Personal Page

Arthur Carraz-Billat

Name: Arthur Carraz-Billat
Region: France
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Arthur Carraz-Billat2019CARR05
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.02.02 - 2024.05.20
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube5261721056.857.839392602790/90
2x2x2 Cube4265115561.282.4613474843273/75
4x4x4 Cube26835091244246.3651.6011182312423718/20
3x3x3 One-Handed28636651369721.2522.75891823421945/5

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Barby Cube 2024Final5 7.59 7.83
8.08      10.03     7.62      7.59      7.80
Second round10 7.45 8.73
10.19     8.51      8.82      8.85      7.45
First round8 6.85 8.69
12.13     7.43      6.85      9.09      9.54
Charantonnay Cube Clash 2024Final7 8.85 10.09
8.85      9.26      10.06     11.10     10.94
Second round9 8.76 10.31
8.76      9.89      13.03     10.68     10.36
First round3 8.07 9.25
9.63      8.07      10.52     8.24      9.89
Barby Cube 2023Second round18 9.35 10.07
9.38      10.25     9.35      11.11     10.57
First round17 9.06 10.05
9.85      10.45     9.06      9.84      11.19
Barby Cube 2022Second round16 9.23 9.75
10.50     9.80      10.19     9.23      9.27
First round15 9.47 10.07
9.47      11.28     10.27     10.03     9.91
Savoie Open 2020Final10 10.27 11.56
10.35     12.59     11.75     13.42     10.27
Second round10 11.68 11.77
11.80     11.74     13.53     11.68     11.77
First round12 10.96 12.56
13.66     12.66     24.96     10.96     11.36
Barby Cube 2019Second round22 12.09 13.55
13.74     12.92     16.07     12.09     13.99
First round20 11.78 13.23
13.21     15.84     12.44     11.78     14.04
Tassin-la-Demi-Cube Open 2019First round45 14.52 17.68
18.12     19.16     18.13     16.79     14.52
Puy de Dôme Open 2019First round20 17.62 19.81
27.32     17.62     19.94     21.24     18.24
Just Cube Open 2019First round67 28.21 31.94
34.43     30.13     28.21     37.14     31.27
2x2x2 Cube
Barby Cube 2024Final8 1.43 2.49
DNF       1.43      3.22      1.62      2.64
First round14 2.13 3.00
3.04      4.99      2.43      3.53      2.13
Charantonnay Cube Clash 2024Final4 1.96 2.89
2.26      4.38      5.01      2.04      1.96
First round2 1.74 2.50
2.05      4.12      1.74      3.24      2.20
Barby Cube 2023Final6 1.28 2.46
1.28      3.68      2.86      2.18      2.34
Second round11 1.85 3.18
1.85      3.26      3.22      3.05      6.10
First round13 2.36 3.62
2.36      3.62      4.26      2.99      4.45
Barby Cube 2022Final4 1.32 2.52
2.27      4.56      1.32      1.83      3.46
First round7 2.06 3.45
2.85      6.15      4.42      3.07      2.06
Barby Cube 2019First round13 2.88 4.48
2.88      4.18      5.33      4.04      5.22
Tassin-la-Demi-Cube Open 2019Second round28 4.51 5.54
5.48      10.89     4.51      5.88      5.27
First round19 3.99 4.51
5.26      5.80      4.01      3.99      4.26
Puy de Dôme Open 2019Second round18 3.39 5.97
7.62      8.66      3.39      5.37      4.93
First round14 5.06 5.77
5.06      5.59      5.70      7.24      6.03
Just Cube Open 2019First round62 11.38 13.56
11.38     14.09     12.66     DNF       13.94
4x4x4 Cube
Barby Cube 2024First round38 48.74 52.13
57.49     DNF       49.90     48.74     49.01
Charantonnay Cube Clash 2024Final18 50.04 51.60
50.04     50.53     56.46     53.95     50.33
First round20 51.67 52.49
51.67     53.25     51.68     52.53     DNF
Barby Cube 2023First round37 46.36 55.10
48.69     1:04.30   1:05.67   52.32     46.36
3x3x3 One-Handed
Barby Cube 2022First round18 21.25 22.75
23.93     22.32     28.74     21.25     21.99
Barby Cube 2024Final10 4.07 4.86
5.16      8.05      4.45      4.97      4.07
First round23 5.01 7.05
7.43      6.23      7.86      7.49      5.01
Charantonnay Cube Clash 2024Final12 5.34 6.72
7.16      6.89      5.34      8.16      6.11
First round22 7.41 8.61
10.05     8.10      7.41      7.67      15.10
Charantonnay Cube Clash 2024Final7 5.53 7.67
8.99      5.53      5.79      8.60      8.62
First round9 5.93 7.26
6.15      14.49     8.79      5.93      6.85
Barby Cube 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 7.59 7.83
8.08      10.03     7.62      7.59      7.80
Second round10 7.45 8.73
