Personal Page

Jonathan Abdiel Bernal Vigil

Name: Jonathan Abdiel Bernal Vigil
Region: Mexico
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Jonathan Abdiel Bernal Vigil2020VIGI01
Gender: Male
Career: 2020.03.14 - 2023.07.16
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube2333460131499.4612.2116913434332640/40
2x2x2 Cube6909914355223.725.4532514910962115/15
4x4x4 Cube59556512230556.241:05.4722966588161812/12
5x5x5 Cube4184136152531:53.976/6
6x6x6 Cube3453513115864:59.112/2
3x3x3 One-Handed962102323983038.562/2

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Cronos Querétaro 2023First round24 9.46 12.21
13.68     12.83     9.46      10.13     16.30
Minerva Open 2022Second round19 11.13 12.50
13.01     11.13     12.30     15.42     12.20
First round28 13.11 14.43
14.72     13.11     14.12     14.44     16.37
Fénix México 2022Second round43 11.06 12.98
12.06     11.06     12.42     14.50     14.46
First round50 11.45 13.97
14.52     14.50     11.45     14.79     12.88
Tunas Open 2022First round29 10.88 13.05
16.49     14.43     11.72     13.00     10.88
Telpochcalli Tlaxcala 2020Second round28 13.39 16.83
16.19     20.23     19.83     14.46     13.39
First round19 13.08 13.87
13.74     18.18     14.05     13.82     13.08
2x2x2 Cube
Cronos Querétaro 2023First round48 5.77 6.19
6.47      5.86      6.24      5.77      6.84
Fénix México 2022Final43 3.72 5.45
5.07      5.15      6.63      6.12      3.72
Tunas Open 2022First round34 4.80 6.09
4.80      7.50      5.37      6.86      6.04
4x4x4 Cube
Minerva Open 2022First round38 1:01.79 1:05.47
1:06.59   1:16.08   1:01.79   1:07.06   1:02.76
Fénix México 2022Final53 56.24
56.24     57.25
Tunas Open 2022First round49 1:08.84 1:12.55
1:08.84   1:22.37   1:11.09   1:11.50   1:15.06
5x5x5 Cube
Cronos Querétaro 2023First round47 1:53.97
2:18.57   1:53.97
Fénix México 2022Final56 2:05.75
2:05.75   2:07.54
Tunas Open 2022Final43 2:14.33
2:14.33   2:20.94
6x6x6 Cube
Fénix México 2022Final40 4:59.11
Tunas Open 2022Final33 5:21.05
3x3x3 One-Handed
Minerva Open 2022First round39 38.56
38.56     1:13.62
Cronos Querétaro 2023Final52 2:30.56
2:59.00   2:30.56
Fénix México 2022Final41 2:30.36
2:36.68   2:30.36
Tunas Open 2022Final39 2:35.73
2:37.25   2:35.73
Cronos Querétaro 2023First round48 10.01 13.09
15.94     10.01     11.44     11.88     16.64
Fénix México 2022First round64 10.88 14.12
14.41     18.34     10.88     16.44     11.51
Cronos Querétaro 2023Final7 4.46 4.79
7.55      5.17      4.55      4.64      4.46
First round4 3.13 4.30
3.13      4.76      5.87      3.96      4.19
Minerva Open 2022Final5 3.77 4.86
3.91      3.77      5.32      5.36      7.15
First round7 4.89 5.81
6.19      5.52      6.70      4.89      5.73
Fénix México 2022Final9 4.62 5.88
11.37     4.62      4.68      6.63      6.34
First round6 3.98 5.21
5.83      4.75      5.05      5.96      3.98
Tunas Open 2022First round41 4.98 DNF
DNF       6.55      DNF       4.98      7.52
Telpochcalli Tlaxcala 2020Second round10 4.49 8.21
9.87      9.40      8.18      4.49      7.05
First round13 6.88 7.87
6.88      8.41      10.35     7.42      7.77
Cronos Querétaro 2023First round39 44.98
44.98     1:09.62
Fénix México 2022Final32 59.95
1:05.53   59.95
Cronos Querétaro 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round24 9.46 12.21
13.68     12.83     9.46      10.13     16.30
2x2x2 CubeFirst round48 5.77 6.19
6.47      5.86      6.24      5.77      6.84
5x5x5 CubeFirst round47 1:53.97
2:18.57   1:53.97
MegaminxFinal52 2:30.56
2:59.00   2:30.56
PyraminxFirst round48 10.01 13.09
15.94     10.01     11.44     11.88     16.64
SkewbFinal7 4.46 4.79
7.55      5.17      4.55      4.64      4.46
First round4 3.13 4.30
3.13      4.76      5.87      3.96      4.19
Square-1First round39 44.98
44.98     1:09.62
Minerva Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 11.13 12.50
13.01     11.13     12.30     15.42     12.20
First round28 13.11 14.43
14.72     13.11     14.12     14.44     16.37
4x4x4 CubeFirst round38 1:01.79 1:05.47
1:06.59   1:16.08   1:01.79   1:07.06   1:02.76
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round39 38.56
38.56     1:13.62
SkewbFinal5 3.77 4.86
3.91      3.77      5.32      5.36      7.15
First round7 4.89 5.81
6.19      5.52      6.70      4.89      5.73
Fénix México 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 11.06 12.98
12.06     11.06     12.42     14.50     14.46
First round50 11.45 13.97
14.52     14.50     11.45     14.79     12.88
2x2x2 CubeFinal43 3.72 5.45
5.07      5.15      6.63      6.12      3.72
4x4x4 CubeFinal53 56.24
56.24     57.25
5x5x5 CubeFinal56 2:05.75
2:05.75   2:07.54
6x6x6 CubeFinal40 4:59.11
MegaminxFinal41 2:30.36
2:36.68   2:30.36
PyraminxFirst round64 10.88 14.12
14.41     18.34     10.88     16.44     11.51
SkewbFinal9 4.62 5.88
11.37     4.62      4.68      6.63      6.34
First round6 3.98 5.21
5.83      4.75      5.05      5.96      3.98
Square-1Final32 59.95
1:05.53   59.95
Tunas Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round29 10.88 13.05
16.49     14.43     11.72     13.00     10.88
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 4.80 6.09
4.80      7.50      5.37      6.86      6.04
4x4x4 CubeFirst round49 1:08.84 1:12.55
1:08.84   1:22.37   1:11.09   1:11.50   1:15.06
5x5x5 CubeFinal43 2:14.33
2:14.33   2:20.94
6x6x6 CubeFinal33 5:21.05
MegaminxFinal39 2:35.73
2:37.25   2:35.73
SkewbFirst round41 4.98 DNF
DNF       6.55      DNF       4.98      7.52
Telpochcalli Tlaxcala 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 13.39 16.83
16.19     20.23     19.83     14.46     13.39
First round19 13.08 13.87
13.74     18.18     14.05     13.82     13.08
SkewbSecond round10 4.49 8.21
9.87      9.40      8.18      4.49      7.05
First round13 6.88 7.87
6.88      8.41      10.35     7.42      7.77
52023-07-15~16Cronos Querétaro 2023MexicoQuerétaro
42022-11-12Minerva Open 2022MexicoPuebla
32022-09-03~04Fénix México 2022MexicoCDMX
22022-07-16~17Tunas Open 2022MexicoSan Luis Potosí
12020-03-14~15Telpochcalli Tlaxcala 2020MexicoTlaxcala