Personal Page

Viswajiit Murugabharathy

Name: Viswajiit Murugabharathy
Region: Australia
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Viswajiit Murugabharathy2020MURU01
Gender: Male
Career: 2020.03.07 - 2023.03.05
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube9612424646.908.291676765912132/135
2x2x2 Cube13717926791.462.581829124881168/70
4x4x4 Cube3214221093843.8146.63809832524448/50
3x3x3 One-Handed3614571171919.6925.811386051941120/20

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
North Sydney Cube Day 2023Final3 7.49 8.29
7.49      8.04      8.36      10.45     8.47
First round8 8.86 10.25
8.95      10.48     11.32     11.40     8.86
Cubing at The Cube Saturday 2023Final5 7.74 9.65
10.32     7.74      10.97     9.64      9.00
Second round16 9.69 11.61
DNF       10.76     13.41     9.69      10.67
First round2 7.75 8.84
8.63      8.17      13.73     9.73      7.75
WCA Oceanic Championship 2022Second round30 8.20 9.28
10.31     17.37     8.20      8.76      8.77
First round62 8.59 10.19
8.59      11.17     9.30      10.93     10.35
Sydney Winter Sunday 2022Final3 7.62 8.84
9.31      9.55      9.02      7.62      8.20
Second round3 8.89 9.88
8.89      10.79     9.73      9.13      11.01
First round6 9.20 10.34
10.86     10.38     9.77      9.20      DNF
NSW Central West Winter 2022Final2 7.99 8.63
8.29      11.37     7.99      9.14      8.45
Second round1 8.93 9.50
9.71      8.93      9.33      9.47      11.51
First round2 8.65 9.48
9.68      9.27      10.40     9.48      8.65
NSW Open 2022Final10 8.94 9.68
10.09     11.72     8.94      9.21      9.73
Second round8 6.90 9.37
9.13      6.90      11.46     11.39     7.59
First round10 8.36 9.91
8.36      10.42     8.98      10.34     17.28
Canberra Autumn 2022Final4 6.91 9.10
9.01      6.91      9.15      9.89      9.13
Second round7 9.20 10.33
9.20      10.52     10.76     10.02     10.45
First round12 10.12 12.48
15.71     10.52     11.20     10.12     16.46
Tramsheds Series Saturday 2022Final4 8.67 9.55
12.54     8.67      9.79      10.06     8.79
Second round4 9.06 9.31
9.06      9.14      9.26      9.53      10.62
First round3 7.39 8.78
9.04      8.47      9.95      8.82      7.39
Sydney Re-Open Sunday 2021Final7 9.41 10.53
10.57     10.19     9.41      10.83     10.96
Second round8 10.07 10.63
13.22     11.44     10.29     10.15     10.07
First round9 8.45 10.74
9.88      9.37      8.45      13.05     12.96
Enjoyable Sydney Gathering 2020Second round67 20.75 24.78
20.75     DNF       21.12     22.37     30.85
First round77 19.98 22.48
19.98     20.13     24.35     25.68     22.96
2x2x2 Cube
North Sydney Cube Day 2023Final11 2.28 3.53
3.25      2.28      3.87      3.46      4.74
First round28 2.97 4.23
3.88      6.89      2.97      5.48      3.33
WCA Oceanic Championship 2022Second round30 2.50 3.14
4.14      2.57      4.66      2.70      2.50
First round14 2.13 2.58
3.02      DNF       2.50      2.13      2.23
Sydney Winter Sunday 2022Final8 2.67 3.49
3.39      2.67      5.88      3.55      3.54
First round4 2.42 3.05
3.11      3.37      3.21      2.42      2.83
NSW Central West Winter 2022Final3 2.01 3.50
DNF       2.83      5.27      2.41      2.01
First round2 1.46 2.95
1.46      2.46      4.60      3.23      3.15
NSW Open 2022First round22 2.87 3.96
4.77      3.80      2.87      4.92      3.32
Canberra Autumn 2022Final4 2.42 3.23
3.25      2.42      2.84      3.59      5.07
Second round6 3.06 3.73
4.06      4.78      3.47      3.06      3.65
First round8 2.78 3.95
2.78      3.60      3.32      7.98      4.92
Tramsheds Series Saturday 2022Final2 2.75 2.94
4.00      3.08      2.75      2.76      2.97
First round5 2.00 3.57
2.86      2.00      4.19      3.66      6.14
4x4x4 Cube
Cubing at The Cube Saturday 2023Final13 46.73 51.79
56.62     55.33     46.73     52.34     47.71
First round12 43.81 46.63
45.98     44.20     DNF       49.71     43.81
WCA Oceanic Championship 2022First round140 50.09 56.11
