Personal Page

Rongson Li Chen

Name: Rongson Li Chen
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Rongson Li Chen2019CHEN16
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.02.16 - 2025.01.25
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3533480129659.4311.9515433401341055/55
2x2x2 Cube242926340.973.134137138214675/75
4x4x4 Cube31232321124644.0547.508767247023412/12
5x5x5 Cube293268790061:31.071:37.45808223752605/5

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Manchester January 2025Final12 10.29 11.95
10.29     16.20     13.68     10.95     11.23
First round15 10.80 13.30
13.14     13.34     13.41     10.80     14.03
Manchester August 2024Final13 10.54 12.19
13.40     10.54     12.00     11.52     13.04
First round13 10.23 12.35
12.21     10.23     13.73     12.49     12.35
ABHM 2023Second round37 9.97 13.62
13.73     9.97      15.21     11.93     15.74
First round26 9.43 12.44
10.88     13.77     13.20     13.23     9.43
Bolton Spring 2023Second round32 13.05 14.88
13.05     17.70     14.83     13.07     16.75
First round29 12.26 13.91
12.26     13.87     13.16     16.08     14.69
Farnworth Spring D 2022Second round36 14.68 16.35
18.88     15.29     14.87     22.14     14.68
First round43 17.05 18.07
17.05     17.43     17.65     19.13     20.17
Manchester Open 2019First round109 23.30 29.91
27.51     34.26     23.30     28.80     33.41
2x2x2 Cube
Manchester January 2025Final9 2.84 3.63
3.14      5.69      3.24      4.51      2.84
First round13 2.63 4.11
2.63      4.78      4.60      5.20      2.96
Manchester August 2024Final5 3.35 3.53
3.94      3.78      3.40      3.35      3.41
First round10 2.35 3.99
3.56      4.93      3.47      2.35      4.96
ABHM 2023Final14 3.15 3.46
7.05      3.15      3.37      3.43      3.59
Second round11 2.70 3.13
3.31      5.32      2.70      3.26      2.82
First round14 2.64 3.30
3.54      2.87      4.30      2.64      3.49
Bolton Spring 2023Final9 3.27 3.67
3.88      3.57      3.55      4.00      3.27
Second round11 2.99 4.03
4.50      4.60      2.99      3.26      4.32
First round16 0.97 3.94
4.40      3.82      5.09      0.97      3.59
Farnworth Spring D 2022Final14 4.03 4.34
4.03      4.66      4.46      4.48      4.08
First round10 3.06 3.90
4.34      3.43      3.06      7.46      3.93
Chester Open 2019First round26 4.84 5.23
4.91      5.66      5.25      5.53      4.84
Manchester Open 2019Second round48 4.48 5.26
5.02      5.85      4.92      8.22      4.48
First round35 3.85 5.10
4.62      4.22      3.85      6.46      6.69
4x4x4 Cube
Manchester January 2025Final9 44.05 47.50
45.31     44.05     47.68     49.50     57.10
Bolton Spring 2023First round28 53.31 59.37
1:01.00   55.33     1:04.41   53.31     1:01.78
Chester Open 2019First round58 1:42.62
2:01.93   1:42.62
5x5x5 Cube
ABHM 2023First round28 1:31.07 1:37.45
1:33.37   1:44.44   1:34.53   1:45.74   1:31.07
Manchester August 2024First round32 9.68 11.65
9.68      16.13     12.92     11.74     10.29
Bolton Spring 2023Second round47 9.88 12.97
15.69     18.74     12.29     10.92     9.88
First round47 9.77 13.79
13.13     15.61     17.51     12.62     9.77
Farnworth Spring D 2022First round32 6.14 10.74
6.30      11.03     14.88     6.14      17.62
Manchester Open 2019First round59 12.01 12.84
13.86     15.77     12.01     12.32     12.34
Manchester August 2024Final17 7.70 8.81
9.46      8.67      7.70      8.86      8.90
Bolton Spring 2023First round27 8.52 9.47
8.56      10.82     13.75     9.04      8.52
Farnworth Spring D 2022Final27 7.95 11.98
12.41     17.03     11.43     7.95      12.09
Chester Open 2019Final44 10.95 13.05
13.95     10.95     13.00     12.21     17.87
Manchester January 2025
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 10.29 11.95
