Personal Page

Ethan Kaiser

Name: Ethan Kaiser
Region: United States
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Ethan Kaiser2019KAIS01
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.04.13 - 2020.01.26
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube10513139935478414.7016.564655611759880349/50
2x2x2 Cube857111257403213.965.954129211644891525/25
4x4x4 Cube50276860265581:01.361:10.49263296871505823/24
5x5x5 Cube32174318158231:56.352:02.24140333821285415/15
6x6x6 Cube2214295698884:14.844:21.458525255619294/4
7x7x7 Cube1629219176306:00.016:31.476861199614964/4
3x3x3 One-Handed635086853423233.5941.81339568706639312/12

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Washington Championship 2020Second round55 14.92 16.89
14.92     14.95     22.42     19.85     15.87
First round52 14.70 16.56
16.98     16.90     15.81     18.87     14.70
Puget Sound NxNxN 2019First round46 18.52 20.67
22.28     20.27     19.47     24.20     18.52
SnoCo Fall 2019First round50 18.44 21.36
21.12     25.77     20.01     18.44     22.94
Puget Sound Fall 2019Second round38 14.97 20.63
14.97     21.96     22.46     19.93     20.00
First round40 18.02 19.45
18.37     22.20     18.02     20.59     19.39
Puget Sound Summer 2019First round42 19.06 21.60
27.70     22.31     21.26     21.22     19.06
Downtown Vancouver Summer 2019First round58 21.00 24.65
27.77     26.76     22.97     21.00     24.22
Puget Sound Spring 2019First round67 28.52 36.54
34.50     36.37     28.52     39.57     38.76
SnoCo Feet Fest 2019First round48 36.18 39.83
36.18     37.80     DNF       41.36     40.32
2x2x2 Cube
Washington Championship 2020First round52 3.96 5.95
3.96      5.80      6.18      5.88      9.13
SnoCo Fall 2019First round29 3.96 6.20
7.38      7.98      6.94      3.96      4.28
Puget Sound Summer 2019First round35 4.66 6.97
7.67      6.72      6.58      4.66      7.61
Downtown Vancouver Summer 2019First round51 7.29 8.59
7.29      8.97      8.61      8.20      10.75
Puget Sound Spring 2019First round63 10.32 11.24
10.32     11.00     10.89     21.53     11.83
4x4x4 Cube
Washington Championship 2020First round45 1:01.36 1:10.49
1:07.88   1:22.16   1:05.11   1:01.36   1:18.48
Puget Sound NxNxN 2019Second round34 1:06.38 1:14.70
1:09.96   1:14.59   1:19.55   1:20.37   1:06.38
First round32 1:09.73 1:13.89
1:16.73   1:09.73   1:13.58   1:13.71   1:14.37
SnoCo Fall 2019First round38 1:24.93
DNF       1:24.93
Puget Sound Summer 2019First round26 1:06.95 1:12.31
1:08.20   1:14.06   1:14.66   1:20.53   1:06.95
Downtown Vancouver Summer 2019First round37 1:29.45
1:29.45   1:33.35
5x5x5 Cube
Washington Championship 2020First round37 1:58.16 2:02.24
1:58.16   2:03.49   2:00.41   2:14.76   2:02.81
Puget Sound NxNxN 2019First round25 1:56.35 2:08.86
2:08.20   2:37.93   1:58.05   1:56.35   2:20.34
Puget Sound Summer 2019Final21 2:04.81 2:19.16
2:36.08   2:13.09   2:08.31   2:42.60   2:04.81
6x6x6 Cube
Washington Championship 2020Final32 4:56.36
Puget Sound NxNxN 2019First round16 4:14.84 4:21.45
4:19.40   4:30.10   4:14.84
7x7x7 Cube
Washington Championship 2020Final25 6:00.01
Puget Sound NxNxN 2019First round16 6:09.22 6:31.47
6:09.22   6:36.34   6:48.86
3x3x3 One-Handed
Washington Championship 2020First round47 35.11 41.81
40.57     50.45     45.78     35.11     39.07
SnoCo Fall 2019First round40 50.75
