Personal Page

Kevin Liu

Name: Kevin Liu
Region: Belgium
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Kevin Liu2019LIUP04
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.06.22 - 2023.09.10
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube213123664943914.4016.13409561023217090/90
2x2x2 Cube21912786432784.225.85374211076617350/50
4x4x4 Cube5330261055144.2252.771212533826543/44
5x5x5 Cube694107137101:51.382:03.271336939876918/20
6x6x6 Cube49291792614:14.254:55.6087322729473/4
7x7x7 Cube44282887267:04.271/3
3x3x3 One-Handed12079933068132.1442.1732604847213619/19

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Visé Sunday Open 2023Second round38 16.45 18.40
19.36     18.73     17.51     18.97     16.45
First round39 17.20 18.59
19.47     18.55     17.20     21.57     17.75
Brugge Saturday Open 2022Final31 14.40 17.23
17.43     21.55     16.61     14.40     17.66
Second round36 16.41 18.30
19.55     18.90     16.41     18.74     17.25
First round34 14.80 17.79
18.43     14.80     16.80     19.44     18.15
Annuntia Sunday Open 2022Final33 16.06 17.57
19.47     16.06     17.20     16.09     19.42
Second round29 15.06 16.13
15.06     16.17     15.71     22.36     16.52
First round34 16.12 17.22
18.14     17.13     17.85     16.68     16.12
Seraing Open 2021Second round62 16.94 18.27
16.94     18.50     19.50     17.89     18.43
First round64 17.45 18.50
17.71     19.55     17.45     20.54     18.25
Annuntia Open 2020Second round55 15.91 23.06
22.33     26.50     31.55     15.91     20.36
First round52 15.18 19.87
21.55     18.25     15.18     19.80     33.41
Seraing Open 2019Second round56 19.90 22.11
23.40     22.05     20.88     19.90     23.88
First round58 21.25 22.45
23.00     22.33     22.21     21.25     22.80
Belgian Open 2019Second round57 20.58 24.82
27.21     20.58     24.58     29.66     22.66
First round51 19.34 21.41
23.18     20.58     19.34     22.51     21.15
Belgian Solstice 2019Second round49 22.09 28.15
28.09     22.21     34.15     22.09     34.46
First round45 18.17 24.03
26.63     22.97     22.50     34.81     18.17
2x2x2 Cube
Brugge Saturday Open 2022Final28 4.71 6.01
5.75      7.36      6.25      6.03      4.71
First round28 5.05 5.99
6.03      6.98      6.19      5.05      5.74
Seraing Open 2021First round68 5.75 7.91
7.59      15.93     7.50      8.65      5.75
Annuntia Open 2020Second round32 4.22 5.85
6.55      6.03      4.22      5.86      5.66
First round41 5.50 6.82
6.65      6.81      8.84      7.00      5.50
Seraing Open 2019Second round46 6.93 7.86
7.96      7.30      13.06     6.93      8.33
First round50 6.68 8.08
8.28      7.97      8.00      6.68      8.69
Belgian Open 2019Final32 5.41 6.59
8.58      6.34      5.41      6.64      6.80
First round39 5.46 6.92
5.55      5.46      6.58      9.44      8.64
Belgian Solstice 2019First round43 7.71 10.80
26.59     10.78     7.71      9.16      12.46
4x4x4 Cube
Visé Sunday Open 2023Final20 44.22 56.40
1:11.85   1:05.21   44.22     47.78     56.22
First round17 48.03 54.50
59.55     48.03     56.41     55.72     51.38
Brugge Saturday Open 2022Final18 50.59 59.27
55.93     DNF       50.59     1:05.90   55.97
Annuntia Sunday Open 2022Final21 49.63 52.77
