235941461148.6855.59144793568259020/20
3x3x3 One-Handed564476853067432.0636.96273746808498510/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Cashew Cubing 2022Final8 8.33 11.69
12.53     12.27     12.43     8.33      10.36
Second round8 8.77 10.39
11.03     12.39     9.05      8.77      11.09
First round8 9.42 10.67
11.18     11.01     9.42      9.82      12.64
BarbeCubing Fall 2018Final11 11.43 11.80
11.43     11.74     11.73     13.41     11.93
Second round12 11.49 12.70
13.01     14.55     12.89     11.49     12.19
First round12 11.46 13.97
15.03     16.15     12.03     11.46     14.86
BarbeCubing 2018Final15 13.73 15.11
15.29     15.67     14.37     13.73     16.95
Second round14 12.49 13.36
14.20     12.49     12.87     13.02     15.33
First round16 14.40 15.31
16.04     14.40     15.20     17.10     14.68
Cubing 4 Kids 2018Final13 13.00 14.59
16.17     20.45     13.00     14.18     13.42
Second round13 13.39 15.81
13.39     16.07     17.45     14.71     16.66
First round15 13.28 17.07
18.11     13.28     16.97     18.69     16.14
2x2x2 Cube
Cashew Cubing 2022First round9 3.14 4.45
4.25      5.28      3.14      4.70      4.39
BarbeCubing 2018Final16 4.85 5.58
5.50      4.85      5.57      5.84      5.66
First round15 5.08 5.60
5.08      5.83      5.39      5.59      6.93
4x4x4 Cube
Cashew Cubing 2022Final11 48.68 55.59
59.90     58.21     48.68     58.60     49.96
BarbeCubing Fall 2018First round23 56.99 1:01.25
1:06.54   56.99     58.14     2:02.07   59.07
BarbeCubing 2018Final14 1:00.76 1:09.39
1:00.76   1:12.35   1:09.86   1:05.95   1:19.79
First round15 1:07.76 1:10.35
1:42.67   1:09.82   1:07.76   1:10.34   1:10.89
3x3x3 One-Handed
BarbeCubing 2018Final14 36.73 39.13
41.45     38.65     37.29     36.73     41.79
First round16 32.06 36.96
35.27     39.71     36.15     32.06     39.47
BarbeCubing Fall 2018First round25 7.79 10.17
9.87      8.16      7.79      17.09     12.47
BarbeCubing 2018Final12 7.63 9.46
9.69      8.32      10.38     12.13     7.63
Cashew Cubing 2022First round13 7.84 11.04
13.50     10.61     9.12      7.84      13.39
Cashew Cubing 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 8.33 11.69
12.53     12.27     12.43     8.33      10.36
Second round8 8.77 10.39
11.03     12.39     9.05      8.77      11.09
First round8 9.42 10.67
11.18     11.01     9.42      9.82      12.64
2x2x2 CubeFirst round9 3.14 4.45
4.25      5.28      3.14      4.70      4.39
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 48.68 55.59
59.90     58.21     48.68     58.60     49.96
SkewbFirst round13 7.84 11.04
13.50     10.61     9.12      7.84      13.39
BarbeCubing Fall 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 11.43 11.80
11.43     11.74     11.73     13.41     11.93
Second round12 11.49 12.70
13.01     14.55     12.89     11.49     12.19
First round12 11.46 13.97
15.03     16.15     12.03     11.46     14.86
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 56.99 1:01.25
1:06.54   56.99     58.14     2:02.07   59.07
PyraminxFirst round25 7.79 10.17
9.87      8.16      7.79      17.09     12.47
BarbeCubing 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal15 13.73 15.11
15.29     15.67     14.37     13.73     16.95
Second round14 12.49 13.36
14.20     12.49     12.87     13.02     15.33
First round16 14.40 15.31
16.04     14.40     15.20     17.10     14.68
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 4.85 5.58
5.50      4.85      5.57      5.84      5.66
First round15 5.08 5.60
5.08      5.83      5.39      5.59      6.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal14 1:00.76 1:09.39
1:00.76   1:12.35   1:09.86   1:05.95   1:19.79
First round15 1:07.76 1:10.35
1:42.67   1:09.82   1:07.76   1:10.34   1:10.89
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 36.73 39.13
41.45     38.65     37.29     36.73     41.79
First round16 32.06 36.96
35.27     39.71     36.15     32.06     39.47
PyraminxFinal12 7.63 9.46
9.69      8.32      10.38     12.13     7.63
Cubing 4 Kids 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 13.00 14.59
16.17     20.45     13.00     14.18     13.42
Second round13 13.39 15.81
13.39     16.07     17.45     14.71     16.66
First round15 13.28 17.07
18.11     13.28     16.97     18.69     16.14
42022-07-02Cashew Cubing 2022United StatesSpringfield, Missouri
32018-09-29BarbeCubing Fall 2018United StatesKansas City, Missouri
22018-03-17BarbeCubing 2018United StatesKansas City, Missouri
12018-01-27Cubing 4 Kids 2018United StatesNorth Kansas City, Missouri