1:01.00   50.75
Puget Sound Summer 2019First round31 33.59 46.01
33.59     47.08     59.68     47.21     43.74
Washington Championship 2020Final19 DNF
DNF       DNF
Washington Championship 2020First round23 1:35.27 1:48.20
1:41.02   1:51.11   1:35.27   2:01.88   1:52.48
SnoCo Fall 2019Final15 1:29.32 1:38.93
1:42.72   1:43.40   1:29.32   1:30.66   1:46.68
Puget Sound Fall 2019First round14 1:30.79 1:42.58
1:45.12   1:30.79   1:45.62   1:54.30   1:37.01
Downtown Vancouver Summer 2019Final10 1:54.90 2:07.37
2:07.76   2:00.35   1:54.90   2:18.47   2:14.01
Puget Sound Spring 2019First round18 3:29.44
3:54.25   3:29.44
Washington Championship 2020First round20 5.12 7.48
5.12      10.45     5.39      8.67      8.38
Puget Sound Fall 2019Second round21 5.03 8.84
5.03      10.56     9.52      8.56      8.44
First round18 7.05 8.16
7.05      7.91      8.10      8.46      9.76
Downtown Vancouver Summer 2019First round19 7.66 8.71
8.59      9.31      8.22      7.66      10.17
Puget Sound Spring 2019Second round18 6.06 12.52
DNF       13.32     14.31     9.93      6.06
First round16 9.09 9.66
10.79     9.32      9.81      9.09      9.85
SnoCo Feet Fest 2019First round17 7.40 10.54
10.36     14.42     11.12     10.15     7.40
Washington Championship 2020First round30 8.73 9.49
9.02      10.59     12.06     8.87      8.73
Puget Sound Fall 2019Second round32 9.68 12.22
9.68      14.65     11.16     10.86     15.34
First round28 7.95 9.74
7.95      12.10     8.35      8.77      18.52
Downtown Vancouver Summer 2019First round25 6.87 11.57
10.82     16.24     12.53     6.87      11.35
Puget Sound Spring 2019First round22 8.92 12.05
10.24     13.97     8.92      11.95     14.75
Puget Sound Fall 2019First round30 44.36 59.83
44.36     DNF       1:07.38   1:03.02   49.09
Washington Championship 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round55 14.92 16.89
14.92     14.95     22.42     19.85     15.87
First round52 14.70 16.56
16.98     16.90     15.81     18.87     14.70
2x2x2 CubeFirst round52 3.96 5.95
3.96      5.80      6.18      5.88      9.13
4x4x4 CubeFirst round45 1:01.36 1:10.49
1:07.88   1:22.16   1:05.11   1:01.36   1:18.48
5x5x5 CubeFirst round37 1:58.16 2:02.24
1:58.16   2:03.49   2:00.41   2:14.76   2:02.81
6x6x6 CubeFinal32 4:56.36
7x7x7 CubeFinal25 6:00.01
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 35.11 41.81
40.57     50.45     45.78     35.11     39.07
ClockFinal19 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFirst round23 1:35.27 1:48.20
1:41.02   1:51.11   1:35.27   2:01.88   1:52.48
PyraminxFirst round20 5.12 7.48
5.12      10.45     5.39      8.67      8.38
SkewbFirst round30 8.73 9.49
9.02      10.59     12.06     8.87      8.73
Puget Sound NxNxN 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round46 18.52 20.67
22.28     20.27     19.47     24.20     18.52
4x4x4 CubeSecond round34 1:06.38 1:14.70
1:09.96   1:14.59   1:19.55   1:20.37   1:06.38
First round32 1:09.73 1:13.89
1:16.73   1:09.73   1:13.58   1:13.71   1:14.37
5x5x5 CubeFirst round25 1:56.35 2:08.86
2:08.20   2:37.93   1:58.05   1:56.35   2:20.34
6x6x6 CubeFirst round16 4:14.84 4:21.45
4:19.40   4:30.10   4:14.84
7x7x7 CubeFirst round16 6:09.22 6:31.47
6:09.22   6:36.34   6:48.86
SnoCo Fall 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round50 18.44 21.36
