Personal Page

Oliver Tran

Name: Oliver Tran
Region: United States
Competitions: 16
WCA ID: Oliver Tran2019TRAN16
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.09.21 - 2024.11.16
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1320169362428.109.58478513061011129/135
2x2x2 Cube25693330119972.423.5770902027160060/60
4x4x4 Cube184225521044343.1551.27118032879209046/46

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Cardinal Cube Day 2024Second round24 9.25 10.82
9.25      11.62     11.81     9.69      11.15
First round26 9.33 12.49
13.13     11.10     13.25     9.33      DNF
New England Championship 2023Semi Final36 9.08 10.38
10.45     12.68     11.10     9.08      9.60
Second round39 8.33 9.84
10.20     9.66      9.65      10.43     8.33
First round64 10.54 12.14
11.26     DNF       10.54     12.18     12.99
Quick in Quincy 2023Final7 8.68 9.70
9.94      11.03     8.68      9.16      10.01
Second round7 8.73 9.96
8.73      10.54     11.38     10.07     9.26
First round7 8.10 10.07
10.46     8.10      11.81     9.99      9.75
Empire State Winter Warmup 2023Final7 8.17 9.83
9.55      8.17      9.26      12.97     10.68
Second round4 8.17 9.58
12.50     10.03     8.17      8.65      10.07
First round6 8.29 10.07
11.25     13.28     8.29      10.26     8.70
Amherst Open 2022Second round23 9.20 10.58
9.35      9.20      13.35     10.51     11.87
First round24 9.17 10.60
9.24      12.68     10.45     12.11     9.17
Westport Summer 2022Second round19 9.55 10.32
10.86     9.55      10.30     9.81      10.86
First round20 9.53 10.44
10.22     10.76     10.33     15.03     9.53
Northeast Championship 2022First round71 10.50 10.70
10.50     10.54     11.03     DNF       10.54
Empire State Spring 2022Second round24 10.53 13.51
11.96     12.79     DNF       15.77     10.53
First round15 9.54 11.21
12.14     9.54      15.14     10.85     10.64
Empire State Winter B 2022Final20 11.02 11.54
11.36     11.94     11.02     12.04     11.32
Second round18 9.72 10.18
9.89      10.39     9.72      12.33     10.27
First round24 8.86 10.78
10.55     8.86      10.43     11.37     13.08
Cubing with the Viking 2020First round38 12.29 16.57
16.40     12.29     15.61     DNF       17.69
Constitution State Winter 2020Second round34 14.26 15.08
15.02     14.89     15.34     18.08     14.26
First round41 12.14 17.05
17.94     12.14     15.48     20.20     17.73
MIT Winter 2020Second round56 15.36 17.08
18.25     15.36     20.01     17.04     15.94
First round62 16.37 17.72
17.19     16.37     DNF       18.66     17.30
Providence Fall 2019First round50 18.32 23.08
19.88     22.80     27.60     18.32     26.57
2x2x2 Cube
New England Championship 2024Second round63 4.30 5.53
6.44      4.30      6.09      5.80      4.69
First round64 3.80 4.39
4.56      5.17      4.73      3.80      3.88
Cardinal Cube Day 2024First round26 3.47 4.12
3.85      4.51      4.45      3.47      4.05
Amherst Open 2022Final8 3.43 3.80
4.00      3.59      3.43      7.05      3.82
First round12 3.01 3.69
3.01      3.61      3.48      5.60      3.99
Northeast Championship 2022Second round55 3.31 3.92
3.42      4.98      4.57      3.77      3.31
First round73 3.58 4.31
10.65     4.68      4.09      3.58      4.15
Empire State Spring 2022Final11 3.48 3.86
3.67      4.05      3.87      3.48      4.14
Second round10 2.42 3.93
6.63      3.88      4.21      3.71      2.42
First round8 2.84 3.57
2.84      3.72      3.48      3.50      3.86
Constitution State Winter 2020First round35 5.11 5.51
8.03      5.85      5.11      5.28      5.41
Providence Fall 2019First round47 5.37 7.50
7.46      7.57      9.32      7.47      5.37