51.09     54.42     52.81     49.63     57.08
First round25 48.72 58.71
1:02.20   59.94     48.72     1:00.73   55.45
Seraing Open 2021First round49 59.39 1:02.72
1:06.50   1:02.78   1:01.29   59.39     1:04.10
Annuntia Open 2020First round39 1:04.41 1:09.10
1:13.48   1:04.41   1:07.15   1:06.67   1:26.80
Seraing Open 2019First round40 1:08.83 1:17.02
1:10.33   1:08.83   1:24.43   1:16.47   1:24.25
Belgian Open 2019First round44 1:31.68
1:31.68   1:32.40
Belgian Solstice 2019First round41 2:02.15
2:02.15   2:15.56
5x5x5 Cube
Visé Sunday Open 2023Final15 1:51.38 2:05.41
2:10.09   1:51.38   2:01.61   2:10.29   2:04.53
Annuntia Sunday Open 2022Final18 1:54.34 2:03.27
2:01.58   1:54.34   2:17.63   2:02.63   2:05.60
Seraing Open 2021First round39 2:06.61
2:15.70   2:06.61
Annuntia Open 2020Final39 2:31.52
DNF       2:31.52
Seraing Open 2019First round30 2:33.80
3:13.33   2:33.80
Belgian Open 2019Final29 2:53.10
2:58.25   2:53.10
Belgian Solstice 2019Final21 3:32.47
3:32.47   DNF
6x6x6 Cube
Seraing Open 2021First round30 4:14.25 4:55.60
4:14.25   5:29.58   5:02.96
Seraing Open 2019Final25 DNF
7x7x7 Cube
Seraing Open 2021First round27 7:04.27
Annuntia Open 2020Final24 DNF
Seraing Open 2019Final21 DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Visé Sunday Open 2023Final28 32.14 42.17
37.61     41.75     47.15     49.13     32.14
Annuntia Sunday Open 2022Final24 33.46 45.43
44.95     33.46     44.77     46.58     1:03.01
Seraing Open 2021Final44 36.90 50.38
36.90     52.88     54.03     46.27     52.00
Seraing Open 2019First round37 47.83
47.83     49.94
Belgian Solstice 2019First round34 56.08
56.08     58.71
Belgian Open 2019Final13 1:10.65
1:10.65   DNF
Visé Sunday Open 2023Final14 2:18.22 2:30.66
2:28.37   2:58.60   2:33.16   2:30.44   2:18.22
First round15 2:30.84
2:30.84   3:14.26
Annuntia Sunday Open 2022Final18 2:24.40 2:54.26
2:26.88   3:51.30   2:24.40   DNF       2:24.61
Seraing Open 2021Final34 2:46.02
2:46.02   2:48.13
Annuntia Open 2020Final26 2:47.19
2:48.22   2:47.19
Seraing Open 2019First round24 3:05.56
3:58.65   3:05.56
Belgian Solstice 2019Final18 3:52.27
3:52.27   DNF
Brugge Saturday Open 2022Final28 12.16 16.08
15.75     DNF       15.50     12.16     17.00
Seraing Open 2021Final39 11.59 12.15
11.59     12.58     DNF       12.18     11.70
Annuntia Open 2020First round36 6.47 12.81
17.52     15.91     6.47      11.88     10.65
Seraing Open 2019Final46 10.13 16.65
14.15     17.11     DNF       10.13     18.69
Belgian Open 2019First round37 11.63 14.18
16.77     13.86     21.77     11.63     11.91
Belgian Solstice 2019Final20 9.88 12.84
9.88      12.56     12.25     15.46     13.71
First round26 14.42 17.18
20.78     14.42     20.96     15.61     15.15
Brugge Saturday Open 2022Final11 6.68 11.00
9.69      13.81     9.50      DNF       6.68
Seraing Open 2021Final24 10.18 11.87
11.83     10.49     16.03     13.28     10.18
Annuntia Open 2020Final24 8.94 10.43
11.23     10.76     15.00     9.31      8.94
First round35 12.59 15.51
19.63     13.13     16.63     12.59     16.77
Seraing Open 2019First round24 9.21 13.38
14.34     16.83     11.36     9.21      14.44
Belgian Open 2019First round19 12.32 14.89