21.12     25.77     20.01     18.44     22.94
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 3.96 6.20
7.38      7.98      6.94      3.96      4.28
4x4x4 CubeFirst round38 1:24.93
DNF       1:24.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 50.75
1:01.00   50.75
MegaminxFinal15 1:29.32 1:38.93
1:42.72   1:43.40   1:29.32   1:30.66   1:46.68
Puget Sound Fall 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 14.97 20.63
14.97     21.96     22.46     19.93     20.00
First round40 18.02 19.45
18.37     22.20     18.02     20.59     19.39
MegaminxFirst round14 1:30.79 1:42.58
1:45.12   1:30.79   1:45.62   1:54.30   1:37.01
PyraminxSecond round21 5.03 8.84
5.03      10.56     9.52      8.56      8.44
First round18 7.05 8.16
7.05      7.91      8.10      8.46      9.76
SkewbSecond round32 9.68 12.22
9.68      14.65     11.16     10.86     15.34
First round28 7.95 9.74
7.95      12.10     8.35      8.77      18.52
Square-1First round30 44.36 59.83
44.36     DNF       1:07.38   1:03.02   49.09
Puget Sound Summer 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round42 19.06 21.60
27.70     22.31     21.26     21.22     19.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 4.66 6.97
7.67      6.72      6.58      4.66      7.61
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:06.95 1:12.31
1:08.20   1:14.06   1:14.66   1:20.53   1:06.95
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 2:04.81 2:19.16
2:36.08   2:13.09   2:08.31   2:42.60   2:04.81
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round31 33.59 46.01
33.59     47.08     59.68     47.21     43.74
Downtown Vancouver Summer 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round58 21.00 24.65
27.77     26.76     22.97     21.00     24.22
2x2x2 CubeFirst round51 7.29 8.59
7.29      8.97      8.61      8.20      10.75
4x4x4 CubeFirst round37 1:29.45
1:29.45   1:33.35
MegaminxFinal10 1:54.90 2:07.37
2:07.76   2:00.35   1:54.90   2:18.47   2:14.01
PyraminxFirst round19 7.66 8.71
8.59      9.31      8.22      7.66      10.17
SkewbFirst round25 6.87 11.57
10.82     16.24     12.53     6.87      11.35
Puget Sound Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round67 28.52 36.54
34.50     36.37     28.52     39.57     38.76
2x2x2 CubeFirst round63 10.32 11.24
10.32     11.00     10.89     21.53     11.83
MegaminxFirst round18 3:29.44
3:54.25   3:29.44
PyraminxSecond round18 6.06 12.52
DNF       13.32     14.31     9.93      6.06
First round16 9.09 9.66
10.79     9.32      9.81      9.09      9.85
SkewbFirst round22 8.92 12.05
10.24     13.97     8.92      11.95     14.75
SnoCo Feet Fest 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round48 36.18 39.83
36.18     37.80     DNF       41.36     40.32
PyraminxFirst round17 7.40 10.54
10.36     14.42     11.12     10.15     7.40
82020-01-24~26Washington Championship 2020United StatesTacoma, Washington
72019-12-07Puget Sound NxNxN 2019United StatesTacoma, Washington
62019-11-16SnoCo Fall 2019United StatesEverett, Washington
52019-09-21Puget Sound Fall 2019United StatesTacoma, Washington
42019-08-10Puget Sound Summer 2019United StatesTacoma, Washington
32019-06-29Downtown Vancouver Summer 2019CanadaVancouver, British Columbia
22019-05-04Puget Sound Spring 2019United StatesTacoma, Washington
12019-04-13SnoCo Feet Fest 2019United StatesEverett, Washington