Personal Page

Linda Anabel Hernández

Name: Linda Anabel Hernández
Region: Venezuela
Competitions: 16
WCA ID: Linda Anabel Hernández2019HERN29
Gender: Female
Career: 2019.08.25 - 2024.06.02
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube24864497659917.4422.28840207057261149/150
2x2x2 Cube1865879746655.687.7170012530617583/85

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Sambil Valencia 2024First round22 28.00 31.44
30.79     30.34     33.20     28.00     51.19
Los Aviadores Aragua 2024Second round32 21.68 28.37
31.57     21.68     28.80     31.76     24.74
First round31 24.17 28.13
24.88     29.26     30.26     24.17     44.58
Cubeando Ando Cojedes 2023Second round15 22.84 24.72
23.12     31.04     25.45     22.84     25.60
First round13 19.00 22.28
33.70     19.00     20.99     21.26     24.60
Venezuela Nationals 2023Second round35 27.61 31.16
28.02     27.82     27.61     45.34     37.65
First round32 23.51 28.88
23.87     29.26     33.50     42.25     23.51
Sambil Valencia 2023Second round19 21.85 27.36
33.28     26.04     22.77     21.85     38.27
First round19 21.13 27.75
32.55     37.31     25.87     21.13     24.84
Cubing & Books Caracas 2023Second round25 25.41 27.54
29.34     46.22     26.58     26.71     25.41
First round25 22.37 24.97
25.15     22.37     23.06     32.08     26.69
Aragua Open 2023Second round22 17.44 25.98
17.44     27.76     29.47     26.20     23.99
First round25 20.92 31.58
42.75     26.79     25.72     20.92     42.23
Metropolis Barquisimeto 2023Second round21 20.46 28.01
23.92     32.28     27.83     20.46     48.70
First round17 20.47 25.39
25.21     20.47     35.93     24.03     26.93
Sambil Caracas Edition 2023Second round29 20.80 28.02
24.00     32.46     20.80     27.59     35.59
First round26 23.58 25.23
24.91     26.95     23.58     31.13     23.82
Sambil Valencia Cubing Day 2023Second round12 19.99 24.02
24.35     19.99     22.92     24.80     32.00
First round14 24.89 27.65
33.03     29.13     25.95     27.87     24.89
Cubeando Ando Cojedes 2022Second round9 22.42 27.36
29.96     23.86     28.54     29.69     22.42
First round9 17.68 25.16
26.07     23.86     25.55     17.68     30.39
Back to Cubing San Carlos 2022Second round9 22.13 26.03
25.77     22.13     27.08     30.62     25.23
First round10 24.78 33.20
35.55     30.95     24.78     39.69     33.10
Cojedes Cubing 2019Second round7 22.20 31.24
24.25     55.13     22.20     29.85     39.61
First round7 27.66 33.61
41.68     37.30     34.23     27.66     29.30
Speed and Music Caracas 2019First round10 22.17 28.70
30.39     27.89     36.18     22.17     27.83
NxN Barquisimeto 2019Second round8 26.02 32.76
32.95     43.84     31.12     26.02     34.20
First round10 25.93 37.53
36.20     40.36     25.93     DNF       36.02
CinemaCubing San Carlos 2019Second round8 33.44 38.11
38.66     39.01     38.84     36.82     33.44
First round7 27.45 34.39
30.46     27.45     37.96     34.88     37.84
2x2x2 Cube
Los Aviadores Aragua 2024First round17 6.43 7.71
7.77      7.28      8.32      6.43      8.09
Cubeando Ando Cojedes 2023Final8 7.51 7.84
8.24      7.52      11.54     7.51      7.75
First round9 5.68 7.89
5.68      8.72      7.72      8.49      7.45
Venezuela Nationals 2023First round17 7.50 8.40
10.15     7.50      8.20      9.08      7.91
Sambil Valencia 2023Final15 7.47 8.73
8.60      8.77      10.46     7.47      8.82
First round15 7.57 8.97
8.24      22.23     9.61      7.57      9.06
Cubing & Books Caracas 2023First round27 10.97 20.47
32.34     33.12     12.97     10.97     16.10
Sambil Valencia Cubing Day 2023Final15 6.75 11.67
8.72      6.75      14.63     18.14     11.65
First round14 9.20 13.13
16.63     9.20      11.24     28.24     11.52
Back to Cubing San Carlos 2022Final8 8.09 9.30
8.09      9.38      10.34     9.28      9.25
First round7 9.45 10.34
11.79     9.45      9.47      10.17     11.38
Cojedes Cubing 2019Final6 9.40 11.27
12.51     11.00     10.47     9.40      12.35
First round6 6.98 10.80
18.42     13.18     8.11      11.12     6.98
Speed and Music Caracas 2019First round7 10.81 13.33
11.26     16.26     DNF       12.47     10.81
NxN Barquisimeto 2019First round8 12.79 14.41