56.97     50.09     DNF       52.06     59.29
Sydney Winter Sunday 2022Final8 46.31 48.77
50.32     53.41     49.10     46.89     46.31
First round16 47.79 55.44
57.04     47.79     1:03.97   53.07     56.21
NSW Central West Winter 2022Final5 44.35 50.63
48.63     44.35     50.21     53.05     55.15
NSW Open 2022First round49 58.35 1:03.26
1:04.79   1:02.58   58.35     1:02.40   1:18.72
Canberra Autumn 2022Final18 52.06 59.31
1:02.29   59.79     52.06     59.65     58.50
Tramsheds Series Saturday 2022First round12 45.61 49.58
51.84     50.63     45.61     46.27     1:03.39
Sydney Re-Open Sunday 2021First round18 49.85 58.35
1:03.03   1:00.11   49.85     1:05.02   51.90
3x3x3 One-Handed
WCA Oceanic Championship 2022First round122 21.45 29.54
35.30     21.45     27.93     27.46     33.23
Sydney Winter Sunday 2022First round18 19.69 25.81
24.54     22.97     19.69     29.93     41.48
NSW Open 2022First round50 24.52 29.23
26.03     28.90     24.52     33.78     32.77
Canberra Autumn 2022First round12 25.40 29.81
28.49     27.28     33.66     33.85     25.40
WCA Oceanic Championship 2022First round251 9.04 12.09
20.38     11.43     10.69     9.04      14.15
NSW Central West Winter 2022Final8 8.70 9.57
9.91      9.91      15.12     8.70      8.89
First round8 7.64 10.48
11.39     11.08     DNF       7.64      8.96
Canberra Autumn 2022First round28 10.07 12.84
19.86     10.07     11.63     11.30     15.59
Sydney Re-Open Sunday 2021First round23 5.62 10.64
15.36     11.04     5.62      10.45     10.43
North Sydney Cube Day 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.49 8.29
7.49      8.04      8.36      10.45     8.47
First round8 8.86 10.25
8.95      10.48     11.32     11.40     8.86
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 2.28 3.53
3.25      2.28      3.87      3.46      4.74
First round28 2.97 4.23
3.88      6.89      2.97      5.48      3.33
Cubing at The Cube Saturday 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 7.74 9.65
10.32     7.74      10.97     9.64      9.00
Second round16 9.69 11.61
DNF       10.76     13.41     9.69      10.67
First round2 7.75 8.84
8.63      8.17      13.73     9.73      7.75
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 46.73 51.79
56.62     55.33     46.73     52.34     47.71
First round12 43.81 46.63
45.98     44.20     DNF       49.71     43.81
WCA Oceanic Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 8.20 9.28
10.31     17.37     8.20      8.76      8.77
First round62 8.59 10.19
8.59      11.17     9.30      10.93     10.35
2x2x2 CubeSecond round30 2.50 3.14
4.14      2.57      4.66      2.70      2.50
First round14 2.13 2.58
3.02      DNF       2.50      2.13      2.23
4x4x4 CubeFirst round140 50.09 56.11
56.97     50.09     DNF       52.06     59.29
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round122 21.45 29.54
35.30     21.45     27.93     27.46     33.23
PyraminxFirst round251 9.04 12.09
20.38     11.43     10.69     9.04      14.15
Sydney Winter Sunday 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.62 8.84
9.31      9.55      9.02      7.62      8.20
Second round3 8.89 9.88
8.89      10.79     9.73      9.13      11.01
First round6 9.20 10.34
10.86     10.38     9.77      9.20      DNF
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 2.67 3.49
3.39      2.67      5.88      3.55      3.54
First round4 2.42 3.05
3.11      3.37      3.21      2.42      2.83
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 46.31 48.77
50.32     53.41     49.10     46.89     46.31
First round16 47.79 55.44
57.04     47.79     1:03.97   53.07     56.21
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 19.69 25.81
24.54     22.97     19.69     29.93     41.48
NSW Central West Winter 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.99 8.63
8.29      11.37     7.99      9.14      8.45
Second round1 8.93 9.50
9.71      8.93      9.33      9.47      11.51
