Personal Page

Adam Bowers

Name: Adam Bowers
Region: United States
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Adam Bowers2019BOWE02
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.03.10 - 2019.10.12
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube513467802655311.3913.96278067027530155/55
2x2x2 Cube65258589307483.494.40159704530349519/20
4x4x4 Cube346647691917552.791:01.22197564966360620/20
5x5x5 Cube26113534132751:46.612:09.01151294147309110/12
6x6x6 Cube2163289396614:12.213/3
7x7x7 Cube1844248685286:36.731/1
3x3x3 One-Handed620584763355333.2839.10309457811572014/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Bay Area Speedcubin' 20 2019Second round40 12.90 14.55
15.06     12.90     13.61     14.99     17.09
First round43 11.39 15.19
11.39     13.85     24.39     17.36     14.36
Bay Area Speedcubin' 18 2019Second round23 13.06 13.96
15.51     13.06     13.06     15.34     13.48
First round27 11.97 16.05
15.90     15.67     26.81     16.57     11.97
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019Second round36 14.46 16.28
17.62     15.52     15.71     21.22     14.46
First round39 12.63 15.68
15.41     17.59     12.63     15.03     16.60
SacCubing VII 2019Second round25 13.33 15.48
17.22     15.51     14.98     13.33     15.95
First round28 14.47 16.04
14.47     22.72     15.03     14.94     18.16
Berkeley Spring 2019Second round59 16.68 18.93
17.76     19.51     16.68     19.51     20.55
First round61 14.33 18.04
16.44     22.62     14.33     16.58     21.10
Bay Area Speedcubin' 15 2019First round47 16.53 19.74
19.63     19.58     20.01     26.40     16.53
2x2x2 Cube
Bay Area Speedcubin' 20 2019First round42 3.75 5.94
5.77      3.75      DNF       5.54      6.51
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019First round17 3.52 4.46
6.63      3.52      4.03      3.80      5.54
SacCubing VII 2019First round17 3.49 4.97
4.16      5.36      3.49      5.40      7.67
Berkeley Spring 2019First round20 3.99 4.40
4.19      3.99      5.17      4.20      4.80
4x4x4 Cube
Bay Area Speedcubin' 20 2019Final34 56.95 1:01.22
1:09.15   59.72     1:04.67   59.28     56.95
Bay Area Speedcubin' 18 2019First round17 1:01.10 1:03.60
1:01.43   1:06.11   1:14.88   1:01.10   1:03.25
SacCubing VII 2019Final19 52.79 1:01.45
57.67     1:04.70   52.79     1:13.41   1:01.99
Berkeley Spring 2019First round37 58.04 1:11.95
1:19.62   1:06.14   1:10.09   58.04     1:23.52
5x5x5 Cube
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019Final19 1:46.61 2:09.01
1:46.61   2:16.65   2:09.30   2:10.49   2:07.25
SacCubing VII 2019Final20 1:49.77 2:10.51
2:12.26   2:03.56   2:15.70   2:18.52   1:49.77
Bay Area Speedcubin' 15 2019Final29 DNF
DNF       DNF
6x6x6 Cube
Bay Area Speedcubin' 20 2019Final20 4:25.60
Bay Area Speedcubin' 18 2019Final13 4:12.21
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019Final12 4:46.20
7x7x7 Cube
Bay Area Speedcubin' 18 2019Final10 6:36.73
3x3x3 One-Handed
Bay Area Speedcubin' 20 2019First round43 33.28 39.10
39.22     DNF       34.77     33.28     43.30
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019First round32 38.22 42.05
41.59     38.22     45.68     38.87     48.21
SacCubing VII 2019First round33 38.26 42.90
39.93     38.26     43.32     52.82     45.46
Bay Area Speedcubin' 20 2019Final20 36.47
48.52     36.47
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019Final15 1:54.85 2:08.13
2:09.01   2:03.81   1:54.85   2:11.57   2:16.18
SacCubing VII 2019Final17 DNF
DNF       DNF
Bay Area Speedcubin' 15 2019Final26 3:10.72
3:10.72   3:56.48
Bay Area Speedcubin' 18 2019Final9 4.69 6.21
4.69      6.47      9.18      6.49      5.68
First round12 5.22 7.75
7.55      7.41      9.55      5.22      8.29
SacCubing VII 2019Final10 6.27 7.20
9.23      7.40      6.27      6.61      7.60
First round12 6.27 7.99
7.87      8.31      16.69     7.78      6.27
Bay Area Speedcubin' 15 2019First round20 6.67 9.28
21.02     8.33      6.67      10.31     9.20
Bay Area Speedcubin' 18 2019Final10 4.33 8.97
8.98      4.33      13.45     9.73      8.21
First round10 5.57 8.48
8.98      12.47     7.21      5.57      9.25
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019Final7 5.82 6.67
5.82      7.15      8.00      6.16      6.69
First round12 7.44 8.77