4x4x4 Cube
Cardinal Cube Day 2024First round24 45.42 53.36
54.09     54.43     51.56     1:09.70   45.42
New England Championship 2023Second round71 50.00 54.07
1:08.70   50.00     52.34     53.50     56.38
First round75 50.75 57.15
57.21     50.75     53.78     1:00.45   1:01.25
Quick in Quincy 2023Final23 43.15 55.63
2:05.36   43.15     55.13     57.08     54.68
Empire State Winter Warmup 2023Final11 47.50 54.80
47.50     51.35     56.48     56.57     56.81
First round13 48.75 52.86
51.15     52.85     54.59     56.17     48.75
Westport Summer 2022Final26 47.19 52.56
59.12     55.34     54.00     48.35     47.19
Empire State Spring 2022First round18 45.90 51.27
53.86     46.87     45.90     53.34     53.60
Cubing with the Viking 2020First round38 1:17.73
1:17.73   1:22.27
Constitution State Winter 2020Final42 1:26.50
1:45.91   1:26.50
MIT Winter 2020First round70 1:38.13
1:38.83   1:38.13
Springfield Cube Day 2024First round28 18.18 22.09
18.18     28.73     23.18     19.87     23.22
Springfield Cube Day 2024Final1 40.44 44.43
45.13     40.44     47.11     47.14     41.06
New England Championship 2024Final3 43.72 45.71
47.90     51.00     43.72     45.32     43.90
First round1 41.63 43.46
43.37     42.39     44.63     48.56     41.63
Cardinal Cube Day 2024Final5 45.44 48.87
46.09     47.96     45.44     52.56     53.99
First round5 46.66 49.42
46.66     52.17     49.11     52.98     46.97
New England Championship 2023Final9 48.99 52.24
59.64     48.99     51.17     50.92     54.62
Second round11 49.73 53.90
57.80     52.83     49.73     51.06     58.60
First round7 49.44 51.28
49.44     50.46     51.50     1:06.19   51.88
Quick in Quincy 2023Final3 45.63 52.58
57.76     50.32     45.63     54.47     52.96
First round2 47.58 50.51
51.81     52.48     47.58     51.44     48.29
Empire State Winter Warmup 2023Final6 53.14 55.94
53.59     53.14     57.31     1:00.44   56.91
Second round6 52.87 56.76
1:00.20   54.68     52.87     59.27     56.32
First round6 50.88 57.58
51.54     1:01.77   1:07.39   59.42     50.88
The Battle of Lex-side-ton 2023Final7 55.25 57.39
1:01.49   55.25     55.42     1:07.39   55.26
First round6 54.71 55.74
56.09     55.50     55.64     59.37     54.71
Westport Summer 2022Final11 1:02.75 1:06.73
1:09.06   1:02.75   1:08.30   1:06.50   1:05.38
First round10 1:01.38 1:02.53
1:01.38   1:03.96   1:02.16   1:05.34   1:01.46
Constitution State Winter 2020Final23 1:51.70
2:11.01   1:51.70
Cardinal Cube Day 2024First round42 9.34 11.84
9.34      11.20     38.89     11.97     12.36
New England Championship 2023First round124 9.60 11.54
12.39     10.60     11.62     9.60      18.98
Amherst Open 2022First round57 8.82 9.88
9.39      13.45     10.88     8.82      9.36
Westport Summer 2022Final54 7.89 13.94
7.89      11.78     19.29     DNF       10.74
Northeast Championship 2022First round139 10.73 14.01
12.65     10.73     11.76     DNF       17.61
The Battle of Lex-side-ton 2023First round45 7.75 11.18
10.79     10.53     7.75      12.22     13.89
Constitution State Winter 2020First round26 6.01 10.17
11.84     14.35     8.41      10.26     6.01
Springfield Cube Day 2024First round27 1:23.08
DNF       1:23.08
Springfield Cube Day 2024
ClockFirst round28 18.18 22.09
18.18     28.73     23.18     19.87     23.22
MegaminxFinal1 40.44 44.43
45.13     40.44     47.11     47.14     41.06
Square-1First round27 1:23.08
DNF       1:23.08
New England Championship 2024
2x2x2 CubeSecond round63 4.30 5.53
6.44      4.30      6.09      5.80      4.69
First round64 3.80 4.39
4.56      5.17      4.73      3.80      3.88
MegaminxFinal3 43.72 45.71