First round2 8.65 9.48
9.68      9.27      10.40     9.48      8.65
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 2.01 3.50
DNF       2.83      5.27      2.41      2.01
First round2 1.46 2.95
1.46      2.46      4.60      3.23      3.15
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 44.35 50.63
48.63     44.35     50.21     53.05     55.15
PyraminxFinal8 8.70 9.57
9.91      9.91      15.12     8.70      8.89
First round8 7.64 10.48
11.39     11.08     DNF       7.64      8.96
NSW Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 8.94 9.68
10.09     11.72     8.94      9.21      9.73
Second round8 6.90 9.37
9.13      6.90      11.46     11.39     7.59
First round10 8.36 9.91
8.36      10.42     8.98      10.34     17.28
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 2.87 3.96
4.77      3.80      2.87      4.92      3.32
4x4x4 CubeFirst round49 58.35 1:03.26
1:04.79   1:02.58   58.35     1:02.40   1:18.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round50 24.52 29.23
26.03     28.90     24.52     33.78     32.77
Canberra Autumn 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 6.91 9.10
9.01      6.91      9.15      9.89      9.13
Second round7 9.20 10.33
9.20      10.52     10.76     10.02     10.45
First round12 10.12 12.48
15.71     10.52     11.20     10.12     16.46
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.42 3.23
3.25      2.42      2.84      3.59      5.07
Second round6 3.06 3.73
4.06      4.78      3.47      3.06      3.65
First round8 2.78 3.95
2.78      3.60      3.32      7.98      4.92
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 52.06 59.31
1:02.29   59.79     52.06     59.65     58.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round12 25.40 29.81
28.49     27.28     33.66     33.85     25.40
PyraminxFirst round28 10.07 12.84
19.86     10.07     11.63     11.30     15.59
Tramsheds Series Saturday 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 8.67 9.55
12.54     8.67      9.79      10.06     8.79
Second round4 9.06 9.31
9.06      9.14      9.26      9.53      10.62
First round3 7.39 8.78
9.04      8.47      9.95      8.82      7.39
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.75 2.94
4.00      3.08      2.75      2.76      2.97
First round5 2.00 3.57
2.86      2.00      4.19      3.66      6.14
4x4x4 CubeFirst round12 45.61 49.58
51.84     50.63     45.61     46.27     1:03.39
Sydney Re-Open Sunday 2021
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 9.41 10.53
10.57     10.19     9.41      10.83     10.96
Second round8 10.07 10.63
13.22     11.44     10.29     10.15     10.07
First round9 8.45 10.74
9.88      9.37      8.45      13.05     12.96
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 49.85 58.35
1:03.03   1:00.11   49.85     1:05.02   51.90
PyraminxFirst round23 5.62 10.64
15.36     11.04     5.62      10.45     10.43
Enjoyable Sydney Gathering 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round67 20.75 24.78
20.75     DNF       21.12     22.37     30.85
First round77 19.98 22.48
19.98     20.13     24.35     25.68     22.96
102023-03-05North Sydney Cube Day 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
92023-01-21Cubing at The Cube Saturday 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
82022-12-15~18WCA Oceanic Championship 2022AustraliaMelbourne, Victoria
72022-08-28Sydney Winter Sunday 2022AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
62022-06-19NSW Central West Winter 2022AustraliaOrange, New South Wales
52022-06-11~12NSW Open 2022AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
42022-05-07~08Canberra Autumn 2022AustraliaCanberra, Australian Capital Territory
32022-02-05Tramsheds Series Saturday 2022AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
22021-03-28Sydney Re-Open Sunday 2021AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
12020-03-07~08Enjoyable Sydney Gathering 2020AustraliaSydney, New South Wales