10.29     16.20     13.68     10.95     11.23
First round15 10.80 13.30
13.14     13.34     13.41     10.80     14.03
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 2.84 3.63
3.14      5.69      3.24      4.51      2.84
First round13 2.63 4.11
2.63      4.78      4.60      5.20      2.96
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 44.05 47.50
45.31     44.05     47.68     49.50     57.10
Manchester August 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 10.54 12.19
13.40     10.54     12.00     11.52     13.04
First round13 10.23 12.35
12.21     10.23     13.73     12.49     12.35
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.35 3.53
3.94      3.78      3.40      3.35      3.41
First round10 2.35 3.99
3.56      4.93      3.47      2.35      4.96
PyraminxFirst round32 9.68 11.65
9.68      16.13     12.92     11.74     10.29
SkewbFinal17 7.70 8.81
9.46      8.67      7.70      8.86      8.90
ABHM 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round37 9.97 13.62
13.73     9.97      15.21     11.93     15.74
First round26 9.43 12.44
10.88     13.77     13.20     13.23     9.43
2x2x2 CubeFinal14 3.15 3.46
7.05      3.15      3.37      3.43      3.59
Second round11 2.70 3.13
3.31      5.32      2.70      3.26      2.82
First round14 2.64 3.30
3.54      2.87      4.30      2.64      3.49
5x5x5 CubeFirst round28 1:31.07 1:37.45
1:33.37   1:44.44   1:34.53   1:45.74   1:31.07
Bolton Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 13.05 14.88
13.05     17.70     14.83     13.07     16.75
First round29 12.26 13.91
12.26     13.87     13.16     16.08     14.69
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 3.27 3.67
3.88      3.57      3.55      4.00      3.27
Second round11 2.99 4.03
4.50      4.60      2.99      3.26      4.32
First round16 0.97 3.94
4.40      3.82      5.09      0.97      3.59
4x4x4 CubeFirst round28 53.31 59.37
1:01.00   55.33     1:04.41   53.31     1:01.78
PyraminxSecond round47 9.88 12.97
15.69     18.74     12.29     10.92     9.88
First round47 9.77 13.79
13.13     15.61     17.51     12.62     9.77
SkewbFirst round27 8.52 9.47
8.56      10.82     13.75     9.04      8.52
Farnworth Spring D 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 14.68 16.35
18.88     15.29     14.87     22.14     14.68
First round43 17.05 18.07
17.05     17.43     17.65     19.13     20.17
2x2x2 CubeFinal14 4.03 4.34
4.03      4.66      4.46      4.48      4.08
First round10 3.06 3.90
4.34      3.43      3.06      7.46      3.93
PyraminxFirst round32 6.14 10.74
6.30      11.03     14.88     6.14      17.62
SkewbFinal27 7.95 11.98
12.41     17.03     11.43     7.95      12.09
Chester Open 2019
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 4.84 5.23
4.91      5.66      5.25      5.53      4.84
4x4x4 CubeFirst round58 1:42.62
2:01.93   1:42.62
SkewbFinal44 10.95 13.05
13.95     10.95     13.00     12.21     17.87
Manchester Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round109 23.30 29.91
27.51     34.26     23.30     28.80     33.41
2x2x2 CubeSecond round48 4.48 5.26
5.02      5.85      4.92      8.22      4.48
First round35 3.85 5.10
4.62      4.22      3.85      6.46      6.69
PyraminxFirst round59 12.01 12.84
13.86     15.77     12.01     12.32     12.34
72025-01-25Manchester January 2025United KingdomManchester, Greater Manchester
62024-08-03Manchester August 2024United KingdomManchester, Greater Manchester
52023-08-26~27ABHM 2023United KingdomManchester, Greater Manchester
42023-03-18~19Bolton Spring 2023United KingdomBolton, Greater Manchester
32022-04-17Farnworth Spring D 2022United KingdomFarnworth, Greater Manchester
22019-03-30~31Chester Open 2019United KingdomChester, Cheshire
12019-02-16~17Manchester Open 2019United KingdomSalford, Greater Manchester