47.90     51.00     43.72     45.32     43.90
First round1 41.63 43.46
43.37     42.39     44.63     48.56     41.63
Cardinal Cube Day 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 9.25 10.82
9.25      11.62     11.81     9.69      11.15
First round26 9.33 12.49
13.13     11.10     13.25     9.33      DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 3.47 4.12
3.85      4.51      4.45      3.47      4.05
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 45.42 53.36
54.09     54.43     51.56     1:09.70   45.42
MegaminxFinal5 45.44 48.87
46.09     47.96     45.44     52.56     53.99
First round5 46.66 49.42
46.66     52.17     49.11     52.98     46.97
PyraminxFirst round42 9.34 11.84
9.34      11.20     38.89     11.97     12.36
New England Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final36 9.08 10.38
10.45     12.68     11.10     9.08      9.60
Second round39 8.33 9.84
10.20     9.66      9.65      10.43     8.33
First round64 10.54 12.14
11.26     DNF       10.54     12.18     12.99
4x4x4 CubeSecond round71 50.00 54.07
1:08.70   50.00     52.34     53.50     56.38
First round75 50.75 57.15
57.21     50.75     53.78     1:00.45   1:01.25
MegaminxFinal9 48.99 52.24
59.64     48.99     51.17     50.92     54.62
Second round11 49.73 53.90
57.80     52.83     49.73     51.06     58.60
First round7 49.44 51.28
49.44     50.46     51.50     1:06.19   51.88
PyraminxFirst round124 9.60 11.54
12.39     10.60     11.62     9.60      18.98
Quick in Quincy 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 8.68 9.70
9.94      11.03     8.68      9.16      10.01
Second round7 8.73 9.96
8.73      10.54     11.38     10.07     9.26
First round7 8.10 10.07
10.46     8.10      11.81     9.99      9.75
4x4x4 CubeFinal23 43.15 55.63
2:05.36   43.15     55.13     57.08     54.68
MegaminxFinal3 45.63 52.58
57.76     50.32     45.63     54.47     52.96
First round2 47.58 50.51
51.81     52.48     47.58     51.44     48.29
Empire State Winter Warmup 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 8.17 9.83
9.55      8.17      9.26      12.97     10.68
Second round4 8.17 9.58
12.50     10.03     8.17      8.65      10.07
First round6 8.29 10.07
11.25     13.28     8.29      10.26     8.70
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 47.50 54.80
47.50     51.35     56.48     56.57     56.81
First round13 48.75 52.86
51.15     52.85     54.59     56.17     48.75
MegaminxFinal6 53.14 55.94
53.59     53.14     57.31     1:00.44   56.91
Second round6 52.87 56.76
1:00.20   54.68     52.87     59.27     56.32
First round6 50.88 57.58
51.54     1:01.77   1:07.39   59.42     50.88
The Battle of Lex-side-ton 2023
MegaminxFinal7 55.25 57.39
1:01.49   55.25     55.42     1:07.39   55.26
First round6 54.71 55.74
56.09     55.50     55.64     59.37     54.71
SkewbFirst round45 7.75 11.18
10.79     10.53     7.75      12.22     13.89
Amherst Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 9.20 10.58
9.35      9.20      13.35     10.51     11.87
First round24 9.17 10.60
9.24      12.68     10.45     12.11     9.17
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.43 3.80
4.00      3.59      3.43      7.05      3.82
First round12 3.01 3.69
3.01      3.61      3.48      5.60      3.99
PyraminxFirst round57 8.82 9.88
9.39      13.45     10.88     8.82      9.36
Westport Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 9.55 10.32
10.86     9.55      10.30     9.81      10.86
First round20 9.53 10.44
10.22     10.76     10.33     15.03     9.53
4x4x4 CubeFinal26 47.19 52.56
59.12     55.34     54.00     48.35     47.19
MegaminxFinal11 1:02.75 1:06.73
1:09.06   1:02.75   1:08.30   1:06.50   1:05.38
