Personal Page

HyunJin Lee (이현진)

Name: HyunJin Lee (이현진)
Region: Republic of Korea
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: HyunJin Lee (이현진)2019LEEH02
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.12.28 - 2025.01.19
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube2604463126189.3711.0310583383922750/50
2x2x2 Cube98169372522.053.37564514529338/40
4x4x4 Cube23238411095743.7454.6914652521130924/25
3x3x3 One-Handed22746311248920.1021.788227313216015/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Happy Suseong 2025Second round41 10.17 11.03
10.17     11.83     11.81     10.50     10.77
First round44 10.20 11.17
10.20     10.42     13.98     12.36     10.72
Seoul Winter 2024First round64 10.40 12.45
14.44     13.35     11.79     12.22     10.40
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024First round42 10.60 11.73
12.92     12.70     11.49     11.01     10.60
Korean Championship 2023Second round44 9.37 11.99
9.37      11.15     12.53     13.83     12.29
First round69 10.60 13.65
13.64     18.32     11.08     10.60     16.22
WCA World Championship 2023First round670 11.27 13.45
14.11     13.97     11.27     13.41     12.97
Seoul Spring 2023First round39 10.27 11.71
13.23     15.66     10.27     10.73     11.16
ByeolLae Open 2020First round31 12.79 14.45
12.79     17.68     13.40     13.36     16.59
Cubing Korea 2019First round52 13.04 14.12
17.15     14.44     13.30     13.04     14.62
2x2x2 Cube
Seoul Winter 2024First round20 2.05 3.67
4.99      3.48      3.88      2.05      3.66
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024Final12 3.44 3.69
3.92      3.52      3.44      6.75      3.64
First round13 3.09 3.37
3.09      4.40      3.57      3.40      3.13
Korean Championship 2023Second round15 2.62 3.76
2.62      3.73      3.85      4.30      3.70
First round22 3.51 3.96
3.93      3.51      3.64      4.30      4.59
WCA World Championship 2023First round749 2.88 DNF
2.88      3.48      3.67      DNF       DNF
Seoul Spring 2023Final33 3.76 4.45
3.92      5.02      4.41      7.07      3.76
ByeolLae Open 2020Final14 3.88 4.61
5.28      4.72      4.42      4.69      3.88
4x4x4 Cube
Happy Suseong 2025First round80 50.73 56.14
50.73     56.67     55.54     DNF       56.21
Seoul Winter 2024First round63 48.34 54.69
48.34     55.44     53.95     54.67     57.01
Korean Championship 2023First round44 43.74 54.94
1:11.35   52.06     57.18     43.74     55.57
WCA World Championship 2023First round520 52.21 58.52
52.21     1:15.26   59.92     56.40     59.23
Cubing Korea 2019Final46 1:02.94 1:08.74
1:13.19   1:02.94   1:06.98   1:11.75   1:07.50
3x3x3 One-Handed
Korean Championship 2023First round31 20.10 24.47
24.48     20.10     23.63     25.31     29.15
WCA World Championship 2023First round299 20.28 21.78
22.77     22.07     20.51     28.91     20.28
ByeolLae Open 2020Final25 22.36 31.22
34.62     31.16     30.17     22.36     32.32
Korean Championship 2023First round30 4.00 8.13
9.82      4.00      6.08      8.50      9.92
WCA World Championship 2023First round248 4.32 6.74
4.32      7.44      6.62      6.15      9.23
Ansan Spring 2023Final10 4.47 6.39
7.85      6.58      6.50      4.47      6.09
First round12 4.69 5.94
6.01      6.32      5.49      4.69      8.81
ByeolLae Open 2020Final17 7.35 10.49
10.42     10.25     13.19     10.80     7.35
Happy Suseong 2025Final7 4.14 4.82
4.77      5.10      4.14      4.60      5.78
First round9 3.41 5.20
7.18      5.85      4.82      3.41      4.92
Korean Championship 2023First round12 4.32 5.64
5.53      4.32      6.31      6.71      5.08
WCA World Championship 2023First round147 4.52 5.87
8.47      4.52      6.84      5.84      4.93
Ansan Spring 2023Final11 2.61 6.36
7.35      6.50      5.22      2.61      DNF
First round10 4.27 5.98
4.78      6.89      7.40      6.28      4.27
ByeolLae Open 2020Final18 6.20 9.22
8.28      9.17      11.79     6.20      10.22
Happy Suseong 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 10.17 11.03
10.17     11.83     11.81     10.50     10.77
First round44 10.20 11.17
