Personal Page

Pavel Yefimenka

Name: Pavel Yefimenka
Region: Belarus
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Pavel Yefimenka2018YEFI02
Gender: Male
Career: 2018.07.28 - 2019.11.30
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube4958972270911.0913.632408461734967/70
2x2x2 Cube575733177482.864.521662851314558/60
4x4x4 Cube2632171129445.0453.311255935073336/39
5x5x5 Cube434952164492:04.012:10.621465543803914/14
7x7x7 Cube15214668065:47.684/4
3x3x3 One-Handed11398233734237.865/7

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Lion's Cup 2019Second round16 11.75 13.72
11.75     15.63     14.60     12.89     13.67
First round15 12.27 14.51
16.69     15.92     12.35     15.27     12.27
Happy BSTU Cubing Days 2019Second round20 12.46 13.63
12.64     17.36     12.74     15.51     12.46
First round25 13.32 15.19
17.92     16.37     13.76     15.44     13.32
One day in Vileyka 2019Second round17 12.98 15.42
15.27     16.34     15.94     12.98     15.06
First round20 15.02 17.14
18.27     15.02     17.40     18.07     15.94
Belarus Nationals 2019Second round32 11.09 14.67
11.09     15.41     14.14     14.57     15.31
First round30 13.18 14.62
16.41     14.43     14.13     15.30     13.18
Grodno Cube 2019Second round19 15.21 18.76
15.21     20.56     17.68     19.32     19.28
First round18 13.80 18.03
18.42     18.79     13.80     17.38     18.28
Speedcubing Camp Minsk 2019First round70 20.13 DNF
DNF       26.70     23.32     20.13     DNF
November Days in Minsk 2018First round36 21.73 23.81
21.73     DNF       24.26     25.20     21.97
YJ Fest Belarus 2018First round82 28.41 32.71
41.90     33.07     28.41     34.75     30.31
Welcome to Brest 2018First round55 33.03 35.96
37.40     34.87     35.61     33.03     40.33
2x2x2 Cube
Lion's Cup 2019First round13 2.86 5.25
6.39      2.86      5.03      6.78      4.33
Happy BSTU Cubing Days 2019First round27 4.38 5.75
5.84      5.81      4.38      5.59      8.81
One day in Vileyka 2019Second round15 3.79 5.39
3.79      5.01      6.08      6.03      5.12
First round11 3.80 4.52
4.38      3.80      5.65      4.35      4.84
Belarus Nationals 2019First round45 5.82 7.20
5.82      DNF       7.11      6.76      7.73
Grodno Cube 2019Final11 4.65 5.79
5.43      5.58      6.35      4.65      6.39
Second round11 3.92 5.07
4.11      5.06      3.92      6.04      7.55
First round18 5.18 6.45
5.22      7.90      7.96      5.18      6.24
Speedcubing Camp Minsk 2019First round23 4.41 6.15
5.36      7.18      7.32      4.41      5.90
November Days in Minsk 2018First round44 6.86 9.30
6.86      11.35     9.69      10.74     7.47
YJ Fest Belarus 2018Final37 4.57 6.94
9.64      4.57      6.23      7.43      7.15
Welcome to Brest 2018First round38 5.57 9.03
5.57      8.28      11.36     DNF       7.46
4x4x4 Cube
Happy BSTU Cubing Days 2019Final12 55.26 57.54
55.26     1:01.67   57.85     55.46     59.32
First round11 49.32 54.06
52.93     56.51     49.32     56.60     52.74
Belarus Nationals 2019Final15 56.38 1:00.24
59.26     56.38     DNF       1:02.69   58.76
First round14 45.04 53.31
58.14     48.47     45.04     53.61     57.86
Grodno Cube 2019First round13 54.70 1:01.36
1:03.21   54.70     1:02.34   DNF       58.53
Speedcubing Camp Minsk 2019First round20 1:01.38 1:09.74
1:12.35   1:06.13   1:24.60   1:10.75   1:01.38
November Days in Minsk 2018First round21 1:19.92 1:24.76
1:27.39   1:19.92   DNF       1:23.72   1:23.18
YJ Fest Belarus 2018Final39 1:44.49
1:44.49   2:10.00
Welcome to Brest 2018First round26 2:02.92
2:31.50   2:02.92
5x5x5 Cube
Happy BSTU Cubing Days 2019Final14 2:04.01 2:10.62
2:09.92   2:25.76   2:13.56   2:08.37   2:04.01
Belarus Nationals 2019First round20 2:08.00
2:32.64   2:08.00
Grodno Cube 2019First round12 2:10.89 2:31.18
2:10.89   2:41.28   2:25.57   2:33.81   2:34.16
Speedcubing Camp Minsk 2019Final21 4:42.80
4:42.80   4:49.75
7x7x7 Cube
Lion's Cup 2019Final6 5:47.68
First round6 6:15.78
Happy BSTU Cubing Days 2019Final7 6:18.45
Belarus Nationals 2019Final10 7:18.20
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Grodno Cube 2019Final10 DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Belarus Nationals 2019First round34 39.17
