Personal Page

Yu-Cheng Wang (王禹程)

Name: Yu-Cheng Wang (王禹程)
Region: Chinese Taipei
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Yu-Cheng Wang (王禹程)2018WANG22
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.02.04 - 2022.01.16
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube573109332997811.7713.2223117864145049/50
2x2x2 Cube63214693508354.475.72372731124251535/35
4x4x4 Cube37253671516948.2456.9116584586938615/17
5x5x5 Cube3153998124231:42.934/4

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Taiwan Open 2022Second round80 12.41 14.45
15.38     16.78     12.41     14.36     13.60
First round75 13.08 13.55
13.85     13.37     14.02     13.08     13.43
Taiwan Championship 2020First round110 14.98 17.32
14.98     16.91     24.10     16.57     18.48
HCHS 10th Anniversary 2019Second round29 11.77 13.22
12.62     15.76     12.85     11.77     14.20
First round32 12.97 13.64
13.84     14.35     13.33     12.97     13.74
Taichung Cubing Open 2019Second round39 12.98 14.54
13.62     12.98     26.35     16.82     13.17
First round49 14.20 15.91
18.39     15.93     14.20     14.86     16.93
Taiwan Championship 2018Second round75 12.85 16.11
DNF       14.90     15.52     17.92     12.85
First round65 12.44 14.56
13.44     15.72     12.44     14.94     15.29
Hsinchu Winter Open 2018First round58 19.63 23.92
20.77     26.06     24.92     19.63     31.91
2x2x2 Cube
Taiwan Open 2022Second round68 4.72 6.41
7.27      4.72      6.22      7.06      5.94
First round64 4.47 5.72
4.47      5.15      6.26      5.77      6.24
Taiwan Championship 2020First round62 4.87 6.07
6.42      5.01      8.85      6.78      4.87
Taichung Cubing Open 2019Second round30 5.45 6.78
6.66      5.45      9.40      6.51      7.16
First round31 4.94 5.74
6.05      5.97      6.36      5.21      4.94
Taiwan Championship 2018Second round52 5.63 6.75
7.49      6.20      6.55      5.63      8.18
First round54 5.40 6.49
14.19     7.00      6.16      6.30      5.40
4x4x4 Cube
Taiwan Open 2022First round83 51.01 56.91
57.18     51.01     57.14     59.64     56.42
Taiwan Championship 2020First round64 53.47 1:02.06
1:07.26   53.47     1:02.86   56.06     1:07.97
HCHS 10th Anniversary 2019First round32 48.24 57.94
1:06.02   52.67     DNF       55.12     48.24
Taichung Cubing Open 2019First round45 1:05.08
1:05.08   DNF
5x5x5 Cube
Taiwan Open 2022First round66 1:42.93
1:57.86   1:42.93
Taiwan Championship 2020First round63 2:22.75
2:22.75   2:33.43
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Taiwan Open 2022Final18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Taiwan Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round80 12.41 14.45
15.38     16.78     12.41     14.36     13.60
First round75 13.08 13.55
13.85     13.37     14.02     13.08     13.43
2x2x2 CubeSecond round68 4.72 6.41
7.27      4.72      6.22      7.06      5.94
First round64 4.47 5.72
4.47      5.15      6.26      5.77      6.24
4x4x4 CubeFirst round83 51.01 56.91
57.18     51.01     57.14     59.64     56.42
5x5x5 CubeFirst round66 1:42.93
1:57.86   1:42.93
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Taiwan Championship 2020
3x3x3 CubeFirst round110 14.98 17.32
14.98     16.91     24.10     16.57     18.48
2x2x2 CubeFirst round62 4.87 6.07
6.42      5.01      8.85      6.78      4.87
4x4x4 CubeFirst round64 53.47 1:02.06
1:07.26   53.47     1:02.86   56.06     1:07.97
5x5x5 CubeFirst round63 2:22.75
2:22.75   2:33.43
HCHS 10th Anniversary 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 11.77 13.22
12.62     15.76     12.85     11.77     14.20
First round32 12.97 13.64
13.84     14.35     13.33     12.97     13.74
4x4x4 CubeFirst round32 48.24 57.94
1:06.02   52.67     DNF       55.12     48.24
Taichung Cubing Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round39 12.98 14.54
13.62     12.98     26.35     16.82     13.17
First round49 14.20 15.91
18.39     15.93     14.20     14.86     16.93
2x2x2 CubeSecond round30 5.45 6.78
6.66      5.45      9.40      6.51      7.16
First round31 4.94 5.74
6.05      5.97      6.36      5.21      4.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round45 1:05.08
1:05.08   DNF
Taiwan Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round75 12.85 16.11
DNF       14.90     15.52     17.92     12.85
First round65 12.44 14.56
13.44     15.72     12.44     14.94     15.29
2x2x2 CubeSecond round52 5.63 6.75
7.49      6.20      6.55      5.63      8.18
First round54 5.40 6.49
14.19     7.00      6.16      6.30      5.40
Hsinchu Winter Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round58 19.63 23.92
20.77     26.06     24.92     19.63     31.91
62022-01-14~16Taiwan Open 2022Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City
52020-12-18~20Taiwan Championship 2020Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City
42019-04-21HCHS 10th Anniversary 2019Chinese TaipeiHsinchu
32019-02-16~17Taichung Cubing Open 2019Chinese TaipeiTaichung
22018-12-15~16Taiwan Championship 2018Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City
12018-02-04Hsinchu Winter Open 2018Chinese TaipeiHsinchu