10.20     10.42     13.98     12.36     10.72
4x4x4 CubeFirst round80 50.73 56.14
50.73     56.67     55.54     DNF       56.21
SkewbFinal7 4.14 4.82
4.77      5.10      4.14      4.60      5.78
First round9 3.41 5.20
7.18      5.85      4.82      3.41      4.92
Seoul Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round64 10.40 12.45
14.44     13.35     11.79     12.22     10.40
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 2.05 3.67
4.99      3.48      3.88      2.05      3.66
4x4x4 CubeFirst round63 48.34 54.69
48.34     55.44     53.95     54.67     57.01
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round42 10.60 11.73
12.92     12.70     11.49     11.01     10.60
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 3.44 3.69
3.92      3.52      3.44      6.75      3.64
First round13 3.09 3.37
3.09      4.40      3.57      3.40      3.13
Korean Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round44 9.37 11.99
9.37      11.15     12.53     13.83     12.29
First round69 10.60 13.65
13.64     18.32     11.08     10.60     16.22
2x2x2 CubeSecond round15 2.62 3.76
2.62      3.73      3.85      4.30      3.70
First round22 3.51 3.96
3.93      3.51      3.64      4.30      4.59
4x4x4 CubeFirst round44 43.74 54.94
1:11.35   52.06     57.18     43.74     55.57
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round31 20.10 24.47
24.48     20.10     23.63     25.31     29.15
PyraminxFirst round30 4.00 8.13
9.82      4.00      6.08      8.50      9.92
SkewbFirst round12 4.32 5.64
5.53      4.32      6.31      6.71      5.08
WCA World Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round670 11.27 13.45
14.11     13.97     11.27     13.41     12.97
2x2x2 CubeFirst round749 2.88 DNF
2.88      3.48      3.67      DNF       DNF
4x4x4 CubeFirst round520 52.21 58.52
52.21     1:15.26   59.92     56.40     59.23
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round299 20.28 21.78
22.77     22.07     20.51     28.91     20.28
PyraminxFirst round248 4.32 6.74
4.32      7.44      6.62      6.15      9.23
SkewbFirst round147 4.52 5.87
8.47      4.52      6.84      5.84      4.93
Seoul Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round39 10.27 11.71
13.23     15.66     10.27     10.73     11.16
2x2x2 CubeFinal33 3.76 4.45
3.92      5.02      4.41      7.07      3.76
Ansan Spring 2023
PyraminxFinal10 4.47 6.39
7.85      6.58      6.50      4.47      6.09
First round12 4.69 5.94
6.01      6.32      5.49      4.69      8.81
SkewbFinal11 2.61 6.36
7.35      6.50      5.22      2.61      DNF
First round10 4.27 5.98
4.78      6.89      7.40      6.28      4.27
ByeolLae Open 2020
3x3x3 CubeFirst round31 12.79 14.45
12.79     17.68     13.40     13.36     16.59
2x2x2 CubeFinal14 3.88 4.61
5.28      4.72      4.42      4.69      3.88
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal25 22.36 31.22
34.62     31.16     30.17     22.36     32.32
PyraminxFinal17 7.35 10.49
10.42     10.25     13.19     10.80     7.35
SkewbFinal18 6.20 9.22
8.28      9.17      11.79     6.20      10.22
Cubing Korea 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round52 13.04 14.12
17.15     14.44     13.30     13.04     14.62
4x4x4 CubeFinal46 1:02.94 1:08.74
1:13.19   1:02.94   1:06.98   1:11.75   1:07.50
92025-01-18~19Happy Suseong 2025Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
82024-12-14Seoul Winter 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
72024-06-15Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
62023-12-15~17Korean Championship 2023Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)
52023-08-12~15WCA World Championship 2023Republic of Korea인천광역시 (Incheon)
42023-05-07Seoul Spring 2023Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
32023-03-26Ansan Spring 2023Republic of Korea경기도 안산시 (Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do)
22020-02-01ByeolLae Open 2020Republic of Korea경기도 남양주시 (Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do)
12019-12-28Cubing Korea 2019Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)