44.34     39.17
Grodno Cube 2019First round23 37.86 DNF
DNF       37.86     56.62     DNF       55.33
Belarus Nationals 2019Final33 3:35.80
3:48.90   3:35.80
Grodno Cube 2019Final13 3:42.80
3:42.80   DNF
Speedcubing Camp Minsk 2019Final30 3:24.44 DNF
3:24.44   3:32.56   DNF       DNF       DNF
November Days in Minsk 2018First round16 3:36.67
3:36.67   4:11.34
Welcome to Brest 2018Final12 3:59.55
4:21.71   3:59.55
Lion's Cup 2019Final6 5.81 6.42
5.81      6.65      7.67      6.04      6.57
First round2 4.30 5.22
5.03      4.30      5.67      5.55      5.08
Happy BSTU Cubing Days 2019Final8 4.37 5.59
4.77      7.09      4.37      6.55      5.45
First round7 5.46 5.98
5.46      5.54      6.01      6.39      7.73
One day in Vileyka 2019Final7 4.80 6.09
6.04      6.09      6.35      4.80      6.15
Second round6 5.72 6.29
7.41      5.72      6.81      6.18      5.88
First round5 4.51 6.46
4.51      5.42      7.02      6.96      6.99
Belarus Nationals 2019Final12 3.98 7.08
7.56      7.60      7.20      6.49      3.98
First round9 4.20 5.34
4.20      8.59      7.36      4.24      4.42
Grodno Cube 2019Final10 6.58 7.42
6.58      12.23     7.08      8.39      6.78
First round12 7.19 9.13
7.19      13.02     8.05      10.46     8.89
Speedcubing Camp Minsk 2019First round25 6.42 11.25
6.42      10.89     13.60     9.50      13.36
November Days in Minsk 2018First round22 7.42 10.09
14.38     9.36      9.38      7.42      11.54
YJ Fest Belarus 2018Final35 9.33 11.68
9.33      10.98     13.62     15.31     10.45
Welcome to Brest 2018First round29 8.65 12.42
15.19     9.84      8.65      15.82     12.22
Belarus Nationals 2019First round30 4.33 10.05
4.33      14.15     10.95     6.84      12.36
Grodno Cube 2019First round17 12.20 14.32
14.46     19.44     12.69     15.81     12.20
Speedcubing Camp Minsk 2019First round31 13.34 21.56
25.99     14.50     13.34     DNF       24.19
Belarus Nationals 2019Final24 48.94
48.94     1:20.28
Lion's Cup 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 11.75 13.72
11.75     15.63     14.60     12.89     13.67
First round15 12.27 14.51
16.69     15.92     12.35     15.27     12.27
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 2.86 5.25
6.39      2.86      5.03      6.78      4.33
7x7x7 CubeFinal6 5:47.68
First round6 6:15.78
PyraminxFinal6 5.81 6.42
5.81      6.65      7.67      6.04      6.57
First round2 4.30 5.22
5.03      4.30      5.67      5.55      5.08
Happy BSTU Cubing Days 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 12.46 13.63
12.64     17.36     12.74     15.51     12.46
First round25 13.32 15.19
17.92     16.37     13.76     15.44     13.32
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 4.38 5.75
5.84      5.81      4.38      5.59      8.81
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 55.26 57.54
55.26     1:01.67   57.85     55.46     59.32
First round11 49.32 54.06
52.93     56.51     49.32     56.60     52.74
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 2:04.01 2:10.62
2:09.92   2:25.76   2:13.56   2:08.37   2:04.01
7x7x7 CubeFinal7 6:18.45
PyraminxFinal8 4.37 5.59
4.77      7.09      4.37      6.55      5.45
First round7 5.46 5.98
5.46      5.54      6.01      6.39      7.73
One day in Vileyka 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 12.98 15.42
15.27     16.34     15.94     12.98     15.06
First round20 15.02 17.14
18.27     15.02     17.40     18.07     15.94
2x2x2 CubeSecond round15 3.79 5.39
3.79      5.01      6.08      6.03      5.12
First round11 3.80 4.52
4.38      3.80      5.65      4.35      4.84
PyraminxFinal7 4.80 6.09
6.04      6.09      6.35      4.80      6.15
Second round6 5.72 6.29
7.41      5.72      6.81      6.18      5.88
First round5 4.51 6.46
4.51      5.42      7.02      6.96      6.99
Belarus Nationals 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 11.09 14.67
11.09     15.41     14.14     14.57     15.31
First round30 13.18 14.62
16.41     14.43     14.13     15.30     13.18
2x2x2 CubeFirst round45 5.82 7.20
