Personal Page

Elias Regina

Name: Elias Regina
Region: United States
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Elias Regina2019REGI01
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.04.27 - 2024.02.04
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube641085183346312.1915.55393529966749043/45
2x2x2 Cube44355809206842.954.84224856308484420/20
4x4x4 Cube745910029376201:16.528/8
3x3x3 One-Handed346047351954724.0727.66166553956289814/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Fall River Cubikon 2024Second round31 12.19 16.23
17.39     15.50     20.72     15.81     12.19
First round31 12.68 15.55
15.70     17.19     12.68     17.25     13.76
Cubing in Cambridge 2023Second round49 15.07 20.20
19.93     15.07     23.68     25.25     17.00
First round52 17.97 18.61
18.67     18.71     18.78     18.46     17.97
Fall River Cubikon 2023First round33 14.78 18.07
18.79     17.72     14.78     17.69     22.93
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023Second round49 17.08 19.59
21.25     19.89     17.63     17.08     DNF
First round54 18.32 20.47
21.38     21.47     22.53     18.32     18.56
MIT Winter 2020First round92 24.20 28.12
24.20     28.98     DNF       29.89     25.48
The Battle of Lexington 2019First round64 27.55 32.52
27.55     37.84     32.72     32.54     32.30
2x2x2 Cube
Fall River Cubikon 2024First round27 3.81 4.84
3.81      5.88      4.33      5.27      4.92
Fall River Cubikon 2023First round25 5.14 5.41
5.32      6.20      5.53      5.38      5.14
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023First round49 4.73 6.54
7.50      6.00      4.73      6.71      6.92
The Battle of Lexington 2019First round25 2.95 6.12
5.62      5.98      2.95      9.12      6.77
4x4x4 Cube
Cubing in Cambridge 2023First round46 1:26.49
1:34.05   1:26.49
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023First round34 1:16.52
1:39.18   1:16.52
MIT Winter 2020First round62 1:23.60
1:23.60   1:35.93
The Battle of Lexington 2019First round44 1:48.60
2:58.41   1:48.60
3x3x3 One-Handed
Fall River Cubikon 2024First round19 24.07 27.66
24.92     25.88     DNF       32.18     24.07
Fall River Cubikon 2023First round26 30.40 40.91
49.19     38.91     30.40     36.45     47.37
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023Final36 33.23 42.27
42.32     33.23     1:19.19   37.84     46.64
Fall River Cubikon 2024Final38 11.31 13.71
11.31     17.31     17.91     12.42     11.39
Fall River Cubikon 2023Final33 5.93 9.40
5.93      15.82     8.52      10.41     9.28
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023First round46 10.00 12.37
18.04     12.06     10.00     11.73     13.33
The Battle of Lexington 2019Final46 14.28 16.44
15.86     14.28     14.42     DNF       19.04
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023First round24 4.75 9.43
9.27      4.75      10.38     8.63      12.44
MIT Winter 2020First round50 9.43 12.62
9.43      14.39     10.29     13.17     15.06
Fall River Cubikon 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 12.19 16.23
17.39     15.50     20.72     15.81     12.19
First round31 12.68 15.55
15.70     17.19     12.68     17.25     13.76
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 3.81 4.84
3.81      5.88      4.33      5.27      4.92
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 24.07 27.66
24.92     25.88     DNF       32.18     24.07
PyraminxFinal38 11.31 13.71
11.31     17.31     17.91     12.42     11.39
Cubing in Cambridge 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 15.07 20.20
19.93     15.07     23.68     25.25     17.00
First round52 17.97 18.61
18.67     18.71     18.78     18.46     17.97
4x4x4 CubeFirst round46 1:26.49
1:34.05   1:26.49
Fall River Cubikon 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round33 14.78 18.07
18.79     17.72     14.78     17.69     22.93
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 5.14 5.41
5.32      6.20      5.53      5.38      5.14
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round26 30.40 40.91
49.19     38.91     30.40     36.45     47.37
PyraminxFinal33 5.93 9.40
5.93      15.82     8.52      10.41     9.28
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 17.08 19.59
21.25     19.89     17.63     17.08     DNF
First round54 18.32 20.47
21.38     21.47     22.53     18.32     18.56
2x2x2 CubeFirst round49 4.73 6.54
7.50      6.00      4.73      6.71      6.92
4x4x4 CubeFirst round34 1:16.52
1:39.18   1:16.52
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal36 33.23 42.27
42.32     33.23     1:19.19   37.84     46.64
PyraminxFirst round46 10.00 12.37
18.04     12.06     10.00     11.73     13.33
SkewbFirst round24 4.75 9.43
9.27      4.75      10.38     8.63      12.44
MIT Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeFirst round92 24.20 28.12
24.20     28.98     DNF       29.89     25.48
4x4x4 CubeFirst round62 1:23.60
1:23.60   1:35.93
SkewbFirst round50 9.43 12.62
9.43      14.39     10.29     13.17     15.06
The Battle of Lexington 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round64 27.55 32.52
27.55     37.84     32.72     32.54     32.30
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 2.95 6.12
5.62      5.98      2.95      9.12      6.77
4x4x4 CubeFirst round44 1:48.60
2:58.41   1:48.60
PyraminxFinal46 14.28 16.44
15.86     14.28     14.42     DNF       19.04
62024-02-04Fall River Cubikon 2024United StatesFall River, Massachusetts
52023-04-01Cubing in Cambridge 2023United StatesCambridge, Massachusetts
42023-02-05Fall River Cubikon 2023United StatesFall River, Massachusetts
32023-01-21Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023United StatesAmherst, Massachusetts
22020-01-12MIT Winter 2020United StatesCambridge, Massachusetts
12019-04-27The Battle of Lexington 2019United StatesLexington, Massachusetts