16.65     14.63     13.39     25.72     12.32
Belgian Solstice 2019First round31 12.84 17.66
15.51     18.85     18.63     19.27     12.84
Visé Sunday Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 16.45 18.40
19.36     18.73     17.51     18.97     16.45
First round39 17.20 18.59
19.47     18.55     17.20     21.57     17.75
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 44.22 56.40
1:11.85   1:05.21   44.22     47.78     56.22
First round17 48.03 54.50
59.55     48.03     56.41     55.72     51.38
5x5x5 CubeFinal15 1:51.38 2:05.41
2:10.09   1:51.38   2:01.61   2:10.29   2:04.53
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal28 32.14 42.17
37.61     41.75     47.15     49.13     32.14
MegaminxFinal14 2:18.22 2:30.66
2:28.37   2:58.60   2:33.16   2:30.44   2:18.22
First round15 2:30.84
2:30.84   3:14.26
Brugge Saturday Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal31 14.40 17.23
17.43     21.55     16.61     14.40     17.66
Second round36 16.41 18.30
19.55     18.90     16.41     18.74     17.25
First round34 14.80 17.79
18.43     14.80     16.80     19.44     18.15
2x2x2 CubeFinal28 4.71 6.01
5.75      7.36      6.25      6.03      4.71
First round28 5.05 5.99
6.03      6.98      6.19      5.05      5.74
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 50.59 59.27
55.93     DNF       50.59     1:05.90   55.97
PyraminxFinal28 12.16 16.08
15.75     DNF       15.50     12.16     17.00
SkewbFinal11 6.68 11.00
9.69      13.81     9.50      DNF       6.68
Annuntia Sunday Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal33 16.06 17.57
19.47     16.06     17.20     16.09     19.42
Second round29 15.06 16.13
15.06     16.17     15.71     22.36     16.52
First round34 16.12 17.22
18.14     17.13     17.85     16.68     16.12
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 49.63 52.77
51.09     54.42     52.81     49.63     57.08
First round25 48.72 58.71
1:02.20   59.94     48.72     1:00.73   55.45
5x5x5 CubeFinal18 1:54.34 2:03.27
2:01.58   1:54.34   2:17.63   2:02.63   2:05.60
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal24 33.46 45.43
44.95     33.46     44.77     46.58     1:03.01
MegaminxFinal18 2:24.40 2:54.26
2:26.88   3:51.30   2:24.40   DNF       2:24.61
Seraing Open 2021
3x3x3 CubeSecond round62 16.94 18.27
16.94     18.50     19.50     17.89     18.43
First round64 17.45 18.50
17.71     19.55     17.45     20.54     18.25
2x2x2 CubeFirst round68 5.75 7.91
7.59      15.93     7.50      8.65      5.75
4x4x4 CubeFirst round49 59.39 1:02.72
1:06.50   1:02.78   1:01.29   59.39     1:04.10
5x5x5 CubeFirst round39 2:06.61
2:15.70   2:06.61
6x6x6 CubeFirst round30 4:14.25 4:55.60
4:14.25   5:29.58   5:02.96
7x7x7 CubeFirst round27 7:04.27
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal44 36.90 50.38
36.90     52.88     54.03     46.27     52.00
MegaminxFinal34 2:46.02
2:46.02   2:48.13
PyraminxFinal39 11.59 12.15
11.59     12.58     DNF       12.18     11.70
SkewbFinal24 10.18 11.87
11.83     10.49     16.03     13.28     10.18
Annuntia Open 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round55 15.91 23.06
22.33     26.50     31.55     15.91     20.36
First round52 15.18 19.87