5.82      DNF       7.11      6.76      7.73
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 56.38 1:00.24
59.26     56.38     DNF       1:02.69   58.76
First round14 45.04 53.31
58.14     48.47     45.04     53.61     57.86
5x5x5 CubeFirst round20 2:08.00
2:32.64   2:08.00
7x7x7 CubeFinal10 7:18.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round34 39.17
44.34     39.17
MegaminxFinal33 3:35.80
3:48.90   3:35.80
PyraminxFinal12 3.98 7.08
7.56      7.60      7.20      6.49      3.98
First round9 4.20 5.34
4.20      8.59      7.36      4.24      4.42
SkewbFirst round30 4.33 10.05
4.33      14.15     10.95     6.84      12.36
Square-1Final24 48.94
48.94     1:20.28
Grodno Cube 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 15.21 18.76
15.21     20.56     17.68     19.32     19.28
First round18 13.80 18.03
18.42     18.79     13.80     17.38     18.28
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 4.65 5.79
5.43      5.58      6.35      4.65      6.39
Second round11 3.92 5.07
4.11      5.06      3.92      6.04      7.55
First round18 5.18 6.45
5.22      7.90      7.96      5.18      6.24
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 54.70 1:01.36
1:03.21   54.70     1:02.34   DNF       58.53
5x5x5 CubeFirst round12 2:10.89 2:31.18
2:10.89   2:41.28   2:25.57   2:33.81   2:34.16
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal10 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round23 37.86 DNF
DNF       37.86     56.62     DNF       55.33
MegaminxFinal13 3:42.80
3:42.80   DNF
PyraminxFinal10 6.58 7.42
6.58      12.23     7.08      8.39      6.78
First round12 7.19 9.13
7.19      13.02     8.05      10.46     8.89
SkewbFirst round17 12.20 14.32
14.46     19.44     12.69     15.81     12.20
Speedcubing Camp Minsk 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round70 20.13 DNF
DNF       26.70     23.32     20.13     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 4.41 6.15
5.36      7.18      7.32      4.41      5.90
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 1:01.38 1:09.74
1:12.35   1:06.13   1:24.60   1:10.75   1:01.38
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 4:42.80
4:42.80   4:49.75
MegaminxFinal30 3:24.44 DNF
3:24.44   3:32.56   DNF       DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round25 6.42 11.25
6.42      10.89     13.60     9.50      13.36
SkewbFirst round31 13.34 21.56
25.99     14.50     13.34     DNF       24.19
November Days in Minsk 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round36 21.73 23.81
21.73     DNF       24.26     25.20     21.97
2x2x2 CubeFirst round44 6.86 9.30
6.86      11.35     9.69      10.74     7.47
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 1:19.92 1:24.76
1:27.39   1:19.92   DNF       1:23.72   1:23.18
MegaminxFirst round16 3:36.67
3:36.67   4:11.34
PyraminxFirst round22 7.42 10.09
14.38     9.36      9.38      7.42      11.54
YJ Fest Belarus 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round82 28.41 32.71
41.90     33.07     28.41     34.75     30.31
2x2x2 CubeFinal37 4.57 6.94
9.64      4.57      6.23      7.43      7.15
4x4x4 CubeFinal39 1:44.49
1:44.49   2:10.00
PyraminxFinal35 9.33 11.68
9.33      10.98     13.62     15.31     10.45
Welcome to Brest 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round55 33.03 35.96
37.40     34.87     35.61     33.03     40.33
2x2x2 CubeFirst round38 5.57 9.03
5.57      8.28      11.36     DNF       7.46
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 2:02.92
2:31.50   2:02.92
MegaminxFinal12 3:59.55
4:21.71   3:59.55
PyraminxFirst round29 8.65 12.42
15.19     9.84      8.65      15.82     12.22
92019-11-30Lion's Cup 2019BelarusMogilev
82019-11-23~24Happy BSTU Cubing Days 2019BelarusMinsk
72019-09-08One day in Vileyka 2019BelarusVileyka
62019-06-15~16Belarus Nationals 2019BelarusMinsk
52019-04-13~14Grodno Cube 2019BelarusGrodno
42019-01-04~06Speedcubing Camp Minsk 2019BelarusMinsk
32018-11-17~18November Days in Minsk 2018BelarusMinsk
22018-08-25~26YJ Fest Belarus 2018BelarusMinsk
12018-07-28~29Welcome to Brest 2018BelarusBrest