7.44      10.09     8.34      8.71      9.26
Berkeley Spring 2019First round22 6.91 9.68
11.14     9.13      11.46     8.78      6.91
Bay Area Speedcubin' 18 2019Final8 18.09 21.57
28.63     22.79     21.97     19.96     18.09
Bay Area Speedcubin' 20 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round40 12.90 14.55
15.06     12.90     13.61     14.99     17.09
First round43 11.39 15.19
11.39     13.85     24.39     17.36     14.36
2x2x2 CubeFirst round42 3.75 5.94
5.77      3.75      DNF       5.54      6.51
4x4x4 CubeFinal34 56.95 1:01.22
1:09.15   59.72     1:04.67   59.28     56.95
6x6x6 CubeFinal20 4:25.60
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round43 33.28 39.10
39.22     DNF       34.77     33.28     43.30
ClockFinal20 36.47
48.52     36.47
Bay Area Speedcubin' 18 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 13.06 13.96
15.51     13.06     13.06     15.34     13.48
First round27 11.97 16.05
15.90     15.67     26.81     16.57     11.97
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 1:01.10 1:03.60
1:01.43   1:06.11   1:14.88   1:01.10   1:03.25
6x6x6 CubeFinal13 4:12.21
7x7x7 CubeFinal10 6:36.73
PyraminxFinal9 4.69 6.21
4.69      6.47      9.18      6.49      5.68
First round12 5.22 7.75
7.55      7.41      9.55      5.22      8.29
SkewbFinal10 4.33 8.97
8.98      4.33      13.45     9.73      8.21
First round10 5.57 8.48
8.98      12.47     7.21      5.57      9.25
Square-1Final8 18.09 21.57
28.63     22.79     21.97     19.96     18.09
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 14.46 16.28
17.62     15.52     15.71     21.22     14.46
First round39 12.63 15.68
15.41     17.59     12.63     15.03     16.60
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 3.52 4.46
6.63      3.52      4.03      3.80      5.54
5x5x5 CubeFinal19 1:46.61 2:09.01
1:46.61   2:16.65   2:09.30   2:10.49   2:07.25
6x6x6 CubeFinal12 4:46.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 38.22 42.05
41.59     38.22     45.68     38.87     48.21
MegaminxFinal15 1:54.85 2:08.13
2:09.01   2:03.81   1:54.85   2:11.57   2:16.18
SkewbFinal7 5.82 6.67
5.82      7.15      8.00      6.16      6.69
First round12 7.44 8.77
7.44      10.09     8.34      8.71      9.26
SacCubing VII 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 13.33 15.48
17.22     15.51     14.98     13.33     15.95
First round28 14.47 16.04
14.47     22.72     15.03     14.94     18.16
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 3.49 4.97
4.16      5.36      3.49      5.40      7.67
4x4x4 CubeFinal19 52.79 1:01.45
57.67     1:04.70   52.79     1:13.41   1:01.99
5x5x5 CubeFinal20 1:49.77 2:10.51
2:12.26   2:03.56   2:15.70   2:18.52   1:49.77
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round33 38.26 42.90
39.93     38.26     43.32     52.82     45.46
MegaminxFinal17 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal10 6.27 7.20
9.23      7.40      6.27      6.61      7.60
First round12 6.27 7.99
7.87      8.31      16.69     7.78      6.27
Berkeley Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round59 16.68 18.93
17.76     19.51     16.68     19.51     20.55
First round61 14.33 18.04
16.44     22.62     14.33     16.58     21.10
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 3.99 4.40
4.19      3.99      5.17      4.20      4.80
4x4x4 CubeFirst round37 58.04 1:11.95
1:19.62   1:06.14   1:10.09   58.04     1:23.52
SkewbFirst round22 6.91 9.68
11.14     9.13      11.46     8.78      6.91
Bay Area Speedcubin' 15 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round47 16.53 19.74
19.63     19.58     20.01     26.40     16.53
5x5x5 CubeFinal29 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFinal26 3:10.72
3:10.72   3:56.48
PyraminxFirst round20 6.67 9.28
21.02     8.33      6.67      10.31     9.20
62019-10-12Bay Area Speedcubin' 20 2019United StatesFremont, California
52019-07-07Bay Area Speedcubin' 18 2019United StatesSan Francisco, California
42019-06-01Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019United StatesSunnyvale, California
32019-05-25SacCubing VII 2019United StatesCarmichael, California
22019-04-21Berkeley Spring 2019United StatesBerkeley, California
12019-03-10Bay Area Speedcubin' 15 2019United StatesSan Francisco, California