21.55     18.25     15.18     19.80     33.41
2x2x2 CubeSecond round32 4.22 5.85
6.55      6.03      4.22      5.86      5.66
First round41 5.50 6.82
6.65      6.81      8.84      7.00      5.50
4x4x4 CubeFirst round39 1:04.41 1:09.10
1:13.48   1:04.41   1:07.15   1:06.67   1:26.80
5x5x5 CubeFinal39 2:31.52
DNF       2:31.52
7x7x7 CubeFinal24 DNF
MegaminxFinal26 2:47.19
2:48.22   2:47.19
PyraminxFirst round36 6.47 12.81
17.52     15.91     6.47      11.88     10.65
SkewbFinal24 8.94 10.43
11.23     10.76     15.00     9.31      8.94
First round35 12.59 15.51
19.63     13.13     16.63     12.59     16.77
Seraing Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round56 19.90 22.11
23.40     22.05     20.88     19.90     23.88
First round58 21.25 22.45
23.00     22.33     22.21     21.25     22.80
2x2x2 CubeSecond round46 6.93 7.86
7.96      7.30      13.06     6.93      8.33
First round50 6.68 8.08
8.28      7.97      8.00      6.68      8.69
4x4x4 CubeFirst round40 1:08.83 1:17.02
1:10.33   1:08.83   1:24.43   1:16.47   1:24.25
5x5x5 CubeFirst round30 2:33.80
3:13.33   2:33.80
6x6x6 CubeFinal25 DNF
7x7x7 CubeFinal21 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round37 47.83
47.83     49.94
MegaminxFirst round24 3:05.56
3:58.65   3:05.56
PyraminxFinal46 10.13 16.65
14.15     17.11     DNF       10.13     18.69
SkewbFirst round24 9.21 13.38
14.34     16.83     11.36     9.21      14.44
Belgian Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round57 20.58 24.82
27.21     20.58     24.58     29.66     22.66
First round51 19.34 21.41
23.18     20.58     19.34     22.51     21.15
2x2x2 CubeFinal32 5.41 6.59
8.58      6.34      5.41      6.64      6.80
First round39 5.46 6.92
5.55      5.46      6.58      9.44      8.64
4x4x4 CubeFirst round44 1:31.68
1:31.68   1:32.40
5x5x5 CubeFinal29 2:53.10
2:58.25   2:53.10
ClockFinal13 1:10.65
1:10.65   DNF
PyraminxFirst round37 11.63 14.18
16.77     13.86     21.77     11.63     11.91
SkewbFirst round19 12.32 14.89
16.65     14.63     13.39     25.72     12.32
Belgian Solstice 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 22.09 28.15
28.09     22.21     34.15     22.09     34.46
First round45 18.17 24.03
26.63     22.97     22.50     34.81     18.17
2x2x2 CubeFirst round43 7.71 10.80
26.59     10.78     7.71      9.16      12.46
4x4x4 CubeFirst round41 2:02.15
2:02.15   2:15.56
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 3:32.47
3:32.47   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round34 56.08
56.08     58.71
MegaminxFinal18 3:52.27
3:52.27   DNF
PyraminxFinal20 9.88 12.84
9.88      12.56     12.25     15.46     13.71
First round26 14.42 17.18
20.78     14.42     20.96     15.61     15.15
SkewbFirst round31 12.84 17.66
15.51     18.85     18.63     19.27     12.84
82023-09-10Visé Sunday Open 2023BelgiumVisé
72022-05-14Brugge Saturday Open 2022BelgiumBrugge
62022-04-24Annuntia Sunday Open 2022BelgiumWijnegem
52021-11-13~14Seraing Open 2021BelgiumSeraing
42020-02-15~16Annuntia Open 2020BelgiumWijnegem
32019-10-26~27Seraing Open 2019BelgiumSeraing
22019-09-28~29Belgian Open 2019BelgiumBrugge
12019-06-22~23Belgian Solstice 2019BelgiumSart-Dames-Avelines