14.02     21.52     15.39     12.79     13.81
CinemaCubing San Carlos 2019Final5 8.46 11.48
10.29     8.46      11.23     DNF       12.92
First round8 7.49 21.01
20.46     23.40     19.18     7.49      26.93
Sambil Valencia 2023First round23 12.96 19.47
17.49     12.96     23.98     17.54     23.37
Cubing & Books Caracas 2023First round22 13.23 22.84
26.10     25.57     16.84     13.23     27.88
Aragua Open 2023First round22 14.76 17.85
14.76     19.94     18.23     15.60     19.72
Metropolis Barquisimeto 2023First round14 15.14 25.30
29.09     15.14     26.47     20.33     29.26
Sambil Caracas Edition 2023Final20 15.16 17.84
17.12     20.59     18.00     15.16     18.39
Sambil Valencia Cubing Day 2023Final13 12.55 22.42
23.71     28.05     12.55     29.09     15.50
First round11 13.74 17.34
13.74     17.16     14.31     34.11     20.55
Cubeando Ando Cojedes 2022First round12 19.44 20.85
21.28     19.70     19.44     21.58     22.18
Back to Cubing San Carlos 2022Final5 15.63 17.55
17.35     19.00     23.66     15.63     16.31
First round6 10.58 15.42
10.58     23.75     11.36     17.04     17.87
Cojedes Cubing 2019Final5 13.13 13.91
14.02     14.53     14.56     13.19     13.13
First round6 9.43 15.84
16.17     18.91     16.37     14.97     9.43
Speed and Music Caracas 2019First round7 11.35 14.97
11.35     15.00     14.90     15.00     18.59
CinemaCubing San Carlos 2019Final7 11.57 16.02
20.15     11.57     13.84     15.21     19.00
First round7 10.63 16.27
16.25     10.63     17.52     23.10     15.03
Sambil Valencia 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round22 28.00 31.44
30.79     30.34     33.20     28.00     51.19
Los Aviadores Aragua 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 21.68 28.37
31.57     21.68     28.80     31.76     24.74
First round31 24.17 28.13
24.88     29.26     30.26     24.17     44.58
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 6.43 7.71
7.77      7.28      8.32      6.43      8.09
Cubeando Ando Cojedes 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 22.84 24.72
23.12     31.04     25.45     22.84     25.60
First round13 19.00 22.28
33.70     19.00     20.99     21.26     24.60
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 7.51 7.84
8.24      7.52      11.54     7.51      7.75
First round9 5.68 7.89
5.68      8.72      7.72      8.49      7.45
Venezuela Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 27.61 31.16
28.02     27.82     27.61     45.34     37.65
First round32 23.51 28.88
23.87     29.26     33.50     42.25     23.51
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 7.50 8.40
10.15     7.50      8.20      9.08      7.91
Sambil Valencia 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 21.85 27.36
33.28     26.04     22.77     21.85     38.27
First round19 21.13 27.75
32.55     37.31     25.87     21.13     24.84
2x2x2 CubeFinal15 7.47 8.73
8.60      8.77      10.46     7.47      8.82
First round15 7.57 8.97
8.24      22.23     9.61      7.57      9.06
PyraminxFirst round23 12.96 19.47
17.49     12.96     23.98     17.54     23.37
Cubing & Books Caracas 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 25.41 27.54
29.34     46.22     26.58     26.71     25.41
First round25 22.37 24.97
25.15     22.37     23.06     32.08     26.69
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 10.97 20.47
32.34     33.12     12.97     10.97     16.10
PyraminxFirst round22 13.23 22.84
26.10     25.57     16.84     13.23     27.88
Aragua Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 17.44 25.98
17.44     27.76     29.47     26.20     23.99
First round25 20.92 31.58
42.75     26.79     25.72     20.92     42.23
PyraminxFirst round22 14.76 17.85
14.76     19.94     18.23     15.60     19.72
Metropolis Barquisimeto 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 20.46 28.01
23.92     32.28     27.83     20.46     48.70
First round17 20.47 25.39
25.21     20.47     35.93     24.03     26.93
PyraminxFirst round14 15.14 25.30
29.09     15.14     26.47     20.33     29.26
Sambil Caracas Edition 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 20.80 28.02
24.00     32.46     20.80     27.59     35.59
