Personal Page

Ashik Mahmud

Name: Ashik Mahmud
Region: Bangladesh
Competitions: 2
WCA ID: Ashik Mahmud2019MAHM06
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.09.20 - 2019.12.23
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube8576872129110.6711.731419552226425/25
2x2x2 Cube557173265093.265.403166794387615/15
4x4x4 Cube15114642477081:34.341:53.0441693128411465/7
3x3x3 One-Handed6364431725322.7426.151442255165520/20

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Dinajpur Cubing Open 2019Final8 10.73 14.89
15.97     12.94     18.93     15.77     10.73
Second round6 10.67 11.73
10.95     15.75     12.76     11.49     10.67
First round7 10.90 14.10
10.90     12.70     18.37     14.85     14.76
Knights Cubing Open 2019Second round20 11.30 14.27
14.95     14.56     17.28     13.30     11.30
First round23 11.44 14.31
17.27     14.53     15.81     12.59     11.44
2x2x2 Cube
Dinajpur Cubing Open 2019Final4 3.26 5.40
5.86      4.51      6.06      5.84      3.26
First round6 5.62 6.56
5.68      6.98      8.58      5.62      7.03
Knights Cubing Open 2019First round33 6.51 7.24
6.61      6.51      7.44      7.66      13.55
4x4x4 Cube
Dinajpur Cubing Open 2019First round8 1:34.34 1:53.04
1:34.34   1:42.03   2:08.47   DNF       1:48.62
Knights Cubing Open 2019Final35 1:36.57
DNF       1:36.57
3x3x3 One-Handed
Dinajpur Cubing Open 2019Final5 22.74 26.15
22.74     24.89     30.47     28.91     24.65
First round5 23.88 26.83
26.39     31.96     25.95     23.88     28.15
Knights Cubing Open 2019Final15 27.12 28.47
27.83     27.12     30.22     27.37     39.34
First round15 26.44 30.48
26.44     29.31     34.55     30.92     31.21
Dinajpur Cubing Open 2019Final5 9.19 11.07
15.12     11.38     10.89     9.19      10.94
First round6 9.73 12.42
10.00     9.73      10.55     19.35     16.70
Knights Cubing Open 2019First round30 9.17 12.34
12.53     9.17      14.07     13.20     11.29
Dinajpur Cubing Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 10.73 14.89
15.97     12.94     18.93     15.77     10.73
Second round6 10.67 11.73
10.95     15.75     12.76     11.49     10.67
First round7 10.90 14.10
10.90     12.70     18.37     14.85     14.76
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 3.26 5.40
5.86      4.51      6.06      5.84      3.26
First round6 5.62 6.56
5.68      6.98      8.58      5.62      7.03
4x4x4 CubeFirst round8 1:34.34 1:53.04
1:34.34   1:42.03   2:08.47   DNF       1:48.62
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 22.74 26.15
22.74     24.89     30.47     28.91     24.65
First round5 23.88 26.83
26.39     31.96     25.95     23.88     28.15
PyraminxFinal5 9.19 11.07
15.12     11.38     10.89     9.19      10.94
First round6 9.73 12.42
10.00     9.73      10.55     19.35     16.70
Knights Cubing Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 11.30 14.27
14.95     14.56     17.28     13.30     11.30
First round23 11.44 14.31
17.27     14.53     15.81     12.59     11.44
2x2x2 CubeFirst round33 6.51 7.24
6.61      6.51      7.44      7.66      13.55
4x4x4 CubeFinal35 1:36.57
DNF       1:36.57
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 27.12 28.47
27.83     27.12     30.22     27.37     39.34
First round15 26.44 30.48
26.44     29.31     34.55     30.92     31.21
PyraminxFirst round30 9.17 12.34
12.53     9.17      14.07     13.20     11.29
22019-12-23Dinajpur Cubing Open 2019BangladeshDinajpur Sadar
12019-09-20~21Knights Cubing Open 2019BangladeshDhaka