First round10 1:01.38 1:02.53
1:01.38   1:03.96   1:02.16   1:05.34   1:01.46
PyraminxFinal54 7.89 13.94
7.89      11.78     19.29     DNF       10.74
Northeast Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round71 10.50 10.70
10.50     10.54     11.03     DNF       10.54
2x2x2 CubeSecond round55 3.31 3.92
3.42      4.98      4.57      3.77      3.31
First round73 3.58 4.31
10.65     4.68      4.09      3.58      4.15
PyraminxFirst round139 10.73 14.01
12.65     10.73     11.76     DNF       17.61
Empire State Spring 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 10.53 13.51
11.96     12.79     DNF       15.77     10.53
First round15 9.54 11.21
12.14     9.54      15.14     10.85     10.64
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 3.48 3.86
3.67      4.05      3.87      3.48      4.14
Second round10 2.42 3.93
6.63      3.88      4.21      3.71      2.42
First round8 2.84 3.57
2.84      3.72      3.48      3.50      3.86
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 45.90 51.27
53.86     46.87     45.90     53.34     53.60
Empire State Winter B 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal20 11.02 11.54
11.36     11.94     11.02     12.04     11.32
Second round18 9.72 10.18
9.89      10.39     9.72      12.33     10.27
First round24 8.86 10.78
10.55     8.86      10.43     11.37     13.08
Cubing with the Viking 2020
3x3x3 CubeFirst round38 12.29 16.57
16.40     12.29     15.61     DNF       17.69
4x4x4 CubeFirst round38 1:17.73
1:17.73   1:22.27
Constitution State Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 14.26 15.08
15.02     14.89     15.34     18.08     14.26
First round41 12.14 17.05
17.94     12.14     15.48     20.20     17.73
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 5.11 5.51
8.03      5.85      5.11      5.28      5.41
4x4x4 CubeFinal42 1:26.50
1:45.91   1:26.50
MegaminxFinal23 1:51.70
2:11.01   1:51.70
SkewbFirst round26 6.01 10.17
11.84     14.35     8.41      10.26     6.01
MIT Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round56 15.36 17.08
18.25     15.36     20.01     17.04     15.94
First round62 16.37 17.72
17.19     16.37     DNF       18.66     17.30
4x4x4 CubeFirst round70 1:38.13
1:38.83   1:38.13
Providence Fall 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round50 18.32 23.08
19.88     22.80     27.60     18.32     26.57
2x2x2 CubeFirst round47 5.37 7.50
7.46      7.57      9.32      7.47      5.37
162024-11-16Springfield Cube Day 2024United StatesSpringfield, Massachusetts
152024-08-23~25New England Championship 2024United StatesProvidence, Rhode Island
142024-02-24Cardinal Cube Day 2024United StatesSpringfield, Massachusetts
132023-10-07~09New England Championship 2023United StatesSpringfield, Massachusetts
122023-07-16Quick in Quincy 2023United StatesQuincy, Massachusetts
112023-02-04Empire State Winter Warmup 2023United StatesAlbany, New York
102023-01-02The Battle of Lex-side-ton 2023United StatesLexington, Massachusetts
92022-09-10~11Amherst Open 2022United StatesAmherst, Massachusetts
82022-08-27Westport Summer 2022United StatesWestport, Connecticut
72022-05-27~30Northeast Championship 2022United StatesBoston, Massachusetts
62022-04-30~05-01Empire State Spring 2022United StatesAlbany, New York
52022-01-16Empire State Winter B 2022United StatesAlbany, New York
42020-02-22Cubing with the Viking 2020United StatesSalem, Massachusetts
32020-02-15~16Constitution State Winter 2020United StatesEast Hartford, Connecticut
22020-01-12MIT Winter 2020United StatesCambridge, Massachusetts
12019-09-21Providence Fall 2019United StatesProvidence, Rhode Island