First round26 23.58 25.23
24.91     26.95     23.58     31.13     23.82
PyraminxFinal20 15.16 17.84
17.12     20.59     18.00     15.16     18.39
Sambil Valencia Cubing Day 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 19.99 24.02
24.35     19.99     22.92     24.80     32.00
First round14 24.89 27.65
33.03     29.13     25.95     27.87     24.89
2x2x2 CubeFinal15 6.75 11.67
8.72      6.75      14.63     18.14     11.65
First round14 9.20 13.13
16.63     9.20      11.24     28.24     11.52
PyraminxFinal13 12.55 22.42
23.71     28.05     12.55     29.09     15.50
First round11 13.74 17.34
13.74     17.16     14.31     34.11     20.55
Cubeando Ando Cojedes 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round9 22.42 27.36
29.96     23.86     28.54     29.69     22.42
First round9 17.68 25.16
26.07     23.86     25.55     17.68     30.39
PyraminxFirst round12 19.44 20.85
21.28     19.70     19.44     21.58     22.18
Back to Cubing San Carlos 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round9 22.13 26.03
25.77     22.13     27.08     30.62     25.23
First round10 24.78 33.20
35.55     30.95     24.78     39.69     33.10
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 8.09 9.30
8.09      9.38      10.34     9.28      9.25
First round7 9.45 10.34
11.79     9.45      9.47      10.17     11.38
PyraminxFinal5 15.63 17.55
17.35     19.00     23.66     15.63     16.31
First round6 10.58 15.42
10.58     23.75     11.36     17.04     17.87
Cojedes Cubing 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round7 22.20 31.24
24.25     55.13     22.20     29.85     39.61
First round7 27.66 33.61
41.68     37.30     34.23     27.66     29.30
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 9.40 11.27
12.51     11.00     10.47     9.40      12.35
First round6 6.98 10.80
18.42     13.18     8.11      11.12     6.98
PyraminxFinal5 13.13 13.91
14.02     14.53     14.56     13.19     13.13
First round6 9.43 15.84
16.17     18.91     16.37     14.97     9.43
Speed and Music Caracas 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round10 22.17 28.70
30.39     27.89     36.18     22.17     27.83
2x2x2 CubeFirst round7 10.81 13.33
11.26     16.26     DNF       12.47     10.81
PyraminxFirst round7 11.35 14.97
11.35     15.00     14.90     15.00     18.59
NxN Barquisimeto 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round8 26.02 32.76
32.95     43.84     31.12     26.02     34.20
First round10 25.93 37.53
36.20     40.36     25.93     DNF       36.02
2x2x2 CubeFirst round8 12.79 14.41
14.02     21.52     15.39     12.79     13.81
CinemaCubing San Carlos 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round8 33.44 38.11
38.66     39.01     38.84     36.82     33.44
First round7 27.45 34.39
30.46     27.45     37.96     34.88     37.84
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 8.46 11.48
10.29     8.46      11.23     DNF       12.92
First round8 7.49 21.01
20.46     23.40     19.18     7.49      26.93
PyraminxFinal7 11.57 16.02
20.15     11.57     13.84     15.21     19.00
First round7 10.63 16.27
16.25     10.63     17.52     23.10     15.03
162024-06-02Sambil Valencia 2024VenezuelaValencia, Carabobo
152024-03-23Los Aviadores Aragua 2024VenezuelaMaracay, Aragua
142023-12-17Cubeando Ando Cojedes 2023VenezuelaSan Carlos, Cojedes
132023-11-24~26Venezuela Nationals 2023VenezuelaMaracay, Aragua
122023-10-29Sambil Valencia 2023VenezuelaValencia, Carabobo
112023-10-14Cubing & Books Caracas 2023VenezuelaCaracas, Distrito Capital
102023-09-02Aragua Open 2023VenezuelaMaracay, Aragua
92023-05-28Metropolis Barquisimeto 2023VenezuelaBarquisimeto, Lara
82023-05-07Sambil Caracas Edition 2023VenezuelaCaracas, Capital District
72023-02-26Sambil Valencia Cubing Day 2023VenezuelaValencia, Carabobo
62022-11-20Cubeando Ando Cojedes 2022VenezuelaSan Carlos, Cojedes
52022-02-06~07Back to Cubing San Carlos 2022VenezuelaSan Carlos, Cojedes, Venezuela
42019-12-15Cojedes Cubing 2019VenezuelaSan Carlos
32019-11-30Speed and Music Caracas 2019VenezuelaCaracas
22019-10-12NxN Barquisimeto 2019VenezuelaBarquisimeto
12019-08-25CinemaCubing San Carlos 2019VenezuelaSan Carlos, Cojedes, Venezuela