10.19     8.51      8.82      8.85      7.45
First round8 6.85 8.69
12.13     7.43      6.85      9.09      9.54
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 1.43 2.49
DNF       1.43      3.22      1.62      2.64
First round14 2.13 3.00
3.04      4.99      2.43      3.53      2.13
4x4x4 CubeFirst round38 48.74 52.13
57.49     DNF       49.90     48.74     49.01
PyraminxFinal10 4.07 4.86
5.16      8.05      4.45      4.97      4.07
First round23 5.01 7.05
7.43      6.23      7.86      7.49      5.01
Charantonnay Cube Clash 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 8.85 10.09
8.85      9.26      10.06     11.10     10.94
Second round9 8.76 10.31
8.76      9.89      13.03     10.68     10.36
First round3 8.07 9.25
9.63      8.07      10.52     8.24      9.89
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 1.96 2.89
2.26      4.38      5.01      2.04      1.96
First round2 1.74 2.50
2.05      4.12      1.74      3.24      2.20
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 50.04 51.60
50.04     50.53     56.46     53.95     50.33
First round20 51.67 52.49
51.67     53.25     51.68     52.53     DNF
PyraminxFinal12 5.34 6.72
7.16      6.89      5.34      8.16      6.11
First round22 7.41 8.61
10.05     8.10      7.41      7.67      15.10
SkewbFinal7 5.53 7.67
8.99      5.53      5.79      8.60      8.62
First round9 5.93 7.26
6.15      14.49     8.79      5.93      6.85
Barby Cube 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 9.35 10.07
9.38      10.25     9.35      11.11     10.57
First round17 9.06 10.05
9.85      10.45     9.06      9.84      11.19
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 1.28 2.46
1.28      3.68      2.86      2.18      2.34
Second round11 1.85 3.18
1.85      3.26      3.22      3.05      6.10
First round13 2.36 3.62
2.36      3.62      4.26      2.99      4.45
4x4x4 CubeFirst round37 46.36 55.10
48.69     1:04.30   1:05.67   52.32     46.36
Barby Cube 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 9.23 9.75
10.50     9.80      10.19     9.23      9.27
First round15 9.47 10.07
9.47      11.28     10.27     10.03     9.91
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 1.32 2.52
2.27      4.56      1.32      1.83      3.46
First round7 2.06 3.45
2.85      6.15      4.42      3.07      2.06
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 21.25 22.75
23.93     22.32     28.74     21.25     21.99
Savoie Open 2020
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 10.27 11.56
10.35     12.59     11.75     13.42     10.27
Second round10 11.68 11.77
11.80     11.74     13.53     11.68     11.77
First round12 10.96 12.56
13.66     12.66     24.96     10.96     11.36
Barby Cube 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 12.09 13.55
13.74     12.92     16.07     12.09     13.99
First round20 11.78 13.23
13.21     15.84     12.44     11.78     14.04
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 2.88 4.48
2.88      4.18      5.33      4.04      5.22
Tassin-la-Demi-Cube Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round45 14.52 17.68
18.12     19.16     18.13     16.79     14.52
2x2x2 CubeSecond round28 4.51 5.54
5.48      10.89     4.51      5.88      5.27
First round19 3.99 4.51
5.26      5.80      4.01      3.99      4.26
Puy de Dôme Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round20 17.62 19.81
27.32     17.62     19.94     21.24     18.24
2x2x2 CubeSecond round18 3.39 5.97
7.62      8.66      3.39      5.37      4.93
First round14 5.06 5.77
5.06      5.59      5.70      7.24      6.03
Just Cube Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round67 28.21 31.94
34.43     30.13     28.21     37.14     31.27
2x2x2 CubeFirst round62 11.38 13.56
11.38     14.09     12.66     DNF       13.94
92024-05-18~20Barby Cube 2024FranceBarby
82024-01-06~07Charantonnay Cube Clash 2024FranceCharantonnay
72023-04-08~10Barby Cube 2023FranceBarby
62022-09-10~11Barby Cube 2022FranceBarby
52020-02-08~09Savoie Open 2020FranceChambéry
42019-11-09~11Barby Cube 2019FranceBarby
32019-09-21~22Tassin-la-Demi-Cube Open 2019FranceTassin-la-Demi-Lune
22019-07-27~28Puy de Dôme Open 2019FranceSaint-Gènes-Champanelle
12019-02-02~03Just Cube Open 2019FranceLyon